Stocking Stuffer: Happy Howlidays

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Stocking Stuffer: Happy Howlidays Page 1

by Isabella Jordan

  Stocking Stuffer: Happy Howlidays

  Isabella Jordan

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2006 Isabella Jordan

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  ISBN (10) 1-59596-539-4

  ISBN (13) 978-1-59596-539-4

  Formats Available:

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1046

  Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

  Editor: Connie Alberts

  Cover Artist: Reneé George and Bryan Keller

  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

  Sarah Rushe stared through the heavy blitz of snowflakes on the other side of her windshield at the sign saying the road to her family’s cabin at Lake Nippissing was closed.

  It’s only five miles away!

  Sarah knew she shouldn’t have allowed her mother to talk her into coming up to Canada for Christmas. Being alone with her fat, worthless cat and her movie collection wasn’t a bad thing. She could be watching movies on her couch with some ice cream right now.

  Oh, no. She’d bought into the whole fun family get-together idea, traveling hours by plane up to Buffalo, New York. The last three hours she’d spent in a rental car, driving through one of the worst snowstorms she’d ever seen. And now she couldn’t reach her intended destination?


  Had any of her family made it then? If so, where were they?

  For that matter, what the hell was she going to do now?

  The left headlight of her rental car had been flickering for the last hour and as Sarah watched, it faded and stayed out this time.

  Well, now she was screwed. She didn’t have enough light to see in the heavy snow and darkness. It was very late, the road to the cabin was closed, and it was pretty fricking cold.

  No, wait. Had the headlight come back on? It was brighter now. Much brighter.

  Crap. It wasn’t her headlight. Someone was coming up behind her.

  Sarah had come to a stop in the road to read the closed road sign. She didn’t have long to worry that whoever was back there would plow into the back of her car. Before she could think about putting her car back into drive, a man got out of the vehicle behind her. Sarah rolled down the car’s iced up window and turned her head around to watch his large shadow approach her car.

  The first thing she saw was the emblem on his heavy winter coat. Coolness! A park ranger. This guy could help her.

  When he bent down so she could see his handsome face her enthusiasm faded. Devin Parke’s dark eyes locked with hers.

  Well, this trip was getting better and better. Shit. Of all the damned people to run into. Sarah hadn’t seen Devin since that summer five years ago after she’d graduated from college…

  “Hello, Sarah.” Even with the winter wind howling around him, his deep voice washed over her like a blast of heat. “Having some trouble?”

  “Don’t be cute.” Sarah didn’t care for the way half his mouth curved smugly up. “I’m supposed to meet my family at the cabin.”

  “That road is closed. This one will be soon and you can’t drive in these conditions with just one headlight in a front wheel drive.”

  “I can if I follow you. Surely there’s somewhere I can stay to ride this thing out.”

  Oh, she didn’t like the devilish turn his expression took. Not at all.

  “There sure is but we’re leaving this car here. Even if you managed to get turned around you wouldn’t get far. I almost got stuck back there.”

  Ride with him? After what had almost happened between them five years ago? Right. “Thanks but I’ll take my chances. I’m not going to just leave my car here.”

  “Why? It’s not going anywhere.” Devin blew out an exhale. “I’m freezing my ass off out here. Shut off the car. I’ll get your bags.”

  “Not going to give me a choice in this are you?” Sarah didn’t hide her sarcasm as she shut off the engine and began groping in the faint light from his headlights for her gloves and purse.

  You don’t want him to give you a choice either. Who was she kidding? Sarah had wanted Devin Parke for many years now. He was the real reason her mother had gotten her off her ass and up to Canada -- the chance she might see him again.

  “Do you happen to remember what I told you the last time we were together, Sarah?”

  How could she forget?

  Yeah, she’d been drunk and she really had led him on that night. Sarah hadn’t meant to be a cock tease. She’d known Devin since she was a child and as she grew older, she came to realize that he was hot as hell. Devin was a man with a lot beneath the surface and that always made her a little nervous. It probably would have been the fuck of her life that night but she’d chickened out at the last minute.

  And she’d always wondered since that night what sex with him would have been like.

  “I told you that one day I’d have an opportunity to return the favor for that night.” Devin’s grin took on a distinctive predatory quality. “The moon is full. It’s Christmas Eve. Looks like a very Merry Christmas to me.”

  He was fucking with her. Yeah, maybe she deserved that much. Yet he was on duty. He couldn’t be serious.

  “Yeah, okay, Merry Christmas,” Sarah told him before grabbing her purse and climbing carefully out of her car.

  * * *

  “Who’ve you got there, Dev?” a male voice called.

  Sarah peeked around Devin as she stepped into the warmth of the dimly lit cabin to see another ranger watching them from behind a small wooden desk, a magazine clutched in his hand. Wait. Was that Eric Reneau? When did he become a ranger?

  Shit damn, her luck had apparently run out. What were the odds that the other guy she’d teased that night five years ago would be here too? Was this payback for something she’d done to someone? A big karma whammy that had befallen her?

  “Sarah Rushe?” Eric asked.

  Pulling the hood of her coat back, Sarah nodded. “Hi, Eric. How are you?”

  “Fine. A little cold.” His green eyes moved to Devin and back. Then he smiled. “Are you up here visiting family?”

  Devin removed his coat and hung it on a hook by the door. Sarah had just unzipped hers when he stepped behind her and pulled it from her body.

  “I was trying to,” Sarah explained. “The road to the cabin is closed tonight. I need to see if I can get in touch with my family.”

  “Mrs. Ann Rushe called.” Eric pulled a sticky note from the desk before him. “She called around seven to say that she and your father never made it out of Michigan. There’s a storm there too.”

  Of course her mother had called the rangers. She’d probably called everyone she could think of in a hundred mile radius.

  At least she knew her parents were safe. Since her sister was also in Michigan, Sarah was pretty sure she was safe, too.

  While all that was good, it didn’t change the fact that she was
here with two good looking rangers and it didn’t look like any of them were going anywhere this Christmas Eve.

  Eric’s blue eyes twinkled as he pulled out a clear bag filled with large plastic cups and a half-empty bottle of liquor. Sarah had always thought he was cute as hell. He hadn’t been around as much during her childhood visits to Canada as Devin was, but she’d noticed him.

  Yet, it was Devin Parke who clouded her dreams each summer night she spent with her family at the lake. Dark dreams of all the ways he could take her…

  “The power went out, eh?” Devin asked.

  “We can run the generator for a little while,” Eric told him. “We had some gas left from last month. Not a lot.”

  “Well, we have no Christmas tree. No music.” Devin wandered over to the desk where Eric sat, pulled out one of the chairs in front of it, and sat down. “Want to have something to warm your bones and catch up, Sarah?”

  What? Was she going somewhere?

  Sarah walked up to the chair next to Devin and sat down.

  “Why not?”

  * * *

  The flickering of the lights and the groaning complaints of the generator outside jarred Sarah out of her doze. She’d only had one shot of whiskey but it was enough to push her over the line of tired to sleepy. She didn’t mean to start nodding on the fellows but that’s just what she’d done for the last hour and they seemed to pay her little attention. They’d moved on to talking about work.

  “Looks like it’s time for bed,” Devin’s deep voice penetrated the darkness. Only the light of the oil lamp on the short metal filing cabinet behind the desk lit the room now.

  Bed sounded good.

  Eric lifted the oil lamp from the cabinet and pressed the handle in her hand when she rose to her feet. “This way,” he directed her.

  Following him and Devin, she walked to the doorway of a small room with one window and a simple bed next to it. “There are extra blankets in the closet,” Devin mumbled. “You’ll need them. We have a small fireplace in the main room, but it’s not much without the generator and the furnace.”

  Sarah yawned, grateful that she wasn’t freezing to death back in her rental car about now. “Thank you.”

  It registered somewhere in her exhausted mind while she found a place to put the oil lamp and dug blankets out of the closet that the men had walked out of the cabin. Maybe they smoked. Hell, she didn’t know.

  She did think to leave the door open so she could get the warmth from the fireplace. Pulling off her shoes and her jeans, she climbed into bed and burrowed into the pile of blankets she’d found, snuggling.

  Sarah closed her eyes, her mind shutting down. She thought she heard howling outside the cabin. Long eerie cries. But she was so damned tired she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  * * *

  Sarah awoke later in the night. Warm, she was so warm. Stretching into that warmth, she started when she realized why she was warm. She was, in fact, sandwiched between two very hot, very hard male bodies and one of them was pulling off the long-sleeved T-shirt she wore. The scent of their arousal was strong.

  “Whoa!” Sarah stared up into Devin’s handsome face. Even in the scant light the oil lamp gave off, heated desire was easy to read in his dark eyes. “What are you doing?”

  “I think you know why we’re here. To finish old business.” Devin’s voice was rough as he yanked the T-shirt free of her arms and tossed it aside. When he filled his hands with her breasts, Sarah moaned. Her sleep-fogged mind was slow to act. Her body stormed to life in a wicked way.

  Pressing her onto her back, Devin smiled. Eric began licking at one nipple, his mouth pulling it in, suckling her as Devin watched.

  Even with the tidal wave of carnal sensation rushing through her, Sarah found her voice to speak. “And just who said that finishing business meant that I was going to fuck the two of you?”

  Now both men’s hands were caressing her body, coasting over her gently. It made it hard to think, much less demand an explanation. Damn it!

  Pulling on the neglected nipple with his long rough fingers, Devin’s eyes searched hers. “This is what you wanted that night five years ago, yes? The two of us in your bed?”

  Well, yeah, it had been if she were to be honest with herself. She’d had a lot to drink that night and the thought of the two hottest guys she’d ever seen bringing her to unimaginable heights of passion sounded like a very good idea. At the last minute, she’d let intimidation get the best of her and went back to her family’s cabin.

  Sarah had never done anything wild like that.

  She’d regretted walking away more than once.

  If she were to be truly honest, more than anything, she’d regretted walking away from Devin.

  “What makes you so sure I want it now?”

  “The heat in your eyes, Sarah.”

  Eric’s teeth and tongue tormented the tight tip of one breast while she tried to think of a comeback for that. Nothing really came to mind. How could it when she was more than eager for this?

  When Eric’s hand skimmed down her belly, Devin stopped him, threw it off just before it reached her pussy. “That’s mine.” His dark eyes fixed on Eric. “Tonight we finish what Sarah started way back when. After tonight, I don’t share.”

  Eric’s mouth left her breast an instant before Devin’s hand slid gently down her belly, his fingers delving into the heated wetness between her thighs. “I told you that I’m good with that, with all of it,” Eric said, his voice pitched low. “I’m not looking to be part of a love triangle. I just haven’t been able to get the thought of this out of my head for the last five years.”

  Devin’s fingers began circling her clit, her pussy walls clenched. “Oh, man. Neither have I,” Sarah managed, sucking in her breath at the intense ecstasy Devin drew with his wicked touch.

  And that seemed to be all the permission her two rangers needed to proceed. The feel of Eric’s mouth returning to her breast had Sarah straining toward him as her thighs fell open to given Devin access to her sensitive cunt. At the same time, Eric’s mouth covered the tight peak in his grasp with his lips, sucking on it deeply as both hands curved around it.

  Sarah’s head tossed on the mattress as flames of pure pleasure began to engulf her. She could feel the heat pooling low in her belly, in the aching flesh of her pussy, before it overtook her completely.

  They took their time tormenting her. Devin lowered his mouth to her other breast and Sarah relaxed into the lusty sensations. Each time a tongue licked at her nipples, or teeth nipped at the sensitive tips, sparks of carnal excitement shot through her body. Sarah wanted every bit of it, every touch, every lick and stroke.

  Both men moaned and growled low in enjoyment as they suckled her. Their mouths were greedy on her flesh with slow, heated licks of their tongues, and she felt herself melting into a pool of desire so intense that it seemed surreal. They worshipped her with their hands and mouths. They suckled and licked, nipped and caressed, until she was gasping from the uncontrollable need that had her pussy walls clenching hard.

  Sarah’s breasts became so sensitive from their attention that each whisper of heated breath over her nipples nearly pushed her over the edge into orgasm. Her pussy quivered in longing, her juices drenching Devin’s fingers as he caressed her.

  They started moving then, rolling her onto her side while the winter wind howled outside. Devin’s mouth skimmed over her tummy, one rough hand lifting her leg to give his mouth access to her cunt. Immediately, his mouth went to her clit.

  Sarah cried out at the fierce heat that shot through her center and throughout the rest of her body. She felt Eric behind her, his fingers pulling her buttocks apart. His hand lifted her thigh higher and she felt his breath pelt the tight ring revealed to him.

  “Oh!” Eric’s tongue began to circle the tight entrance to her ass, leaving Sarah panting in shock and arousal.

  Devin didn’t seem to care what Eric was doing on the other side of her body.
His tongue circled the hard nub of her clit before flicking against it until she thought she’d lose her mind. His lips closed over it and he began to suckle her while Eric lapped at the sensitive portal he claimed behind her.

  Sarah’s hands speared into the short, dark locks of Devin’s hair. The rest of the world was lost in that moment, as their greedy mouths pleasured her relentlessly. Her hips moved wildly as she screamed and pleaded, her body on fire. When Devin began to draw her clit tighter into his mouth, his tongue a wicked torment that demanded her response, Sarah’s body went up in flames. The orgasm ripped through her body. The high cry that echoed in the small room around them was hers, but she wasn’t aware of making it.

  Spasms still wracked her body when Devin rolled onto his back and took her with him, pulling her over his hard body. Eric was right behind them, his fingers digging into her hips as Devin moved her into the position he wanted. She was sinking down hard on the heated length of his cock before she knew what was happening.

  “Oh, God, Devin.” Unbelievable pleasure blended with slight pain as he filled her body. His cock was wide, burning and stretching her as it sank into her greedy depths.

  Pulling her into his arms, Devin held her close. His breath was hot in her ear. “I’ve always wanted to know how good you felt. I’ve always wanted you, Sarah.”

  Devin’s lips were gentle on hers as he kissed her. It wasn’t their first kiss. She remembered he was an incredible kisser but this time his soft, silken kisses were different. They were meant to seduce, entice. Sarah lost herself in those kisses and in the way he began a slow, easy rhythm within her.

  She was vaguely aware of Eric shifting behind her. When she felt him gently smooth something warm and wet over her ass, she knew exactly what he was doing. When she felt his fingers enter to prepare her, she almost came right then and there.

  Sarah needed both cocks, wanted both. But she nearly yanked free of Devin’s grip when Eric began to work his cock up the tender entrance of her ass. Her anus burned and stretched, the feeling unbelievable as he pushed his length into her tight ass.


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