by KJ Swann
“I might have to help change that.”
“Good luck with that. I’ll talk to you later.”
Later that night, as everyone gathered in the living room, the tension built between her father and Jace. Ivy shook her head before she went up the stairs to see what was taking her sister so long. Nearing Tessa’s room, she heard Tessa crying.
Ivy knocked on her door. “Tessa, can I come in?”
At first there was no answer, and then the door swung open. Tessa stood there in only her robe with tears coming down her face.
“Oh my God, what’s wrong, Tessa?”
“Do you really need to ask? As always, he makes my life a living hell.”
“What did Dad do this time?”
“I don’t want to get you involved. There’s too much going on now.”
“That’s bullshit, Tessa. We’ve always had each other’s tails. Don’t be backing away because of something he said. You’re nineteen now. You have all the rest of us against him. I can assure you the family’ll back you on this.”
“Why does he do this?”
“He wants us to bow down to him and do what he wants us to. It’s time for us to show him we aren’t going to anymore. So get dressed.”
Tessa jumped up and hugged Ivy. “Will you help me?”
“I’d be honored. So, let’s clean up that face and redo your makeup.”
Tessa turned around, saw her face, and let out a little scream. “Oh my, I look terrible. You’ve got to help me get ready.”
“No worries. Go wash your face, and I’ll have the rest of the makeup ready and your dress on the bed.”
Tessa rushed to the bathroom and was back in her room a few minutes later, dabbing her face with a towel, drying it off.
“Ugh, let’s get this show on the road.”
As Ivy was putting on Tessa’s makeup, there came a light rap on the bedroom door.
“What’s taking so—” Vivian took a glance at Tessa and stopped in her tracks.
“I’m sorry, Mom. Some issues happened. Ivy is helping me, and we’ll be down soon.”
“Um-hmm, issues, huh? Does this issue involve your father?”
Tessa have a small nod. Vivian huffed out of the room and stomped down the stairs. Below them, their Mom yelled, “Michael!”
Both girls giggled and ten minutes later were walking out of Tessa’s room arm in arm. At the bottom of the stairs, both Jace and Derrick met the girls. Jace took Ivy’s hand and led her to the side while Derrick offered Tessa his elbow. But before Tessa accepted his offer, she reached up and kissed him on the lips. He held her close and responded to it.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re doing, Derrick. You’re supposed to be helping me, remember?” Michael spit out.
“With all due respect, Mr. Mercer, I can’t do what you’re asking me to do. I respect Tessa too much. I see Ivy is happy with Jace, so why can’t you?”
“So, that’s what you’re choosing, then?” asked Michael.
Derrick nodded.
“You know what, Daddy? You always expect everyone to bend to your rules and whims, but it’s not going to work anymore. I’m tired of doing it. It’s what we’ve done all our life. Both Tessa and I are adults, and you don’t like it that you can’t control us like you use to. We want our own lives,” remarked Ivy.
Michael stood there, getting angrier by the second. “Life isn’t always easy. I try to protect you girls, but if you want to play that way, then fine. I won’t be here to help you when you fall flat on your faces.”
“Michael, you are a babbling fool. These girls need to spread their wings and fly. You can’t be holding them back all their lives. We need to support their decision when it comes to their schooling, and in life,” Vivian said, her voice tight with frustration.
“You support all this?” Michael looked at his wife in disbelief.
“Yes, I do. I think if you’d put aside your ego, just maybe this family would be closer together than it is.”
Michael pushed past Derrick and went up the stairs, leaving everyone staring after him.
Vivian put her arms around Tessa. “Don’t let him put a damper on your birthday. He’s just a bump in the road. He might come around, but then again, he might not. He needs time.”
“Yeah, like that will ever happen,” Tessa replied sarcastically.
Vivian beamed and patted her on the back. “Let’s go have some fun.”
“Mrs. Mercer, you sure about that? I mean, I don’t want to cause issues, and this will be something that will cause issues with him,” Derrick said.
Vivian smiled wickedly at Derrick. “Don’t worry about that. It’s high time the girls get their way, and not him. You stay. No questions asked.”
Jace threw the bag Vivian had packed for Ivy into the back of his truck along with his own.
“Ivy was frazzled after last night’s party, so I’m sure she’ll love to get away from Michael,” said Vivian.
“She’s been a little bit depressed. She’s always been somewhat close to Michael, but now he’s badgering her about changing her life to keep it the way he wants it and pushing her to leave me, it’s just too much for her,” Jace answered.
“He doesn’t know when to give up. I’m hoping with you guys gone for a few days, I can talk to him and hopefully get him to see some sort of reason.”
Tessa walked Ivy out, Ivy blinking in confusion.
“What’s going on?” asked Ivy.
“We’re going on a little trip,” replied Jace.
“I’m not leaving Tessa right now.”
“I’ll be fine. I have Derrick, but you need time away from here, sis,” Tessa said,
Tears streamed down her face. Jace could tell how much stress she was under, and he loved her enough to help her get away. She nodded and climbed into the truck.
“Take care of her, Jace,” Tessa demanded, the small smirk-type smile on her face showing she meant serious business.
“No worries on that.”
“Where are you taking me, Jace?” Ivy demanded once they were underway.
“First, we’re stopping off so I can have my DNA tested for the paternity of the child, but other than that, the rest is a surprise.”
“You’re not going to give me any clues, are you?”
“Nope, I’m sure not.”
“You’re a damn tease!”
Jace chuckled, reaching over to pat Ivy’s knee, but she pushed his hand away.
“Okay, fine, you win. We’re heading to the casinos over in Verona. Then on the way home, I figured we would stop in Albany to do our shopping for our New Year’s Eve ball garb.”
“When did you have the time to do this?”
Jace smiled. “I had help from your mom.”
“I’m glad to get away from everyone at the cabin. Dad’s starting to become impossible to live with now he knows I’m not changing my mind about being with you.”
There was silence until Jace pulled in to the building’s lot and parked.
Ivy started. “Sorry, thinking about everything that’s happened in the past couple of days, I must’ve dozed off.”
“We’ve arrived at DNA Diagnostics Lab. Do you want to go in with me?” Jace asked.
“Sure,” Ivy replied and opened her door and got out, following Jace into the building. “Elevator or stairs?”
When they arrived on the second floor, the plaque on the wall told them the DNA office was toward the left.
“You okay?”
“Nervous. What if that little girl is mine?” Jace shrugged.
Ivy stopped in the middle of the hallway and grabbed Jace’s hands. “Then we’ll deal with it. I told you before I’d help you, no matter what.”
“Then I guess we’re going to find out. So here goes nothing.” Jace took a deep breath, opened the door to the DNA office, and walked up to the receptionist. “Hi, I’m Jace Tysen, and I have an appointment.”
y, please take a seat, and someone’ll be with you in a moment.”
Jace sat, and a few moments later, an interior door opened.
“Jace Tysen? Follow me.”
Jace followed the reddish-blonde lab tech, Ellie, to the lab. While she was explaining the procedure to him, his mind wandered to the woman who he possibly had a child with. Anger and frustration ate at him. Jace couldn’t understand how he could’ve done something so stupid. When they got to the lab, he sat down and took a deep breath.
“Open your mouth,” Ellie requested.
Jace swallowed hard and opened wide. The lab tech took her cotton swab and rubbed the inside of his cheek a few times. She took the swab out, pulled the covering over the tip, and closed it.
“Since you requested this to be expedited, you should hear back in less than a week.”
When Jace entered the lobby once again, Ivy stood and walked over to him.
“Everything okay?”
“Yep, now we wait.”
As they were heading out, in walked a medium-height, sandy-blonde woman with a little girl who resembled the girl in the picture Jace had seen back at the cabin. He gawked at the little girl.
“Excuse me.”
Jace and Ivy slowly turned to see who had addressed them.
“I thought that was you, Jace,” the woman said.
Jace cocked his head in confusion. “Excuse me?”
“Ah, I see how it is. Acting like you don’t know me, but you do. I was there for you when she wasn’t.” The woman who must be Allison glared at Ivy.
“Now wait just a minute—” Ivy said, but Jace stopped her.
“Listen, I don’t remember much from that time period.”
Allison scoffed. “Do you expect me to believe that? You asked me to marry you once we found out I was pregnant. So now you have no memory of it all? Nice story.”
“Now wait a minute here,” Ivy said. “You’re telling me he asked you to marry him? Or did my dad put you up to this? Because it sounds like something he would do.”
Allison glanced back and forth between Jace and Ivy, “Hey, I know about your dad not liking Jace, and I told him I didn’t want any part of your family drama, coz I got my own.”
“So what are you saying?” Jace asked.
Allison snorted. “Her dad paid me to move forward with asking for child support and claiming DNA.”
“You’re a lying—” Ivy didn’t finish the sentence but glanced down at the little girl watching her.
“I wish I was, but I’m not. I’m late for my appointment. Ask your dad the next time you talk to him.” Allison stormed inside the lab.
“This is absurd. She’s got to be lying,” Ivy spat.
“Really? All this time you thought your dad was lying to you about shit. Now you’re faced with it, and you do an about-face. I can tell she’s not making crap up.” Jace grabbed Ivy’s hand. “So, can we let this go for now? We’re supposed to be on a vacation, remember?”
Ivy nodded and once they were back at the truck, looked over at Jace. “How many other women were there?”
“I’m not sure. It’s all a blur,” he answered.
“You’re telling me you don’t remember how many you slept with?”
He slowly shook his head.
Ivy sighed. “Whatever. So, how much longer till we get to where you’re taking me?”
“We should be there soon.” Jace replied. “Have you figured out what casino we’re going to yet?”
“I can’t quite tell. I don’t think I’ve been over this way in a long time. So much has changed.”
“In a few more miles, we’ll be at the Double Creek Casino Lodge Resort. We’ll be staying at the lodge part of the resort, in one of the suites.”
“A suite? Why in the hell did you get a suite?”
Jace grinned. Ivy didn’t like spending that much money on stuff. “Your mom was the one who suggested it, even when I told her you wouldn’t go for it.”
“Leave it to my mother.”
“She recognized your dad was driving you crazy with all his badgering. We both felt getting us away from him was for the best.”
* * *
Ivy rolled her eyes. She wished they could go home to their apartment and not have to worry about the rest of the family holiday, but she knew that wouldn’t happen.
As she reflected on the information that had come to light, Ivy knew more had happened during their time apart than what Jace had said. Sighing, she watched the scenery go by and vowed to get to the bottom of everything. As they neared the casino, Ivy’s mouth dropped. It was beautiful. The building had three floors, was made of gray brick and brown wood, and a covered entryway led to the entrance of the building.
Her mother knew how to pick the most beautiful places.
“We’re staying here?” Ivy asked.
Pulling into the parking lot, Jace nodded. “Let’s go and get checked in so we can settle into our room. Then we can take a peek around and see where everything is. Sound good?”
Ivy nodded, and they grabbed their bags from the backseat of the truck and headed inside. The Lodge had a rustic feel to it. The lobby’s fireplace had a fire going, and there were chairs, sofas, and loungers situated throughout the space. Above the fireplace a Christmas wreath hung, all decorated in gold. Across from the fireplace, in front of the glass plate window, stood a huge Christmas tree resplendent in gold and red.
“Welcome to Double Creek Casino Lodge Resort. How may I help you?” the receptionist asked.
“We’re here to check in. It’s under Jace Tysen.”
“I see you have a suite reserved. I’ll need the credit card you used to reserve the room as well as your ID.”
Jace dug out his wallet, then his ID and credit card, and handed them to the receptionist.
“Here’s your room key. You’re on the third floor, room 323. If you have any questions, feel free to come down to the desk or call down.”
“We will. Thank you,” Jace replied.
Jace bent down to pick up his bag, put his free arm around Ivy’s waist, and led her to the elevator.
Once inside, Ivy poked Jace in the side. “I still can’t believe you pulled this off.”
“I would do anything for you.”
“Oh fun. So you mean that after a relaxing couple of days, I’ll have to deal with Dad right away?” Ivy quipped.
“Let’s try to not think about him for the next couple of days, okay?”
“Sounds like a great idea to me.”
The elevator pinged, telling them they’d arrived on the third floor. Ivy stepped into the room and couldn’t believe her eyes. A couch sat straight ahead of them in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Off to their immediate left was a hutch that housed the TV and minibar. Next to the hutch, beautiful wood and frosted French doors that led to the sleeping quarters stood open.
Ivy dropped her bag, ran for the king-size bed, and jumped on. She sank about an inch into the comforter. “Ah, this is the life.”
Jace chuckled. “For someone who hates to spend money, you seem to be enjoying yourself.”
Ivy rolled over and patted a spot beside her on the bed. Before she had a chance to move out of his way, he jumped on the bed, pinned her arms down, and straddled her.
“Now you’re all mine for the next couple of days.”
“Oh? So you got me here so you could have your way with me, Mr. Tysen?”
“Since you put it that way, yes.”
Jace bent down and nibbled on Ivy’s ear, making her squirm beneath him. Jace groaned when Ivy rubbed herself against him, and Ivy sniggered at his reaction. “What’s so funny?” asked Jace.
Ivy nodded, “Yep. Your facial expressions are priceless.”
Jace kissed her on the mouth, and Ivy wiggled more, enough to where she could get her arms loose from Jace’s grip. Once she had, Ivy wound them around Jace’s neck, pulling at his hair. After a few seconds, she put
her hands on both sides of Jace’s head and pushed it back.
“What the hell?” Jace grumbled.
Ivy smiled. “Problems?”
“Yes, you’re a tease.”
He pulled Ivy into a sitting position and slowly unbuttoned her blouse, never breaking eye contact with her. Once her blouse was undone, Ivy slid it off, and Jace threw it over by his clothes. Ivy reached around behind her and unfastened her bra. She watched Jace as she threw her bra with the rest of the clothing.
Jace lunged, pushing Ivy backward. He kissed her on the nose, then moved down to her waiting mouth. He flicked his tongue in and out of her mouth, teasing her. Jace left a trail of kisses down the side of her face, then down to her left shoulder. “I’m glad you’re mine. And I’m yours, right?”
“Of course you are. Why do you ask?”
Ivy swallowed down the lump in her throat. “With everything you said earlier.”
“Listen. I know you don’t remember because of what happened, but one would think you would remember something like that.”
Jace rubbed a hand down his face. “Yeah you’d think. But for some reason, I block it all out.”
Ivy reached up and caressed Jace’s face. “I love you,”
“Love you too. Wouldn’t trade you for the world.”
“What do you want to do…shower or get dressed and go looking around?”
“You don’t want to spend the whole time in bed naked with me?”
Ivy shook her head, laughing. “I didn’t say that, but I would love to go exploring to see what this place has to offer.” As Ivy finished talking, her stomach rumbled.
“Ah, I see another reason.” Jace chuckled.
“Yep. You need to feed me!” Ivy concurred.
Ivy went to get out of bed only to be pulled back by Jace.
“I wanted a kiss.”
“You can always have those whenever you want them.”
“Anything good on the TV, do you know?”
“Not right now, but your favorite movie Pleasantville will be on in a couple of hours, if you want to make it back by then.”
“Ah, cool. Well, we need to get going then. I’d like to see it without Dad or Tessa interrupting the movie the whole way through it.”