Scott, Peter, 294
Scott, Robert Falcon, 15, 19, 32, 45–48, 65, 82, 92–93, 169, 171, 301, 312
background of, 47
death of, 168, 203, 234, 255, 294
Discovery expedition of, 40, 45–50, 81, 94, 163, 164, 263
Mawson compared with, 17, 18, 303, 307
Mawson’s meeting with, 87–88
“Message to the Public” of, 234
Shackleton’s feud with, 45–47, 87, 88
Shackleton’s pledge to, 48
South Polar Times and, 263
Terra Nova expedition of, see Terra Nova expedition
wife’s last letter from, 294
Wild compared with, 118
Scott’s Last Expedition (Scott), 294
scurvy, 45, 65, 118, 225, 243
sea leopard hunting, 279–80
seal meat, 28, 138, 140, 200–201, 204, 205, 211, 249
BAE and, 64–65, 66, 71, 74, 76
for dogs, 19, 131, 165
raw, 130
seals, 179, 229, 309
Hurley charade and, 142
of Macquarie Island, 97, 102, 104, 105
seasickness, 44, 56
Seaver, George, 45
Secret Society of Unconventional Cooks, 128
sennegrass, 68
Service, Robert, 129, 233
sewing, 165–66, 306
sextants, 59
Shackleton, Ernest, 15, 18, 19, 43–50, 87–89, 92–129, 169, 303, 312
background of, 47
BAE of, see British Antarctic Expedition
birthday of, 122
Cape Adare expedition appropriated by, 88–89
coughing of, 46
cult of, 299–300
David’s confusing instructions from, 59–60, 69, 75
death of, 89, 295, 299
diary of, 79, 80
in Discovery expedition, 45–48
drive and talent of, 45
Endurance expedition of, 118, 274, 289, 299, 302
fanaticism of, 80
fundraising of, 87, 89
get-rich-quick schemes of, 84, 87, 89
honors of, 82, 89
lack of scientific interest of, 50, 59, 92
on Mawson, 49, 288–89
as missing, 75, 78–81
Ninnis’s application to, 94
Scott’s feud with, 45–47, 87, 88
in trek toward South Pole, 57–58, 60, 75, 79–80, 92, 301
Wild compared with, 118
Wild invited to join expedition of, 274
Shackleton (dog), 19, 21, 131
Shackleton Ice Shelf, 122, 162–63, 188, 189, 201, 249, 250, 251
Denman Glacier compared with, 195
sheep, 97, 103, 106
silence, 16, 198
in AAE, 23, 31, 33, 95, 145, 209, 210, 267, 307
in Amundsen’s expedition, 57, 307
sky, navigation and, 110
sledgemeters, 19–20, 26, 60, 63, 176, 240
in Amundsen’s expedition, 57
in BAE, 51, 52, 55, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 71, 79, 81, 83
double-hauling of, 61, 63, 64
sledges, sledging parties, AAE, 18–37, 94, 95, 96, 116, 118, 145–46, 157, 160, 171
abandonment of, 32
blowing away of, 133
crevasse accidents with, 27–29, 34–36, 208–9, 309
daily fare for, 172–73
deadline for, 26, 171
depots of, 188, 190, 192, 193–94
in Far Eastern Party return, 213–18, 221, 226, 228–31, 235–45, 305
last journey of, 282–84
loss of, 135, 193–94
of Madigan’s Eastern Coastal Party, 180
Mawson’s hope for reconnaissance with, 132, 136
Mawson team divided into, 18–19, 96–97, 170–71
overturning of, 21–22
sail for, 216, 221, 226, 237
of Southern Party, 172, 176, 177
system for use of, 23
tobagganing with, 145
of Western Coastal Party, 190, 191
Western Party and, 182–85
of Wild’s Eastern Coastal Party, 193, 194, 195, 198, 199
sledging harnesses, 166, 209
“Sledging Song” (doggerel), 265
sleeping bags:
in AAE, 20, 37, 124, 142, 167, 205–6, 210, 216, 217, 222, 233, 237, 306
in BAE, 51, 52, 54, 61–63, 74
of search party, 205–6
three-man, 61–63
“slope running,” 166
smoking, 31, 68
snowball fight, 113
snowblindness, 22, 70, 176, 177, 211
snow bridges (lids):
BAE and, 67, 78, 79
Far Eastern Party and, 24, 25, 27, 33, 35–36, 209, 210, 231, 235
Western Party and, 167
snow caves, see Aladdin’s Cave
socks, 52, 61, 193, 215, 227
Socks (pony), 79
sounds, 33, 228
South Australia Hotel, 288
South Australian Museum, Mawson Collection at, 156–57, 267, 305–6
Southcott, R. V., 224–25
Southern Cross depot, 172, 176
Southern Party, 170–81, 185, 208, 283
accomplishments of, 177–78
plan of, 172
supporting team of, 170, 172
South Georgia Island, 118, 295, 299, 302
South Magnetic Pole, 57–72, 82–84, 111
David’s discovery about, 83
Shackleton’s instructions and, 59–60
Southern Party and, 171, 172, 175
true discovery of, 83–84
Union Jack unfurled at, 71, 83
South Pacific Ocean, 83–84
South Polar Times, 263
South Pole, 18, 40, 45, 47, 307, 312
Amundsen’s race to, 48, 57, 95, 169, 182, 225, 239, 253, 301
Scott’s second quest for, 87, 88, 168, 169, 182, 203, 232, 255, 301, 312
Shackleton’s trek toward, 57–58, 60, 75, 92, 169, 301
South Victoria Land, 178
South with Mawson (Laseron), 164, 304
spectrographs, 184
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 129
Stillwell, Frank, 149, 170, 177
storms, 15, 20, 22, 24, 29, 30
Stoukalo, Evgeny, 308–10
stoves, 37, 53, 139, 172, 216, 241
coal for, 132, 140, 254
missing piece of, 124
Shackleton’s accident with, 46
suicide pill, 232
supplies, see gear and supplies
Switzerland, 296–97
diet in, 225
Switzerland (dog), 193–99
Sydney, 40, 43, 69, 101, 160, 304
radio contact with, 148
Sydney, University of, 39–43, 82–83, 189, 271
Commemoration Day at, 42
tea, 173, 212, 214, 309
temperature, 26, 30, 33, 34, 136, 192
in BAE, 52
of hut, 132
Southern Party and, 175
at Western Base, 165
tents, 168, 203
in Amundsen’s expedition, 121–22
in BAE, 52, 53, 66, 67, 72, 74, 76, 77, 81
tents, AAE, 20, 25–26, 33
being confined to, 29, 30, 31, 237, 238, 283
cooking in, 216
in Far Eastern Party return, 210, 216, 217, 219–21, 233, 237, 238, 239, 241, 305
improvising of, 210
loss of, 35, 37, 209
pitching of, 173–74, 193, 216, 233
replacement, 37
Western Party and, 167, 185
Terra Nova expedition (1910–13), 47, 87, 182, 183, 239, 294, 295
deaths in, 168, 203, 234, 255, 294
land sighted by, 19, 26, 32, 108, 202, 208
Mawson’s turning down of, 88
Ninnis rejected by, 15, 94
tablets in, 232
preserving the memory of, 234
science and, 92
second wintering over in, 203
Terre Adélie, see Adélie Land
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 281
theatricals, 56, 127
theodolites, 59, 215, 240
thermograph, 136
Through the First Antarctic Night (Cook), 156
toasts, 141, 152
tobacco, 68, 141, 264
tobogganing, 146
Toroa (ship), 97–99, 103, 106–7
tractors, 312
ultraviolet rays, 22
United Kingdom, 299
United States:
expedition from (1840), 108, 109
Mawson in, 87, 290, 297, 298, 299
uranium, 84–85
Venus, 59
Vickers manufacturing firm, 96, 182, 294
Victoria Land, 26, 29, 32, 48, 64, 65, 171, 208
Shackleton’s instructions and, 59, 75
“Virginibus Puerisque” (Stevenson), 129
vision, 22
vitamin A, 224–25
vitamin C deficiency, 65
Vixere Fortes (D. Madigan), 151–53, 156, 257–58, 297
volcanos, see Erebus, Mount; Gaussberg
for bathing, 141–42
drinking, 98, 107, 154–55, 252, 254
water sky, 110
Watkins, Hugh, 96
Watson, Andrew, Eastern Coastal Party, 193–200
weather, 55
see also blizzards; storms; temperature; wind
Webb, Eric “Azi,” 130, 131, 154, 202, 298, 302, 303
in Southern Party, 171–81
Weddell Sea, 274, 289, 299
Wegener, Alfred, 307
Western Base, 111, 162–66, 171, 188–201, 273–74
Aurora’s return to, 187, 188, 189, 200–201, 203, 204, 244, 246–52
caretakers at, 193, 194, 196–200
departure preparations at, 200
disappearance of snow ramp at, 165
exploration from, 188–200
huskies sent to, 131, 165, 193
hut built at (the Grottoes), 162–63, 188–89, 192, 194, 196–200, 250, 251
ordeals and close calls of, 164–69
return of exploration parties to, 200
selection of site for, 117–23
snugness at, 165
supply depots laid by, 167, 188, 190, 192, 193–94, 196
tensions at, 169
Western Coastal Party, 189–92, 200, 208
human artifacts encountered by, 191–92
Western Party, 75, 161, 170, 178, 181–88, 204, 208
achievements of, 187
meteorite discovered by, 184
mishap of, 184–85
whale boat, 114, 117
disappearance of, 135
“Where Is Harrisson?” memo, 197–98
Whetter, Leslie “Error,” 130, 149, 154–58, 160
drinking problem of, 155–56
laziness of, 154–55, 156
post-AAE life of, 158
in Western Party, 161, 182–88
“whirlies,” 29, 135–36
whiskey, 199
Who’s Who in Australia, 83
Wild, Frank, 162–69, 187, 192–201, 203, 204, 246–51
appearance of, 164
background of, 118, 163–64
in BAE, 57–58, 79–82, 94, 118, 163, 164
at Cape Denison, 112, 113
in Discovery expedition, 94, 118, 163, 164
in Eastern Coastal Party, 189, 193–200, 209
in Endurance expedition, 274, 289, 302
equipment improvised by, 106, 116, 122
huskies sent with, 131, 165, 193
as leader, 111, 118, 163, 165–66, 169, 171, 188, 189
lecturing of, 273
memoirs of, 163–64
on monoplane accident, 96
in search for Western Base site, 117, 118, 120–23
second-winter preparations of, 200–201
selected for AAE, 94
territory named by, 273–74
Wilkes, Charles, 108, 109, 110
Wilson, Edward, 45, 46, 48, 88, 168, 203
wind, 25, 26, 27, 173, 191, 192
in blizzards, 20, 31, 114, 133–34, 148–49
at Cape Denison, 132–39, 141, 145, 146, 148–49, 152, 159, 160, 164, 259, 260, 268, 283
cargo unloading and, 114, 115, 116
Far Eastern Party return and, 216, 219–20, 237, 240, 243
Southern Party and, 172, 176, 177
at Western Base, 164, 165
Western Party and, 184–85
“whirlies,” 29, 135–36, 260
wind-walking, 134
wine, 109, 117, 141, 156
champagne, 289, 290
wintering over, 118, 125, 129–61, 252–85
AAE second, selection of men for, 202–4, 291
in Belgica expedition, 156
as domestic idyll, 149–50
Winter Quarters, see Cape Denison
Wireless Hill, 106
World War I, 296–300
Xenophon, 281
Yorkshire, 38
Zip (dog), 193–99, 252
Douglas Mawson at 28
(Courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Near the South Magnetic Pole, January 16, 1909. From left, Mackay, David, Mawson
(Photograph by T. W. Edgeworth David courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Belgrave Ninnis in uniform of the Royal Fusiliers
(Courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Xavier Mertz, Swiss lawyer and ski champion
(Courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Penguins near the remains of a wrecked ship, Macquarie Island
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Enraged elephant seal, Macquarie Island
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Ice mushroom near Cape Denison
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Chopping ice off the Aurora after a storm
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
The Aurora anchored off Cape Denison
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
The Main Base hut covered in deep snow
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Mertz emerging from trap door in the roof of the hut
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Mertz ice climbing on a coastal serac
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Frank Wild
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Gathering ice outside the hut during a fierce blizzard
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
A winter evening around the gramophone
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
A petrel on its nest
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
An Adelie penguin with eggs
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Blizzard, one of the husky pups born during the expedition
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Two sledge dogs chained to a box
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Two men standing in an ice hole
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Mertz at the entrance of the hut
nbsp; (Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
A “grotto of mysteries” in the ice
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Keeping one’s balance in a 100-mile-an-hour wind
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
The ice cliff coastline east of Winter Quarters
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Man with iced-up mask
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Penguins covered with ice after a blizzard
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Sledging with a sail
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Sledging across sastrugi
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Man traversing coastal slope
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Man in cavern beneath ice cliffs
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Man peering into open crevasse
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Penguins at mid-summer midnight
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Man in icefall chaos
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Mawson’s half-sledge, which saved his life
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
The Aurora returns
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
Frank Hurley at work (from later Endurance expedition)
(Photograph by Frank Hurley courtesy of the National Library of Australia)
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Alone on the Ice: The Greatest Survival Story in the History of Exploration Page 40