A Fare to Remember

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A Fare to Remember Page 5

by Opal Carew

  The pleasure went on and on, his cock stroking her through a continuous barrage of unrelenting bliss. Were these multiple orgasms? Or one incredibly long, sensational O? She didn’t know … or care. She just knew she’d never experienced anything like it in her life.

  Her hands hooked around his neck as it waned, but still didn’t fade.

  “Oh, master, I’m still coming.” Her tremulous voice was barely audible and she could feel tears streaming from her eyes.

  His lips brushed her cheeks, plucking up the droplets as he continued to fill her with his thick shaft. Minutes or hours passed, she didn’t know, but she lost herself in the maelstrom of ecstasy.

  Finally, she found herself lying still, his body still above hers, as they both gasped for air. He brushed his lips over her temple, then rolled to his side. She drew in one more deep breath, then turned her head to face him.

  “Wow! When you make a promise, you really come through.”

  He leaned in and kissed her again, his blue eyes filled with warmth.


  * * *

  Stevie woke up ensconced in the warmth of a man’s arms. Big, strong arms.

  His whisker-roughened cheek rested against her temple, his breathing causing tendrils of her hair to flutter around her face.

  Reid Jacobs. Gorgeous beyond belief, and with a sexual prowess that literally took her breath away.

  She could get used to this—waking up in this man’s arms. Better yet, going to sleep in his arms, after a rousing, sensational helping of what he’d served last night.

  But even if that were possible, given the man lived in a different city, she wasn’t ready for a rebound relationship. And Mr. Reid Jacobs was exactly the wrong kind of man for her.

  Drop that thought, Stevie. Even if the man lived in this city full-time, she did not want to get involved with him. Mr. Reid Jacobs was the last man on earth she’d want to fall for.

  Even though what she’d felt in his arms was more compelling than anything she’d ever experienced with a man before. They’d connected on a deeper level.

  While with him, she’d felt she was a truer version of herself. She’d never realized how closed off she’d been with other men. Right down to holding back the sounds of her pleasure.

  But with Reid … oh, God, she’d let loose like she never had before. And he’d told her he loved it. With other men, she’d felt the need to hide, but with him … she could just be herself.

  It was just too bad he was from a world she wanted to avoid.

  There was nothing wrong with having a one-night stand with a billionaire. As long as she was smart enough to walk away afterward. She already knew firsthand that that wasn’t a life she wanted to have anything to do with.

  And Prince Charming here had some kind of Christian Grey, dominance stuff going on. That seemed a little kinky.

  But memories of calling him sir—and not in the same way she called her fares—sent tremors through her. He’d even insisted she call him master. The very thought physically aroused her. She could feel a rush of heat bloom between her thighs.

  God, the idea of being dominated by him actually turns me on.

  She realized that was another way he was good for her. He was helping her discover new things about herself. She never thought she’d enjoy calling a man master and letting him take control. But with Reid …

  A musical chiming sound filled the room. He murmured, his arm tightening around her, then he rolled away. The sound stopped.

  Then he rolled against her again and kissed the back of her neck, sending delightful quivers down her spine.

  “Good morning,” he murmured in a sleep roughened voice. “Sleep well?”

  “Yes, thanks. And you?”

  God, she sounded so stilted, but he just chuckled deep in his chest and gathered her closer.

  “With a soft, sweet body like yours pressed against me all night? Oh, yeah.”

  He drew her back until she was lying flat on the bed and captured her lips.

  “But all I kept thinking about was how I wanted to be deep inside you again.”

  His face so close to hers … his eyes so full of heat … made her feel deeply desired. Her insides stirred, longing for the same thing.

  He kissed her again, his lips against hers making her melt inside.

  Then he drew away.

  “Unfortunately, I have to get going. I have to leave in a half hour.”

  “Are you flying home today?”

  Disappointment washed through her and she realized she wanted to spend more time with him. To experience his potent sexuality again. God, the man was addictive.

  But of course, now that he’d gotten what he wanted—sex and her help to win his client—there was no reason he’d want to keep being around her. A busy, wealthy man like him didn’t need to keep the likes of her around. If he wanted a woman to warm his bed there were any number of Ritas or Charlenes available. Or for someone like Reid Jacobs, he could just whistle and women would fall at his feet.

  His comment that he wanted her again was him simply being charming.

  “No, I’ll be in town a while longer, but I have meetings today. But relax,” he said. “You can stay as long as you like. When does your shift start today?”

  “Usually in the afternoon, but I’ll drive you to your meeting.”

  “It’s all right. I can call a cab.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “I’m a cabdriver, remember?”

  She pushed back the covers and got out of bed, then suddenly felt self-conscious standing there totally naked. She grabbed her shirt from the floor.

  With a grin, he grabbed her hand and tugged her to the bed again, then sat up and kissed her.

  “I hate to argue with a beautiful, naked woman, but there are other cabdrivers, and I insist that you relax here until you have to go to work.”

  Then he got up and led her to the bathroom, right into the shower with him.

  After an exhilarating ten minutes of scrubbing each other’s body to gleaming cleanliness, she stared at herself in the mirror, dazed. She wanted him so badly right now, she could barely stand it. Her whole body ached for him.

  But there was no time.

  “What time is your meeting?” she asked.

  “Eleven forty,” he said as he stared at his reflection in the mirror behind her, combing his hair.

  “Well, at this time of day, any cabdriver worth his salt can get you anywhere in the city in less than twenty minutes. That means that…”

  His lips turned up in a sexy smile and he tossed the comb onto the counter. His hand glided along her shoulder, then untucked the towel wrapped around her body.

  “I know exactly what that means,” he said as the towel fell to the floor.

  * * *

  Stevie, wrapped in a towel again, walked him to the door. He kissed her soundly, then smiled as he stroked tendrils of hair from her face.

  “I’d like you to come back here after your shift.”

  “You would?”

  What she’d meant to say was that it wasn’t a good idea. That they really had nothing in common and they should just leave it at a one-night stand. But something about this man had dug into her heart and settled there, making it ache at the thought of walking away from him. She’d never felt so close to a man before.

  “Yes, very much.”

  Her heart pounded and the thought of spending another sensational night in Mr. Reid Jacobs’ arms was too much for her to resist.

  “It’ll be late.”

  He smiled. “I’d wait an eternity.”

  God, the man was just so frigging charming.

  Then his lips found hers and all thought melted away.

  He pulled a card from his pocket and handed it to her. It wasn’t a business card, like she’d expected. It was a keycard.

  “Why are you giving me this?” she asked.

  “It gives you access to the various facilities in the building if you’d like to use them. Like th
e pool, weight room, hot tub, et cetera. If you want something more extensive than the equipment I have here, of course.”

  She couldn’t help grinning at the thought that the equipment she liked best, he was taking with him.

  “And here’s my business card, in case you need to get in touch with me.” He handed her a soft gray card this time.

  Then he leaned forward and kissed her, a light, sweet brush of lips. Then he went out the door, closing it behind him.

  * * *

  Stevie enjoyed the stunning view of the city through the large window as she worked out on the recumbent exercise cycle. Reid had a nice setup here. He had a whole mini gym in one corner of the vast apartment, with an elliptical machine and weights in addition to the cycle. There was even a half-bathroom with a shower only steps away.

  Her cool-down period ended and she stood up, using the small towel she’d draped over the handlebar to wipe the sweat from her forehead. She opened the door to the bathroom and stepped inside. The glass-and-tile shower stall was spacious, with a selection of bath towels on a shelving unit.

  After her shower, she stepped out of the stall and dried her hair, then wrapped a plush towel around her body. She ran a comb through her long, blonde hair. Exhilarated from the endorphin rush, she opened the door, feeling ready to face anything today.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  Chapter Six

  Stevie’s gaze shot to the source of the deep, masculine voice. There in the center of the room stood a man in tight jeans and black T-shirt, a leather jacket slung over his shoulder and a leather duffel bag by his feet. His right arm was inked with a thorny vine spiraling up from his wrist to his bulging biceps. His other arm had a scaly serpent—or maybe it was the body of a dragon—disappearing under the short sleeve. His face was angular with a square jaw tufted with coarse stubble, and his dark brown, wavy hair was tousled, as if he’d just pulled off a helmet.

  She gripped the towel, ensuring it was secure.

  “Who are you?” she countered.

  He looked like a tough biker and she shivered at the sense of danger that emanated from him. She knew martial arts, but something told her that would hardly be effective with this man. She suspected he could easily subdue her if he chose to.

  His midnight-blue eyes bored into her, assessing.

  As silence hung between them, she realized it wasn’t just his startling presence that had her so unsettled. It was also because she found this situation extremely … exciting. A dangerous bad boy who could throw her down at any second, ripping away her scant covering, and have his way with her. She would be at his mercy as his hands and mouth explored her body, then as he drove his thick, hard erection into her. Deep and hard as she was helpless to stop him. Not wanting to stop him.

  Her stomach somersaulted. Good heavens, she would never have thought there could be a second man who could trigger as strong a visceral reaction in her as Reid Jacobs had, yet this man, with his dark, rough persona, reeking of bad-boy danger, set her pulse pounding.

  Which made her even more intensely aware that she was nearly naked, the towel around her just covering the tops of her breasts and barely brushing the tops of her thighs. One wrong move and …

  He stepped toward her and she found herself stepping back, until she bumped against the wall.

  As he moved closer, she realized he couldn’t be a rogue biker who’d broken in. First, he never would have gotten past the security in this building. And second, she could tell that both his jacket and jeans were designer quality.

  This man was obviously a friend of Reid’s.

  “I own this penthouse,” he responded. “I don’t know how you got in here, but I’m going to call the police and have you charged with breaking and entering.” His eyebrow arched. “It will go better for you if you haven’t stolen anything.”

  Her back stiffened. “I haven’t broken anything and I certainly didn’t steal anything.”

  She raised her chin. “And if I had, do you think I’d take the time to stop for a shower?”

  “If you didn’t think anyone was going to be here for a few days maybe.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “It’s funny you say you own this place, because Reid told me it’s his.”

  “You’re saying you’re here with Reid? Where is he?” The man’s intimidating blue eyes were locked on her face.

  She drew in a deep breath. “He had to go to a meeting.”

  His lips compressed. “That’s convenient.”

  * * *

  Dylan frowned. Reid’s plan had been to fly back to Philadelphia last evening, which meant he wouldn’t be able to take possession of the penthouse they had purchased for their trips to New York, since it wasn’t available until late yesterday afternoon. Their business trips here would be much more frequent if they sewed up this contract with Raphael Allegro to design and build the new skyscraper he wanted to be the headquarters of a line of luxury designer stores he intended to set up countrywide. That’s why Dylan had decided to make the trip to ensure everything was in order.

  He’d expected to find the place well stocked, but didn’t think that would include a beautiful woman. He stared at the blonde-haired beauty, with her wild tresses tumbling over her shoulders in waves. She was stunning. But she was also much taller—at about five feet ten—than the women Reid usually consorted with. He usually preferred elegant redheads with petite frames and large breasts.

  He glanced at the swell of soft flesh visible above the towel she clung to so desperately. She did have the fullness there Reid liked. In fact, she was well-filled out in all the right places. Slender but with enough curves to fill a man’s hands nicely.

  His groin tightened at the thought of cupping one of those delightful mounds right now.

  “When did you meet him?”

  She bit her lip. “Last night.”

  “You’re telling me Reid picked you up last night, brought you here, then just let you stay?”

  “Yes. We’re seeing each other again tonight.” She tipped up her head, her pretty blue eyes flashing. “If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you the keycard he gave me.”

  “Which you could have stolen.”

  She frowned. “Look, this can all be cleared up easily enough. You can just call him. I have…”

  She patted the side of her towel, then bit her lip again and walked to the jeans hanging on the machine. She searched through the pocket with one hand while continuing to hold on tightly to the towel with the other. Finally, she pulled out a card. He recognized it as one of Reid’s.

  She walked toward him, holding it out to him. He took it and pulled out his cell. He already had the number programmed in his phone, so he selected it and listened to the rings. Voice mail picked up.

  “Hi, it’s me. Call. It’s urgent.” He hung up, then typed in a text. If she was right and Reid was in a meeting, it could be a while before he checked his messages. The text he’d see right away.

  “He’s not there.”

  “Fine. I’ll just be on my way. I’m sure he’ll be in touch before I return tonight.”

  “Not so fast. You aren’t going anywhere.”

  She glared at him. “Why? I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “I don’t know that.”

  She frowned, her blue eyes flaring with irritation. “Look, I have to make a living and my shift starts in a half hour.”

  “And what do you do?”

  “I drive a cab.”

  “I was wondering what a taxicab was doing sitting in the parking spot for the penthouse. The staff told me they noticed it there and had it towed.”

  Her eyes widened. “What? No!”

  “Well, you might as well sit down and wait. Or would you rather I call the police and they’ll hold you in a cell until we clear this up?”

  She frowned, clearly wishing she could strangle him. “At least let me get dressed.”

  “You’re not leaving my sight.”


  He could barely stop from chuckling as anger flashed across her sky-blue eyes. He wasn’t callous to her feelings but he couldn’t resist messing with her. She was just so damned sexy when she was mad.

  “You have some clothes there.” He gestured to the elliptical machine. “Go ahead and put those on. I’ll turn my head.”

  Glaring, she strode to the machine and pulled the jeans free. He glanced away, but realized he could see her pulling on the pants in the reflection in the glass. He should turn away more but the sight of her unfastening the towel mesmerized him. She drew it open and dropped it to the floor, exposing her full, round breasts.

  Fuck, his cock was swelling to a visible bulge. She pulled on a lacy white bra, then drew a sky-blue tank top over her head. She layered the bulky shirt over that.

  But nothing could erase the memory of those lovely, full breasts from his mind’s eye.

  “I’m done,” she said and walked to the couch then slumped down on it. “Now what?”

  He sat down beside her. “Now we wait.”

  * * *

  Reid stepped out of his meeting after receiving the text from Dylan. He was going to be tied up in there for at least another hour, so this short break was a welcome respite.

  He dialed Dylan’s number.

  “What’s up?” Reid said when he heard his friend’s voice.

  “Are you back in Philadelphia?” Dylan asked.

  “No, I had to stay a little longer. Raphael invited me to a party last night and it was politic to attend. I rearranged my schedule and I’ll be staying here another week or so. What’s so urgent?”

  “I just arrived in town, too. I’m at the penthouse and guess what I found?”

  “Oh, shit. Did you walk in on Stevie? You didn’t spook her, did you?”

  “Maybe a little,” Dylan admitted sheepishly.

  “I take it she’s there now. Put her on.”

  “Sure thing.”

  A second later, Stevie said, “Hello?”

  The sound of her voice took him right back to the night they’d spent together. His groin tightened at the memory.

  “Stevie. I’m really sorry about this awkwardness.”

  “Awkwardness?” she snapped. “First, this guy walks in on me and accuses me of breaking in, then he detains me until he can talk to you. Then when I tell him I have to go to work, he tells me they’ve towed my cab!”


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