A Fare to Remember

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A Fare to Remember Page 3

by Opal Carew

  “Just follow my lead and we’ll be fine,” he said.

  Raphael noticed Reid and smiled.

  “Ah, Reid. So good to see you.” Raphael shook Reid’s hand heartily. Then he turned his attention to Stevie. “And who is this lovely young woman you have on your arm?”

  His blue eyes twinkled and he oozed charm.

  “This is Stefani Trivoli,” Reid said. “And this is Raphael Allegro.”

  Raphael took her hand and held it firmly as his gaze locked on hers. “Please, call me Raphael.”

  “Thank you, Raphael,” she said.

  “Trivoli. I know this name. Have we met? You look very familiar.”

  “No, I haven’t had the pleasure.”

  “Are you sure? Perhaps in Rome last summer? You were a buyer for one of the large retail chains here in the U.S.?”

  Her muscles stiffened and she forced them to relax, hoping he wouldn’t notice her tension. Clearly, he had met her cousin Suzanna. Stevie and Suzanna looked a lot alike, and although she hadn’t kept in touch with Suzanna over the past several years, she knew that was exactly the type of role Suzanna would have pursued.

  He examined her face closely. “Ah, perhaps not. Now that I have a closer look, I see you have a more radiant beauty than that other young woman. And your eyes are blue, not hazel like hers.” He pressed his lips to the back of her hand, smiled, then finally released it. “But I would hazard a guess that you are family.”

  “No, I’m sure we’re not,” she lied. “But thank you for your kind words.”

  He smiled. “Of course. I speak only the truth.”

  Then he turned and introduced her to the others. His date, Francesca, a statuesque blonde, and the other four people. One of the men was a well-known Broadway actor and one woman was the head of a major cosmetics company.

  “Stefani,” Raphael said, “I need to speak with Reid about business, but my friends will keep you company and I promise not to keep him too long.”

  Reid glanced her way and she smiled. “Of course, Raphael. Take as much time as you need.”

  The next hour flew by as she chatted with Francesca about, of all things, American Idol. She was a huge fan and told Stevie she’d been devastated when they’d canceled it. She’d loved following each of the hopefuls and had rooted for them, even admitting to crying when her favorites were voted off.

  One of the men asked her to dance and as soon as he guided her back to the group, another man drew her back to the floor for another dance. Then another after that.

  She was in heaven. She loved to dance and these men were good-looking, charming, and sensational dancers, sweeping her around the floor, her full dress fluttering in the breeze.

  The music slowed down and her partner drew her close. The music was soft and romantic and she felt a little odd slow dancing with this stranger, almost as if she was cheating on Reid.

  Not that he’d really care. She was just a cabbie he’d picked up this afternoon and he’d asked her to do him a favor coming here. It’s not like they were in a relationship.

  Someone tapped her partner’s shoulder and he stopped, gazing over his shoulder, clearly reluctant to let her go.

  When she saw it was Reid, she couldn’t help the smile that crept across her face.

  “May I cut in?” Reid asked politely, but his voice made it clear that “no” was not an acceptable answer.

  “Of course.” Her partner thanked her, then moved away.

  Reid took her hand and drew her close to his body, then began to move to the music. He held her snugly to him and her stomach quivered, as if caressed by butterfly wings. And her heart stammered.

  She’d missed him.

  Why did this man have such a profound effect on her?

  “Do you feel like Cinderella at the ball?” he asked.

  “Is my cab the pumpkin? If so, I’ve got news for you. It never changed into a fancy coach.”

  He tucked his finger under her chin. “No, but its driver turned into a beautiful princess.”

  She wanted to reply with a snappy comeback, but the warmth and admiration in his eyes made her breath catch. The thought that he found her beautiful … that he might consider her part of his world, even for just one evening … pleased her. And disturbed her at the same time.

  “I think you’re the one who’s Cinderella here,” she said, “and I’m the fairy godmother who made it possible for you to go to the ball.”

  “And I want to thank you for that,” he murmured against her ear. “And for totally charming Raphael. I believe he’s going to sign the deal. He said any man who could attract a poised, intelligent beauty like you was just the kind of man he wanted to do business with. He’s also under the impression that you and I are deeply in love and totally devoted to each other.”

  She frowned. “Why would he think that?”

  Reid’s smile sent shimmering heat through her.

  “He said it was something he saw in your eyes.”

  “And you encouraged that thinking, I take it?”

  His lips turned up. “I didn’t discourage it. But in fact, I did tell him it was a little early for those kinds of feelings. His answer was that those feelings are lying there in wait, ready for us to discover them. He’s a romantic who fancies that he can read true love in people’s eyes. I see no reason not to humor him.”

  “As long as you don’t start believing it.”

  His eyebrow arched. “Isn’t that usually the man’s line?”

  She tipped her head. “So you think as a woman I should be all, ‘Oh, he’s a billionaire. I want him to fall madly in love with me and shower me with gifts and take care of me’?”

  He chuckled. “A lot of women would love that. Especially with things so difficult now. Since you drive a cab, you experience that directly.”

  She drew back and pressed her fingertip to his chest. “Look, I told you. I love driving a cab. I wouldn’t trade my life for all the lavish parties or designer dresses in the world. I work hard for my money and I feel good about that. And I take care of myself.” She emphasized each sentence with a poke to his chest.

  He grinned as he scooped up her hand.

  “Please, sweetheart. People will think we’re having a lover’s spat.”

  He drew her close and she allowed him to guide her around the dance floor again.

  “Raphael and Francesca are staring at us with concern,” he murmured against her ear, sending tingles down her neck. “I don’t want them to think there’s trouble in paradise.”

  With that he kissed her. Just a light brush of lips, sending her heartbeat racing. Then he deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping gently inside her mouth. Her arms slid over his broad shoulders and around his neck as every part of her melted.

  When the song ended, and other couples brushed past them, she realized she was standing in the middle of the dance floor in Reid’s arms, the two of them locked in a passionate kiss. As their lips parted, her eyes widened. She’d lost all sense of time and place.

  She took a step back and then turned. He kept a firm hold on her hand as she walked from the floor.

  “I was worried for a moment,” Allegro said as they returned. “But I see that Reid was able to overcome his jealousy at seeing you with another man and you two have now made up. Bravo.”

  “Of course,” Reid said, sliding his arm around her and drawing her close to his side. “It was nothing. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

  “That’s right. Reid just gets a bit possessive at times and I need to straighten him out.”

  As they fell into conversation, a face in the crowd caught Stevie’s eye. She focused on the tall man across the room and …

  Her heart began to pound so loudly she was sure the others could hear it.

  It was Sean Benedict.

  Her heart ached at the memory of him asking for his engagement ring back, calmly explaining that it was for the best. Totally expecting her to understand.

  That he could so casually tear out h
er heart and toss it aside, just to keep their parents happy, had wounded her deeply. She had loved him with all her heart and …

  Sean’s gaze locked on her and recognition flickered in his eyes. Then a look of determination as he started across the room toward her.

  Chapter Four

  Stevie’s fingers wrapped around Reid’s, tightening so sharply he turned to her, concern in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” she murmured, “but I have to go.”

  “Is there something wrong?” Francesca asked.

  As she saw Sean moving closer her stomach clenched. She had to get out of here.

  “I’m sorry to be rude, but it’s a private matter. Reid, please stay,” she said. “I’ll see myself home.” Then she turned and hurried through the crowd.

  When she got to the atrium, rather than heading to the elevator, she followed the signs to the stairway, dodging around the corner just as Sean stepped out the doors and glanced around, searching for her.

  Once she reached the lobby, she quickly strolled to the elevator that would take her to the lower parking levels. Hopefully, Sean would be looking for her at the front entrance, assuming she’d be getting her car from the valet parking, or being picked up by a limousine.

  She walked to her cab, her heels clacking on the pavement. Once in the cab, she kicked off her Louboutins and shimmied into her jeans. She glanced around to ensure no one was about and she tugged her dress over her head. She tossed the shimmering fabric on the front passenger seat and grabbed her tank top.

  The back door opened and she sucked in a breath as she glanced around.

  “It’s not every day you see a half-naked cabdriver in a parking garage.”

  She quickly pulled on her top, intensely conscious of his heated gaze on her half-naked breasts. She pulled on her flannel shirt and buttoned it up, then tucked her hair inside her hat and shrugged on her jacket.

  “Why did you run out on me?”

  “I had to leave. Can we just leave it at that?”

  She pulled on her sneakers and tied them.

  “Of course.”

  She compressed her lips. His understanding made her feel worse.

  “I’m sorry. I meant it when I said you should stay. I didn’t want to put you in a difficult position.”

  “It’s really fine.”

  She glanced at him and noticed his grin. “Why are you smiling?”

  “Well, it’s just that Cinderella is the one who runs out before the stroke of midnight, so maybe you need to reassess your role.”

  “You’re a funny man, Mr.… uh … I don’t even know your last name.”

  He offered his hand for a handshake. She complied and he shook firmly.

  “I’m Reid Jacobs. Otherwise known as Prince Charming.”

  She nodded with a wry smile. “All right, Mr. Charming. Where to now?”

  * * *

  Stevie drove in silence for a bit, heading to the address he’d given her. She was all too aware that once they arrived at their destination, Reid would ask her to come up to his room and then …

  Her hormones fluttered as heat flashed through her.

  She coughed. “So what is this place we’re going to now?”

  “It’s my new penthouse apartment.”

  “You’re moving to New York?”

  “No. I do a lot of business here and with this new project with Raphael, the time I spend here will be increasing. I felt I should have somewhere comfortable to stay.”

  “So you’re just moving in.” Images of him leading her into an apartment devoid of furniture, towels … toilet paper … washed through her brain. Did he intend to take her against the wall again, then they’d sleep together on the floor?

  Of course, against the wall wasn’t a bad thing. The memory of his thick cock gliding into her as her back pressed against the hard brick wall caught her breath.

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry. It’s fully furnished and has all the amenities. We can even have the doorman bring up dinner if we want.”

  The traffic thinned as she left the center core and soon they approached the neighborhood where his new apartment was. She turned off the main street and soon approached his building.

  “Turn into the underground garage. My spot is seventeen eighty-two.”

  “I can drop you at the front door.”

  “Then you can’t get into the garage. No, we’ll go up together.”

  She followed the signs to the parking garage and pulled up to the entry, beside the post with the card-reader. He handed her a keycard that she slid into the slot. The garage door opened and she drove down the ramp.

  After a couple of rounds, she found 1782, which was conveniently located right by the elevator. She opened the trunk and he hefted his suitcase out, then pulled hers out, too. She tucked her dress and shoes back into the garment bag and he draped both garment bags over his suitcase.

  “You know, I haven’t paid you for the cab ride yet,” he pointed out.

  “I turned off the meter at the Hotel Maison,” she said.

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I stopped being just your cabdriver once we had sex in the alleyway.”

  “Of course. But let me pay you for the whole ride. I don’t mind and I know you have to cover your gas and expenses.”

  She gritted her teeth. “The reading on the meter is twenty-eight dollars.” Unfortunately, she hadn’t turned off the meter when they’d stopped for their illicit tryst in the alleyway, but she couldn’t erase it from the meter, so there it was.

  “Why don’t I just settle up later?”

  She lifted her eyebrow. “I’d be much more comfortable handling it now.”

  He smiled as he pulled his wallet from his pocket. “Surely you don’t think I’ll stiff you for the fare. After all, you know where I live.”

  “I’m not going up to your apartment, having sex, then have you pay me.”

  He nodded. “Fair enough. But I would at least like to pay you enough to cover the rest of your shift, which I assume you ended early to join me.”

  “I’m not taking your money.”

  He handed her a hundred.

  “I mean, after this.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out some bills.

  He laughed. “Keep the change.”

  She shook her head. “That’s way too big a tip.”

  “I’m a big tipper.” He closed her hand around the hundred. “Just take it and don’t argue.”

  At the brush of his fingers, awareness flared through her, stealing her retort. She pocketed the money and locked up the cab.

  * * *

  Reid led the delightful young woman named Stevie onto the elevator, then slipped in his keycard. He noticed her fingers tightly gripping the handle of her suitcase. She was nervous and probably a little intimidated. She’d handled the party with poise and grace, but how would she react to his posh and luxurious penthouse?

  Most people who weren’t used to it were uncomfortable with his lifestyle and surroundings, but he wanted to find a way to make her feel at ease.

  She was very proud, unwilling to take the money he offered to end her shift early. He knew most cabdrivers went into a great deal of debt to buy their cab medallion, or they paid a lot per shift to drive for a company. She could probably ill afford to lose that income.

  He wouldn’t push the money on her—he didn’t want her to feel like a prostitute—but he wished he could find a way to ensure she didn’t come out at a loss.

  The elevator door opened on the foyer of his penthouse. A lush potted plant sat beside a padded leather bench and beside that a carved wooden end table with a lamp that had a sensor triggering it to turn on when it was dark and the elevator arrived.

  “May I take your coat?” he asked, but she was already shrugging out of it.

  “I’ve got it, thanks.” She opened the mirrored closet door and hung up her jacket.

  He watched her remove her hat and unfasten the clip holding her h
air up, letting those lovely long tresses spill around her shoulders. She tossed the hat onto the shelf in the closet, then sat on the bench and untied her blue-and-white sneakers and slipped them off.

  He hung up his own coat and shed his shoes, then pulled both their suitcases toward the living room. She caught up to him and took the handle of her suitcase from his hand. He led her through the open concept living/dining area and past the gourmet kitchen.

  “Nice place,” she said as they entered the hallway to the private living space.

  She seemed impressed, but not in awe as he’d feared. In fact, she didn’t seem at all intimidated by the surroundings.

  They passed several doorways in the hallway as they walked to the room on the end. His bedroom.

  He opened the door and stepped inside. Here she paused, looking a little intimidated as she gazed at the king-sized bed in the center of the room, the sitting area by the fireplace beyond, and the floor-to-ceiling windows offering a stunning view of the panorama below, including the lake glittering in the moonlight.

  He took her hand and drew her into the room, then took the handle of her suitcase from her and rolled it and his to one side.

  “Nice view,” she said as he led her to the couch.

  He flicked a switch and the gas fireplace blazed to life.

  “It’s one of the reasons I picked this place.”

  “Good choice.” She sat on the couch, looking prim and proper practically perched on the edge, her knees tight together, her hands folded on her thighs.

  “You don’t have to look so terrified. We’ve already had sex and I think you enjoyed it.”

  She gazed up at him, her lips pursed. “Yes, of course. I’m sorry, this is all just so strange. I don’t usually have sex with my fares. And I certainly don’t go home with them.”

  He smiled. “I’m glad you broke that rule for me. Would you like something to drink? I’m sure there’s some wine in the kitchen.”

  “Wine would be nice. Thanks.”

  Once in the kitchen, he opened the wine fridge and actually found a couple of bottles of champagne. There was even one bottle already in the chiller.

  He returned to the bedroom with two flutes and the chilled champagne bottle. He set them on the table and sat down beside her, then popped the cork and filled the glasses.


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