Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2)

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Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2) Page 3

by Veronica Cane

  She took a few deep breaths before she asked the question that was slowly wrecking her from inside. "My mother… if you really thought… that I was escaping… what did you do… to my mother?" she asked, through torn gasps.

  For a moment, Jordan looked at her, puzzled, until he remembered he had threatened her with killing her mother the moment she dared to escape him. That only made him feel even more infuriated with her. She had, knowingly, exposed her mother's life, just to escape from him. "I believe I was quite clear about that, the day we sealed our agreement." He said, ice droplets hitting her with every word.

  "No…, please… you can't." she dropped to her knees, tears running freely down her cheeks. "Kill me, do whatever you want with me, but please… please… spare my mother." She begged, her hands clasped to his jeans.

  "It's done." He lied, completely beyond compassion. "The moment I was notified of your escape."

  "No… please…" she cried out, punching his legs desperately, refusing to believe his words, and for a brief moment, he considered telling her the truth, but she didn’t deserve his compassion. She had had none with him, nor with her mother. She had been a cold, selfish bitch. But his body knew nothing of that, and he still wanted her, he still needed her like he needed air to live. That fact only increased his rage and his arousal as well.

  He grabbed her wrists and pushed her up. "You knew the consequences, and even so you escaped."

  "Bastard, I hate you, I'll kill you, even if it's the last thing I do." She ranted, still crying.

  "Go ahead and try. Meanwhile, I'll make you pay, I'll make you wish you were never born." He threatened her, pushing her violently against the bed, determined to punish her, to make her feel some of the pain that was gnawing his guts.

  He closed the distance between them and pulling her knees to the floor, he made her bend over the bed, before he kneeled behind her, tearing her panties from her body, pulling her skirt up. "From now on, and until the moment I decide otherwise, I'll use you for my sole pleasure."

  She struggled against him, trying to free herself from his grip, but he simply took her wrists in one of his hands, kicked her legs open and in just seconds, he was thrusting his hard cock inside her, oblivious of her cries and insults.

  "No… stop…"

  "You're now a cum dumpster. My cum dumpster." He grunted in her ear, slipping his hand beneath her, and reaching her clit. He wanted her coming with him, not because he cared about her pleasure, but because he wanted her humiliated at his feet. And so he matched his thrusts with his rubs, a dark smile lighting up his face, as her body reacted immediately to his touch, proving she was a victim of the same spell. He quickened his pace and her protests became moans and whimpers and minutes later he was coming hard, buried deep inside her, dragging her with him, growling as he felt her clenching hard around him, swiped into the clutches of pleasure.

  He cleaned himself up in her buttocks, smearing them with their mixed fluids before he got up and put his cock back in his pants. She was still where he had left her.

  "Enjoy your new room. And your new purpose in life." He said, in a scornful tone before he left the room and locked the door behind him.

  As soon as he shut the door, she let her tears run free, sobs making her body shudder, breaking her soul into millions of little pieces. She couldn’t believe all this wasn’t part of a damn nightmare, she didn’t want to believe her worst nightmares were actually realities, she just couldn’t. Her heart was aching so much it felt like a physical pain as if it was being crushed under the heel of a steel boot. How could he have done this to her? Why couldn’t he at least listen to her? Why hadn't he waited to find out the truth?

  How could she have thought for just a second she loved him? A man this cruel didn’t deserve being loved, and surely wouldn’t even want to be loved.

  When the last tear dried in her eyes, she dragged herself onto the bed and closed her eyes, begging for the obliviousness of sleep.

  Jordan went back to his room, feeling like a damn rapist. He should feel better, now that he had her back, paying for her treason, but he didn’t. The whole thing simply tasted awful and he was far from pleased. The worst part was that he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away from her, that his obsession would take him back to her cell time after time. Incredibly, her treason hadn’t been enough to put off the fire inside him.

  He still wanted her, no matter what, and he would have her for as long as it took to kill his obsession over her.

  He laid in bed with a sigh and rolled over, missing her warm body next to his.

  Chapter 6

  The next morning found her still in bed, her whole body ached from all the events she had been through the day before, especially her face where Wilson had hit her twice. She hadn’t seen it, but she was sure she had a nasty black eye.

  She felt numb. Her mind had collapsed. She simply couldn’t examine all that had happened in just a day. She couldn’t bear to accept she had lost her mother and that her life had become such a horrific nightmare. So she just stayed there still, facing the wall, wishing she was dead.

  The door at her back opened up, but she didn’t move. She simply couldn’t.

  "Get up." Jordan's voice from the door didn’t surprise her, but she didn’t move. Maybe if she pissed him off enough he would lose his patience and end it all for her. "I said, get up." He insisted, but she didn’t move a muscle. She simply didn’t care anymore.

  Ashley heard his steps getting closer to the bed. He grabbed her by her arm and pulled her out of bed.

  "Will you walk or do I have to drag you?" he asked in a very cold tone.

  She didn’t answer. She just kept looking to the floor, standing next to him. He sighed, impatient and dragged her out of her cell, into the next door in the hall: a small bathroom with a toilet, a sink, and a shower.

  "You have ten minutes to use the bathroom. Take a shower and put on those clean clothes. If you don’t I'll ask Wilson to help you, do I make myself clear?" he ordered, in a cold, tense tone.

  She startled to the name of Wilson but that was all her reaction. He left and locked the door behind him.

  No doubting he would go through with his threat, she took off her clothes, used the toilet and took a shower. Even in her desperation, she knew she should keep Wilson away. She was sure he would take great pleasure in torturing her to death.

  After the shower, she felt a little bit better, and she was finishing putting on the dress Jordan had brought her when he opened the door. He held the door open, asking her to come out in silence and she did.

  He took her back to her cell, where a tray of food waited for her over on the bed. "Eat and this time, try not to throw it up. You won't starve to death."

  She sat on the bed and grabbed one of the sandwiches on the tray, slowly eating it. Of course, he didn’t want her to starve to death. He had to make sure her death was by his hands, not hers.

  She managed to finish the sandwich and drink some of the juice, but that was all. For a moment she thought he would force her to eat more, but he simply picked up the tray and left the cell, locking her inside.

  When Jordan arrived at the kitchen with the tray, Wilson and Garcia were there waiting for him. "Good morning boss." They greeted him.

  "Any news?" he asked, in a dry tone.

  "Like we suspected, the call came from a stolen cell phone. All we can say was that it was placed in a location very close to this house." Wilson informed.

  "We haven’t been able to find the taxi that picked her up. Apparently, from what we can see from the outside cameras, it was a pirate taxi, not affiliated with any taxi company." Garcia added. "We managed to see almost all of the plate as well as the make and model of the car, so we should be able to get something from that."

  "Very well. What about her mother?" Jordan asked, with a frown.

  "She has been acting normally. Everything seems to indicate she had no idea of her daughter's plans." Wilson answered. "And she even sent Ashley a messa
ge on her cell phone inviting her over to her place for a snack."

  "Alright. I'll take care of that message. I don’t want her to suspect things have changed with her daughter. Nor do I want Ashley to know her mother is still alive." He indicated, deepening his frown. "Concentrate on finding the taxi. He might take us to her accomplice."

  "Yes, boss. Our contact at the Transit Office is working as fast as he can to match the car to the part of the plate we have."

  "What about the bus driver that took her to San Carlos?"

  "All he was able to tell us was that she had boarded the bus at a highway gas station in La Victoria and that she had paid for her ticket in cash," Wilson informed.

  "Did you go to the gas station?"

  "Yes, boss, but there was no one who seemed to remember having seen her," Garcia answered that one

  "What about the missing drugs? Still no news?" Jordan changed the subject, running his hand over his hair.

  "No, boss, still nothing. I believe it's too soon for them to act. They usually wait for a couple of weeks before selling the drug." Wilson answered, with an impatient sigh.

  "Boss… something weird happened today." Garcia said, out of the blue.

  "What do you mean by weird?" Jordan asked with a frown, not feeling too patient to put up with Garcia's peculiarities.

  "Hernandez called me. He has never called me before, I was the one that called him when we had to prepare a shipment for the airport." Garcia explained.

  "What did he want?" Jordan asked, suddenly interested. They had high suspicions that Hernandez was working with the Marquez.

  "That's the weird thing. He called just to say hi. All he asked was if everything was alright with us, and he particularly asked for the woman."

  "For Ashley?" Jordan's body got really tense.

  "Yes, boss, and he seemed worried when I told him she was alright. He even asked me if you still kept her with you." Garcia answered, sounding as puzzled as he looked.

  "Well, he has always had a crush on her. I wouldn’t think much about it." Jordan dismissed the other man's worries.

  "Don't you think this could have something to do with Ashley's escape, boss?" Wilson asked, having followed the conversation with interest. "Maybe Hernandez is the accomplice we are looking for."

  "No, I doubt that. She hates his guts. She would rather make a deal with the devil himself." Jordan sighed. "Just focus on finding the taxi driver. We'll find out more from him."

  "Very well, boss."

  Both men left the kitchen and Jordan went back to his office to pick up Ashley's cell phone and answer any messages she might have received. For now, he wanted things to look as normal as possible. Like Wilson said there was a message from Ashley's mother that he answered declining the invitation, explaining she was out of the country.

  After that he left for his office, trying to be away from her as much as possible, leaving Wilson behind to take care of her and make sure she ate lunch. "But I don’t want to see another bruise on her that hasn’t been made by me." He warned his man, remembering her bruised face.

  "Yes, boss." Wilson agreed, grudgingly.

  Chapter 7

  Ashley was about to go insane. She had nothing to distract her mind inside those four walls, and she wasn’t able to stop it from replaying that fatidical day in her mind over and over again, trying to understand how things could have gone so wrong. At some point she almost wished she hadn’t been able to escape Hernandez. She was sure that it couldn’t be worse than the living hell she was in.

  Hours later the door to her cell opened up and Wilson came in, carrying a tray. Her whole body shuddered when she saw him and not Jordan coming in, and she quickly sat up.

  "Eat, and don’t try anything funny, although I would love to give you a well-deserved lesson." He threatened her, handing her the tray.

  She started eating in silence, wishing he would leave her alone, but knowing he wouldn’t waste a chance to make her life even more miserable than it already was.

  She ate as fast as she could, forcing herself to eat it all, not wanting to give him an excuse to hurt her. She had had enough bad experiences with him. When she was done, she handed him back the tray.

  "You know, you could help yourself if you would tell me how to contact the taxi driver that drove you away from here." He said, in a cold tone.

  "What?" she spurted, furious. "Why the hell do you want to contact the poor man? He has nothing to do with this story, it was just a taxi that was going past the house that I stopped, nothing more. Just leave him alone."

  "You see, that's hard to believe. Why would you go through all the trouble of staging a fake phone call if you didn’t have a quick way to escape the house? That, puta, doesn’t make any sense."

  "Really? Did you discern that by yourself? Or did someone help you?" her tone oozed scorn.

  He raised his free hand and almost slapped her again, his hand stopping only an inch from her face. "Don’t tempt me, puta."

  Shivering, she faced him, probably as furious as he was. "I have no interest in tempting you, señor Wilson. Just leave me alone."

  He snorted and left the room, locking the door behind him.

  Ashley could only pray they would never find the taxi driver. Who knows what they would do to him if they thought he was her accomplice. The last thing she wanted was to carry someone else's death on her conscious.

  She changed her course of thought immediately. She wasn’t ready to think of her mother, so she laid down again and closed her eyes, trying to block out all that horror from her mind.

  She must have fallen asleep, because the next thing she knew, the door to her cell was being opened again by Wilson and he brought her dinner.

  This time, he gave her the tray and left the room. She ate the food, listlessly, the food tasting like cardboard in her mouth. How long would he keep her there, this way? She would go mad with nothing to do but stare at the walls.

  A few minutes later, Wilson returned and picked up the tray without saying a word to her.

  Tired of being in bed, she started to pace around the tiny cell, wondering if Jordan would come back to visit her that night.

  Of course, she didn’t want that. She would rather not see him ever again in her life. He was nothing more than a criminal, a murderer and she wanted nothing to do with him.

  But even though those words ran through her mind, her heart kept calling her a liar. She had to be experiencing some sort of Stockholm syndrome, that was the only explanation. It had to be.

  A few hours later, she came to the conclusion he wasn’t returning that day, and after using the toilet, she went to bed.

  She was almost asleep when the door to the cell opened up violently, crushing against the wall with a thunderous sound. Startled, she jumped out of bed, just to see Jordan at the door. He crossed the room in a couple of strides and grabbed her by her wrist. "Walk!" He snarled at her, dragging her out of the cell.

  Ashley didn’t even try to stop him. He was in a very bad mood and the last thing she wanted was to provoke him. To her surprise, he took her to his bedroom and pushed her on the bed, lying immediately over her, his body covering hers completely. When he brought his face next to hers, she was able to smell the alcohol on his breath and that surprised her. He didn’t drink much usually.

  "I'm going to use you, slut, over and over again, do you hear me? I'm going to use you so many times I'll be sick of you." He mumbled in her ear as he trashed her dress and exposed her naked body to his lustful eyes.

  He pushed her legs open as he unzipped his pants, freeing his hard cock of its imprisonment, just seconds before he shoved himself inside her, just like that, a raw possession planned to humiliate, to make her feel what he had turned her into, a fucking toy.

  He pinned her hands over her head with one of his hands as the other one kneaded and squeezed her breasts while his cock kept pounding in and out of her.

  His violence and rawness should have killed any possible desire inside her,
his touch should have left her as cold as ice… yes… it should… but the spell he accused her of also affected her, and soon her body was also on fire, her hips rocked to meet each one of his thrusts and when his body fell under the power of his orgasm, hers fell right behind him.

  He fell over her, his body crushing hers against the mattress, the only sounds in the room were those of their hard breaths trying to go back to normal.

  A few minutes later he rolled over in bed and got up. He walked around to her side of the bed and pulled her over to the headboard. Puzzled, she looked at him, trying to figure out what were his plans, when she realized what he was doing: wrapping a leather cuff attached to the headboard, around her wrist. He was tying her to his bed.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" she cried out, furious.

  "Shut up, or I'll shove a nice gag into your mouth. You're staying here, I am tired of going downstairs each time I feel like fucking you." He snarled at her, his mood probably darker than it was when he picked her up from the cell.

  "Is this really necessary?" she pulled on her restraint.

  "Yes, now just get some sleep. You'll need the energy." He disappeared into the bathroom and she tried to release her wrist from the cuff but it was impossible. It was locked with a padlock, and of course, he had the key to it.

  She lay in bed looking at the ceiling, trying to understand why he had brought her up to his room, but she was unable to come to a logical conclusion.

  He returned to the room carrying a small wet towel in his hand. "This will do for now. You'll be allowed to shower in the morning." He said, opening her legs.

  She closed them instinctively, but he forced her to open up and stay open as he cleaned her pussy, wiping away the cum that had oozed out of her. She felt the blush covering her face, as she looked away. Why was he doing this?

  He finished his job and threw the towel over the bathroom's open door, before he turned off the lights and lay beside her, on the bed. It didn’t take much time for her to hear his slight snoring, indicating he had fallen asleep.


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