Rescue Me (Pride #9)

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Rescue Me (Pride #9) Page 5

by Jill Sanders

  “Wait until we try desert,” he finally said, a small smile forming on his mouth. Her eyes locked to the spot and she wished more than anything that she didn’t have to drive back to Portland that night.


  Lane was climbing stairs again, but this time he didn’t mind carrying the extra weight. Not when he knew that it meant that Abby would be so close to him.

  Of course, the guys had teased him when he’d asked them to help her move her stuff in. But, when they’d gotten a good look at her, he hadn’t heard another word from them about it. Actually, he was growing a little agitated at how some of them were flirting with her.

  He’d met her father, Tom, when he’d driven the moving truck up and parked it in Patty’s lot. The man was dressed in old jeans and a worn shirt and there was no question in his mind that this was Abby’s father. He was as tall as she was and instantly started helping to unload the boxes.

  In the time it took them to move all of her boxes and furniture in, he had barely gotten to say two words to her father, or to Abby, for that matter.

  Once everything was off the truck, he shook Tom’s hand and watched the older man hug his daughter and kiss her goodbye.

  “I’d better get this truck back.” The man glanced at him and nodded. “It was nice meeting you, Lane.”

  He smiled and then watched all the other guys leave. When Abby turned to him, she was nibbling on her bottom lip and his eyes were glued to the nervous act.

  “I know you must have someplace to be…” She glanced at the last truck as it left the parking lot.

  He chuckled, wanting to pull her close and feel those lips against his. “Not really.”

  “Maybe you could help me move a few things around?”

  He nodded since he didn’t trust his voice. He followed her back up the stairs, trying hard not to watch the soft sway of her hips in front of him.

  It had been over a week since he’d last seen her.

  They had spent every evening on the phone or texting one another, so it wasn’t as if he hadn’t gotten any time with her, just none of it had been spent actually looking at her.

  He couldn’t stop himself from running his eyes up and down her, trying to memorize every curve.

  “I like your friends,” she said a few minutes later, as she set a box on the kitchen counter.

  “They like you.” He walked over and leaned against the bar.

  She glanced up and smiled. “Yeah, I got that. Jeff was such a flirt.”

  He chuckled. “He’s between girlfriends at the moment.”

  “Oh?” She bit her bottom lip with worry.

  He smiled. “Don’t worry, you’re off the list.”

  She frowned a little. “Why?”

  He smiled. “Because I called dibs.”

  She shook her head and smiled and then turned away.

  “Here, let me do that.” He rushed over and took the box she was trying to lift to the bar area.

  She stood back and leaned against the counter to watch him.

  “You make it look so easy.”

  He smiled. “Compared to what I normally carry up and down stairs, today was a breeze.”

  She sighed and he could feel her eyes running over him. When he turned around, he watched her tongue dart out and lick her lips. His eyes followed the move and he felt desire scatter throughout his entire system.

  “Abby.” Just saying her name caused his desire to grow.

  “Hmm?” Her eyes were glued to his lips. He walked forward, and those green eyes of hers moved up to his.

  “I’m trying to be good,” he said as he took her hips and pulled her closer to him.

  “Why?” She frowned a little up at him.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “I thought…”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and his mind went blank as her body pushed against his. He held back a groan as she smiled.

  “Lane, we’ve both known this was heading here,” she said, running her fingers through his hair.

  He’d known. They’d spent almost every night chatting on the phone or texting one another. The sexual tension had grown to a level he’d never experienced before.

  She leaned up and placed her lips on his, and her green eyes grew soft. Her body melted against his harder one.

  She was sugar and spice mixed together in one sexy package. Her lips were soft and demanding at the same time. When her nails dug into his shoulders, he pushed her up until she sat on the edge of the counter. Her legs wrapped around his hips as he rubbed his desire against her shorts. When she moaned, he trailed his mouth down her neck as she held him close.

  She rubbed against him and he knew he had to have more. When he pushed her buttoned shirt open slowly, she leaned back a little to give him access to her soft skin. His eyes moved to hers as a slow smile crossed her lips.

  “Don’t stop,” she said softly.

  That was all the encouragement he needed. “How could I?” he whispered. With shaky fingers, he slowly undid the rest of her button, exposing her soft, milky white skin.

  He’d never seen more perfect skin or more perfect breasts, which were held up by a pale pink bra. He tugged her shirt down her arms as she leaned back a little more. When he ran a finger gently over her exposed skin, her eyes slid closed as her head fell backwards.

  “Lane,” she moaned as he continued exploring every inch of her.

  “So soft. So perfect,” he whispered next to her skin before he rubbed his mouth over all of her. When he finally tugged the straps of her bra down, she tightened her legs around his hips.

  He leaned back when she was bared to him and took in the view. “Perfect,” he said again.

  She smiled and he couldn’t stop from dipping his head down to have a taste of her soft skin. Her fingers dug into his hair, holding him closer to her chest as he enjoyed her.

  When she started to tug on his shirt, he quickly tossed it over his head and then aside.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned and licked her lips. “Like candy,” she said, running her fingers over his chest.

  He smiled and nodded. “Yes, you are.” Her eyes flew to his and she smiled.

  “I’ve never seen a more impressive body.” Her eyes ran over his six-pack. He worked hard on his body and enjoyed the way she ate him up.

  “Ditto,” he said, smiling as he ran a finger over her flat stomach. He watched her body respond to him and leaned in to place another slow kiss on her lips. When it deepened, he pulled her closer and then into his arms as he carried her towards the bedroom.

  “It’s a good thing we set this up first.” She giggled as he slowly slid her onto the new mattress.

  He nodded as he looked down at her, not really trusting his voice as her hair pooled on the white sheets. Her tight shorts hugged every curve and had caused his mind and body to react every time he’d watched her that day.

  When her hands reached up towards him, he knelt on the edge of the bed and ran a hand gently over her long legs. “Where’d you get such long, sexy legs?” He smiled as he enjoyed the softness.

  She sighed in response and relaxed back as he explored her. When he reached her shorts, he ran a finger over her stomach, just above the buttons. He watched her suck in her breath and used that moment to open the zipper and button.

  Matching pink silk panties met him beneath. He tugged off the shorts and dipped his head and then ran his mouth over the silkiness, wetting the material as she wrapped her legs around his shoulders, holding him closer.

  When he moved the panties aside to taste her, her nails dug into his scalp and shoulders as she moaned with pleasure. He couldn’t hold back a smile as he felt her instantly convulse under his lips.

  Chapter Eight

  Abby was in heaven. She felt her body float back to reality when she heard Lane sigh next to her.

  “Wow,” she said, watching him as she ran her hands over his muscles. She couldn’t get enough of his body. The man was a god.

  She leaned over him as
he smiled up at her.

  “My turn,” she said before she ran her lips and tongue over every gorgeous inch of him. He was wearing worn jeans that hung low on his hips. When she tugged a little, he moved to help her pull them off.

  “Hot,” she added when his tight black boxer briefs were exposed. She swallowed when she saw the sheer size of his erection under the cotton. “Very hot.” Her eyes moved to his face and she smiled when she saw him smiling back at her.

  Her hands moved to rub him, and as she touched him, his eyes closed with pleasure. Not really sure of her next move, she allowed herself to explore every inch of him and thoroughly enjoyed it.

  Calvin had never really explored her like Lane had, and she’d never done anything like she was thinking of doing now. Not that she wasn’t experienced, but her experience was limited to missionary-style sex with the lights off.

  Glancing up, she smiled. This was in the middle of the day, in full daylight, and was most definitely not missionary style. When she ran her mouth over the elastic of his briefs, his cock jerked in response. His fists were clenched next to him and for a split second, she thought he was in pain. Then he moaned and smiled when she licked a trail from his belly button to the top of his boxers.

  She tugged lightly on them and felt a rush of excitement as she exposed him. He was even more perfect than she’d imagined. Tugging his boxer briefs down his legs, she gently took him into her hand and sighed just as he did.

  “You’re killing me, you know.” His voice was a little rough. She glanced up at him. He’d thrown one arm behind his head and was watching her.

  She smiled. “I’m enjoying myself.”

  His smile was quick. “You might find yourself face down on the bed soon.”

  Excitement rushed through her and she bit her bottom lip with anticipation.

  Smiling, she watched him as she leaned closer and ran the tip of her tongue down his length slowly. Then she was being tossed until she landed softly face down on the mattress with him behind her. A giggle of pure excitement and lust escaped her lips.

  “You asked for it,” he growled as she heard him open a condom package behind her.

  Then his hands were on her hips, pulling her closer to him. Her hair was in her face, so she pushed it away just as she felt his fingers dip into her.

  Gasping with the movement, she felt her toes curl as his fingers played over her skin. She arched her back and tried to move closer to him to show him she wanted more.

  “Easy,” he murmured. “I’ve got you.” He slid slowly into her.

  Tossing her head back, she arched closer, wanting all of him, as he took his time sliding into her.

  “Abby.” It was just a whisper, but it caused bumps to rise over her skin.

  “More,” she begged. “Please, Lane.”

  He took her hips in his hands and pumped faster until they both screamed with their release.


  Lane dressed and tried to keep himself from glancing over as Abby slid back into her tight shorts. He knew she had a lot of unpacking to do, especially since tomorrow was her first day at her new job. It wouldn’t do to keep her where he wanted her… in bed all night. Just the thought of them lying on her clean sheets, skin against skin, had him closing his eyes and swaying a little.

  “Are you okay?” Her voice came from right in front of him. He prayed that she was fully dressed before opening his eyes.

  “Yes.” He smiled when he saw her back in her shorts and her shirt, which was buttoned all the way up again.

  “Do you want to order some pizza and stick around?” She bit her bottom lip and he could tell that she was nervous.

  He smiled and pulled her close. “I’d love to stick around, but Patty has some really great chicken and potatoes. How about I run down and grab us some, instead?”

  She smiled and nodded. “How is Patty set up in the ice cream department? I feel like some chocolate after…” She shook her head. “Plus, I could use the boost if I’m going to make a dent in this.” She glanced around her room and all the boxes that sat against the wall.

  He smiled. “I’ll be back before you know it.” He leaned down and kissed her on the nose since he didn’t think he’d be able to pull away if he touched that sweet mouth of hers again.

  Just as he jogged down the stairs, an evening drizzle started falling from the dark sky. He loved the afternoon showers they usually got this time of year and so did most of the people in Pride. Glancing around, he noticed that Bob and Steven, the two old men who had permanent residence outside Bob’s Barber shop, didn’t even bother to go inside. Of course, it helped that there was a slight overhang above them. He saw a few other people in town, walking slowly around, almost ignoring the rain.

  Smiling, he walked into Patty’s and frowned when he noticed who was working behind the counter. Kelly had been his last attempt at dating. Their relationship had ended on a bad note and he hadn’t felt comfortable around her since.

  Nodding in her direction, he grabbed a cart and made his way towards the back to grab a whole rotisserie chicken from Patty as she worked behind the deli counter.

  “Evening.” She smiled up at him. “Getting Abby all settled in?”

  “Yeah, thanks again for giving her the place.” He leaned against the counter and watched her pile a huge helping of potatoes into a canister for him.

  “I figured you two would be hungry.” She smiled and set it down in front of him. “Want some beans to go with all that?”

  He nodded and added. “Kelly’s still working here.” It was a statement and Patty knew why he was making it.

  She walked over and set a hot container of green beans along with the chicken in front of him. “Until I find someone to replace her,” she whispered and glanced towards the front. “You don’t know of anyone else, do you?”

  He frowned and thought about it. “No, but I’ll do some checking around.”

  She nodded and added a stack of paper plates, silverware, and napkins to his bag.

  “Enjoy.” She smiled and started to ring him up at the back counter. Thank goodness she knew he wouldn’t want to deal with Kelly up front.

  “Oh, add a carton of chocolate chip ice cream to that.” He jogged to the freezer aisle and grabbed his favorite brand.

  “I put some bowls and spoons in there for you.” She winked when he handed her his credit card.

  “Thanks, you’re the best.”

  She giggled. “I bet you say that to all the girls my age.” She fluffed her hair and then handed him back his card.

  “Just you.” He leaned over and kissed her on her cheek.

  “Tell your mom and Angie hi for me if you see them before I do.”

  He nodded and waved as he walked quickly out the front doors. He was too busy trying to keep the warm food dry from the rain to notice Kelly glaring at his back. Nor would he have cared. It was her fault they broke up, not his.

  In his book, a cheater didn’t deserve a second chance, no matter how long or loudly they cried about it.

  He opened the door without knocking and Abby squealed as she spun around. She had a few dishes in her hands and he was lucky she didn’t drop them.

  “Sorry.” He chuckled as he held up the big bag of food. “I brought food.” He smiled.

  She sighed and held the dishes close.

  “We won’t be needing those.” He set the bag down and pulled out the paper plates. “Patty thinks of everything.”

  She nodded and set the dishes on the counter. “That was fast.”

  He smiled. “Patty almost has a second sense when it comes to my stomach.” He chuckled as he pulled out the food and set it on the bar area.

  “Do you eat out often?” She watched him.

  “No, but she knows that if I work a double shift, I’ll be stopping by for a quick meal to take home, and after watching us unload your truck, she knew I would be hunting some quick grub to take home.”

  He watched her eyebrows shoot up as she frowned a little. �
��I don’t even know where you live.” She sat down on one of the bar stools.

  “I have a house a few blocks away. It’s near the docks,” he said, continuing to pile the food on a plate. “You’ll love this chicken. Patty uses a bourbon sauce.” He licked his fingers and groaned a little. “The green beans are my favorite.” He scooped another pile onto a plate for her.

  She chuckled when he handed her the plate. “Are you expecting me to eat all this?” She glanced up at him and smiled.

  “Why not?”

  She shook her head. “Maybe you can put away half of chicken, a heaping pile of potatoes, and a field of green beans, but I usually eat one-tenth of this for dinner.”

  He frowned and ran his eyes over her, then shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever you don’t eat, I will.”

  She chuckled. “What about dessert.”

  He waited until her eyes met his, then he smiled slowly. “Oh, I plan on having plenty of dessert.”

  She licked her lips and he thought about skipping the main course altogether. But then his stomach growled, bringing him back to the present.

  In the end, she ate more than he’d thought she would. As they sat at the bar and enjoyed the ice cream, he laughed harder than he had in years. She was telling him a story about herself and her cousin, Jenna.

  “It’s not that she’s crazy.” She smiled across to him. “It’s just that she’s nuts.” She giggled, and he watched every movement she made. He noticed that she flipped her long red hair over her shoulders when she laughed. A small dimple formed to the right of her mouth when she smiled or talked about something funny, which he couldn’t take his eyes off of. But the best thing he noticed about her as she talked was the way her eyes sparkled when they met his.


  As Abby’s eyes met Lane’s, her heart skipped a beat and her pulse kicked up a notch. Kind of like when Jenna had talked her into running that 5k last year.

  She moaned as she licked her spoon with the last drops of chocolate on it. She was going to get spoiled. Having mind-blowing sex and then chocolate right after.


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