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Friends With Multiple Benefits

Page 17

by Luke Young

He took another step to her and their faces were only a few inches apart. He said, his words dripping with anger and contempt, “Don’t you think your famous husband would have a problem with you flirting with me like this?”

  “I’m not flirting.”

  He laughed in her face then quickly shoved his hand under her skirt and slipped his finger between her thighs. She gasped as she gazed into his eyes without saying a word.

  “Then why is your pussy all wet.”

  “I don’t—”

  He pushed two fingers inside her deeper, she closed her eyes and let out a moan.

  “You want me to help you get into character?” he asked while still fingering her.

  Gazing into his eyes, she nodded quickly.

  “You’re not going to leave me alone until I actually fuck you are you?”

  She shook her head no.

  “Turn around,” he commanded.

  She did as he asked then he moved behind her and pushed his hips into her. His bulging cock throbbed and pressed between her cheeks. Gasping, she bent over with her elbows on the desk.

  He moved to his knees and lifted her skirt up over her back exposing her nakedness. “This is what Brice did in the book. Is this what you want?”

  She didn’t reply. Instead she leaned forward even more, lifting her ass in the air and she spread her legs wide. He bit down playfully on her left ass cheek.

  She gasped. “Oh, Brice.”

  “This is what you want, right?”


  He lightly kissed one of her cheeks then the other and whispered, “This is what Brice did to Anastasia.”

  “I know.”

  Slowly he ran his tongue back and forth over her cheeks as he moved closer to her cleft. She lifted her ass higher still and pressed her face to the hard wood of his desk as she struggled to catch her breath. Placing his hands on her cheeks, he spread them apart and roughly plunged his head between her thighs and kissed her pussy. She squealed with delight.

  He pushed his tongue inside her and swiped it down to her clit a moment before running it up to her seam. Her mouth fell open and her eyes rolled back behind their lids.

  After licking her some more, he pulled up from her and stood with his hands on his hips. “Stand up.”

  Craning her neck, she asked, “What?”

  “I said stand up.”

  Slowly she placed her hands on the desk and pushed herself up. “Yes, Brice.”

  He squeezed the huge bulge in his shorts and looked at her with his eyes narrowed. “Suck my cock.”

  Slipping to her knees, she gazed up to his face with her lips parted as she took a few shallow breaths.

  “You know you’ve wanted this for a long time.”

  She took hold of the waistband of his shorts. She pulled them down along with his underwear and his swollen cock sprang free. Taking it in her hand, she placed a tiny kiss on the head then opened her mouth and took him inside.

  “That’s it, Amanda. Suck my cock. You—”

  “Brian.” Suddenly Brian’s eyes blasted open and he gasped. Standing before him was Todd from the front desk.

  “Where’s Amanda?” Brian asked.

  “She left a while ago. Do you know what time it is?”

  “What?” Brian shook his head and rubbed his eyes. “No.”

  “It’s after six.”

  “Oh, crap, I’m late.” He rose to his feet and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Dude, did you just say ‘suck my cock?’”

  “No.” Brian frowned. “No way.”

  “You did.” Todd smiled. “Oh my God, you were totally having a sex dream about Amanda.”

  “No, I wasn’t.” Brian scoffed. “You’re crazy.”

  Todd gasped. “You’re banging her aren’t you?”


  “You are.”

  “Listen, I am not having sex with her and you cannot tell anyone about this.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Promise me.”

  “Dude, I promise.”

  Brian grabbed his keys from the desk and headed to the door. He stopped and turned back to Todd. Yawning, he opened his mouth wide then slapped himself in the face, forcing his eyes to open wide. “I’m just not sleeping much.”

  “I can tell.”

  “Are we cool?”

  “I’m cool, but you, you are…” Todd curled his lip.

  “What?” Brian asked in a tired voice. “What is it?”

  “Um…” Widening his eyes, Todd glanced at Brian’s groin. “You probably shouldn’t go out like that.”

  Brian looked down, his eyes bugged out of his head and he quickly adjusted his equipment downward and placed his hands over his tented shorts. “Shit, toss me my jacket.”

  Todd chuckled and threw him the blue sweat jacket. Holding it in front of his groin, Brian walked with a strange limp toward the front door.


  Victoria opened the door to her office and walked in to find her in-laws both completely naked and engaged in some sort of permutation of the sixty-nine position. Beverly was on her back with her knees up and Edward’s head was bent at an odd angle with his mouth buried in her womanly parts. Beverly was craning her neck to the side and had her lips wrapped around Edward’s erection.

  Victoria stopped in her tracks at the sight of the middle-aged, out of shape couple’s bold union on her expensive oriental rug. She watched, mostly in shock to start then a little out of morbid curiosity, before she shielded her eyes and said, “Sorry. I’ll, um, let you guys, um…” She heard rustling and whispers as she turned then blindly reached for the door and slipped away.

  Ten minutes later, she knocked three times then opened the door a few inches and called in. “Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes, please come in,” Beverly said.

  Victoria made her way to her chair and sat. Placing her elbows on the desk, she weaved her fingers together and rested her chin on them. “So, I don’t want you to feel awkward about this.”

  “We’re so sorry,” Beverly began. “We didn’t—”

  “Don’t apologize. I actually have watched a number of my patients as they go through hands-on therapy, I guess you could call it. I just wasn’t expecting to, you know… right now.” Victoria sat back in her chair and held her hands up. “But it’s fine.”

  Edward wore a slight smile as he sat back in his seat with his shirt buttoned incorrectly.

  “I trust you found the video informative.” The doctor wore a hopeful expression.

  “Obviously.” He held back a chuckle.


  “I have a number of other instructional videos I could let you watch on your own tonight. There’s a DVD player in the guest bedroom.”

  Edward moved to the edge of his seat. “What do you have?”

  “I have one about sex toys and another focusing on cunnilingus and one on fellatio. I also have one on anal sex and well, there are a lot of choices.”

  Edward looked to Beverly nodding his head. “I think those could help.”

  Victoria rubbed her hands together. “I think that’s enough for today. Why don’t I leave you two here. You can look at my library of DVDs and pick out what you want and we can meet again tomorrow at the same time. How does that sound?”

  “Perfect.” Beverly smiled.

  “Great.” Victoria rose to her feet. “Remember we have that dinner with Jillian and Brian tonight so why don’t you guys meet us in the house around six.”

  “We will.” Beverly put her hand on Edward’s arm as Victoria slipped away.


  Victoria, Jim, who was carrying Kaylie, and the Nash parents, hurried to the front door of Jillian and Brian’s house just as the rain switched from a drizzle to a downpour. They huddled under cover of the porch while Victoria repeatedly hit the doorbell as the wind kicked up pelting them with rain.

  Brian rushed to the door and opened it then spotted the cowering group. “My God, it’s start
ing already. Hurry, come in.”

  They shuffled in, wiping off their faces as they stood in the foyer.

  “Luckily the real bad weather is going to miss us,” Victoria said.

  “It’s heading to the west, right?” Brian asked.

  “Yeah, Tampa is probably going to get the worst of it,” Jim added.

  “Hi, Mom.” Brian gave his mother a hug and nodded to his father. “Dad. Did you guys have a good day?”

  The elder couple shared an embarrassed smile and Beverly said, “Yes, we did dear.”

  “Good.” Brian motioned toward the back of the house. “Dinner is almost ready. You can head to the great room and I’ll get you a drink.”

  Thirty minutes later, while the twins napped upstairs, the three couples were sitting down to dinner. The seating arrangement was Jim, then Kaylie in a high chair next to Victoria, followed by Beverly, and then Edward. The Nash parents were each pounding down the booze. Edward was already into gin and tonic number four while Beverly was taking her final sip of number two. Brian sat at the head of the table with Jillian to his right.

  “Dear, could I have another?” Beverly held her glass in the air.

  “Sure, Mom.”

  “Might as well make me another while you’re up,” Edward said.

  “Jillian I’ve never tasted lasagna like this before, where ever did you get the recipe?” Beverly commented in a slightly condescending tone.

  “Oh, thank you, Beverly,” Jillian replied a bit agitated. “I got it online.”


  “Brian,” Jillian called out. “Could you make me another vodka tonic?” She polished off the rest of her drink, set the glass down, and shot Victoria a distressed look.

  Victoria quickly mouthed something unintelligible, but certainly scolding to her friend. Then she forced a smile as she scanned the faces of her in-laws. “I think this is just lovely all of us here. The last time we were all together was… what, Jillian’s wedding?”

  “That’s right,” Beverly began. “I think I was drinking a lot on that day too.”

  “I think you’re right hon,” Edward said.

  “It rained that day, didn’t it Jillian?” Beverly asked with a slight sneer.

  “Why yes, yes it did, Beverly.”

  “That’s supposed to be good luck, now isn’t it dear?” Beverly chuckled. “Supposed to be anyway.”

  “Brian?” Jillian leaned back to get a look into the kitchen and with her voice cracking, asked, “How’re you coming with those drinks?”

  “So, are you still writing?” Beverly took a bite of her lasagna and let a slight cringe form on her face.

  “Yes, I’ve been working on a new series.”

  Victoria said, “She’s writing a wonderful M/M romance.”

  “What’s that?” Beverly took a sip of her drink.

  Jillian shot her friend a narrow-eyed glare then cleared her throat. “It’s a romance between two, um, men.”

  Suddenly Beverly choked on her drink and dribbled it back into her glass. “Two men fornicating?”

  “No, falling in love.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “I’m not. And these types of books are quite popular now,” Jillian said, defensively.

  “Maybe with those Hollywood types.” Beverly sneered.

  Jillian gazed at her motherin-law in slack-jawed awe for a moment then shook her head. “I’m just experimenting a little with the genre.” She leaned back for a view into the kitchen then rose to her feet. “I’d better check on him.”

  Brian rushed over with a drink in each hand. He dropped one off in front of his mother then one to his wife as Jillian returned to her seat. Brian dashed away and seconds later appeared with two more drinks, dropped one off to his father, and sat down.

  Beverly put her hand atop Victoria’s. “Do you have any gay clients?”

  “No, not right—”

  “Smart dear. That’s smart. Those people are spitting in the face of God. At least that’s what Ed and I feel, right Ed?”

  “That’s right.”

  “I feel, sure, everyone is entitled to make their own choices. I mean, as long as they don’t throw it in my face I don’t care what they do.” Beverly took a sip from her drink then put on an evil grin. “I’m not the one burning in hell, they are.”

  Jillian scoffed and opened her mouth to speak, but Brian interrupted. “So, Mom, did you know that they are making Jillian’s book into a television series?”

  “We don’t watch much television dear.”

  “Mom, I know, but I thought—”

  “We just had the best time today with Victoria.” Beverly smiled. “She’s really good at what she does. Edward and I have never been so in touch with our feelings as we were today.”

  “Really, that’s great.” Brian looked to Jillian with his eyes widened and she simply returned a scowl as she sipped her drink.

  Taking Victoria’s hand, Beverly gave it a squeeze. “She’s just sent from the heavens. The best daughter-in-law a mother could ask for. In fact, it’s like you’re my own flesh and blood.”

  Victoria put her hand to her heart. “Why thank you, Beverly. I’m just glad I could help.”

  “Call me Mom.”

  “Mom.” Victoria beamed until she caught Jillian’s angry glare.

  “It’s no wonder Jim looks so happy now.” Gazing at Jim, Beverly wore a proud smile. “With a bedroom expert such as you guiding him through life, he can’t have a need you’re not meeting.”

  “Mom.” Jim cringed.

  “I try,” Victoria replied.

  Turning her attention to her other son, Beverly’s smile melted away. “Brian, you look really tired.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Are you sleeping enough, dear?”

  “You know, with the twins it’s been a little hectic.”

  “Sure, but are you relaxing enough.” Beverly raised her eyebrows suggestively. “Relaxation is an important part of life.”

  “Um, yeah, we…” Brian shook his head, “… my relaxation level is, um, you know, fine.”

  Beverly shot Jillian a frown then forced a smile. “I just worry about you.”

  “You don’t need to worry.”

  Beverly took a sip of her drink. “I’ll always worry about you.”

  Jillian’s mouth fell open and she looked to Victoria, who returned a sympathetic shrug.

  “Ed and I went to see your movie,” Beverly said.

  Sitting up straight in her chair, Jillian forced an interested look. “And what did you think?”

  “Well, we didn’t make it through to the end.” She frowned. “Ed’s back was acting up on him. But we love that Amanda Jo. She’s a great actress.”

  “Brian is actually teaching her tennis,” Jim announced.

  “I’ll be meeting with her tomorrow,” Brian added.

  “That’s wonderful, dear.” Beverly’s face lit up. “Now there’s a nice girl. Is she single?”

  “She’s married,” Jillian snarled.

  “That’s too bad.” After taking in Jillian’s horrified expression, Beverly seemingly tried to repair the damage. “I mean, for the rest of the men out there. Hopefully she’s found herself a good one.”

  “I think she has,” Jillian grumbled before tipping back the rest of her drink.

  “I need to use the ladies’ room.” Beverly rose to her feet then lost her balance. Ed took hold of her elbow to save her. “I guess I’ve had one too many.”

  “You okay, hon?”

  “I’m tired.” She shot him a suggestive grin. “I think I’d like to go to bed early tonight.”

  “Brian will drive you back,” Jillian announced quickly and with a bit too much enthusiasm.

  Everyone’s attention went to her and she added a little more calmly, “I mean, whenever you’re ready to go that is. And, um, if Victoria and Jim would like to stay a little later, I figured Brian could drive you back.”

  “Well, thank you,
dear. I think we will take you up on that generous offer.”


  When Brian returned from dropping his parents off, he discovered his wife, brother, and Victoria sitting in the great room.

  Jillian took a sip from her vodka tonic and ended up with an ice cube in her mouth. She held it there with her tongue as she muttered, “I just can’t believe it.”

  Brian plopped on the sofa next to her and cringed. “I’m almost scared to ask, but what can’t you believe?”

  “Um, that your mother is still treating me like crap and evidently is in love with Victoria.”

  “I am loveable.” Victoria raised her eyebrows.

  “She really is,” Jim agreed.

  “And what am I?” Jillian looked at them, waiting. “Huh?”

  Brian began, “Oh, my mother loves you too…” his words trailed off and he added weakly, “… in her own special way.”

  “Uh-huh.” Jillian frowned. “She didn’t like dinner. She basically came right out and said that I wasn’t pleasing you in the bedroom and apparently she’s got her eye out for your future wife.”

  Brian shrugged. “She’s going through a tough time right now.”

  “Right.” Jillian rolled her eyes.

  “Hey, I’m pretty sure she used to hate me too. Maybe if you just spent some time with her, she’d come around.”

  Jillian sighed then took another sip of her drink.

  “Speaking of coming around, I thought those two were fighting, but I’m pretty sure they were, um…” Brian made a face, “… making out in the backseat of the car and possibly more.”

  “They had a session with me today.” Victoria chuckled. “More like half a session.”

  “Half a session and they’re giggling like newlyweds in the backseat of the car.” Brian raised his palms.

  “Maybe it’s because of the booze,” Jillian grumbled. “They were both loaded when they left here.”

  “No.” Victoria shook her head. “They were completely sober earlier when I found them in my office in some sort of modified sixty-nine position.”

  “What?” Jillian gasped. “You walked in on them?”

  “Evidently the instructional video I had them watch worked like a charm.”

  Brian and Jim shared a distasteful look. Brian said, “Please don’t—”


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