The Twelve Hot Days of Christmas

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The Twelve Hot Days of Christmas Page 5

by Неизвестный

  “I knew you would,” Paige Nightingale crowed. “Are you going to set it up like we planned?”

  “Absolutely,” she said, laughing. “We spent all night on this, as well as a bottle of very good vodka. But,” she added, opening the door to the Economic Department with her one free hand, “I might add in a few surprises of my own.”

  “Yum,” Nightingale said. “We’re going to want all the nasty details tomorrow.”

  “Speaking of details, Nightingale,” Lark lowered her voice. “Are you going to take our advice and invite Adam to dinner?”

  “Yes,” she all but purred. “I have a very special menu planned.”

  “Let me guess. You’re on it.”

  “Of course! What kind of seduction would it be if I wasn’t the main course?”

  Laughing again, Lark glanced down the hall to Professor Turner’s door. She’d stopped just around the corner.

  “I’ve got to go,” Lark said. Her heart sped at the thought of seeing Seth Turner again. She’d wanted him from the moment she’d walked into the doctorate program and no matter what she’d done, it hadn’t been enough to grab his attention.

  She would be graduating with her Ph.D. in international economics next week. It was now or never.

  “Good luck!”

  Yeah, Lark thought as she muted her phone’s ringer. She was going to need luck. Knocking on the door, she smiled her sultriest smile when it opened. Seth blinked at her, his beautiful grey eyes registering surprise.

  “Ms. Summers.” He smiled back and stood. “I’m a bit surprised by this meeting request. I’m no longer your professor. Do you need a reference already?”

  Lark handed him the small square envelope, her smile never slipping. “I knew it would take an engraved invitation to get you to notice me outside the classroom.”Poor man. He looked stunned. But something flashed in his eyes. Acknowledgement? Arousal? Both?

  Lark hoped it was both.

  “I’ve always noticed you,” he murmured.

  Heart leaping at his words, Lark waited for his response. He read the single paper quickly. Accustomed as she was to watching his beautiful hands, she didn’t miss his fingers twitching on her invitation. Dragging her eyes back to his, she tried to remember to breathe.

  “Would you like me to respond promptly?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, the word sounding breathless to her own ears.

  He leaned down, eyes locked with hers, lips too far away for her liking. “I’ll be there.”

  * * * *

  Paige Nightingale looked down at her phone as it chirped.

  “Ice cream!” Megan Cardinal-Walsh said. “You both eat ice cream and then go down on him. You’ll blow his eyes out of his sockets.”

  “Thanks for the visual, Cardinal,” Paige mumbled as Christmas music blasted from the store’s speakers. “But I’m way ahead of you—one carton of plain vanilla already in the basket.”

  And one of double chocolate mint swirl, just in case the whole thing backfired.

  “Did you get my package?” she asked.

  “You mean the one from the Pink Pussycat?” Cardinal said. “Oh, yes, I got it—and have had a helluva time hiding it from Ethan.”

  Paige snorted. “Only until tonight. I know you’re nervous, but we’re all behind you.”

  “I know,” her friend sighed. “It’d be easier if I knew Ethan would be home tonight. And yes,” she quickly added, “I told him I wanted him here no later than seven.”

  “It’ll be fine,” Paige began but Cardinal cut her off.

  “I have to put the finishing touches on everything,” she said. “Have fun with your neighbor!”

  Paige hung up and looked at the phone for a moment, concerned. But this was the weekend they’d planned for months. Bolstering each other’s confidences, arranging each detail right down to perfection. Oh, she’d have fun seducing Adam Forrester. She just wondered what took her so long to realize what a hunk he was.

  * * * *

  Megan Cardinal-Walsh glanced around the kitchen and living room, making sure it looked the same as always. She wanted to surprise him, so she’d set everything up in their bedroom. Smoothing her hand down her business skirt, she could faintly feel the sexy lingerie through the material.

  The Christmas red silk felt decadent against her skin. She’d almost forgotten what it was like to seduce her husband. Between jobs and social lives, they hadn’t had much time for sex.

  When her cell phone rang, she was afraid it was Ethan calling to tell her he was working late again. But no. “Robin?”

  “What’d you get in the Pink Pussycat box?”

  “Never you mind that, Eva Robin,” Megan laughed. “Did you set everything up just as we discussed?”

  “Yes, yes,” Robin said. “Lingerie, check. Candles, check. Blindfold, check.”

  “If you don’t get a ring from him by Christmas,” Megan advised, “dump him.”

  “Yeah,” Robin said but didn’t sound convincing to Megan’s ears. “Have you heard from Nightingale and Lark?”

  “I talked to Nightingale. She’s setting up her own seduction. Haven’t heard a peep from Lark. We’ll have to see how she does with her professor later.”

  “Have fun tonight,” Robin said and hung up.

  Megan looked around the bedroom once more, nervously glancing at the clock.

  * * * *

  Eva Robin puttered around Alex’s apartment. She much preferred his Georgetown place to hers. It had a better view. Plus, her roommate Lark was planning her own seduction, and needed the privacy. She’d taken a half day from her paralegal job to set up this scene.

  Cardinal wanted Eva to break up with her boyfriend if he didn’t propose. Eva loved Alex Parker, wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Hell, she’d even stopped going to her childhood dentist and switched to his practice. If that wasn’t love, what was?

  Of course, it could have something to do with the quick sex they had whenever she visited.

  Lately, it’d always been quickies. Tonight was going to be different.

  Alex hadn’t bothered with a Christmas tree this year, so she’d spent the afternoon decorating the small one she’d purchased, stringing it with white garland. Dinner was on the table, candles lightly scented the room, and she was already dressed. The stilettos hurt her feet, but she ignored the pain in favor of the scene.

  The key sounded in the lock, and Eva turned toward the door. Alex walked in, carrying a bag of Chinese food. Then he looked up and saw her.

  The bag dropped to the floor.

  Chapter Two


  Eva smiled. This was exactly the reaction she’d hoped for when she’d purchased the black lace bra-and-panty set. The garter belt was a suggestion from Lark and, judging by Alex’s reaction, a damn fine one, too. Taking her time, she walked across the floor, swaying her hips as seductively as she could. Alex continued to blink at her, silent.

  “Thought I’d give you an early Christmas treat,” she purred.

  With one finger, she traced his jaw, closing his mouth. Trailing a hand along his neck, she moved behind him and slipped the coat off his broad shoulders. She kicked the takeout bag into the hallway and latched the door closed behind her. Alex didn’t look like a dentist, tall and strong, his short dark hair falling over equally dark eyes.

  “This,” he managed, turning his head to watch her, “is more than a treat.”

  “Are you hungry?” she asked, dancing her fingers down his arm to his hand. She walked backwards, easily guiding him to the dining room.

  “Yes,” he said.

  In one smooth movement, he pulled her to him and kissed her. His impatience thrilled her, and her already wet core ached for him. They continued to walk backward, and Eva felt the edge of the couch bump her legs.

  Alex guided her down to the cushions, hands under her hips to tug off her flimsy panties.

  “Dear God,” he rasped.

  “Do you–” Before she finished,
his mouth was on her carefully groomed, hairless pussy. “Oh!” she cried, arching into him.

  His tongue swirled around her clit, and she hitched her breath with every swipe. Inserting one finger into her, he moved it in and out, teasing her with the light touch. Withdrawing, he moved his talented tongue over her outer lips, licking the moisture that seeped from inside her.

  Eva opened her legs further, hips jerking against him. Spreading her wide, his tongue delved into her.

  “Please,” she begged, “Alex, please.”

  “Have you been wet for me all day?” he murmured, kissing his way up her body to her lips.

  “Yes,” she cried when his fingers played over her once again. “Deeper,” she pleaded. “Put your fingers in me deeper.”

  He complied instantly and thrust two fingers into her. She arched off the couch. Forcing her eyes open, she saw his gaze, black with passion, steady on hers. His control was almost gone, and she reveled in it.

  “Yes, oh Alex, yes!”

  “Come for me, Eva,” he whispered.

  She did, shattering beneath him as his fingers continued their quick thrusting. Heart pounding in her chest, she opened her eyes. Alex kneeled naked before her.

  Sitting up, she reached forward to help him. Climbing atop him, the carpet a soft scratch on her knees, she whispered, “I want your cock in my mouth.”

  “Yes,” he groaned as Eva slipped her lips over his erection.

  Moving her tongue over him, she relaxed her throat. Her fingers dug into his ass, squeezing the cheeks as she moved up until only the tip of him remained in her eager mouth. Alex groaned, fingers tangling in her hair, guiding her harder along his cock. Eva took his balls in her hand as she lowered her head again.

  “Baby,” he moaned, “I need to be inside you.”

  He flipped her over and thrust into her. Wrapping her legs around his hips, Eva met each pounding drive, lost in sensation. His fingers glided down her bare sex, one fingernail, then two and three scraping over her clit.

  She came, shouting his name as she rocked against him, mindless to everything but the pleasure he gave her. Eva felt him come, the weight of him a warm comfort atop her. But then he moved, and she was afraid her carefully planned seduction was for naught.

  “I was going to wait,” Alex whispered as he rummaged through his clothing. “Carried this with me for a month now.”

  He opened the small box, and it took her a moment to register the diamond ring nestled within. Blinking, she looked up at him.

  “I love you,” he whispered, lips soft against hers. “Marry me?”

  “Yes,” she said, and kissed him.

  He placed the ring on her finger and lifted her from the floor, carrying her to the bedroom where she had planned to actually seduce him. She’d have to call everyone later, let them know the good news. But that could wait. Alex laid her on the bed, mouth closing around her breast. Her three closest friends would definitely understand.

  Chapter Three

  “Honey,” Megan said, putting the dishes into the sink. “Before you watch the game, can you change our closet light bulb? I can’t reach it.”

  “Sure,” Ethan said, setting his beer on the counter and following her up the stairs.

  He went straight to the closet, and she followed, opening her blouse. Slipping her hands around his front, she kissed the back of his neck.

  “You know how I always promise to punish you when you don’t do something I want?” she asked.

  Ethan chuckled, tightening the bulb she’d only loosened. “Promises, promises.”

  She backed up to the bed, and watched him turn. Letting her blouse drop to the floor, she picked up the handcuffs. “It’s more than a promise tonight.”

  Her husband stood before her, stunned. Stepping slowly toward her, eyes never leaving hers, his voice was husky. “What’s this?”

  “I have a handsome husband whom I don’t have often enough. So,” she said, fingers grazing his cheek. “I thought I’d take this opportunity to chain him to our bed.”

  “This is a new side of you,” he whispered, lips grazing hers. “I like it.”

  He circled her, grabbing her ass through her skirt. Swatting his hands away, she offered a playful smile over her shoulder. “Not tonight,” she said and pushed him onto the bed.

  “Tonight,” Megan whispered, climbing over him, straddling him. She brought her lips a breath from his. “Tonight, I’m in charge. Tonight, you’re going to do exactly what I say.”

  “Yes, mistress,” Ethan replied, blue eyes dark with desire.

  She could feel his cock hard against her core, and wanted nothing more than to feel him inside her. However, she had other plans for her husband. Unbuckling his belt, she quickly slid it from his pants, steadily watching him as she did so.

  “Tonight,” she said, “you’re mine.”

  She made quick work of his clothing, and soon had him handcuffed to the headboard. At the end of the bed, Megan stripped off her work clothes and stood before him. She watched his cock swell, lobbing drunkenly back and forth, and she felt a rush of feminine power.

  Running her hands over her breasts, she tugged the white bows directly over her nipples. Ethan’s breath caught in his throat. Smiling at his reaction, she crawled onto the bed, wet and ready for him.

  “You know,” she whispered, tongue peeking out to lick the top of his cock. “I wore these all day.”

  He grunted, and she watched as his eyes darkened further, this time with jealousy. Closing her lips over his cock, she bobbed her head for a moment, just enough to tease.

  “I was wet for you all day,” she added, sitting on his thighs.

  Playing with the white bows, she pulled and twisted her nipples, moaning with every bolt of electricity that went straight to her clit. Drawing her legs up, she flattened her feet on the bed and presented him with the view of her crotchless panties.

  “You’ve worn that all day?” he demanded, voice hoarse.

  “Yes,” she whispered, slipping a finger into her dripping sex. “And have thought of nothing but fucking you.”

  “Let me taste you,” he demanded, straining against the handcuffs. “I need to taste you.”

  “You need to taste me…what?” she demanded.

  “I need to taste you, Mistress!”

  Smiling, she slid up his hard body and opened her legs for him. She moaned as his tongue skimmed her outer lips, plunging into her moist opening, and she arched against him. He had the most talented mouth.

  After a moment, she reluctantly moved away and turned to lay atop him. Rocking her hips against his cock, she kissed him slowly, tasting herself on his lips. Kissing down his chest, she bit his nipples, shuddering in need as he groaned for her. Pleading and demanding more.

  “What do you say, Ethan?” she murmured against his mouth.

  “Please,” he whispered, hips rising to meet hers.

  Guiding him into her, she didn’t move. Her blood pumped hot just beneath her skin and flesh, demanding she meet his need pulsating just below her, but still she didn’t. Ethan growled, arms struggling with his restraints. Megan watched him, forcing herself not to move. His hips jerked upwards.

  “Naughty boy,” she purred, smacking his thigh.

  Lifting up and rocking down, she moved. Each stroke deliberate. Stretching forward, she rose until his cock almost slipped out, wanting to savor each inch of him. Slamming down hard, she gasped when he filled her.

  Faster, Megan rode him, unable to take her own teasing. She found her clit, rolling the small nub between her fingers as her body brought them both to orgasm.

  Collapsing on top of him, she kissed his sweaty neck.

  “This is indeed a Merry Christmas,” he murmured. “Now unlock me so I can have my way with you.”

  Megan laughed and did just that, reminding herself to thank her friends for giving her the courage and the means to do this. But then Ethan’s hands were on her, flipping her on her belly as he kissed the back of her ne
ck. Shivering, Megan forgot all about her friends, and only felt desire.

  Five Golden Rings

  by Brandi Woodlawn

  Mistress says I’ve been a very good slave this year. So good, in fact, that I’m almost sad to see 2008 go. It’s been a year of awakenings. A year where I’ve learned things about myself, about my body, things that I should’ve figured out by now. After thirty-five years, I thought I knew who I was. But then I met Mistress and realized just how much I didn’t know.

  I didn’t know it was possible for me to love a woman. Women aren’t supposed to love other women, at least not where I come from. I played that game, conforming to what others said I was supposed to be all my life. Being subservient isn’t hard for me; in fact, it’s always felt “right” to me. I have a deep compassion for humanity, a deep desire to serve others. But at the same time, I had a problem with conformity and I was consumed with guilt. Guilt over trying to be something I wasn’t.

  Once I realized that my guilt stemmed from suppressing the desire to be with a woman, and that there was nothing wrong with that desire, my life changed for the better. When I met Mistress, my doubts and misplaced guilt disappeared and were quickly replaced with hunger. And even though I am her slave now, for the first time in my life, I finally feel free.

  Mistress opened up a whole new world to me. At first I was not an eager student. I thought I knew everything about being a woman. I’d been walking around in a woman’s skin—surely that would count for something. But when it came to discerning what brought a woman pleasure, well, I knew nothing because everything I’d been taught up to that point had come from two sources, my parents and my church—both of whose mantras could be boiled down to three words: “Good. Girls. Don’t.”

  While I knew the names of my various body parts, I didn’t want to say them out loud. Vagina, clitoris, breasts, nipples. They sounded so...clinical. But it was better than the euphemistic alternatives. Pussy, clit, tits, berries. Those just made me blush. A habit Mistress would break.

  “Again,” Mistress commanded.

  “Pussy,” I said.

  “Touch it,” she said.


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