A Fare to Remember

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A Fare to Remember Page 8

by Opal Carew

  He teased her, stroking her with his tip. Coating his cockhead with her slickness. When it neared her opening, she arched forward, but instead of slipping it inside, he glided it away again.

  “Fuck me,” she demanded.

  He glided his cockhead to her opening again, but kept it poised there, watching her.

  “Please,” she whimpered, needing him so badly she thought she’d die.

  He laughed and thrust forward, filling her in one stroke. She moaned at the feel of her body stretched around him, his big member deep inside her. She squeezed him and it was his turn to moan.

  She tightened her grip around his shoulders, then tipped her head up and nibbled lightly on his earlobe.

  “Please fuck me,” she whispered against his ear.

  He turned his head and kissed her, his face pressing her head back to the pillow. Then he began to move. His big body drew back, then surged forward, his thick cock spearing into her again. He moved in a steady rhythm, stroking her insides again and again.

  “Oh, yes,” she murmured against his ear, holding him tight to her.

  It felt so good having his cock inside her. Better than anything she’d ever experienced before. Definitely better than any man she’d been with.

  How could she give this up? How could she walk away from something so special?

  He drove deep. Her consciousness flickered, the pleasure so great she thought she might black out.

  He rode her, filling her with his rock-hard cock. Effervescent sensations bubbled through her, raising her pleasure higher and higher until her moans turned to wails. Her body, coiled tight as a spring, released in a burst of joyful bliss.

  She moaned, loud and long, riding the surging wave of ecstasy until she was clinging to him, gasping for air. He plunged deep, then exploded in her depths, filling her with his heat.

  They collapsed on the bed, her arms tight around him.

  Once they caught their breath, he kissed her, then led her to the shower. He must have felt she was a really dirty girl because he washed every inch of her with thorough attention to detail. When they stepped from the shower, she felt sparkling clean.

  He insisted on preparing breakfast for her, so she sat at the kitchen table gazing out the window at the gorgeous view of the city as she sipped her coffee. The aroma of coffee was joined by onions and herbs as he cooked the omelets.

  He set a plate in front of her with a perfect half-moon-shaped omelet, tomato slices fanned out, and garnished with a sprig of parsley.

  “It looks great,” she complimented.

  He sat across from her and they ate. He really was a good cook. Most billionaires would’ve had staff to prepare meals, or had something delivered.

  “I was wondering if you might like to stay here with me for a week or two. I’d love to spend more time with you, and Raphael has been hinting that he’d like me to attend another event, and he’ll want me to bring you along. He was quite taken by you.”

  “I don’t have to stay here with you just because we’ll be going to a party together.”

  He chuckled. “I know. I’d just really like to spend more time with you. When you’re not driving, of course.” He smiled. “Unless you’d like me to ride around in your cab all day doing sightseeing. That could be fun.”

  “Well, I could take a day off.” Except she still had bills to pay, and driving a cab was a seven-day-a-week proposition in order to make ends meet.

  “You really won’t let me pay for your time, even if it’s to do what you do anyway? Your friends must love you if you’re giving them free cab rides all the time.” At the flair of annoyance in her eyes, he smiled. “Or am I special?”

  He certainly was special, but a bit of a pain, too.

  “Look, I don’t know why you’ve decided that you and I should have some sort of relationship, even if it’s just something casual, but that’s not what I signed on for. We had a one-night stand—”

  “Two now, actually.”

  She sent him a loaded stare. “The sex is great between us. I get it. But there is no way a relationship of any kind will work for us. We’re just too different. And I’m not about to be your casual hookup anytime you come into the city.”

  “I don’t think we’re all that different. We’re both entrepreneurs, running our own businesses. Keeping our own hours, within logical constraints. We’re both independent, know what we want, and aren’t afraid to go after it.”

  “And you live in a luxurious penthouse,” she said gesturing at the room around them, “and—”

  “And none of that is important.”

  His cobalt-blue eyes were unsettling as he stared into her soul.

  Finally, he sat back. “But you know, I don’t think our differences are what you’re really worried about. I think at some point you were hurt by some jerk who had a lot of money and that’s left you cautious.”

  She narrowed her eyes. Dylan had made the same observation. Was she so transparent, or were they both just that good at reading people?

  “There’s nothing wrong with a little caution.”

  “True.” His hand moved over hers and he held it, his big fingers enveloping hers. “But I want to keep seeing you and I’ll do whatever I can to convince you.”

  She drew her hand away. “Not going to happen.”

  “Give me one good reason. And I don’t want it to be because we’re from different worlds. I know we can get past that.”

  She frowned and sipped her coffee. “There’s more than the issue of wealth between us.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Do you want to expand on that?”

  “Okay, how about the fact that you order me around in the bedroom?”

  He sipped his coffee. “What about it?”

  “Last night you tied me up,” she said, eyebrows arching.

  He smiled, his eyes glowing with way too much self-satisfaction. “Yes, I did.”

  “I don’t like that kind of thing.”

  “Really? Because you seemed to be enjoying it immensely last night.”

  “That’s just because … uh…” Damn, it’s not like she could deny that he had a powerful effect on her sexually.

  “Because my natural dominance combined with my suave and charming manner overwhelmed your better judgment?”

  Her lips quirked up despite herself. “You think a lot of yourself, don’t you?”

  She drew in a breath, deciding to tackle this head-on.

  “The thing is, you had me happily begging for sex last night. And again this morning.” She shook her head. “I don’t know who that woman is and it disturbs me that I can be so … subservient.”

  Last night, she’d convinced herself they’d made a real connection. That her arousal at his dominance was because he was satisfying something deep inside her that she’d been missing.

  But in the light of day, she knew it was just that the man was an experienced and persuasive lover. An incredible lover who could arouse her with an expert touch, making her crave whatever he offered.

  “Okay, if you really don’t like the dominance and submission, I can curtail that, but—”

  “I don’t believe you. It’s part of your nature.”

  His eyes grew serious and he drew her hand to his mouth. The play of his lips on her skin sent need shimmering through her.

  “Sweetheart, I can control my nature as easily as I can control you, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you in my bed.”

  She froze, disturbed by the intensity and determination in his eyes.

  She glanced at the clock on the wall. “I have to get to work.” She stood up, but he continued to hold her hand.

  “Stevie, please come back tonight so we can continue this conversation.”

  “I don’t want to continue it.”

  “How about you come back tonight or”—he grinned—“I’ll call your company and tell them I want to hire you and your cab for the day, then you’ll have to drive me around and listen to my arguments all day long.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “So it’s come to blackmail, has it?”

  He shrugged. “Only because I want to see you again so badly, and you’ve given me no other choice.”

  She drew in a deep breath. God, the man threw her so off kilter she could barely think straight around him, let alone deny his request. He wanted to see her again and she couldn’t deny she wanted to see him again, too.

  “All right. I’ll come back here and we’ll talk.”

  He kissed her hand with a satisfied smile. “Good.”

  She drew her hand away, tremors quivering through her, and hurried to the bedroom to change.

  Ten minutes later, she exited the bedroom and strode down the hall. Dylan was sitting in the living room, coffee mug in hand, talking to Reid. It was odd seeing the two of them together. Reid in his well-tailored designer suit, Dylan in his jeans and faded T-shirt.

  A wide smile, enhancing his bad-boy good looks, claimed Dylan’s lips when he saw her.

  “Good morning, Stevie,” he said.

  “Good morning.” She couldn’t help returning his warm smile in kind. “I’m sorry I can’t stay. I’m on my way to work.”

  “I understand. Maybe we can see each other again later.” He glanced at Reid. “The three of us could grab dinner.”

  Reid watched the whole exchange between them, his demeanor seeming to darken at their casual yet warm friendliness.

  “I’m sorry, I’ll be working pretty late,” she responded as she started toward the foyer.

  “Another time then,” Dylan said graciously.

  She was sure she saw a flicker of jealousy in Reid’s eyes.

  She pulled on her coat and raced out the door.

  * * *

  All day as she was driving, she pondered how she would successfully discourage Reid from pursuing her. He wanted her in his bed and he was clearly determined. He had already agreed to dispense with the domination, if that’s what she wanted, but … it’s not like she didn’t enjoy it—in fact, it was totally hot—but she was disturbed by the way she fell so easily into submitting to him.

  And begging him.

  Even now she craved his touch. And wanted him to command her. She could imagine stripping naked in front of him and kneeling down, then gladly begging for his touch. Oh, God, the need pulsed through her.

  But she was an independent woman. She wasn’t willing to give that up. And she certainly didn’t want to become his slave, willing or otherwise.

  So what would she do when she finished her shift tonight? He’d be expecting her to come back. And if she did, she’d share his bed, feel his touch driving her wild, and probably grovel for him to drive his cock into her.

  Her head spun with a swirl of erotic images, every one with her as his willing slave.

  She could try to find somewhere else to stay tonight—she knew she could knock on Jon and Derrick’s door anytime—but the truth was, she wanted to go back to Reid Jacobs’ arms. Wanted to fall prey to his compelling brand of seduction.

  Every day she stayed with him would make it harder to pull away. Somehow she had to force him to realize that he didn’t really want to be with her. With the strong mutual attraction between them, it wouldn’t be easy, but … if it was a relationship he was looking for, and she got the impression it was … Maybe she could scare him off. Make him understand she was not relationship material.

  * * *

  Reid glanced up from the news article he was reading on his tablet when Stevie walked in. She’d been gone over twelve hours and he’d wondered if she’d chosen to avoid him and stay somewhere else tonight. But here she was.

  She looked tired.

  He smiled. “Tough evening?”

  “No, not really.” She slumped on the couch beside him. “Just the usual.”

  She worked long hours, seven days a week it seemed.

  He wished he could do something to lighten her load, but she was proud and independent. No matter what he offered, he was sure she’d turn it down. It was frustrating that it would be nothing for him to pay for a nice apartment for her so she could have some breathing space and be able to afford to take some time off, but he knew she wouldn’t accept it. She’d barely accepted his offer to stay here temporarily and he was worried she would bolt at any time.

  If he could convince her to stay here, that would help her financially. And he’d ensure he was in town a lot. She was smart and hardworking, so he hoped he’d be able to encourage her to get a better job. He could certainly offer her something at his company, or with any number of companies with friends or clients. One word from him and he knew several executives who would hire her on the spot.

  She drew her legs close to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

  “You said you wanted to talk, so here I am,” she said.

  He nodded and took her hand, his warm fingers surrounding hers.

  “I can’t believe you want to give up what we’ve found with each other,” he said.

  “Honestly, where do you see this going?”

  “I don’t know. But I’d like to explore the options.”

  She drew her hand from his and settled back on the couch.

  “Look, you and I met and had a brief fling,” she said. “I don’t see anything more serious between us and I don’t want to lead you on.”

  He shrugged. “So we don’t worry about how serious it is.”

  Her eyebrow arched. “You’re okay with it being a casual fling? No strings?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  She tipped her head, her eyes gleaming. “If I tell you what I really want, will you get mad?”

  “Of course not,” he answered, intrigued.

  “Seriously? I won’t tell you unless you promise not to get mad at me. Or Dylan.”

  His stomach tightened. “What does Dylan have to do with this?”

  “Promise first.”

  “Of course I promise.”

  A smile spread across her face. “I don’t want a serious relationship with you. And I’m concerned about the domination stuff. But if you agree to back off on those, then I’ll agree to keep seeing you. On one condition.”

  “And that is?”

  “Well, as I said, I don’t want to get into a relationship right now—not just with you, but with anyone—especially not something exclusive.”

  “I get it. You’ve just gone through a difficult breakup.”

  “That’s right.” She shrugged. “And I don’t see this thing between us going anywhere in the long run anyway. We just aren’t right for each other.”

  He wasn’t going to argue with her, even though he didn’t agree. If she needed time, he’d give it to her. Because he was confident that he’d eventually be able to convince her how right they were together.

  “So you’d have to agree to us not being exclusive,” she said.

  “That sounds like a workable arrangement.”

  “But that’s not all. I want to let you know right up front that I find your friend Dylan very sexy, and”—she watched his face intently—“I’d like to start seeing him, too. I don’t know if he’s interested, but I’m sure he’d only agree if he knew it was all right with you, so I’d like you to give him the go ahead.”

  He had to stop his jaw from dropping. Was she really so brashly asking for him to set her up with his best friend? So she could go out with him at the same time as she was seeing Reid?

  The thought of her in Dylan’s arms—in Dylan’s bed—sent jealousy burning through him. But if he had to share her with anyone, Dylan would be his choice.

  Sharing her.

  The idea of a different kind of sharing quivered through him. The three of them together. Him watching her with Dylan. Seeing Dylan’s big cock pumping into her. And thrusting his own cock into her at the same time. Excitement shot through him at the mere thought.

  In fact, it would bring a different fantasy to life for him, too. He liked being adventurous in the bedroom and the thought of sharing a
woman with Dylan had been something he’d often fantasized about.

  “I see.” He kept his expression unreadable.

  “I’m sorry. I see this is upsetting you,” she said. “I get it that I’m asking too much, so I think it’s better if we just forget the whole thing.”

  Her expression was innocent, but he could sense something behind it.

  Damn, she’s just doing this to push me away. Assuming her suggestion of pursuing Dylan, too, will scare me off.

  Well, he could play at that game, too.

  He shook his head. “I’m not upset. You’re trying to find a solution and I appreciate that. I do think Dylan will have trouble with this, though. He’s my best friend and he knows I’m interested in you, so I don’t think he’ll agree to go out with you even if I suggest it.”

  She nodded and he was sure he saw relief flash in her eyes. But he also caught a glimpse of disappointment, which encouraged him.

  “But I have another idea.”

  She gazed at him, curiosity glowing in her lovely blue eyes.

  “Have you ever had a threesome before?” he asked.

  Her eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

  “You seem like the adventurous type. Have you ever fantasized about being with two men at the same time?”

  She shifted in her chair.

  “Are you suggesting that you and me … and Dylan…?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m suggesting. You want to be with both of us. Why not at the same time?”

  Her eyes flickered with uncertainty.

  At her hesitation, he took her hand in his and kissed the inside of her wrist, his gaze never leaving hers.

  “It would be incredibly hot to watch you with Dylan. To touch you at the same time as he’s touching you. To be inside you at the same time as he is.”

  He could feel her tremble and her eyes shimmered with excitement. He pressed her palm to his lips, watching her barriers slip away.

  “It … has been a secret fantasy of mine.” She licked her lips. “Do you think he’d agree?”

  He let a slow smile spread across his face.

  “I think I’ll be able to convince him.”


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