The Love Resort

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The Love Resort Page 24

by Faith Bleasdale


  ‘It’s security. Is that Lily?’

  ‘Yes. Are they back?’

  ‘They’re here.’

  ‘Right. Well, put them in the welcome room with some of your guys. Don’t let them out of your sight.’

  ‘Is who back?’ Anne-Marie demanded.

  ‘The winners.’ Lily cringed.

  ‘You mean they got out?’

  ‘They escaped before we were due to pick them up for dinner.’

  ‘For fuck’s sake, can’t you do anything right?’ she shouted.

  Everyone in the shack jumped.

  ‘Look, just a suggestion,’ Ed started. ‘But this display would be better held somewhere a bit more discreet.’

  ‘My bungalow is nearest,’ Lily suggested, and led the way.


  ‘They can’t actually do anything to us, can they?’ Emily asked.

  ‘Emily, shut up. You keep saying that,’ Jimmy snapped.

  ‘Sorry, but I’m worried.’

  ‘We’re all worried, but for now all we can do is wait.’ Thea sounded calm.

  ‘It’s not like they can do anything illegal anyway. I don’t think they’d want to kill us or anything like that, would they?’ Lee looked nervous.

  ‘Don’t be so stupid. All they’re going to do is tell us off and probably put us under total surveillance for the rest of the trip.’ Tim appeared convinced, but Carla wasn’t so sure. She didn’t relish the idea of sleeping rough on a Caribbean island. There were probably snakes and stuff around. She looked at Thea, who took her hand and squeezed it for reassurance.

  ‘Thank you,’ she whispered, and then sat down to continue to wait.

  ‘Why are we still here? This is torture,’ Lee said, stomping around the room; they were all trying to avoid the dodgy look that the security man at the door was giving them.

  ‘This is probably part of our punishment. You know, they’re making us sweat.’

  ‘I would give anything for a drink,’ Tim said. Thea looked at him sharply. ‘Sorry.’ He put his head in his hands.

  ‘What are we going to do?’ Emily asked, but no one answered her.


  At her bungalow Lily had taken charge. She needed to get this mess sorted out so they could go and sort out the other mess awaiting them in the meeting room.

  ‘Firstly, Ed, take the camera and destroy the film.’

  ‘It’s digital,’ Adam boasted.

  ‘Great, well then, Ed, destroy the camera.’ Ed grabbed the camera, let go of Marcus and threw it down hard on the stone floor. He repeated the action.

  ‘I think it’s broken now,’ Abigail said, looking at the shattered pieces.

  ‘I’ll dispose of it, just in case,’ Ed replied. ‘We need to keep this quiet, so we won’t be able to press charges. Anne-Marie, you remember those confidentiality agreements that I drew up for the others?’ Anne-Marie nodded. ‘Well, I propose that Adam and Marcus sign them.’

  ‘What if we refuse?’ Adam said.

  ‘Then we’ll tear you apart,’ Lily threatened. Adam recoiled as if he’d been struck. She went over to her table and picked two papers up from it. ‘Now, please sign, and if you speak of any of this again, I’ll sue you.’

  ‘My job?’ Marcus said.

  ‘You’re damned lucky I don’t kill you,’ Todd said. He was shaking with anger.

  ‘And you’re lucky Katie doesn’t kill you,’ Mary stormed. ‘You like boys, so that’s fine, but you didn’t just put yourself at risk with your doings, you also put my Katie at risk. She could have been humiliated, a laughing stock. Did you think of that?’ Everyone looked surprised by Mary’s outburst.

  ‘No.’ Todd’s shoulders fell.

  ‘Neither had I,’ Katie added, before finding a fresh batch of tears.

  ‘Back to the original question of your job,’ Lily began. ‘You are, of course, fired, but if you sign that agreement we’ll give you a glowing reference so you will get another job. If you don’t sign, then you’ll never work again. And as your crazy blackmail plot failed, I guess you need the money.’

  She stood over the men as they both signed the papers. Then she picked up the phone and summoned security.

  ‘They will escort you off the premises, and I trust that we will never see you again.’


  ‘Right,’ Lily said to the film stars after the two blackmailers had been led away, ‘you two can probably use some time alone.’

  ‘But they lied to us,’ Anne-Marie protested. ‘We have to do something.’

  ‘What? Look, we need to keep this quiet, Anne-Marie, which means that they go back to their bungalow having made a promise to us to keep up the pretence for the rest of their honey-moon.’

  ‘I guess.’ But Anne-Marie wanted them to pay. She wanted the competition winners to pay. She wanted Ed and Lily to pay. She wanted everyone to pay for what they’d put her through.

  ‘I think that’s best, darling,’ Abigail said. She put a consoling arm on Anne-Marie.

  ‘I’ll stay with her,’ Mary told her employers. ‘I am not leaving you,’ she reassured Katie, folding her arms determinedly.

  ‘Thank you, Mary.’ Katie had genuine gratitude in her voice. ‘Yes, Mary, I trust you will keep them out of trouble tonight,’ Anne-Marie agreed.

  ‘I am sorry—’ Todd began.

  ‘Uh, save it. Save it for your wife,’ Anne-Marie spat.

  ‘Darling, I’m going to leave you to it. You know where I am if you need me.’ Abigail kissed Anne-Marie and followed the departing honeymooners out.

  ‘So, now...’ Anne-Marie began.

  ‘Now we have to go and deal with the others,’ Ed said, sounding weary as they too left the bungalow.


  ‘Right, this is ridiculous,’ Thea said angrily. Just then the door opened and they all stopped dead.

  ‘Well, here we are again.’ Anne-Marie had spent the short walk from Lily’s to here berating her husband and PR manager for their failure in such a simple task. ‘So, once more, do you have anything to say for yourselves?’

  ‘We’re sorry?’ Tim suggested.

  ‘You are getting on my fucking nerves, you smug bastard. Now, here’s what I’m going to say. You’ve had your fun, and I hope it was worth it. From now on you are under room arrest and you will only come out of your rooms when someone comes to get you. You will be watched at all times and you will not, I repeat not, get the chance to escape again.’

  Realising that she was tired and almost running out of steam, she looked at her husband and Lily. ‘You two, escort them to their rooms. Find some way of locking them in. I am going to bed.’


  ‘I’m not sure whether to be disappointed by the night’s events; I mean, we thought we were going to catch your wife, not the famous Todd Cortes.’

  Lily and Ed were walking back from escorting the six back to their rooms, after getting security to lock them in.

  ‘Oh God, it’s all such a mess, and Anne-Marie looks close to breaking point.’

  ‘Yes, I suppose you ought to go and take care of her.’

  ‘Darling. I’d rather be with you but she seemed so wired.’

  ‘She did.’ Lily tried to bite back her disappointment.

  ‘The last few days have been weird: partner swapping, finding out those couples weren’t couples, Tim and Mrs Greyton, the magazine and now gay sex and blackmail.’

  ‘Putting it like that, it has been eventful. God, she’s so angry with us.’

  ‘At the moment she doesn’t have the energy to be angry. Or not her usual anger, anyway. With luck, by the time I get back she’ll already be asleep.’


  ‘That wasn’t as bad as I thought,’ Tim said to Jimmy as they got into bed.

  ‘It feels really strange, sleeping with a man.’

  ‘Well, we’re not going to do anything. Are we?’ Tim looked a bit scared.

  ‘No, and if you so much as come near me I’ll go and get Anne

  ‘I promise, even if I did want to come near you, which I don’t, that’s enough of a threat to keep me away.’

  ‘I wonder what the rest of the holiday has in store.’

  ‘From Anne-Marie’s reaction, I’m guessing our holiday is well and truly over.’


  ‘Carla, are you all right?’ Thea asked, as she climbed into bed.

  ‘Funnily enough, I am. I feel like a weight has been lifted.’


  ‘Yeah, what was I thinking?’

  ‘Don’t know. But he’s quite good-looking.’

  ‘Oh, he is, but he’s no movie star.’

  ‘No, that he isn’t.’

  They looked at each other and giggled.

  ‘This is like a girly sleepover,’ Carla said.

  ‘Yes. I wonder how the boys are doing.’


  ‘I miss him. It’s weird because I know, I’m one hundred per cent sure, that we’re not in love or anything, but I almost feel as if he should still be by my side.’

  ‘Thea, remember that stuff about Tim being your security blanket?’

  Thea nodded. ‘I know, but you’d think that if I needed one, I’d have chosen one who didn’t cause so much trouble, wouldn’t you?’


  Anne-Marie tossed and turned, wondering where she’d gone wrong. She had done nothing to deserve the hardship that she was suffering. She’d only tried to bring romance into people’s lives—romance, love and happiness. Was that it? She was being punished for being so nice? She sighed as she tried to sleep, tried to conjure up the romantic images that usually bade her good night. The book was ruined now. Todd wasn’t the hero she wanted, nor could even use. The whole thing was perverse; wrong. Even Katie had lied. They’d all lied. And Ed couldn’t be relied on. Again, she was back to the same thing. The circle met at its usual point. Abigail was the only person she had; apart from her she was totally alone.

  She heard Ed climb into bed and she made for the far side. There was no way she wanted to be near him.


  ‘I’m sorry,’ Todd said again.

  ‘It doesn’t help. I feel humiliated; oh, I can’t even begin to tell you how I feel, actually.’


  ‘Oh, shut up. You’re like this pathetic stuck record. Todd, I thought you were the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with.’

  ‘But you knew.’

  ‘Maybe I did, but I didn’t really, did I? Not until tonight. I loved you. I hate you right now, but I really loved you, Todd, and I really wanted our marriage to work.’ Katie’s eyes swam with tears and Todd, again, felt desperate that he’d caused it. When they’d started dating, she’d seen it as a business arrangement, as he had, but now it seemed he didn’t take her feelings into account; he actually didn’t give her any credit for having any.

  ‘I told you. I told you that we could never really be together.’

  ‘Well, I don’t remember that.’

  Just as he felt sorry for her, and vowed to try to make it up to her, she went back to arguing. One thing was for sure: Katie somehow brought out the worst in him. ‘You only hear what you want to hear.’

  ‘You only care about yourself.’

  ‘You’re a fine one to talk.’

  ‘Actually I am.’


  ‘Todd...’ They stared at each other defiantly.

  Mary stepped in. ‘Enough. Now, Todd, you sleep here tonight, on the sofa. I will sleep with Katie in the bed.’

  ‘And first thing tomorrow I’m calling Bernie. And I’m telling him everything.’

  With that, Katie stormed off, leaving Todd feeling very, very sick.


  A Day In The Life Of The Resort—By Anne-Marie Langdale

  The Love Resort offers so much to you that I decided to put in my own words how I think you should spend a typical day.

  You rise early in the arms of your loved one. You get ready and breakfast in one of our wonderful restaurants. After breakfast you take some time to relax by one of the pools or on the beach, read one of my books!

  Before lunch you might want to freshen up, and after lunch you could swim, or take a walk round the beautiful gardens. Later on you could engage in a fun watersport activity. Finally, end the day with a nice relaxing bath (with your loved one), before dressing for dinner.

  After dinner you can either take part in our wonderful entertainment or spend some private time on one of our love seats, or in a hammock. Watch the day end in the most perfect setting, with the one you love.

  Guest Handbook


  Anne-Marie was wide awake, having slept fitfully at best. She looked at the pink clock beside her bed; it was only half past six. She glanced disdainfully over at her husband, who was snoring; fast asleep. As with her last thought, her first thought was one of solitude. Only Abigail, one person. Not a lot to show for her life.

  She dragged herself out of bed and padded gently to her upstairs terrace where she opened the door and banged it closed, hoping to wake up Ed. It would serve the oaf right for making her life so difficult, she thought, as she looked at the early morning view.

  It always took her breath away. The sun was just finding its momentum. The waves were lapping softly, introducing themselves to the sand. The Caribbean birds were chirping merrily away. The resort was empty; all activity at that time was behind closed doors. She breathed in the heady scent of the sun, the sea and the garden. It was all so intoxicating. She loved her resort now, when it was just waiting to come to life, although she rarely saw it this early.

  The kitchens would be busy; waiting staff setting up the breakfast in the main restaurant. The chambermaids would be at their early briefing; the entertainment staff getting the day’s events set up; the gym would be just opening—the spa not for another three hours. In half an hour, her couples would begin to spill out from their rooms. Going to breakfast, some to the gym before breakfast, and then the resort would change.

  Instead of standing, seeing, hearing and smelling such beauty, there would be ruination. Gaudy colours clouding her soft focus; low-class noise invading the tranquillity; activities that created fools of everyone, detracting from the romance; unattractive people making the most beautiful place in the world look ugly. She gulped back a sob as she realised how far from her dream she was; how the promise of the resort had become the lie. And that was before she dared let herself think about the previous day. There was only one thing for it: she would go and see the sole person who she could rely on. And then she’d ask for help.

  Anne-Marie put on a pale blue sundress, and tied her hair back. She didn’t apply her make-up; too impatient to get out. She closed the door with a bang, and started making her way towards Abigail’s bungalow. She felt lighter as she walked, with the knowledge that she would soon see Abigail comforting her. After all, Abigail had been her saviour last night. If it wasn’t for her, she’d never have coped. She shuddered again at the memory.

  She reached the front door and knocked. Then she waited. There was no answer. Damn, Abigail must still be asleep. She tried the door handle; the door was open. She decided to go and wake her; after all, dear Abigail wouldn’t mind. She surveyed the mess of clothes, tossed around in the living room with some surprise. Even more so when she realised that draped over the back of the honey-coloured sofa were a pair of men’s shorts. Horror rushed around her head as, terrified, she moved towards the bedroom. She raised her knuckles to knock, but then she thought better of it. This was her resort, her publisher, hers, hers, hers. She opened the door, and as her eyes adjusted to the dark she saw her greatest fear realised.

  ‘Ahhhhhhhhhhh!’ she screamed.

  ‘Anne-Marie?’ Abigail sat up quickly.

  ‘What on earth...?’ André said.

  ‘How could you?’ Anne-Marie spat. ‘How could you?’

  ‘Anne-Marie, can you go on to the terrace and let me get dressed, a
nd then I’ll explain?’ Abigail asked reasonably.

  ‘And him?’ Her eyes bore into André, the butler, who wasn’t quite as calm as her publisher.

  ‘André, will you go and get to work?’

  ‘Yes,’ he mumbled.

  ‘That’s assuming he still has a job,’ Anne-Marie pointed out.

  ‘Of course, but don’t do anything until we’ve had a chance to talk. Please, darling.’ Abigail gave her a beseeching look.

  Anne-Marie stood, arms folded looking at them. Her publisher had picked up a gigolo at her resort; in fact, Anne-Marie had given him to her. She was supposed to be here for her, not for sex. Like some cheap slut, she was having an affair. And now the headaches and the absences all became clear. How could she do this to her? Oh God, all the things that went against her beliefs were happening here. She felt her chest constrict. She had to concentrate on breathing. What would happen if she lost Abigail?

  ‘I’ll wait. But don’t keep me waiting too long.’

  ‘Come inside?’ Abigail asked, as André slunk out, almost melting under Anne-Marie’s glare.

  She shrugged her shoulders, pouting, then did so.

  ‘I’ve put some coffee on, would you like some?’

  Like a petulant child, Anne-Marie shrugged again. Abigail went to the coffee pot and poured two cups. She put them down on the counter.

  ‘Will you say something?’ she asked.

  ‘How could you?’

  ‘How could I what? How could I fall for a gorgeous, charming, intelligent young man?’

  ‘You’re married.’

  ‘Yes, and you know that Philip is dull as dishwater. It’s a loveless marriage. He’s also become boring in bed—not that we ever have sex these days. All he cares about is the business, nothing else. I found something magical in André. You have to understand, you write about this sort of magic.’

  ‘You’re married.’

  ‘Are you telling me that you would stay married to Ed if you fell in love with someone else?’

  ‘How dare you? I am in love with my husband.’

  ‘That’s a joke.’

  ‘Abigail, how could you? I love Ed and I would never, ever cheat on him. No one in my books cheats. No one.’


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