“You’ve been in this room for seven days,” Eva said.
“It must have happened again,” Jake said with amazement. “I don’t know why, but I know it did.”
“You know what happened?” Eva asked.
“It had to be the nanobots. They fixed my head.”
“Jake, they did more than heal you this time,” Beth said. “They changed you. The nanobot cloud started forming around your head almost as soon as we brought you into this room. It only took a couple of hours till they were so thick we couldn’t see your face. I was scared crazy, and tried to make them go away but they wouldn’t budge.
“Me and Al tried moving the bed, but they stayed with your head. After a few more hours, they covered your whole body. All we could do was leave you alone. There wasn’t anything Eva could do either.
“We’ve been keeping watch on you twenty four hours a day. Janie came running out of your room about an hour ago yelling the nanobots were going away. We’ve been waiting here for you to wake. ”
“What did you mean they changed me?”
Eva rummaged through a leather bag and removed a small round mirror mounted with a swivel to a short metal handle.
“This isn’t much of a mirror, but it should give you a general idea as to why Beth can’t take her eyes off you.
Jake took the proffered mirror and examined at his face. “What the hell!” He exclaimed. The reflected face was familiar.
“I estimate your biological age to be somewhere between twenty five and thirty years. I’ll repeat what you just said. What the hell?”
“I guess the nanobots like me,” Jake said, smiling, moving the small mirror around to see different areas of his face. “I don’t know what’s going on any more than you do.”
“I’m infected too. I told you about the scars from the lion attack. Agnes told me they’re practically gone.”
“I doubt there’s a cure,” Jake said, reluctantly passing the mirror back to Eva. “I think I need to avoid mirrors and take the change in small doses. I’m totally weirded out by this.”
“If you think you’re weirded out, wait until the people you rescued from Saint see you.”
“Why’s that?” Jake asked.
Beth tore her eyes from his face and stood. “Because you’re beautiful, that’s why. Let me finish telling you about the things you missed while the nanobots were healing you.”
“Yes, you’re beautiful, the most beautiful man in the world, and now you’re young too, not much older than me. I love what the nanobots did to you.”
Beth continued speaking. “I thought you were dead,” she said, struggling to keep her emotions in check. “The entire time it took to drive from Bainbridge to Colquitt, I thought you were dead.
“When I saw you weren’t, the only thought I had was to get you to Eva. I started screaming for help, and people came. People I didn’t know. Slaves from the container trucks. I saw them, but didn’t see them. I wanted someone to drive so I could hold a towel against your head, and try to keep you alive.”
“That had to be horrible,” Jake said. “I don’t know how I would have handled it if it were you instead of me.”
“Horrible doesn’t come near. Nightmare doesn’t come near. There’s no word to describe the feelings I had.” Beth began crying, sat back into the chair and hid her face in the covers. She reached for his hand to press against her cheek. “I thought you were dead,” she repeated, her voice muffled by the sheet.
Jake used his free hand to stroke her hair. Al dragged a chair over to be beside his sister, and put his arm across her shoulders.
Agnes placed yet another warm MRE on his tray. She continued the tale where Beth left off.
“There’s a lot more to tell you. You sent three men to rescue the slaves. One of them, Lamar, was shot, and killed. We buried him three days ago. A slave, a young black man named Silas, took his place driving one of the big eighteen-wheeled container trucks they used to house the slaves.”
“You should see how they treated the slaves, Daddy,” Janie said. “Almost every one of them has scars from getting whipped.”
“So, except for me getting shot, and poor Lamar getting killed, the plan worked?”
“More than worked Jake, I’ll tell you about that in a minute,” Agnes said. “I want to tell you more about the slaves. In Saints camp, it became common knowledge that someone was killing many of his men. When that man I busted up...”
“James Baker,” Jake provided.
“James Baker. Anyway, before Saint had him shot, he told people about Jake Markett’s threat to John Saint, and about the woman that broke him up, and about the black girl driving an assault vehicle. He must have seen Beth in the side mirror. Anyway, the slaves heard about this through the grapevine, and about the men, you killed at the roadblock.
“A Latino female got to preaching you were going to come to Saint’s camp and free the slaves. They call her Aunt Maria. Aunt Maria was so positive in her belief she just about convinced the other slaves you were going to be their savior. Sure enough,” Agnes said, laughing, “you were.”
“Oh Lord,” Jake said.
“Silas, the guy that drove the other truck in place of Lamar, was one of the people who came running when Beth started screaming for help. He saw the extent of your injuries and told the other slaves you were as good as dead. Aunt Maria wouldn’t have any of that, and started telling everyone that a miracle was going to happen and you were going to be good as new.
“That’s what Beth was referring to when she said the slaves were going to be weirded out. They’re going to think you’re the Messiah.”
“They’re in for a rude awakening when they find out I’m just as human, and just as fallible as any other man.”
“But are you, Jake?” Eva asked. “I have to say I’m stunned by what’s taking place here. Would you even know if you were the embodiment of the second coming?”
“Yes, I’d know,” Jake, replied with conviction. "What I do know is what’s happening to me and to my family has everything to do with the alien invaders, but for the life of me, I don’t know why.”
“Be that as it may, there’s not going to be much evidence to dispel their belief. As soon as they see you, that’s it.”
“Oh Lord,” Jake said, repeating himself.
“There’s more to tell you,” Agnes said. “Connie armed a bunch of the former slaves, and he’s been maintaining a roadblock to the west of us, He also has guards posted around the hotel.
“Yesterday, a ragtag group of over forty people; men, women and children, refugees from Saint’s camp, approached the roadblock and asked for mercy. The slaves vouched for them, except for one, saying they weren’t bad people, so Connie let them join us.
“The one they didn’t vouch for got belligerent when Connie told him to leave. He threatened Connie with a pistol. Sam put a bullet into his heart before he even got his arm up.”
“Things have been happening while I was out. It seems like it’s under control though.”
“As best it can be. Do you want to know what kind of damage you and Beth did to Saint?”
“You know I do.”
“According to the refugee’s report, over thirty men were crushed to death when you ran over the tents, many more than that were badly injured, some of those will likely die. They left the dead and the injured behind.
“Between Beth on the machine gun, and you blowing away with your rockets and grenades, Saint lost at least another forty men, and many others were severely wounded. Saint himself lost the thumb of his right hand from Beth shooting at the Walmart.”
“Was there any collateral damage?” Jake asked in a serious tone, “Were any children hurt?”
“According to them, no, the only people dead are Saints soldiers.”
“Thank God,” Jake responded with relief.”
“I wish I’d killed that bastard,” Beth said, raising her head from the covers. “All I got was h
is thumb. At least he doesn’t have an army anymore. They said John Saint left the next morning with ten of his men without telling anyone he was leaving.”
“So he’s still out there somewhere?” Jake said. “We accomplished our goal in disrupting any plans he had of mounting a massive move. He has to be demoralized by our attack, and my bet is he took off for fear we might return and finish him.
“He’s lying low, but he’s not going to disappear. When a man like him suffers a humiliating set back, all it does is make him want revenge. Sooner or later, he’ll form another group. I wish we were in a position to finish him off, but with the people we’ve gained, I know we have to be running out of supplies, if we haven’t already.”
“You’re right,” Agnes agreed. “Thanks to the food we loaded into the trailer, we’re still okay, but another day will practically exhaust our supply.”
“Now that Daddy’s well, we can just go to Heaven,” Janie said, “He says there’s enough food there to feed hundreds of people for years.”
“That is our best option,” Jake agreed.
“It’s too late in the afternoon to leave now. Also, we need to wait for Connie. The refugees said the mobile fuel factories were still intact, so he took a group back to Bainbridge to get them.” Agnes stated, “Besides, as weak as you’re acting, it wouldn’t hurt you to rest. I say we leave in the morning.”
“Speaking of being weak,” Jake said, “I’m feeling better, but I’m still hungry. Do we have anything besides beef stew? … I think I need a gallon of drinking water too.
“I’ll make you one,” Beth said, giving, his hand a squeeze before releasing it and standing, “To tell the truth, I’d like some time alone with my husband.”
“We can take a hint,” Agnes said. “But what you mean is, you’d like some time to get reacquainted with your brand new husband.”
“That too,” Beth responded, gazing at Jake adoringly as the others filed out of the room. “Especially that.”
Beth set another MRE warming and returned to the chair beside the bed, once again reaching for his hand.
“I knew I loved you Jake, but I never felt how deep love could be until I saw you lying in a puddle of blood. I thought you were dead, and when we got here, Eva told me you might as well be dead. Your eyes would open every once in a while, and when they did, I could tell you weren’t there anymore. It was horrible. When the nanobots started getting on you, I thought they were going to take you apart like you said they did the buildings.”
“But they didn’t,” Jake responded, “and now I’m back, and everything’s okay,”
“No, it’s not,” Beth, responded, “My mind feels like it’s… I don’t know the right word, but my thoughts are confused. I love what I see, but I’m asking myself if it can really be you after having so much of your brain…” She gasped and began crying again.
“Beth, darling, I want you to listen. Ever since Eva told me how serious my injury was, my mind has been working overtime, trying to find blank spots in my memory. I can’t find any. I think the Nanos searched through what was left of my brain and found everything.”
“How could they?” Beth asked, “So much was gone.”
“There is a theory that the brain stores everything, every thought, every sight, every memory, in many different places. I can remember everything. I’m still the same me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Not totally the same, Eva’s mirror dispelled that.”
“You’re so beautiful,” Beth stated again. “Is this how you looked when you were younger?”
“I think so, except now I’m a lot healthier and thinner than I ever was. You know what. Those meals make me feel like I’ve been reborn. I want to brush my teeth and wash, and then I need some quality time with my wife.”
“If you're ready to play, you're able to warm your own meal,” Beth said, punching his shoulder as she stood. “Don’t you ever put me through another week like this one again. I’ll going to fetch a pail of water for your bath, and when I get back you better be ready to prove to me I’m your woman.”
“Try not to go tumbling down,” Jake quipped, unable to suppress a chuckle.
“Nothing,” Jake replied, smiling, “just being silly. By the way, a while ago you said me and Al. It should be Al and I.”
“Damn, you are you.”
Like their wedding day, their lovemaking began slow, once again getting to know each other. His renewed youth, and Beth’s emotional ride of the past few days combined to make the beginning a spiritual experience.
In the end, this changed desire so deep the external world disappeared in a frenzy of passion. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.
They were awake and dressed. Jake was eating another MRE when they heard a gentle knock on the door to their room. Beth opened it to admit Agnes.
“We barely heard you knock,” Jake said. “What’s up?”
“I wasn’t sure if you’d be sleeping or not. I figured if you heard a light knock, you’d be awake. We’re leaving early tomorrow, and Silas wanted a minute with you if you’re up to it. Aunt Maria would like a word too.”
“I can handle that,” Jake said, “but one at a time, if it’s okay with them.”
“I’m sure they’ll be fine with that,” Agnes agreed. She noted the condition of Beth’s hair and smiled. “I can see you’re feeling better. I’ll delay them a few minutes so Beth can freshen up.”
“Oh,” Beth said, reaching instinctively to touch her hair. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she said, moving towards the bathroom.
Agnes lingered a moment. “I still can’t get over the change. You know what I think. The nanobots were slowly de-aging you anyway, but they simply took the opportunity to speed things up while they repaired your head.”
“More than likely,” Jake agreed. “I wonder if there are others…individuals or groups, the nanos are affecting?”
“I guess there could be, but I see no evidence any of Connie’s group or from Saint’s camp are showing signs they are infected. I’ll be out in the hall with Maria and Silas. Let us know when you’re ready.”
Silas was a handsome man. Jake guessed him to be in his mid-thirties. He was slim and tall, with skin the color of aged mahogany. There was ample seating left over from so many people keeping vigil over Jake’s body while the nanobots did their miracle. Jake motioned for him to take a seat facing the two of them.
“You’re the fellow who drove the other truck after Lamar was shot,” Jake said. “I’m glad you made it out of that hell.”
Silas did not respond. He sat staring at Jake, disbelief written on his face.
“He’s changed, hasn’t he?” Beth said. “He’s a lot better than the last time you saw him.”
Silas finally found his tongue. “Better, is an understatement, he’s been reborn. What the hell's going on here?”
“There’s an explanation, but it’s far from a simple one,” Jake responded. “It’s tied in with the same situation that caused the death.”
“You mean the nanobots. Your kids told me about that. How sure are you?”
“One hundred percent,” Jake said. “I’ve seen them through some of the best imaging devices when I was part of a group studying them at the University of Wisconsin.”
“I’ll be damned… were they ours or someone else's?”
“Neither,” Jake replied, they’re alien to our planet.”
“Do you agree with what he’s saying?” he asked, glancing at Beth.
“How could I doubt it? I spent four days by his bedside watching while they remade him.”
“I’ll be damned,” Silas said again. “I taught high school chemistry and physics, so I know a little about the subject. There has to be some very advanced science behind those things. From my reading on the internet, we were nowhere near creating anything like this. Kind of lends credence to them being extraterrestrial.”r />
“Or extra dimensional,” Jake added. “We just don’t know. There’s a lot of brain power going to be joining us in Haven to work on finding out where they came from.”
“Haven? Your kids told me about that too, only they call it Heaven... I have to say, the people are feeling a bit confused by everything that’s happened, and the confusion is only going to deepen when they learn you’ve not only been resurrected, but you also managed to shed about twenty years in the process. Aunt Maria already has us half believing you’re the second coming of Christ. I mean, come on, the place we’re going to is called Heaven.”
“The official name of the facility is Haven, but listen, I’m just human,” Jake said, responding to his statements. “It may be that the nanobots are aware of some things I haven’t voiced yet, and they could be, for lack of a better explanation, trying to help me achieve certain goals. It may also happen, when I do voice the goals I hope to achieve, my words will make me seem even more messianic, but I know, and the people who know me, know, I am only a man.”
“I’ll have to take you at your word even though the evidence seems to support Aunt Maria’s position.” Silas paused for a moment, his countenance gripped and twisted by deep emotions.
“Aunt Maria swore you were going to rescue us and you did. You have no idea what it was like for us there in that camp. We were worked like mules and beaten like dogs. Our women were raped and gang raped. Our children were killed out of hand and turned into meat. When one of us died, they turned the body into meat and that is what we had to eat before Saint would allow us anything else. We had to eat…” His voice broke and he seemed to collapse into himself, his body wracked by deep sobs.
Beth left her chair and moved to kneel in front of him, pulling his hands from his face so he could see her.
“You had no control over what was done to you, or the things you were forced to do, but you’re alive and that’s what matters to me and Jake. You are people and we had to come get you away from that son of a bitch. What happened was Saint’s fault.”
HARD ROAD: Heaven Bound Page 28