Kickoff for Love

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Kickoff for Love Page 9

by Amelia Whitmore

  I spent the time we were there eating and listening to her as she told me all she had been through that week we've been separated. I just loved hearing her talk, feeling her so close to me. When we were done she took me for a walk around town, showing me her house and her school.

  "I'm not inviting you to my house." She warned me.

  "Why not, is there a problem?"

  "I had a fight with my mother last night over your visit. Besides, I don’t want you to meet her. She's not important in my life and I rather keep you away from her as much as possible."

  I could see this situation tensed her, so I didn’t insist. I had no desire in meeting a woman that had made Ashley's life a living hell when she was just a child.

  For lunch, we bought some bread, cheese, roast beef, tomatoes and apple juice; and we went to a park for a picnic. It was a bit cold but the sun was up, and we wanted to be alone, out in the open, not locked up in a room or in a restaurant surrounded by strangers. We needed to feed our souls with each other's presence so that we could cope with the weeks we had ahead of us.

  "Have you seen Lindsey?" Ashley asked me. I was sitting under a tree and she was lying on the grass, with her head over my lap. We had just finished eating.

  "Oh, yes… she comes every other day to check on me, while I'm training. She says someone has to keep an eye on me." I told her, amused.

  Ashley laughed. "Oh, yes, that's so like Lindsey. Does her presence bother you?"

  "Of course not, I know she's your best friend and I understand her concern."


  The rest of the weekend went by too fast for my taste. We spent all the time we could together. When the moment of saying goodbye arrived, my heart ached too much.

  "I'll try to come back as soon as possible." I promised, holding her tight in my arms.

  "I know you will."

  "But you can be sure I'll be here on Sunday, after Thanksgiving. Maybe we'll be able to go back home together on Monday, your birthday."

  "That sounds like a perfect plan to me." She hid her head on my chest and sighed. "It's only for a few weeks. I'll make it."

  "Of course, you will. You're the strongest woman I know." She chuckled amused and I kissed her. Moments later, the last call for my bus was heard all over the bus station. "I have to go. I'll call you as soon as I get home. Take care of yourself and don’t go falling in love with another guy." I warned her, in a teasing tone.

  She punched me in my stomach and gave me one last kiss before we said goodbye.


  Ashley's POV

  I saw Andy disappearing inside the bus and sighed, sadly. The weekend had been amazing but saying goodbye was terrible. We had such great moments throughout the weekend, but it hurt too much saying goodbye. Right now, I hated my mother with all my guts for making me go through this on a whim.

  But I was going to survive this and my relationship with Andy would be even stronger than it already was.

  Days and weeks slowly scurried away. Dad called me on Thanksgiving, and I was able to hide from him the fact that I was alone. Mom had left for a long weekend with her friends and left me home alone. Of course, I wasn’t upset with it. I preferred to be alone than having to put up with her changing moods.

  "You have been winning a lot of games, lately." I teased my father.

  "Yes, Andy is a great captain and he has a big future ahead of him. But he is exhausted, baby." Her father replied. "He has been working really hard."

  "Why are you telling me this?" My frown was deep now.

  "Convince him not to go down to Oklahoma. Use the emergency credit card I gave you and take a plane home on Monday and avoid him the long bus ride, baby." Dad's tone showed real concern and I got worried.

  "I see. Don’t worry, Dad I'll tell him that I don’t want to ride back home on the bus, that it's insane for him to come down to pick me up."

  "I knew you would understand, Ash. I'll see you on Monday."

  "Thanks, Dad."

  I called Andy and after some arguing, I finally convinced him that it would be much better for me to go back home by plane. He wasn’t pleased but he finally accepted.

  "It's just one more day, Andy, and then we'll be together. I just want you to concentrate on your game. That's the most important part right now. Promise me you will." I insisted.

  "I promise, baby."

  Lindsey also called me that day and we spent a couple of hours updating gossips and exchanging information about all the people that mattered. I loved talking to her. It made me feel less lonely and closer to home.

  Mom didn’t show up until Sunday night. I didn’t tell her my plans. I wanted to present myself before her with a fait accompli. I packed all my things that night so I would be able to leave as soon as possible.

  On Monday morning I received Andy's call wishing me a happy birthday.

  "This will always be a day to remember, when you finally turned eighteen, and became a free adult." He teased me.

  "You sound happier than me about that." I teased him back. I knew that the fact I wasn’t a legal adult bothered him a little bit. But those days were in the past.

  "That's because I am." He admitted with a short laugh.

  "Will you pick me up at the airport?" I asked him.

  "Of course, I will."

  "Good, I'll see you then."

  Dad and Lindsey also called to wish me a happy birthday and that made me feel better.

  When I returned from school, after saying goodbye to the people that helped me through this period, I picked up my bags and went looking for my mother. She was in the living room, and by the looks on her face, she had been drinking.

  "I just wanted to let you know I'm leaving," I announced.

  She turned to look at me. "Leaving? What do you mean? You can't leave."

  "Today it's my birthday. You no longer can give me orders. I'm going back to my life, the one you disrupted over a childish whim." Despite the harsh words, my tone didn’t express any emotion. Deep down, I felt sorry for her. She had ruined her life and she was going to end up alone.

  "Sure… leave, you all leave…" she ranted.

  "You push everybody away, mom because you're too selfish to commit to a relationship. Find help, before it's too late and you're old and completely alone."

  "I don’t need advice from brats that still wear diapers."

  "Suit yourself. I'll see you around." I grabbed my bag and left, without looking back. She wouldn’t change, at least not for me.

  I took the plane home, feeling a bit tired as if all the tension of the past weeks had finally washed over me.

  The plane touched down at LAX and I immediately took out my cell phone to call my Dad. "We're here.” He said as soon as he answered.

  "I don't even know where to go from here.” I said tiredly, yawning as I spoke. This was the first time I was traveling by plane alone.

  "That's fine. We're waiting outside of the terminal.” I hung up the phone and felt sluggish as I followed the line towards wherever they were leading me. I don't know when, but at some point on the flight, a wave of exhaustion hit me.

  The first thing I saw when I exited the terminal, was Perry. He saw me first and was running for me before I even knew what was happening. "ASH!" He screamed. I fell to my knees and wrapped him in my arms, then felt a small tug on my shirt. Louis had waddled over to us, following his big brother. "Hey, you too,” I whispered, tears in my eyes.

  "No cwy Ash,” Perry said as his little thumbs brushed them away. I smiled and held his hands in mine. "I'm not crying bud, I'm happy.”

  He looked at me disbelievingly but dropped it. I looked up to see Dad and started crying all over again. I jumped up and threw my arms around him. "I know its dramatic being as I was only gone for a few weeks, but I missed you so much,” I whispered. He held me tightly against him.

  "Not dramatic. Not dramatic at all.” He told me. Angela was next, she told me she loved me and I welled up with tears again. "Ar
e you guys ready to go now?" I asked.

  Dad smirked. "Uh, Ashley,” he jerked his head, indicating that I look behind me.

  I turned around slowly. Andy was standing there, with a huge grin on his face. As he stepped toward me, his arms opened up. I had the biggest urge to pile drive him, but instead, I just ran into him at a reasonable force. I made him stagger back a few steps, but catch me at the same time. The crying started again, a little harder this time. Now I had the one person I was wishing was there, holding me. I reached up and kissed his face as he leaned down to meet me halfway.

  "I missed you.” I whispered against his lips. He pressed his mouth harder against mine as he wrapped one arm tighter around my waist and the other in my hair.

  "I love you, I love you so much.” He whispered, kissing me a couple more times. We heard Dad cough and reluctantly pulled away from each other. I at least had the decency to blush. Andy just stood there with a childish grin on his face, holding me in his arms from behind. I rested my head against his chest, relishing in the warmth he radiated.

  "Now let's go home?" I asked. Dad nodded and led the way to the car. We stopped for ice cream on the way home. More for Louis and Perry's benefit than mine, but I still enjoyed it. At home, there was a cake waiting, with eighteen candles for me to blow out. I simply loved the small celebration.

  After that, Andy and I went up to my room. As I got ready for my shower, he laid down on my bed.

  Just as I was about to leave, he blurted out. "Can I come with you?" I turned back and saw that he was blushing. I opened and closed my mouth a couple times, deciding what I should say.

  "In the shower, naked?" I asked, stating the obvious. He stood up and walked over to me, shrugging. "Well I mean, I don't have to get in with you. But I missed you a lot.” He pouted slightly.

  I bit my lip. "Okay, but um, you have to stay on the toilet, or like the counter or something.” I told him nervously. In the bathroom, he watched me intently. I started laughing, breaking the tension. "Turn around,” I said.

  He pouted his bottom lip out and looked completely adorable, but turned around none the less. I had started the water and stripped out of my t-shirt and jeans when I noticed that he was peeking in the mirror. "Andy!" I yelled. He spun around and smirked at me.

  "I can't help it.” He whispered with an unintentional seductiveness.

  My breathing deepened in response and I whispered. "Try,” back to him. I felt heat flood my face and knew my cheeks had flushed. Andy took two steps forward until we were almost chest to chest.

  "I don't want to.” He rubbed his thumb along my jaw as he cupped my cheeks in his hands. His lips met mine and I allowed his warmth to absorb into my own mouth. His tongue parted my lips and flicked along my teeth. I moaned and shoved my fingers in his hair, pulling him even closer. I felt his hands making their way along my back, one just under my bra and the other skimming the top of my underwear.

  His hands were hot against my skin. Without realizing what I was doing, my hands moved down his chest until they reached the bottom of his shirt. They moved back up, dragging the material with them. I'd never seen Andy without his shirt. Actually, technically I wasn't seeing him now. I was feeling him. He had abs most guys probably died for. There wasn't a place my fingers didn't caress, wanting to feel everything that Andy’s body offered.

  I'd like to say that I don't know what came over me, but I did. Andy meant everything to me at that point, and every action felt right, I wasn't worried about rejection, or doing something wrong at that point. I just wanted to be closer to him. As his hands unhooked my bra, mine were working on unbuttoning his jeans. They fell to his ankles as my bra hit the floor. My underwear and his boxers landed on the floor at the same time. Both of us stepped awkwardly out of our clothes.

  His teeth started nibbling at my lips as we stepped into the shower, the hot spray hitting my back. I pulled him under it with me and his mouth pulled away from mine so he could tilt his head back and get his hair and face wet. I took the chance to look down at his body. His abs were exactly how I figured they were, perfect. I glanced down a little further and saw that Andy's size was above average. I didn't know what to expect from an experience like this. I never expected it to be that big. How the hell would that fit inside of me?

  I think he knew what I was thinking because he tilted my chin up to look at him. He kissed my lips softly before speaking. "We won't do anything you aren't ready for.” He promised.

  I bit my lip and stared into his eyes before pulling his lips down to mine. I didn't know if that meant I wanted to have sex with him, or if I just wanted to kiss him. I knew that I needed him then. Not long after, he pulled away from me. I was about to protest before I realized what he was doing. He reached towards my shampoo and put a huge dollop in his palm before rubbing his hands together and working it into my hair. I closed my eyes, loving the feeling. It was like a massage on my scalp.

  I giggled before grabbing his hands and wiping the extra shampoo into mine. I washed his hair for him too, thinking he looked adorable with his hair sticking up at the ends. He pulled lightly on my hair until I tilted it back enough for him to guide me under the spray of the shower. His teeth nibbled at my neck as his lips kissed away the sting. I gasped, not ready for the tiny pain, or the rush of tingles that flew through my body, ending between my legs.

  I wasn't sure what to expect when he grabbed the body wash. I felt a rush of nerves course through my body before his hands started at my shoulders. He rubbed the soap into my skin and down my arms. I laughed when he reached my armpits, but he just smirked and kept going. His first touch to my breasts sent tingles throughout my body, making me gasp in surprise. My nipples hardened, making everything more sensitive. I couldn't help moaning as his thumbs brushed over them softly.

  I was breathing heavily, each breath coming in short gasps. I wrapped my arms around his neck, forcing my lips against his. His hands lifted me and held me against his body, turning me so my back was against the wall. I gasped as the cool tiles touched my back, but Andy's kisses warmed me again.


  Andy's POV

  I couldn't believe that I was standing in the shower with Ashley. I hadn't planned it or anything when I joined her in the bathroom. I just couldn't stand the thought of being away from her for even a moment. I realized that from where I was turned, I could see her clearly in the mirror. The next events came and went naturally, happening without real thought, but feeling right. Then I was in the shower with her, rubbing soap into her skin, my thumbs brushing lightly against her flesh.

  I know that most men probably say this when they see their girlfriends naked for the first time, but Ashley was even more beautiful than I had imagined. There wasn't one imperfection on her. If there were, they only made her more perfect. She threw her arms around my neck and met my lips with hers. I wrapped her thighs around my waist and leaned her against the wall, loving her small gasp and the way she melted into my kiss.

  After a few minutes of kissing and nibbling at each other’s lips, my right hand started wandering up her body, using the way her body reacted to mine to determine how she was feeling. As far as I could tell, she wanted everything I was offering. Looking into her eyes, I could see that she was nervous. That sent me back to reality. As much as I loved her body against mine, and how much I wanted what we were almost about to do, I knew this wasn't the right time. "We can't do this right now baby.” I whispered before kissing her lips softly.

  "Why? “She sighed.

  I couldn't help the grin that appeared on my face. "Our first time won't be in the shower. I want it to be special, or at least in a bed. Also, I don't have a condom with me. Even if you are on birth control, I want you to be safe,” I explained.

  She pulled back slightly. "Do you have an STD you didn't tell me about?" She asked.

  Her question surprised me. I hadn't even been considering diseases when I said that. "What? No. That's not what I meant. I meant that I don't want you
to get pregnant simply because we were both too horny to find a condom.” She seemed to relax a little and I kissed her again, lowering her slowly to the ground in the process.

  "Let's go back to your room.” I said softly before wrapping her in a towel and grabbing one for myself. We grabbed our clothes and she took my hand and intertwined our fingers before pulling me down the hall towards her bedroom. She pulled on a pair of underwear and a tank top before climbing into bed. I slipped back on my boxers and joined her. It was an unspoken agreement that I would spend the night.

  "I love you so much Ashley.” I whispered to her hair.

  "I love you too Andy, more than you know.” She kissed my cheek.


  Ashley’s POV

  The next morning, Andy and I woke up at almost the same time. I woke up about two minutes before he did, but I was too drowsy to notice. "Morning,” he grumbled, his voice rough and sexy.

  "Morning,” I whispered back. He pulled me in for a kiss. "Don't you have school today?" I asked suddenly, realizing that it was a weekday.

  "I called my professors yesterday and told them I wouldn't be in today.” He said before kissing me lightly on the lips again. "What do you want to do?" He asked.

  "I'm not really sure. I was kind of thinking I'd stay home and chill out.” I sat up to go to the bathroom.

  "But you're home again. We need to celebrate that you're finally a legal adult. We didn’t get to celebrate your birthday as we should have.” He said enthusiastically.

  I couldn't help but feel the pain from those lost weeks. "Can we just not talk about that?" I asked monotonously.

  I could feel his confusion without even looking at him. "Aren't you happy to be home?" He asked.

  I looked at him. "Of course, I am.”

  "Then why can't we celebrate that you're here and that no one will ever be able to disrupt your life that way?" He asked.


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