On Frozen Hills

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On Frozen Hills Page 17

by KJ Swann

  After that song ended, a man tapped the microphone on the stage. “In about five minutes, the ball will be dropping. The servers will be passing around champagne for those who can drink, and for those who can’t, we will be handing out sparkling cider. Some servers will also be handing out the noise makers, hats, beads, kazoos, and what have you.”

  Jace glanced over toward Michael and nodded, then looked back at Ivy. “I’ll be back, I need to go grab something.”

  “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No, I won’t be long. Make sure you grab a hat and some beads for me.”

  “Okay, I’ll do that. Don’t be long.”

  Jace walked toward the front door where the coat check was and looked back to see Michael walking toward him.

  “Does she suspect anything?”

  “Not sure, she thinks I’m just fetching something. But I don’t want to take too long,” Jace said. Once he had his coat in his hand, he reached into his pocket and tugged free the box that had the ring in it. Jace clasped it in his hand as the nerves fired through his body.

  “Are you okay?” Michael asked.

  Jace took a deep breath to combat the nervousness. “Yeah I think so. This is nerve-racking.”

  Michael let out a slight chuckle. “Oh, tell me about it. When I proposed to Vivian, I was nervous. But what got me through it was knowing how much I did love her even though my father made her life a living hell after we got together. I promise you one thing; things won’t be that way this time around.”

  Jace nodded, placed the box in his pocket, and patted it. He handed back his coat to the coat check. “Thank you. I have one more errand to run, and then I’ll meet you back at the table.”

  “Oh and what’s that, if I may ask?”

  Jace looked at Michael. “I’m going to go request our song to play when I’m making the proposal.”

  Michael nodded without saying a word and headed toward their table.

  Tessa came skipping up to them with her kazoo in hand and blew it at them. Michael shook his head.

  “Starting the New Year early, Tessa?” asked Jace from behind Michael.

  “Why not? I’m gonna have more fun with these now.”

  “Oh boy,” groaned Michael.

  Tessa laughed and walked back to the table where Ivy and Vivian were playing with the hats and beads.

  “Glad to see neither of you got lost,” Vivian joked.

  “You’re just so funny,” said Michael, taking his hat and beads from Vivian, then kissing her on the cheek.

  “So are we going to stay here at the table or are we going to go out there?” Tessa asked.

  Jace cleared his throat. “Um, we can go out there if you guys want to. It doesn’t matter to me.”

  Michael nodded. “What about the rest of you?”

  “I like Jace’s idea of going out there, as long as we stay as a family,” suggested Vivian.

  They gathered back out on the dance floor. Ivy laughed at her sister and tried to pull Jace with her, but he resisted.

  Ivy looked at Jace in some confusion. “What’s up? Don’t you want to go over there and dance with them?”

  “Nah, I’d rather stay back here. It’s going to get swamped there in a few minutes anyway with the countdown.”

  Ivy nodded. “I can see your point. I sure don’t want to be in that mess.”

  Jace pulled her close. “Nope, and I don’t want to lose you in the hysteria that’s called New Year’s Eve.”

  A few minutes later, the music stopped, and the man stepped up to the microphone once again. “Okay, everyone, the servers are going around now to hand out the drinks before the countdown starts in a couple of minutes. Grab your significant others and start moving forward if you wish.”

  Jace and Ivy grabbed their champagne, then moved closer to Ivy’s parents. Tessa came skipping back to them while Derrick was carrying both their drinks.

  “Woo hoo, it’s almost midnight!” Tessa exclaimed.

  Ivy leaned forward to her sister and gave her a hug. She was so focused on what Tessa and Derrick were doing that Tessa grabbed Ivy’s hands and swept her into a dance on the spot. Derrick grabbed Tessa away from Ivy and twirled her away so Jace could grab Ivy by the waist.

  “So close to the new year, huh, babe?” Jace said in her ear.

  “Uh-huh. It’s hard to believe we have been together for as long as we have.”

  “Would you change any of it?”

  Ivy turned her head. “No, I wouldn’t.”

  Jace kissed her cheek and watched the preparations for midnight. Beside them stood Michael and Vivian, waiting for the moment, as everyone started the countdown, Jace slowly pulled away from Ivy. She was having so much fun. At the stroke of midnight, all the confetti fell and Ivy pulled Jace toward her and kissed him on the lips. In the background, “Auld Lang Syne” played.

  “Happy New Year.”

  “Happy New Year.”

  “But I hope this year will be even better for us,” Jace said and got down on one knee.

  Once the song was over, “Holding onto Heaven” by Nickelback played. Ivy gasped and gazed up at her parents. Her mom had tears in her eyes while her dad stood there with a big smile. Jace was looking up at her waiting.

  “Babe, we’ve been through so much together. You’ve made me realize I want more out of life than what we have. Will you marry me?” Jace pulled open the small box and held the ring up so Ivy could see it.

  Ivy studied Jace, tears streaming down her face. At first, she didn’t know what to say. Jace had taken her totally by surprise. The longer she kept him waiting, the more nervous he seemed. Her dad cleared his throat and motioned toward Jace.

  Ivy quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “Yes, Jace. Yes!”

  Jace stood, took the ring out of the box, placed it on her left ring finger, and kissed her. Ivy got a good look at it for the first time. She couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. Tessa came running up to Ivy and Jace and encompassed them in a hug.

  “Congrats, you guys. I knew you two would get engaged someday,” Tessa exclaimed, letting Ivy go.

  Ivy moved toward her parents. Vivian opened her arms and embraced her.

  “I’m so happy for you, sweetheart.”

  Ivy pulled away. Tears glistened on her mom’s face. “Aww, Mom, don’t cry.”

  “It’s not a sad cry, Ivy. It’s happy tears. My baby is growing up.”

  “How long have you known about this?”

  “He came to us this morning and asked us,” Michael replied.

  “He went to both of you?”

  “Yes. Why does that surprise you?” asked Michael.

  “Well, you two have always been on the outs since we have dated. So I didn’t think he would ask either of you, but I’m glad he did.”

  Michael placed a hand on Ivy’s arm. “As am I, Ivy. Once this event is over with, we’ll sit down and discuss everything.”

  Ivy looked at her dad. “As in what?”

  “Jace mentioned, and I know you did as well, about going back to school.”

  Ivy smiled. “Yes, I’d love to go back to become a teacher.”

  “If that is what you want, then I’ll help you achieve your dream.”

  “Oh, Daddy, thank you,” Ivy cried, then threw her arms around her dad’s neck.

  Michael looked down at his eldest daughter. “I want to make you happy. I have so much to make up for.”

  “Daddy, don’t worry about that now or ever again. This is a new year, remember? We’re starting fresh. What happened before is in the past.”

  “You’re correct, it is. I’m just glad I have my two girls along with my beautiful wife to share it with,” said Michael, pulling Vivian and Tessa into a family hug.

  Music had once again picked back up on the dance floor, and people were slowly making their way back out to make the most of the last couple of hours of dancing.

  “May I dance with my fiancée?”

  “Wow, that
is going to take some getting used to.”

  Jace smiled. “I hope it’s a good thing?”

  “Very much so.”

  Jace and Ivy walked hand in hand to the floor. Once they were there, Jace stopped and twirled Ivy around and the bottom of her dress flared out around her.

  Jace finally pulled Ivy to him. “I’m so glad you agreed to marry me.”

  “Did you think I wouldn’t?”

  “I wasn’t sure at first. You left me hangin’ there.”

  Ivy laughed. “I’ll never leave you hanging.”

  “Is that a promise?”



  Three years later

  Ivy sat and stared at herself in her vanity mirror. She couldn’t believe her and Jace’s wedding day was finally here after all the endless planning. Ivy was going to be beginning her junior year at NYU-Steinhardt, but she knew this was what she wanted for her life. Nerves were starting to cause butterflies in her stomach as SHE worried about everything that could go wrong. As Ivy took a deep breath, the door opened behind her.

  Tessa gasped and demanded, “Why aren’t you getting ready? Your wedding is in little over an hour! How are you going to be ready in time?”

  “Trust me. I’ll be ready. I have my makeup and hair done, just have to get the dress on.”

  Tessa rolled her eyes, “You didn’t put me in charge only to have you go and mess it all up.”

  Ivy chuckled. “No, you’re right. It’s hard to fathom that today is finally here. I’m trying to gather my wits about me.”

  “You’ll be beautiful if you just get ready,” whined Tessa.

  Ivy rolled her eyes, standing to face her sister. “I’d like it if you’d help me with my dress.”

  “It’d be my honor.” Tessa walked over to where Ivy’s dress was hanging. “I can’t believe Dad allowed you to get a dress that has purple in it.”

  Ivy lightly touched it. She took in the strapless dark purple lace applique bodice that flowed down into different layers of dark purple, lavender, and orchid organza.

  “I’m glad you decided on a zipper back instead of the corset,” Tessa remarked.

  “Why’s that?”

  Tessa raised an eyebrow. “Think about it. Having to pull the strings and adjusting… Ugh.”

  Ivy shook her head. “You make it sound like it medieval times.”

  “Who in their right mind does corsets anymore? I mean, come on!” stated Tessa.

  “Those who like them. Let’s get moving since you’re the one who’s delaying.”

  Tessa put her hands on her hips and glared at Ivy, which sent Ivy into a fit of giggles.

  After Ivy was in her dress, she fluffed the bottom and stared at herself in the mirror AGAIN. Tessa had handed Ivy her veil and was tweaking it into place when there was a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” Ivy called out.

  Vivian peeked in. “Just wanted to see if you had a few moments.”

  “Of course, Mom.”

  Vivian walked toward Ivy. “Oh my, you are absolutely beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” Ivy reached out and grabbed her mom’s hands.

  “Anyway. I want to be quick. I know we never discussed this, but I wanted to give you your something borrowed and something, well not really blue since your colors are purple and you already have your new item.” Vivian beamed as she handed Ivy the items.

  Ivy’s eyes filled with tears. “Mom, you didn’t have to do this.”

  “It wasn’t only me. This lavender pearl necklace is mine, but the amethyst drop earrings are from your father,” Vivian said matter-of-factly.

  Tessa took the necklace from her mom and gently moved Ivy’s hair to the side to seat the necklace in place. Once Tessa was done, Ivy moved over to the mirror and put in the earrings.

  Ivy turned around to look at her mom and sister when the door opened again and her dad walked in and stopped in his tracks.

  “My girl is not a little girl anymore. She’s getting married. You are so beautiful, sweetheart.”

  “Thanks, Daddy. I can’t believe you got me these earrings. They’re beautiful.”

  “They fit your theme, and even though it’s supposed to be something blue, you’re walking your own path. So, I figured I’d do something that would fit you.”

  “Mom, we need to start heading downstairs,” remarked Tessa.

  “Already? Wow time has flown,” Ivy stated.

  Vivian placed her gentle hands on Ivy’s face. “Sweetheart, this is your day. We’re proud of you and what you’ve both accomplished. Now keep a smiling face so you don’t smear your makeup.”

  Ivy laughed lightly. “I’ll try, but no promises there.”

  Vivian grabbed Tessa’s arm and walked out of the room.

  Ivy stared out into the backyard of the Vermont cabin. She knew when Jace proposed where she wanted to get married and when she had told Jace, he had no problems with it.

  “You ready?” Michael asked.

  “I am, but the butterflies in my stomach…”

  Michael patted Ivy’s arm. “Take a deep breath. Before too long we’ll be walking down the aisle, and this will all be a memory. Enjoy the day.”

  Ivy glanced up at her dad as “Clair De Lune” by Debussy started. Michael nodded at Ivy, and then they started down the aisle. Ivy kept her eyes ahead after making quick eye contact with Jace. He looked so good in his grey suit with a purple tie it was hard not to run up to the altar.

  The pastor stepped forward. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of two hearts and two souls which shall unite this couple in marriage. Who gives this woman today to be married?”

  “Her mother and I do,” Michael replied and kissed Ivy on the cheek, then backed away and sat next to Vivian.

  For the next thirty minutes, Ivy and Jace said their I Dos and exchanged their rings. Finally, the pastor said, “By the power vested in me. I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Jace Tysen. You may kiss your bride.”

  Jace lifted her veil and leaned forward, kissing her hard on the lips.

  “Love you now and forever,” Jace whispered.

  “To the moon and back, baby,” Ivy replied.

  About the Author

  KJ Swann is a stay at home mom turned author. She writes contemporary romance and she enjoys adding a laugh here and there. She lives with her husband, daughter, and cat in a small rural town in North Central Iowa. When she isn’t reading or writing you can find her on the back of her husband’s Harley trike enjoying the fresh air during the summertime or cuddled up watching a good movie or TV show on the couch with her daughter during the wintertime.

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