Southern Charm (Southern Desires Series Book 5)

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Southern Charm (Southern Desires Series Book 5) Page 14

by Jeannette Winters

  Thinking of saying goodbye to Wyatt gave her a sinking feeling in her gut. She wasn’t ready to say she loved him but, whatever this was, she didn’t want him risking his life for hers. And I know that’s exactly what he’d do. I can’t let that happen. I need Mark to ensure the plan goes as I laid it out. If he doesn’t tell Wyatt exactly what I want him to, then Wyatt will try to protect me, and I won’t be able to protect him.

  She knew it was wrong to lie to both Mark and Wyatt. They were all on the same side. Randi couldn’t forget Johnson. He’d given his life protecting her and Marina. Although she was thankful to be alive, she was carrying guilt about his death. It didn’t matter if it was realistic or not, it was how she felt. I’m sure Mark and Kevin feel the same way. I don’t want to be responsible for anyone else getting killed.

  This mission was her risk to take. With the plan in action, all she had to do was make sure the team believed it was the only plan. No one needed to know their version was different from hers.

  She remembered similar conversations with Maggie years ago. Her sister had intentionally kept her in the dark about what she was going to do. If Randi had known, she’d have tried to stop her. Most likely they both would’ve been killed. Now Randi was facing the same decisions Maggie had faced with Nate. Protect those you love by putting all the risk on yourself.

  It had been so easy to judge Maggie’s decisions. She’d sworn she’d have done things differently. Now, sitting here on the bed, she was following Maggie’s lead to the letter. The only difference is she left me behind to pick up the pieces. It’s been hell without her.

  Randi never questioned her sister’s bravery but respected her even more because of it. Randi’s heart broke as she pictured Maggie kissing Nate goodbye one last time. She was going to do the same very soon with Wyatt. It made her physically ill thinking about it. But just like Maggie had to separate herself from Nate to keep him safe, Randi needed to find the courage to do the same with Wyatt.

  Because they were twins, they’d shared a connection unlike any other. But during that horrible time when Maggie needed her most, they were almost strangers. Randi had no clue what Maggie had been going through emotionally. It’d been like a switch had been turned off.

  No matter how she tried, Randi could never understand what had possessed Maggie to do what she did. Now Randi’s eyes and heart were open. She felt closer to her sister than she had in a long time. She could feel Maggie with her, as though the connection they once shared had returned, and she wasn’t alone anymore.

  Now she needed to think about Wyatt and what was best. Guess I’m about to find out just how strong I am. Because I can’t for the life of me figure out how I’m going to walk away from him without my heart breaking.

  She wasn’t going to let herself dwell on that. There was nothing she could do to change what needed to be done. When Wyatt went to sleep, she’d make her way up top and take off in his rental car. By the time he woke, she’d be long gone. Mark should have everything else in place. Wyatt would be safe. If I make it through this, I hope he’ll forgive me. If I don’t, I still hope he’ll understand why I couldn’t tell him.

  Staying in her room was the best thing to do, but not what she wanted. The time they had together was limited, and she didn’t want to miss any more of it. Slipping out, she looked to see if she could hear Wyatt. The television was still on, so she figured he was occupying himself. That was good. If all they had was tonight, then she was going to make it something special to remember. Unless he chooses to reject me again, then the memory won’t be quite so sweet.

  Sneaking quietly into the kitchen, she closed the door behind her. She wanted to plan a romantic candlelight dinner. Normally the shy one, Randi was going to risk it all in a different way. Either Wyatt was going to want what she was offering, or it was going to be a long lonely night in that bed.

  Wyatt spent the rest of the afternoon in contact with both Nate and Mark. He’d expected Randi to come looking for her phone, but she seemed to be avoiding him. It was understandable after the asshole move he’d pulled. You don’t tell a woman she’s beautiful and you want her, then push her away. I don’t think she has a clue what it did to me either.

  Physically it sucked, but there was something more. For the first time in his life Wyatt was afraid of losing someone. He’d seen plenty of death, but thinking it could be her was like a knife in his chest. He was glad Mark was honest with him about what was going on. Of course, he was pissed at Randi for thinking she could get away with it. If Mark hadn’t told him, she might have. And I might have lost her for good. She’s a crazy girl. Why would she want to take those bastards on herself when she has us? Me?

  Mark tried explaining her rationale, but Wyatt didn’t care what reason she came up with. It wasn’t going to happen that way. She keeps thinking she’s leaving me behind. I’ll let her get in the car and drive away, but I promise I’m going to be close by even if she can’t see me.

  Wyatt wasn’t sure why Mark had confided in him. From what he knew, Randi and Mark had worked together in the past. Why was Mark willing to break confidence now? Because he doesn’t want to attend her funeral like he did Johnson’s.

  Although he could smell something wonderful coming from the kitchen, Wyatt didn’t get up to check it out. It was taking everything within him to keep what he knew under wraps. He was tempted to go inside, throw her over his shoulder, carry her to the bed, and make love to her until she didn’t have the strength or inclination to leave.

  He hadn’t shared that plan with Mark, but it was what he was contemplating. The only thing that prevented that from happening was she’d eventually try again, and he might not have a heads-up next time. So he was forced to play along.

  Wyatt had told Mark about the phone on the upper level so, going forward, they could be in constant contact without Randi knowing. He also updated Mark on Nate’s situation. It was a relief knowing Nate had backup. Wyatt wasn’t about to forget there still was a mole somewhere. Mark was adamant it wasn’t someone on his team. Wyatt wasn’t so sure. The only person he trusted besides Nate was Randi. Mark had yet to prove himself. If Randi gets out of this alive, that will be a start. If not, and Mark left me in the dark on something I needed to know, I’m coming after him.

  He hated not having the lead in this mission. It was unfamiliar territory. He always had a commander to answer to, but Mark wasn’t his superior. Just the one holding all the cards right now, and I need to change that quickly.

  Wyatt put the phone from upstairs into his back pocket. He didn’t need it for long, but as long as they were in the bunker he had to rely on it. The last thing he wanted was for Randi to know he’d been using her phone. Or that I put a tracker on it. Just in case Mark decides to tell her I know about her plan, I will still know exactly where she is as long as she has her phone. He needed to make sure she found it. Sliding Randi’s cell phone between the cushions on the couch but out far enough to be visible, he made his way to the door.

  The aroma from the kitchen was driving him crazy, and he was starving. He hadn’t eaten anything since his PB&J earlier. He needed real food, like a ribeye steak. Wyatt wasn’t sure what she was making, but he’d sampled her cooking, and she was astounding. I know what I want to taste more than her food. Better settle for what I can get. Everything else is off limits.

  By her expression when she’d left the room, she had no interest in his mixed signals. That should please him, but it didn’t. All he was trying to do was gain control so he could protect her. His feelings for her were strong. Just can’t let her know that.

  He opened the door and headed for the kitchen. They might not be able to do much, but they should be safe sharing a meal at the table. He was sorely mistaken. When he entered the kitchen the lights were off and it was lit by two candles in the center of the table. There was no food to be seen. He opened the oven and could see a roast with potatoes and carrots on the side. It made his mouth water.

  Wyatt was tempted to pull it
out and start carving. He wasn’t a cook, but even he could tell it was far from ready. His stomach growled as he walked to the refrigerator, searching for something, anything, to hold him until dinner was ready. He found a cake inside with whipped cream and strawberries on top. She obviously had spent the entire afternoon in the kitchen while he was plotting in the living room. At least I know what she’s been up to. With all this, there’s no way she was up to any mischief.

  This was the type of woman he saw when he looked at her. She may be wearing her sister’s Marine uniform, but she wasn’t Maggie. He didn’t want her to be either. Randi was the woman who captivated his interest. A little homemaker . . . sweet, tender, gentle. She was loving and kind. Wouldn’t hurt anyone. Damn, the whole package. She needs to stop being someone she’s not and be the woman I know she is. Mirranda. He knew he wasn’t a good enough man to be with her. He was definitely her opposite. Maybe that’s what I need. He knew it sure as hell was what he wanted.

  Right now he needed to know where she was. Everything was quiet. Too damn quiet. He turned to search for her before she got into any trouble. He knew she planned to take off, but that wasn’t supposed to be today. Nothing about her surprised him any longer, and he needed to make sure she was still in the bunker. Can’t track her if she doesn’t take that damn phone.

  He didn’t feel guilty about manipulating the situation. In his defense, he was doing what Randi needed him to do—what she really wanted him to do—even if she wouldn’t admit it. It’d still be best if she doesn’t find out. He had a feeling all that gentleness would be gone if she did.

  Before he could leave the kitchen, Randi appeared in the doorway. He nearly fell backward at the sight of her. Cooking wasn’t the only thing she’d been up to. Randi was leaning against the doorjamb, innocence in her eyes but nowhere else. She was wearing an apron with ruffles and nothing else. Shit, I’m in trouble.

  “I thought you might be . . . starving.” She blinked up at him, her long lashes sweeping seductively over her beautiful blue eyes.

  Oh, yeah. I’m done. Wyatt closed the distance between them. Looming over her, he lifted her into his arms and said, “For you.” He watched her pale cheeks turn pink. It excited him even more, knowing she wanted this but wasn’t as confident as she was pretending to be.

  As he held her in his arms, he could feel her bare backside. His cock was throbbing with need, and he wanted to remove that flimsy apron so he could see every inch of her.

  “I’m going to kiss you, so if this is . . . payback for earlier, I suggest we stop now.” He didn’t think she’d play that game but knew women who would. Once he started this, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop.

  Randi licked her lips while looking at his. “Then kiss me already,” she said breathlessly.

  Claiming her lips, he parted them with his tongue. He needed to taste her sweetness again. If he thought his desire for her this morning was powerful, it didn’t come close to this moment. When his tongue darted into her mouth, she sucked gently on it. He could imagine her lips closing around his cock, sucking him. Damn it. Slow down.

  He didn’t want to rush this. Randi had so much to offer, and he had so much to give. Only after he knew she was satisfied would he think of his own needs. Wyatt started toward the bedroom when she mumbled against his mouth.

  “The candles.”

  How she was able to remember to blow them out at a time like this shocked him. He didn’t release her, but went back to the table and held her over the candles. She blew them out and turned right back into him. “Now, where were we?”

  He was overdressed, and his erection was pressing firmly against his jeans, in need of freedom. “Heading to the bedroom so I can show you just how beautiful you are.”

  They were down the hall in a few long strides, and he kicked the door open. More candles. She’s been plotting, and I like it.

  It would be so easy to lay her on the bed, strip off his clothes, and plunge deep inside her. Her eyes were dark with desire. Instead, he laid her gently on the king-sized bed. Their eyes never left each other as he removed his clothes, quickly tossing them aside. He stopped only long enough to grab a foil pack from his wallet and toss it on the bed beside her. He wished he’d packed more than just one, because he knew having her once wasn’t going to satisfy his desire for her. Good thing there’s other things I can do to please her.

  Wyatt climbed onto the bed, covering her body with his. Her taut nipples begged him to take them into his mouth. Lowering his head, he kissed, tugged, and nipped the first one. Her moans filled the air as she arched her back for more.

  His tongue twirled around her nipple before sucking it again. Then he moved to the next and continued his assault. She reached up and tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer.

  His mouth moved from her breast to her neck, and then down between her two perfect peaks. She groaned and tugged at him impatiently. “Wyatt I want . . .” followed by an even deeper moan. She was making it difficult to refuse her request.

  He knew once he entered her he would lose what little control he had. Wyatt reached behind her and untied the apron. Pulling it away revealed what little it had been covering. His hands traveled down the length of her, stroking her skin from hip to thigh and everything in between.

  He could feel how ready and willing she was, but he wanted to watch her soar the heights of ecstasy before entering her. “Ah, sweetheart, I know what you want, but first let me show you what you need.”

  Her blue eyes widened, locking with his for a moment, then closed suddenly as his finger slid deep inside her. A shudder of delight rippled through her, enhancing his burning passion.

  “Open for me,” he murmured against her ear, nibbling her lobe as he spoke.

  She complied, and he entered her again with two fingers. He almost went over the edge as he plunged deeper and faster. Her body arched to meet his fingers. He knew she was close.

  Stroking her hot, swollen nub with his thumb, he increased his rhythm. She began to shake, and he could feel her core clench, pulsing around his fingers. “Yeah sweetheart, let go.”

  She cried out breathlessly, screaming his name as her orgasm raced through her body. “Wyatt. Wyatt.”

  His name never sounded so fucking hot as it did coming from her as she exploded.

  Before her body could calm, he opened the condom and sheathed himself. Positioning himself between her legs, he lifted her hips toward him. The tip of his cock stroked her wet folds. As it touched her slick nub he watched her shudder again.

  “Oh, Wyatt I need you . . . inside me,” she gasped then moaned.

  His cock was so hard from holding back, it throbbed and ached. The look in her eyes sent him over the edge. Thrusting deep inside her, he felt her tense with the invasion.

  “Did I hurt you?” Wyatt asked softly as she adjusted to his size.

  She shook her head and arched her back, bringing him even deeper. Wyatt’s body demanded to move. He moved faster and deeper, his rhythm taking on a force of its own. Randi clung to him, her nails digging into his arms as her body shook, and the spasms of her orgasm gripped him like a vice. Yes. Fuck, yes.

  She was holding him tightly with her thighs so he couldn’t pull away. He continued to plunge into her, as his body exploded into a colorful orgasmic abyss. It was so powerful that he saw flashes of light as his body shook and his hands trembled. Fuck. Yes.

  Never before had he lost himself in anyone like this. He could barely think. He collapsed on top of her, and his entire body tingled. Woman, what did you do to me?

  He felt her body relax under his. Although he didn’t want to move, he couldn’t continue to let her support his weight. Rolling over, he pulled her so she rested on top of him. He wrapped his arm around her tiny waist so she couldn’t leave. Not now, not ever.

  Randi nestled her head into his neck and said, “That was—”

  “Astonishing,” Wyatt said and kissed her on top of her head. He knew that word didn’t co
me close to describing what they’d just shared. He was almost afraid to search for the right one. He was exactly where he wanted to be and also where he knew he shouldn’t be. His emotional connection to her was a blessing and curse. Whatever I do, I can’t forget she’ll do anything to protect me, even if it means risking herself. Kissing her head again, he closed his eyes. That is never going to happen, sweetheart. Never.

  He was almost asleep when he felt Randi stiffen and leap from the bed. Although he was enjoying the sight of her perfect naked body bouncing around the room, he had no idea what had just happened.

  “What’s wrong?” Wyatt asked, getting up and grabbing his jeans. Had he been so distracted that she heard something he hadn’t?

  “My dinner. It’s going to burn.” Randi didn’t even bother putting on clothes before she left the room.

  Wyatt stood in the room laughing. There was a lot on his mind, but not what was in the oven.

  He was in no rush to get to the kitchen. Anything he did to assist would only ruin all her hard work. I could use a good meal right now. Then maybe some strawberries, whipped cream, and Randi for dessert.

  Before he had his T-shirt on, Randi was back in the room. “Everything’s perfect.”

  She had such a sincere smile that he couldn’t bring himself to comment on her lack of attire. Randi looked . . . happy. He knew it wasn’t going to last. Tomorrow she was going to implement her little escape plan, and he’d have to let her go. The thought of not having her by his side, where he was totally confident he could protect her, troubled him. All he could do was trust what Mark had told him. She’ll be covered at all times. I hope that’ll be good enough. I have a bad feeling about this.

  Wyatt knew his feelings for her clouded his thinking. They all were professionals. They were trained for this type of mission. All except for her, my sweet Randi. She’s learned by faking it until she makes it. But nothing prepares a person for what she’s about to do.


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