Sun, Sand and Murder: A Suzette Bishop Mystery (Suzette Bishop Mysteries Book 3)

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Sun, Sand and Murder: A Suzette Bishop Mystery (Suzette Bishop Mysteries Book 3) Page 8

by Kristine Frost

  Suzette frowned, “From what everyone was saying last night, I can’t see why Jeanette Stewart would venture into the scrub. Her daughter, Hallie, made the comment that she was very allergic to Chigger bites. She said that if she got too many of them, she could go into Anaphylactic shock. I understand that the scrub is loaded with Chiggers.”

  “That explains the welts all over her body,” Mitch said slowly. “The coroner thought they might be from insect bites but he wasn’t sure without running some tests and it may take five months to get those tests back.” He paused for a moment, taking a bite of shrimp, then added, “It is strange. From the looks of the body, she took very good care of herself.”

  “Okay then, the first question we need answered is: why was she on the beach in just her nightgown? Second question: why was she in the scrub?”

  Mitch said, “Miner said something along the same lines, only he said, ‘I think the first question is, how was Cordelia Campbell involved in the murder and the fire’?”

  Suzette stared at him for a minute. “So that’s why he’s been so hostile to Jeremy and to Cordelia. He thinks Cordelia killed her sister.”

  Slowly, he nodded. “According to Miner, they, meaning Cordelia, Dorothea, and Jeanette had an ugly fight the night before she was murdered. Jeanette was constantly pushing for money, constantly whining, constantly upsetting the staff.”

  Suzette said coldly, “Okay, that’s motive, but it’s very thin. If she was that annoying why not just kick her out? Her son, Jeremy, would have paid for an apartment and given her an allowance. That seems like a more reasonable way to deal with the problem. If fact, that’s what Jeremy was trying to get his mother to do.”

  “Except that she wouldn’t have been able to live in the manner to which she had become accustomed, so she wouldn’t budge.”

  “True,” Suzette acknowledged. “Of course, I didn’t know Jeanette because she died before I was hired, but I’m curious, how tall was she? Dorothea is huge, 5'9" or 5'10" and close to two hundred pounds. Jeanette was her twin sister. Cordelia is small–I tower over her and I’m barely 5'6". I’d say she was maybe 5 feet tall, 5'1" at the most and possibly 100 pounds fully clothed and dripping wet. Could she have done it physically?”

  Mitch Scott said, “That’s what’s got me wondering. Jeanette was somewhat shorter than Dorothea, about 5'8", but she was heavy for her height. Probably 190.”

  Suzette shrugged. “I would think that Jeanette’s size would have eliminated Cordelia as a suspect, especially since the wound slants downward.”

  Scott said, “I don’t think she committed the murder but Greg Barnes thinks she started the fire.” He stabbed his entree like he was stabbing someone else.

  “Not in this lifetime,” Suzette exclaimed. “I simply can’t believe that. Why would he think that?”

  “Because of her actions the night of the fire. She didn’t call the fire department when she discovered the fire,” Scott shot back.

  “The way I understood it, she was at a séance with her sister until almost midnight. I was told that the fire department was notified at 11:30.”

  “11:35 to be precise.” Scott rubbed his index finger across his bottom lip. “Are you sure of your information?”

  “I haven’t checked it because I didn’t know there was any discrepancy, but I can and will. Why do you think she started the fire?”

  “Usual reason–insurance money.”

  “According to her nephew, Miss Cordelia is rolling in cash. Both she and her sister are Wall Street whizzes. It seems like she supports half of Cocoa Beach in some way or other.”

  “She does give a lot to various charities but--” He shrugged.

  ”I think you guys are looking in the wrong place. I think Sheriff Miner has had some run-ins with Cordelia. She’s the type who would definitely try his patience since she is very eccentric.”

  “Maybe so. Before we go further, I’d like to know if you’d consider working with us.”

  “Who’s us?”

  “You know Greg Barnes. I’m a combination of FBI and U. S. Marshall. The blond man that sat in the corner Jerry Fontaine. He’s DEA. The dark haired man next to him was Ken Abbot. He’s Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization–INS.”

  “You have a pretty high-powered group for a murder and a fire. Don’t you think your ring will spot all of you?” Suzette commented.

  Scott shrugged. “They could, although we are all working on different aspects of the problem. I know Ken Abbot is looking at the servants. I think they are all foreign.”

  “They are. Sean, the butler, Lizzy, Cordelia’s maid, and Madeline, who is the house keeper, are from Ireland and are citizens. The woman who waits on me, Maria, is a legal alien. She has her green card. I’m trying to help her with her English so she can become a citizen. I think the only other live-in servant is the cook, but I’m not sure about that.”

  “Okay, I’ll pass that on to Ken.” He bit his bottom lip. “Can you make me a list of everyone who lives in the house, family, staff, guests and whatever background you can get?”

  Suzette nodded as her cell phone started to ring. Flipping it open she said, “Hello, Suzette Bishop, here.”

  As Mitch watched, her face paled, then took on the look of granite. Slowly, she shut off the phone.


  The dark haired man grinned fiendishly as he hung up the phone and stepped from the old-fashioned phone booth. “That ought to shake her up.”

  Chapter 13

  Mitch looked at her. “Are you okay? What did he say?”

  Mechanically, she said, “Your life is a feeble flame. It won’t take much to snuff it out–just like blowing out a candle.’ Then he added, ‘have a nice day,’ and laughed.”

  Mitch shook his head. “That sounds like a death threat to me.” He pulled out his own cell phone, dialed a number and said, “Jerry, a woman I’m working with just received a death threat on her cell phone. He gave the cell phone number. See what you can find out, okay? I’d appreciate it if you’d put a lock on this phone–trace any in call.” He closed the phone and added, “Jerry is a genius when it comes to anything electronic. If he made up his mind, he could trace a radio wave through the earth’s molten core. If you get any more calls like that, record the time. That will help us track him down especially if he’s using a cell phone of his own or his own phone. Trouble is, most people know enough to use a pay phone.”

  Numbly, Suzette nodded.

  Mitch continued, “Do you have any ideas who was behind the call?”

  Suzette shook her head. “I’ve made enemies in the course of my work but none of them know where I am or even what my cell phone number is. The only people who have that number are the people at my office, and Jeremy and his secretary.”

  “You’re sure they haven’t given it out by mistake?”

  “I told everyone not to, but--”

  “But they could have given it to anyone or someone could have seen it that shouldn’t have.”

  “True.” Suzette flipped open her phone and dialed a number. “Randy, this is Suzette. Has anyone in our office given out my cell phone number lately?”

  Randy said, “I haven’t. Let me ask Marie.” He was gone a few minutes. “Marie says she hasn’t given it out. No one has asked for it. What’s up?”

  “I just got an obscene phone call on the number.”

  “That’s weird. You haven’t given it out, have you?”

  “No. I was going to give it to Cordelia but I forgot and I had the number changed after my last case.” Suzette began tapping her finger on the table.

  “I remember that now. What about Stewart or Ms. Park?”

  “I did give it to them since he’s my client. I’ll call and check with them. Thanks.”

  “Suzette, be careful. I don’t like the sounds of this.” Randy really sounded worried.

  “I will. See you.” She pushed the off button.

  “My office hasn’t given it out. The only other people I’
ve given it to are Jeremy Stewart and Amy Park, his secretary. I had the number changed after I finished my last case.” Her voice was flat, dead, as if she didn’t realize she was repeating herself.

  Mitch reached across the table and shook her arm. “Earth to Suzette, earth to Suzette, the marines have landed.”

  Startled, she looked at him.

  “Take it easy, kid. It will be okay. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Suzette’s laugh was bitter. “I’ve always prided myself on staying in control--even when I was being stalked by a killer, I managed it, but this was so personal.”

  “Death threats are personal. Why don’t you call Stewart? I think it would be helpful to get a list of employees that work there. We may be able to find a tie-in.”

  Suzette nodded. Slowly, she dialed Stewart’s law firm as Mitch pulled his small notebook out of his pocket.

  “Hi, Amy, this is Suzette.” There was a pause, then Suzette said, “No, I don’t really have anything new to report. I do think we’re going to have to get a court order to get the sheriff to release Mrs. Stewart’s body. I don’t know how successful we’ll be because we’re dealing with a murder investigation. The fire marshal has determined that the gazebo fire definitely was arson. I will be calling the insurance agencies to notify them later today.” Suzette paused, the said, “Is it okay if I put you on speaker?”

  When Amy had agreed, Suzette continued, “Amy, I have a rather funny question for you. Have you given my cell phone number out to anyone?”

  “No. I don’t give out any info on Mr. Stewart’s business.

  “Could someone else in the office have seen it? I got a really scary phone call just now, but there are only four people who know my new number and you and Jeremy are two of them.”

  “Would you check to make Jeremy hasn’t given it out? I’d also like a list of everyone who works in your office and whether or not they have access to my phone number.”

  “I can’t do that even for ‘a scary call’.”

  Mitch turned the phone toward him. Quickly, Suzette said, “Amy, I’m going to put Mitch Scott on the phone. He is a U. S. Marshall who is helping me on this case.”

  “Ms. Bishop has been receiving death threats on her cell phone. She changed the number after her last case so only a few people have access to that number. I’m trying to find out who and why so that’s why we need a list of anyone in your office who had any chance at all of getting this number. I can get a subpoena if I need to, but I can’t see why your boss would object.”

  He paused for a minute, then added, “She hasn’t given it out here, yet. Yes, you can e-mail the information to me at this number.” He quickly recited a number. “It is a secure line. Thanks. Bye.”

  Mitch handed Suzette the phone. “She’ll e-mail the information to me as soon as possible.” He paused, then asked, can you think of anyone, anyone at all who has a serious reason to have it in for you?”

  Suzette nodded slowly. “I can think of one person who thinks he has a reason to hate me, my ex-husband, James Grey.” She shuddered. “He’s blamed me for every problem he’s had since we divorced. He was in prison for insurance fraud, got out for good behavior, then dropped out of sight.”

  “How could he know you were here?”

  “I don’t know, but I know it was him. It has to be him.”

  “Easy, easy. Don’t get paranoid on me.”

  Suzette sighed, “I know it sounds like that but I really do have a reason to feel this way. He has attacked me, tried to get me fired, and tried to ruin my cases. The only case he hasn’t affected in some way was my case where I uncovered the San Francisco Stalker, but I was undercover for that one.”

  “Give me his name and other information and I’ll see what I can find out about him.”

  Quickly Suzette told him everything she knew about him then she reached in her wallet and pulled out his picture. “I’d like this back after you’ve made copies.”

  “You have a sentimental attachment to him?”

  “No, I do not!” She almost shouted, “I keep the picture to help me remember that no matter how hard life gets, I’m still doing better than when I was married to him.

  Mitch laughed. “I guess that’s one way to look at a bad situation.”

  Suzette managed a smile. “Let’s get back to my original case. Who do you suspect is behind your crime ring?”

  “My bosses say that Derek fits the profile, but–“

  She shook her head. “I’m not--”

  When she didn’t finish, he said, “Then you don’t think that Derek could be the one I’m after?”

  Suzette shrugged her shoulders. “My gut instinct is to say no, but I haven’t been there long enough to say for sure. There is something wrong at that house, I can feel it, I just can’t figure out what it is.”

  “I’ve been following Derek but keeping a low profile like the big bosses want. So far I haven’t seen him do anything suspicious.” He lightly banged his fist against the table. “This is so frustrating! I used to think that going it alone would be great because I wouldn’t have to report to any of the higher ups or have anyone looking over my shoulder. I could just do my own thing.” He shook his head, “But the reality of it is that I can’t get any back-up. I don’t have access to the records that the office here would have. I feel like I’m fighting a slow moving mud slide, and it is definitely winning. I really wish I could get a look at all these people, all at once and all in the same place. That way I could get them straight in my mind.”

  Suzette grinned, “Well, it just so happens that Cordelia is hosting a huge, formal dinner party tonight honoring Dr. Lin and all his associates that are involved in the salvage work on the Spanish Galleon. There will be dancing and bridge after dinner. I haven’t wanted to go because I don’t want to stand out being by myself,” she paused, “So I could really use a date tonight. Interested?”

  “You bet!” he exploded. “What time?”

  “Dinner at 7:30. The rest of the guests are invited for 8:30. It’s formal so break out your tux.”

  He snapped his fingers. “Darn, I knew there was something I forgot to pack. I’d better find a place that rents formal wear.”

  Suzette looked at his massive 6'5” frame that was all muscle. “Better find one that caters to big men or the sleeves and legs will be at least 4 inches too short.”

  Chapter 14

  That evening, Suzette was waiting on the porch when Mitch pried himself out of his rented, fire-engine red Mustang convertible. He paused to wait until a sleek, black jag had pulled to a stop after him. He walked over to the passenger door and opened it and helped out a gorgeous Asian woman who was wearing a deep tomato red dress. It was high necked and long sleeved, but made her look sensual and dangerous. A Native American man got out of the driver’s side, walked around and shook Mitch’s hand. Suzette did a double take when she saw his face. It was Mike Rainwater, the homicide cop she’d worked with on the ‘Stalker’ case.

  After Mitch had handed his keys to one of the valets Cordelia had hired for the night, he bounded up the steps which creaked under his weight. When he got to the top he stopped. “Wow! You look wonderful!” He said as he took in the black ruched strapless dress that fit like a glove to her ankles then ended in a sheer three inch ruffle.

  “Hi,” he said as he bent over to kiss her cheek. Softly he said, “I’ve brought reinforcements because, I’ve just heard a nasty rumor that something is going down tonight. Since your name was mentioned by my informant, you and I are going to be very ‘lovey-dovey’, starting now.”

  He swung her into his arms and delivered a long, passionate kiss.

  “Wow,” Suzette said breathlessly, “I like you, too.” The couple that Mitch had greeted walked up the stairs. Mitch was in the process of making whispered introductions when Deidre sauntered up. “I didn’t know you were such a fast worker, Suzette.” Deidre’s tone of voice would have taken the skin off a shark. “I thought you said you just
met him today.”

  She looked over the group gathered around Mitch and Suzette. She was wearing an extremely sheer, skin-tight, strapless gold dress with a slit up her hip and a long gold lace shawl flung around her shoulders concealing the top of the dress.

  Smiling sweetly, Suzette said, “Eavesdroppers never hear things correctly. If you’d have come into the room instead of standing behind the door you’d have heard what I said. I told Cordelia that he arrived today and that he hadn’t been in Florida before.”

  Angrily, Deidre glared at her for a moment. “You’ll regret this,” she said. Abruptly she turned and stomped away.

  “Sheath those claws, kitty,” Mitch said softly. “What has she done to get that scathing tone of voice?”

  “Just about everything.” Suzette shuddered. “She says really hurtful things about a person in a very sweet tone of voice. And she always makes sure that the person she is talking about can hear what she’s saying. She never talks to a person, she always talks about the person. Her clothes are appalling and she is desperately trying to attract every guy within miles, including Hallie’s boyfriends.”

  Mitch said softly, “I can see where you’re coming from, but I’ve learned over the years that it’s always smart to walk softly when you’re in enemy territory.”

  “You’re right. That was a stupid thing to do.” Taking his arm, Suzette led him into the house. He glanced over at Deidre, who was talking to her father. She had removed the shawl. Although the dress was strapless, it was cut low, nearly to her navel. His mouth dropped open.

  “Your lust is showing.” Suzette had to work hard to keep the anger out of her voice.

  Startled, he looked down at her. “Lust, my ass, I was trying to figure out what was keeping that dress up.”

  “Personal magnetism?” Suzette said in a snarky tone of voice.

  “More likely glue. I’ve heard that swimsuit models and beauty contestants use a spray adhesive to keep their suits from riding up. She must be using it to keep it from falling down.”


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