Master Potter

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Master Potter Page 24

by Jill Austin

  “I think that each day he fasts he becomes less like Master Potter,” says Long Suffering.


  Beloved enjoys the frequent trips where she and her friends snatch other broken vessels from the demonic hordes roaming the Potter’s Field. Always mindful of how hard the process was for her, she’s quick to make friends and encourage them. She enjoys watching Master Potter lovingly take these new pots through the same processes and seasons she has been through.

  One day, Master Potter gently picks up her old friend Faithful. “Goodbye, Beloved. I’ll see you again,” she says as she is carried through the double doors and out into the brick courtyard. Beloved waves and remembers only too well the crushing, but also the freedom, she received from Unrelenting Love.

  She longs for the day that she will see Faithful again but knows that she will be soaking under the waterfall for a long time.

  She remembers how painful the wilderness was to her and always intercedes fervently for vessels making the perilous journey.


  One day Harvester returns from a solo trip to Comfort Cove. Tense and defensive, he storms off by himself to a lower shelf. Concerned for his friend, Comrade cautiously approaches.

  “Hi, Harvester! Mind if I sit down?”

  Harvester motions with his hand. “What do you want?”

  “I just want to make sure you’re okay. I mean, you seem moody lately.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Comrade leans closer to Harvester. “Say that again.”

  “I’m fine-fine-FINE!”

  Comrade bursts out laughing. “Oh Harvester, I can smell fish ’n chips on your breath. You’ve been stopping by the tavern for lunch on the way to the Potter’s Field, haven’t you?”

  Finally the story comes out. “I thought I could fast for 40 days, and after I made that boast in front of everyone, I was too proud to admit I couldn’t. Since day five, I’ve been sneaking off and eating one meal a day at the tavern. I’m so ashamed.”

  “Oh Harvester, let’s go tell the others. We’ve got to get some more food in your stomach and get you back to normal. We miss your enthusiastic personality and encouraging attitude. I promise you, the group will be thrilled that you’ve given up your 40-day water fast.”


  Months turn into years, and the vessels grow familiar and bored, moving into predictable systems of order and routine by playing it safe. Preferring the comfort and safety of the shelves, they venture into the Potter’s Field less and less frequently, and eventually not at all.

  “After all,” they complacently boast, “we’ve made it through the most devastating fire. We’ve paid our dues and brought many to salvation. It’s time for those new pots to go out there! We’ll just stay in the Potter’s House. Everyone knows we’re proven warriors, skilled in surviving spiritual wars.”

  The unglazed vessels make lots of wrong choices as they unconsciously draw back from risk. Their reputations and comforts begin taking priority, even over rescuing others from the doom of the Potter’s Field. Promotion and self-protection become the gods of their lives as they jockey for rank and position. The offense of the Cross is gradually forgotten, replaced by cheap grace that allows them to live unchallenged. Their fiery zeal is replaced by compromise.

  Beginning with one small decision and then another, over the days, months and years, the dark cancer of apathy spreads slowly and subtly into the hidden recesses of their thoughts.


  Satan does not forget the challenge and fights with ancient tools to infiltrate and cloud their thinking. They tell themselves self-righteously, “We’re radical and live on the cutting edge! Others may be pharisees, becoming controlling or religious, but not us. We survived the fire and know too much to fall into that old trap.”

  Evil shadows of legalism and complacency form cataracts on the eyes of their hearts, clouding their gift of discernment and subtly veiling the truth of their condition.

  Believing the lie, they tell each other, “It’s wisdom not to be controversial. After all, we’re His gatekeepers, and we don’t want to lose our people to error.”

  Their guardian angels are becoming increasingly bored as they watch this uneventful existence. The vessels no longer position their lives to need clashing swords and heroic deeds for the sake of the Kingdom. The angels are helpless to fend off the attacks of sickness and affliction in the Church. Diligent to watch over the vessels, they wish Master Potter would do something to wake them up.

  After the vessels spend years sitting on the back pews and entering into the Church’s compromise, all the songs and sermons begin to sound the same. Beloved feels a painful ache in her heart, and she asks, “Lord, what has happened to me? I’m so bored. I used to be able to feel Your love. We’ve had so many adventures together—vessels were saved, healed and delivered—but we haven’t done that for so long. Why have You left?”


  Excitedly, Valiant stands to attention and awaits orders. “Lord, she is stirring.”

  Holy Spirit whispers, “Master Potter has never left you. You’ve made choices to back away from Him. You’ve become comfortable and very adept at retelling old war stories. Even in the church, you no longer pray for people and you refuse to give prophetic words.”

  Convicted, Beloved becomes defensive. “I just have to make sure it’s really You. I don’t want to operate in error and ruin someone’s life. I want to be careful and use wisdom.”

  Holy Spirit counters, “You’ve mistaken wisdom with compromise, Beloved. You’ve been deceived by the enemy’s schemes and your own desires to be accepted into the religious system of position and titles.”

  “But that’s the only way to get promoted into leadership and become useful.”

  “Whose leading are you following, Mine or man’s?” She pauses, unable to respond as the truth sinks in.

  “I’m so sorry! Help me to know the difference, and give me the grace to step out when You prompt me. I’m sorry I care so much what others think.”

  Answering her request, He re-ignites her prophetic gifting. Beloved receives a vision and a word of encouragement for a lonely teapot sitting on the shelf by the big double doors.

  Afraid of being judged by the other vessels, she looks around to see if anyone is watching. “I can’t give a word. What if I mess up the timing again?”

  “The question is, do you love Me enough to be misunderstood and risk losing your reputation? Don’t allow pride or fear of failure to keep you from My school of the Spirit. There’s a learning curve, and at times you will make mistakes, but that’s part of the training.”

  Spotlighting the lonely teapot named Golden Incense once again, Holy Spirit says, “Look at her. Can’t you see her hopelessness? She so needs to hear Master Potter’s heart for her.”


  Beloved slowly walks to the double doors and introduces herself. Then she tells the teapot, “Master Potter showed me a picture of you as a beautiful intercessor. You had gold trim on your lid and spout. You had lovely lavender roses handpainted on your sides. I saw you traveling with a team of matching teacups and saucers carried on an ornate silver tray.”

  Beloved continues, “As a little teapot, you feel insignificant, like you can’t contribute. But the steam of your prayers can open city gates. Your prayers are so much more powerful than you ever imagined. He showed me that He’s going to send you to many nations to bring salvation and deliverance. Steeped in His glorious presence, you will impart strategic information to governmental leaders. This will help to change laws and bring justice and mercy to the poor.”

  Watching nervously for confirmation, Beloved awaits her response.

  Golden Incense’s face becomes animated as she attempts to whistle. “This is an answer to years of prayer and fasting. I was beginning to think I was too old. I’ve been sitting on this shelf for so long my hair has turned gray. I can har
dly wait for the glazing to get it colored! Maybe it will be a royal purple or eggshell blue.”

  She and Beloved hoot with sheer delight as they witness the accuracy of the prophetic word and the faithfulness of Master Potter.



  Evening approaches and the warm glow of flickering light from the fireplace casts dancing shadows around the room. From the shelves where they sit, the vessels watch Master Potter take off His work apron. Settling into His brown leather chair with His nightly cup of tea, He puts His feet on the wooden footstool, relaxing at the end of another day. Humming to Himself, He picks up a pad and sketches designs for beautiful new vessels.

  Beloved tells Comrade, “This is my favorite part of the day. Don’t you love the coziness of the fire and the sound of the wood crackling? The glow of the fire is so warm and toasty.”

  Steadfast moves closer to the edge to get a better view of the fire. “How very wise of Master Potter to contain it in the fireplace. It makes it safe for all of us to enjoy. Not like that fiery kiln we went through. I hated that kiln, didn’t you guys?”

  Stretching, Master Potter puts down His tea and throws more wood into the hearth. It crackles and sizzles, causing red-hot embers to explode and sparks to fly, making little Comrade jump back and hide behind Harvester.

  “Quick, Beloved! He’s big enough to hide both of us!”

  Harvester’s bellowing laugh fills the room, and others join with him. “Great balls of fire, Comrade! It’s just a little spark!”

  Comrade blushes with embarrassment as he peeks out from behind the big canister. “Gosh, it really did look like one of the enemy’s fiery missiles to me. That reminds me, I wonder where I left my armor?”


  Suddenly, the vessels hear yelping dogs and galloping horses off in the distance. Apprehension ripples through the fireside room. The clamor increases with the sound of clanging brass bells and urgent voices yelling, “Make way! Make way! The Potter’s House is on fire!”

  Quickly looking toward Master Potter for reassurance, they gasp in astonishment as He throws even more wood into the already blazing and spitting fire. The sparks shower into the room as the clay pots cringe as far back as they can on the shelves. Then He uses an iron poker to stoke the fire even hotter!

  The thunder of galloping hoofs stops, and the wagon pulls up outside the big double doors. The barking dogs now compete with the loud clanging bell that announces the arrival of the fire wagon. Fists pound heavily on the doors, and gruff voices yell, “Hurry up! Open the doors before the house burns down! Open up or we will have to break it down!”

  The vessels are now checking nervously to see if their shelf is on fire. Joyful jumps up and down with excitement crying out, “Help has arrived! Yeah, we’re going to be saved! Quick! Open the doors!”

  The vessels anxiously watch Master Potter’s every move as He walks to the doors. Smiling serenely, He asks calmly, “Shall we see who it is?”


  Burly men dragging fire hoses push their way into the fireside room yelling, “Fire, fire! We’re here to rescue you!” Cold water makes contact with the burning logs and red-hot embers, creating heavy, billowing smoke. Sooty steam fills the room and splatters onto the vessels and shelves.

  Spirits of fear and intimidation permeate the room as they prowl around the shelves, bringing a dark foreboding presence. The panicked vessels frantically search for Master Potter, but, unable to find Him, they will settle for anyone who will save them.

  Appearing like an apparition out of the midst of the choking smoke and rising steam, the tall, commanding figure of the Fire Chief towers above them. Dressed in a yellow slicker and red metal fire hat, he stands with his feet firmly planted and his arms crossed. His penetrating hazel eyes seem to look right through the vessels. His dark olive complexion and handlebar mustache make him appear very distinguished. A frisky dalmatian sits obediently by his side.

  At the sound of his voice, men scurry to obey his orders, checking for any hidden outbreaks of fire. The courageous firemen move around, carefully picking up vessels and checking between the shelves for smoldering flames of revival.

  Sighs of relief can be heard throughout the room as the vessels realize that order is being restored and someone has arrived to tell them what to do.

  The charismatic and handsome Fire Chief removes his red fire hat and runs his fingers through his perfectly styled, coal-black hair. Clearing his throat, he calms the remaining chaos with his authoritative voice. “You can all relax now. The situation is under control. We’re here to help you.”

  Something about the Fire Chief is hauntingly familiar to Beloved. But she’s so relieved to be rescued that she dismisses the prompting of Holy Spirit as He faithfully whispers to her heart, “Beloved, you need to discern what’s happening. Where is Master Potter?”



  Shaking his head and sighing in frustration, the Fire Chief begins pacing. “We’ve been here many times before. Master Potter will just never learn. He’s always starting dangerous fires that we have to put out.” The faithful, well-trained dalmatian stays close, walking submissively by his side.

  Fire Chief’s voice appears to be filled with deep concern as he continues, “You wouldn’t be in this mess if Master Potter had only listened to us. But He insists on setting fires. I highly recommend that you leave this house, but if you insist on staying and playing with fire, you really need to take my advice and get some fire insurance.

  “If you feel you must have fire, it should be contained, controlled and used only in a safe environment.” The Fire Chief orders his men to sweep the hearth of any remaining embers. Then, lighting his own strange fire, he turns to address the dirty, smudged vessels.

  The room darkens as it fills with dense smoke. Long, eerie shadows silently creep through the room as the Potter’s House is taken over.

  “I’ve brought along my trustworthy assistant, who has many years of experience in squelching fires. I think you will agree with me that he is an expert on this.”


  A heavy, ominous presence invades the room as the Fire Chief yells excitedly, “Please welcome Fear of Man!”

  The curious vessels applaud and cheer the entry of this tall, impeccably dressed, well-groomed figure. Exuding authority and commanding respect, he turns toward the shelves. Fire flashes from his piercing blue eyes.

  Abundance, a fruit bowl, blushes and practically swoons. Fanning herself, she says, “Oh, is it hot in here, or is it just me?”

  The forlorn little vase Long Suffering mutters, “If you have any more hot flashes, you’re not going to need another firing!”

  Most of the vessels run to the front of the shelves eager to hear his recommendations as he sets his briefcase down and takes out the fire code and safety manual.

  “We have this situation under control. Rest assured that you are now safe. The Fire Chief has already updated me, and I’m fully prepared to help you so this type of perilous situation never threatens your safety again.”

  Looking down in disdain at the vessels, he holds up the manual, shaking it over his head, “Why haven’t you followed the safety rules? That’s the only sure protection against dangerous fires. Didn’t Master Potter have you read it?” Spirits of guilt and manipulation slither onto the shelves, digging their talons into the vessels.

  “Fires can happen even in the best situations.” He pulls out large stacks of official-looking documents and says, “So I have brought some fire insurance policies to protect you and your loved ones against future disasters.”


  “Insurance is expensive! So I offer several policies, each depending upon how much protection you feel you need. My assistants, Religious Ritual and Law ’n Order, are here to pass out the forms. They will even help you fill them out.” Smiling, he continues, “We’ll assist you in any
way that we possibly can.”

  His two well-dressed assistants walk among the crowd. Many of the vessels are impressed with Law ’n Order. The slightest movement causes the numerous medals displayed on his chest to clang together like chimes. Each medal signifies a victorious battle won by extinguishing fires.

  Religious Ritual, in his expensive three-piece suit and salt-and-pepper hair, exudes respectability and intellectual prowess as he passes out forms. “My expertise is to train your leadership to work for our organization. If you follow our guidelines, we can just about promise you financial success and an impeccable reputation in your lovely community.”


  Fear of Man continues, “I have four policies in mind for this group! The first one is called the Safety First Policy and is priced very reasonably—if you are willing to have no more than three logs in the fireplace and only once a month. We will train some of your own people as deputies to monitor your fires to make sure they don’t get out of control.

  “Plus we’ll send my assistant, Law ’n Order, to instruct you in the proper techniques of using buckets of water and wet blankets to put out flying sparks that may start other fires. As I am sure you have discerned by now, we are experts in fire prevention.”

  The shelved vessels look at each other and nod.

  “They sure seem like experts to me. I’ll bet they’ve had years and years of training,” says Steadfast. “Years and years and years of training.”

  “I wonder if even Master Potter knows this much about fire?” asks Diligence, the sturdy casserole. “First He makes a wrong decision on where He sets me, and now I find out He’s failed to tell us about this wonderful insurance.”


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