The Star Cross: Galaxy in Peril

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The Star Cross: Galaxy in Peril Page 6

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Admiral, I have Ambassador Tenner on the comm,” added Lieutenant Pierce. “He wants to speak with you.”

  Nodding, Kurt activated his private comm system. “Hello, Marvin. I see you have some company in orbit.”

  “You could say that,” Tenner replied. “I also have some guests here at the embassy compound. One in particular wants to see you as soon as you arrive.”


  “A Lakiam woman named Mara Liam. She’s been quite adamant that she speak with you.”

  Kurt went silent for a moment as he absorbed the fact that Mara was at the compound. He hadn’t known if she would be with the Lakiams picking up the warships or if she would remain at home.

  “Very well, tell her that I’ll be there shortly. Is there anything else?”

  Kurt heard Marvin sigh over the comm. “Yes, I hope you brought more gold coins. Grantz claims he has some vital information for you.”

  This surprised Kurt. He had no idea what the Profiteer could be up to. “Tell Grantz that I’ll speak with him later.”

  Kurt wondered why Mara wanted to speak with him. Grantz’s normal shenanigans was business as usual on Kubitz.

  Chapter Four

  Prince Brollen watched expectantly as the large Intergalactic Transport Vessel exited hyperspace. The massive vessel was powered by a Zero-Point Energy drive, which made intergalactic travel possible. A journey that normally took one week in hyperspace could be done in a few hours. Four Collector Ships were attached to the ten-thousand-meter-long vessel. All four ships were fully loaded with food pellets from Galaxy X241. Enough to feed all the Vorn in the home system for several months.

  Is my offering to Queen Alithe ready? asked Brollen, turning toward Military Commander Fraymot.

  Yes, Fraymot replied as numerous large icons appeared on the tactical display.

  They were in a small red dwarf system that contained the homes of the Vorn race within 116 massive habitats, each ten thousand kilometers in diameter, all orbiting the star. The largest of these was the Conclave Habitat, where the ruling Hive Queen held court.

  Should the Reaper move away from the transport ship?

  No, answered Prince Brollen. We will only be here for a short period of time. I must report to Queen Alithe and the Royal Court, and make my presentation of the food cubes we harvested from the worlds inhabited by food species 647. I believe Queen Alithe and the other Queens will be very pleased with the taste of this species.

  Perhaps we should have harvested more of food species 647?

  No, Prince Brollen replied, his antennae waving slightly. I wished to set an example for the other worlds in that galaxy, and I believe we accomplished that. I strongly suspect, in the future, the planets these so-called Protector Worlds defend will be less strongly held. Make my personal shuttle ready. It is time I paid our Queen a visit.


  Less than an hour later Prince Brollen was led into the massive chamber which held the Vorn Queen, her retinue of lesser Queens, and the members of the Royal Court. Prince Brollen brought with him twenty drones of the Working Caste, carrying large ornate bowls. Each was full of small gray pellets.

  Prince Brollen, it is good to see you once more, projected Queen Alithe.

  Queen Alithe was the largest of the more than one hundred Queens in the chamber. Each habitat had one High Queen in control, though there were a number of lesser Queens in each habitat, waiting to take over the role of High Queen should she succumb to illness or the frailties of age.

  Prince Brollen bowed and then approached Queen Alithe. I have brought you a gift, he sent, gesturing toward the ornate bowls. At his command, one of the drones approached the Queen and placed the bowl on a table at her side. Then the drone shuffled off, rejoining the others.

  This is food species 647. I believe you will find the taste exquisite.

  Queen Alithe stood up, towering above the others in the court. She reached for one of the small gray pellets, placing it between her mandibles. With a loud crunching noise, she chewed it and finally swallowed the ground-up pellet. For a long moment she was silent as she took in the taste of this particular food species. She turned and sat, overlooking the Royal Court.

  Prince Brollen has brought us a wonderful new taste in a food species. He is to be commended for his superior harvesting techniques as he leads our fleets in the greatest number of different food species that has been brought to our tables.

  Brollen swelled with pride. He had ensured his continued status as one of Queen Alithe’s favorites.

  Come closer, sent Queen Alithe.

  Prince Brollen approached the Queen. On each side of her, two heavily armed guards of the Warrior Caste stood. Any indication of a hostile move toward the Queen would mean instant death.

  I am your servant, sent Prince Brollen with a bow. I live only to serve you.

  The Queen reached out and touched Prince Brollen with one of her hands. Her antenna stood straight, and her multifaceted eyes focused on the prince. If you continue to perform like this, I may consider mating with you.

  Prince Brollen did not need to reply. Queen Alithe was known to choose a different consort during each breeding cycle. To be chosen for such a privilege was considered a high honor.

  The Queen stood and slowly walked around the prince as if inspecting his every physical attribute. Yes, you would serve me well as a consort.

  I am honored, my Queen, replied Prince Brollen.

  Queen Alithe sent a quick mental command to the drones holding the large bowls of food pellets. Serve the new food species to the Royal Court. You have done well.


  Later Prince Brollen returned to the Reaper. He had spoken to a number of the Royal Court members, including several military leaders. They had asked his recommendations for the harvesting of Galaxy X241. He had sensed a new aura of respect in their questions since Queen Alithe had announced he would become a consort. Brollen explained his plan to force the Protector Worlds’ fleets into pulling back to protect their own systems, allowing for easier harvesting of numerous worlds. The military leaders still had a hard time accepting that any systems in Galaxy X241 were dangerous to Vorn ships. In the end, they agreed to give Prince Brollen more authority in the harvesting and to vastly increase the size of the fleet he was responsible for. As he prepared to leave the Royal Court, Queen Alithe summoned him and stated she expected him to return in four to six months for the next breeding cycle.

  We will be departing shortly, he informed Military Commander Fraymot. When we return, more motherships will be assigned to our fleet as well as additional cruisers.

  Fraymot nodded his understanding. We will continue to lead the fleets in the harvesting of Galaxy X241.

  Prince Brollen did not reply. His plan was working flawlessly. He had assured his position in the power structure of the Vorn race. As a consort of the Hive Queen, it placed him in rank just below that of a habitat High Queen. His commands would be law.


  At Kubitz, Kurt gazed at the multiple viewscreens showing the fourteen Lakiam battleships. They were imposing on the screens, much larger than most of the other ships in orbit. Kurt also noticed the other ships were keeping a safe distance between them and the heavily armed Protector World vessels.

  “We’ve gone into standard orbit,” reported Lieutenant Brooks. “Two thousand kilometers above Kubitz.”

  “Admiral, you’ve been asked to check in at the Controller exchange at the main spaceport,” added Lieutenant Pierce from Communications. “They say there may be another fine involved.”

  “What for this time?” muttered Andrew, sounding frustrated. “Sometimes I think they’re making up this stuff to drain us of all our gold.”

  Kurt frowned and slowly shook his head. “I have no idea. Ambassador Tenner didn’t mention anything. Have our shuttle prepared and tell Sergeant Jones to ready his security detail. Lieutenant Pierce, contact the embassy compound and arrange for transportation to meet us at the spaceport.” Seve
ral Humvees were kept at the compound. Even in the capital city, it was unsafe to move about unescorted.

  “What about our special cargo?” asked Andrew, raising his eyebrows.

  Gold was on board the Star Cross in two small chests, with even more on the Newton Princess. “Bring both of them. It may be necessary to bribe one of the Controllers at the Controller exchange.” Bribing officials was the standard way to do business on Kubitz.


  Later the small shuttle dropped rapidly through the turbulent atmosphere of Kubitz. Sergeant Jones had brought along six Marines, and they would be responsible for the two small chests of gold as well as security.

  It still amazed Kurt that gold was such a valuable commodity across the galaxy. It had been explained to him that most gold deposits were far beneath the ground on the majority of the planets, making it expensive to mine. Earth was a rarity, having plentiful gold deposits so close to the surface.


  As the shuttle landed, Corporal Evans looked at Sergeant Jones. “I wonder what’ll happen to us this time?”

  They had been involved in two firefights on Kubitz in the past. Several Marines had even been killed and one abducted. “Just stay sharp,” ordered Sergeant Jones as the hatch opened. “Remember, we’re on an alien world that’s more like a pirate enclave than a civilized society.”

  “Space pirates,” muttered Corporal Evans as he checked his heavy assault rifle. “It’s hard to believe such a place can exist.”

  Sergeant Jones agreed. Holding his rifle at the ready, he stepped from the hatch and descended the ramp. His eyes moved from side to side, searching for any danger. Around the shuttle were other heavily armed people going about their business. None seemed to be paying attention to them.


  Kurt walked down the ramp, stepping onto the main spaceport on Kubitz. Small robots loaded and unloaded ships as well as conducted necessary repairs. Cargo haulers moved back and forth between buildings, delivering their loads to the larger vessels on the far side of the spaceport.

  “The atmosphere is the same as last time,” muttered Andrew, peering at the dismal-looking sky. It was difficult to see the planet’s sun directly overhead.

  “It’s pollution,” Kurt said, noting the heavy haze. “Something that at one time nearly overwhelmed Earth.”

  “It even smells,” said Corporal Evans disgustedly. “You’d think they would do something to clean it up.”

  “Form up,” ordered Sergeant Jones. Instantly his Marines took escorting positions around Fleet Admiral Vickers and Captain Randson. Four of the Marines carried the two heavy chests that contained the gold.

  It took a few minutes, but they made it to the large building of the Controller exchange on the periphery of the spaceport. At the doors to the exchange, six Lylan Enforcers stood. The Enforcers were humanoid with large muscular arms, legs, and a squat chest. They came from a high-gravity world, which gave them nearly superhuman strength.

  “We have a deposit to make,” Kurt said, gesturing toward the two chests.

  “Leave your weapons here,” directed one of the Lylans. “They will be returned to you after your business is completed.”

  “Only four of us will be accompanying the admiral and the captain,” Sergeant Jones informed them. “The other three will be staying here.”

  “The three staying may keep their weapons,” the Lylan said.

  Entering the building, they were soon led to a small office where a Controller sat. He was easily seven feet tall and humanoid. His head was slightly larger than normal and completely bald. The Controller’s eyes were of normal size, though his lips were a little thinner. His body was slim, and his hands had six long digits. He was also a little pale, as if he very seldom saw any sunlight. Kurt wasn’t certain, but this might be the same Controller he had dealt with before, the one he had paid a hefty fine to as well as filed the contract that gave Newton and Earth access to the three areas of space which held Julbian, Sertez, and Maldon.

  “I am Controller Kelmor, what business do you have?”

  “I wish to deposit some gold into my account,” Kurt answered, explaining who he was and where he was from.

  The Controller nodded and gestured for the pair of Lylan guards in the room to place the two chests on a sturdy table and open them. The Controller’s eyes widened slightly at the sight of the gleaming gold bars.

  Kurt watched as the Controller carefully measured and tested the gold for purity as well as weight. When he was done, Kelmor returned to his desk and entered some information on his computer console. “The gold is valued at forty-eight million credits. I have credited it to your account.”

  “Thank you,” Kurt answered. “When we arrived in orbit, I was told to report to the exchange. Do you know the reason for that?”

  “One moment,” Kelmor replied as he checked his computer console, then looked up in surprise. “It seems you have secured technology not allowed to be sold in the Gothan Empire. For that a two million credit fine has been assessed, and your future trading inside the empire has been severely restricted.”

  Kurt shook his head. Somehow, someone had discovered what Lomatz and Dolman had done when Kurt’s ships had escaped from the Draconi mercenaries. “What can we do to lower the fine and remove the restriction?”

  “That is up to the discretion of a Controller,” Kelmor said, glancing meaningfully at the gold bars in the two chests.

  Kurt sucked in a deep breath. No doubt Kelmor was suggesting a bribe. Fortunately Kurt had come prepared for this. “Sergeant Jones, hand me the items I asked you to safe guard.”

  Sergeant Jones reached into the two deep pockets of his uniform and pulled out two small gold bars, handing them to Kurt.

  Kurt took the two bars and placed them on the desk in front of Kelmor. “I wish to offer you these for the time and effort you have taken for my people.” The two bars were worth about 640,000 credits.

  Kelmor eyed the bars and then turned to his console. “The fine has been reduced to one million credits and the restrictions on trading have been temporarily removed.”

  “For how long?” asked Kurt. There were many things for sale on Kubitz that could be beneficial to Earth, Newton, and the other three Human worlds now part of their alliance. He didn’t want to lose access to trading on Kubitz.

  “One year,” Kelmor answered. “At the end of that time, we can discuss adding another year to the removal of the trading restrictions.” Kelmor reached out and tapped one of the small gold bars suggestively.

  “I’m sure we can work something out,” Kurt answered. It seemed another bribe would be necessary in the future.

  Kelmor pressed several icons on his console, and a small shiny computer disk popped out. “This is your deposit record, and states you have paid your fine and are allowed to trade for one year on Kubitz.”

  Kurt gestured to the others, and they exited, followed by the Lylan Enforcers. Once outside, after they had retrieved their weapons, the group made their way toward the two heavily armed Humvees that were waiting for them.

  “Damn thieves,” muttered Andrew. “Is everyone on this crazy planet on the take?”

  “It’s what their economy is based on,” Kurt answered as he entered the rear of one of the heavily armored vehicles.

  Andrew entered behind Kurt and then paused, seeing who waited for them. “Can this day get any worse?”

  “Hello, Captain Randson!” bellowed Grantz with a wide smile. “I am glad to see you again.”


  The ride to the embassy compound was quiet, except for Grantz talking excitedly to Kurt about a deal he wanted to make for some valuable information he had obtained. Andrew tried not to listen as he and Grantz didn’t get along. Every time Andrew came to Kubitz, Grantz tried to talk Andrew into going to the Pleasure Houses and sampling their entertainment. Andrew had explained to Grantz that Emily would not allow that kind of behavior. Even so, Andrew’s explanations seemed to fall upon deaf ears where Grantz w
as concerned.

  Andrew watched their approach to the large protective habitation dome covering the center of the city from one of the small-reinforced glass windows. Many of the larger cities on Kubitz had the large domes to protect the inhabitants from the polluted atmosphere that hovered above much of the planet. Unfortunately only the more affluent could afford to reside under the domes. The less privileged and most of the working class were forced to stay outside the domes in crowded and overpopulated and polluted areas. There was also a deadly acid rain that fell on occasion. Rain so deadly the inhabitants had to take cover or risk death.

  The two Humvees stopped as the drivers showed their passes to the guards in front of the large entrance to the dome. A number of entrances were on the periphery, and all were heavily guarded. Andrew watched as one of the Lylan Enforcers motioned for them to continue. Andrew leaned back, relaxing. It was much safer inside the dome but only marginally. Nearly everyone in the city was armed. Men, women, and even older children carried handguns or some type of automatic weapon. Heavy weapons, including energy weapons, were banned, though some Profiteer clans still managed to sneak them past the guards.

  Andrew sighed as they drove down several long busy streets before finally arriving at the embassy compound. The compound was protected by a tall wall with razor wire on top, as well as several guard towers armed with rapid-fire M240K machine guns which fired 7.62 mm rounds at a top rate of eight hundred per minute. Andrew was well aware some of the smaller Profiteer clans had no problems with attacking an embassy if a profit was to be made. That was why a full company of Marines was assigned to the compound.


  Kurt exited the Humvee, carrying the small information disk Grantz had given him. Kurt had promised to look it over, and, if the information was valuable enough, he would reward Grantz with additional gold coins.

  “Remember,” Grantz said in his gruff voice. “I paid in gold for that disk and risked my life.”

  “At a pleasure house,” said Andrew, stepping closer. He had heard part of the conversation between Kurt and Grantz. “If I know you, the person that provided this information was probably intoxicated and never a threat.”


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