Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2)

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Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2) Page 6

by Veronica Cane

  One touch. That was all he needed, one touch and she melted in his arms, and she became a doll at his disposal, an eager participant in this game of raw passion.

  He finally let her breathe and pulled her up, just enough to free his cock from between them before he shoved it deep inside her, stretching her to fit him, going as deep as he could, the guttural moan that came out of his mouth enticing her arousal to the highest levels. Helped by the water, he started to help her ride him, pulling her up and down on his cock until she was wrapped around his neck, her pants and moans filling the sunset air, mimicked by his growls and grunts.

  Soon, they were prisoners of the overwhelming orgasm that shook them all the way to their sheer cores.

  They stayed there like that, in each other's arms for a little while, as their hearts slowed down and their breathing became normal. Slowly, as if he regretted going back to reality, he walked out of the pool, with her still in his arms. Once out, he allowed her to stand on her own and handed her a towel he grabbed from a pile stored nearby, taking one for himself too. "Come, let's get a shower before dinner." He took her to his room, and soon they were exiting the shower after he had spent a few minutes washing her thoroughly, enjoying such routine action, forgetting for some time the obstacles that were creating huge canyons between them.

  Marcus' servants served dinner on a small table in his room and they ate practically in silence as if none of them dared to break the shaky truce installed between them.

  After dinner, they went to bed and for once, he didn’t cuff her to bed, he simply cuddled her against his body, his arms wrapped around her, his legs over hers.

  Ashley slept like she hadn’t in quite some time, with no nightmares interrupting her rest, nor flashes of those fatidic days she had passed caught in the clutches if Hernandez, and all the humiliations he had put her through, disturbing her calm. She only felt peace, as if she was safe and sound in his arms.

  But the sun brought reality back with a thunderous bang.

  She was coming out of the bathroom after her shower, still drying her hair when he dropped the bomb. "I'll be out for a few days with Marcus. You'll stay here with Wilson until my return."

  She froze, too astonished to even remember how to breathe, and only the sharp pain in her lungs forced her to get some air in. "Why? Where are you going?" She managed to ask.

  "I'm going to Honduras to take care of the Marquez problem." He explained, without giving her details.

  "Why can't you take me with you?"

  "Because things can get rough and I want to be able to focus on what I'm doing."

  "Agreed, but why do you have to leave Wilson behind? Garcia isn’t here, who will be there with you?" She kept asking, trying to mask the worry that had settled in her heart.

  "I hired a professional to help me capture them, so I don’t need Wilson to be with me. I'll be calmer if I know he is here, taking care of you." He insisted.

  "Wilson hates me. If you force him to stay behind, just to babysit me, he will hate me even more, and he will make my life a worse hell than it already is." She explained, trying to keep her tone calmed.

  "Maybe you deserve that hell." He ranted, closing his expression and refusing to go on discussing something that was already decided.

  "One day Jordan, you'll realize how wrong you were and I just hope I'm still around to rub it in your face." She replied, biting back the sobs building in her throat.

  "Whatever you say. Now let's take you back to your cell. I still have a lot of things to do before I leave." He replied in a very cold tone.

  "Chain me to the bed in my cell and take the keys with you, if it makes you feel safer, but please don’t leave Wilson here." She tried once more, as they walked through the hall to her cell.

  "You won't convince me, so don’t waste your time or mine." He opened the door to her cell and pushed her inside. "Behave yourself, and I'll be back in two days, three tops."

  She gave him her back and refused to acknowledge his departure, only moving when he closed the door, sitting down on her bed.

  She would survive those days like she had survived all that life kept throwing at her. She was stronger than that, she had to be.

  She spent the whole day alone in her cell. No one came to give her food or water, nor had she expected that. She knew Jordan's absence would only mean torture and mistreatments for her, so she wasn’t surprised, not even a little.

  Jordan closed the door to Ashley's cell and with a sigh, he went up to finish arranging the details for their trip. Marcus and Wilson were already waiting for him.

  Only seconds before he got into the SUV that would take him to the landing track, Jordan turned to Wilson. "Make sure she gets whatever she needs, and keep your hands off of her. I don’t want you to touch a single hair on her body." He warned his man.

  "Yes, boss, don’t worry about her. She will be fine."

  Jordan nodded and hopped in. Seconds later the cars left the house, and soon they were flying off to Honduras.

  Once there they were greeted by the men they had contacted. "Things are going according to planning, Mr. Martinez. The Marquez will be arriving tomorrow to check the merchandise and sell it to the new cartel. The drugs arrived a few days ago like I told you, and they have been rendering it, but incredibly they are keeping some pure, in their original packs." Paul, their contact in Tegucigalpa, filled them in.

  "Good, those packages are the ones marked. They need them to convince their buyers that the drugs are good." Jordan concluded.

  "I've booked you a very discreet hotel on the outskirts of town, very close to the warehouse where they will meet the buyers." Paul continued.

  "Perfect, Paul. Thank you for all your help."

  "I'm at your service Mr. Martinez."

  The man dropped them off at the hotel and after a quick register, they went up to the rooms to finalize their plans.

  By nightfall, everything is ready. Jordan goes to his room and picks up the phone. He wants to talk to Ashley.

  The day was coming to an end when the door finally opened up and Wilson came in with his cell phone to his ear. He was obviously talking with someone. "Yes, boss, here you can talk to her." He handed her the phone.

  "Hello." Ashley greeted with a cold tone.

  "Ashley, how are you?" he greeted her with an appeasing tone.

  "How do you expect me to be, Jordan?" she replied with a frown. In front of her, Wilson's threatening expression warned her about mentioning anything about the fact he hadn’t fed her the whole day.

  "I know. We need to talk as soon as I get back. Things can't go on like this and you know it." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

  "Is that supposed to make me feel better? Or you're just making sure I don’t have a moment of peace while you're away?" she spurted, furious.

  "This was a mistake, obviously." He ended the call and she held back the desire to crush the phone against the wall. Instead, she simply handed it over to Wilson.

  “Get up. You'll eat in the kitchen. I have no intention of bringing you food." He ordered, grabbing her by her arm.

  She followed him, knowing that protesting would only end up bad for her. The food was already served and she ate in silence, not looking at anybody around her, and especially ignoring Wilson. She knew he was looking for an opportunity to hurt her and make her pay for whatever wrong she had ever done to him.

  When she was done, he dragged her back to the cell, not even offering to allow her to bathe. She didn’t ask.

  She spent the whole night sleeping for short periods and waking up to her nightmares. The worst part was she couldn’t fool herself, pretending it was just a dream because it had been too damn real. She could see him barging in the cell he was keeping her, in his hand's ropes and his terrible knife.

  Startled she had sat up in bed, looking at him, trying to hide from him just how scared she was. "It's time for me to have some fun with you, puta, and make you pay for all the times you rejected me a
s if you were so much better than me." He ranted, slowly closing the distance between them. "This time, you won't be able to say no, puta, this time, I'm in charge."

  "Jordan will kill you for this. Don’t you know that?" she tried to scare him, but when he came closer, she was able to smell the scent of alcohol on his breath, and she understood he was beyond any fear. The booze had given him the guts he wouldn’t normally have, and she knew she was lost. She thought about trying to escape, but the door was closed and she knew he would grab her before she could escape and then things would probably be worse.

  He simply laughed. "Jordan Martinez will never find out what happened to you." He replied with scorn, as he rested the knife on her throat, pressing just a little, in a silence threat.

  He grabbed her, pulling her up and taking her clothes off, his knife always in his hand. His threatening blade, shining as he pulled her top up and pushed her skirt down her legs, leaving her in just her underwear.He made her turn around and pulled her arms behind her back, in box position, tying them with the rope he had brought. Then he kept wrapping the rope around her, imprisoning her breasts, tight, causing her pain, and even through her groin, pressing hard against her pussy lips, never leaving the knife too far from his reach.

  When he was finally done, he pushed her to her knees. "Now, you'll be a good puta, and you'll suck me, not even daring to use your sweet teeth on me, or my knife will have some fun drawing all over your body."

  "No… let me go, you bastard. If you dare to put your disgusting cock anywhere near my mouth I'll bite it off." She yelled at him.

  He slapped her face hard, making her fall to the floor, before he pulled her up, grabbing a fist of her hair, while the other hand held the knife, that he pressed in her chest, not enough to break the skin, but enough for her to feel pain. He leaned closer. "I love playing with a knife over a whore's body. They don’t usually survive, but then again, who the hell misses a damn whore?" he said with a cruel smile, as he ran the sharp tip of the knife through her bra's cleavage, scratching her skin slightly. "So don’t push me, puta, after all, I could explain to my boss how you tried to escape and I had to kill you. He would be mad, but there are many whores in the world."

  "Bastard. I'll make sure you pay for this, I swear." She snarled through gritted teeth.

  He laughed, mockingly, as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled his cock out, already hard, looking so disgusting she almost cried out.

  Without letting her hair go, he rested his cock on her lips and pressing the knife to her cheek, he pushed it through her lips, forcing her to take him, in her mouth.

  She almost threw up, feeling his acrid taste and his dreadful smell, but he seemed oblivious of her disgust. Focused on shoving himself inside her, relishing on her gags, and her coughs as he forced himself into her mouth.

  Fortunately, he didn’t last long, and soon he was coming all over her face and her chest, covering her with his cum, his grunts filling the silence of the house.

  "I knew you would be a good whore, I just knew it." He bragged with scorn. Still holding her by her hair, he dragged her next to the bed and threw her there. "Get some sleep, you'll need it."

  He left the room leaving her over the bed, almost naked and still tied. She finally let hot tears flow down her cheeks, as she dreaded the disgusting layer of cum covering her, wishing she could throw herself in the middle of the ocean, knowing she would never feel clean again. She had missed Jordan so much, she had wished with all her strengths to get back to him, to feel him next to her, holding her in his arms, helping her to forget that nightmare. What she had never expected was to fall into another nightmare when she finally returned to him, one starring Jordan himself.

  Chapter 11

  Back in Honduras, it was morning already and Jordan was planning the last minute details with Jude and his men when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. It was Garcia. Surprised, Jordan took the call. "Garcia, what's up?"

  "Boss, I have news and considering the subject I thought you should know it before you have to face those scumbags, the Marquez." His man announced.

  "Garcia, get to the point. I don’t have time to waste."

  "Yes, boss, of course." He sighed and took a deep breath. "Boss, I found the taxi driver."

  "What taxi driver?" For a moment, Jordan had no idea what Garcia was talking about. "You mean the taxi driver that helped Ashley to escape?" he asked, as he realized what Garcia was talking about.

  "Boss…" Garcia started.

  "Spill it, Garcia, I don’t have all morning," Jordan ordered, losing his patient. His guts were so twisted that his instinct was telling him he wasn’t going to like what he was about to hear.

  "Boss, she wasn’t escaping. We hadn’t been able to find the taxi driver because he had been hospitalized, due to a blow to the head with the butt of an AK-47 he suffered from one of the men in the black SUV that started following them from the moment he picked Miss Ashley up at the house. They cut them off on the road, on their way to the hospital, and dragged her out of the taxi." He burst out. "From the description the poor man gave me, I'm sure one of the men was Hernandez, Boss."

  Jordan was silent, probably in shock, unable to utter a single word.

  "From the information the taxi driver gave me, I was able to look for security cameras in the area. Nearby the place they intercepted the taxi there's an embassy with security cams all over the perimeter and they were kind enough to allow me to see the footage from that day."

  "Did you confirm it was Hernandez?" Jordan finally was able to talk.

  "Yes, boss, and the SUV belonged to Nicholas Marquez, and the driver was one of his men. I tried to track their destination but it was impossible, so I went back to talk to the bus driver and asked him once more where he had picked her up. He explained to me that he had picked her up at a gas station, near La Victoria."

  "Did you go there?"

  "Yes, boss. No one remembered her, but they did remember the black SUV and the furious men, that had supposedly lost a pet. Again, I was able to see the security cams footage there and it was Hernandez."

  "Were you able to see her?"

  "Yes, boss, when she comes out of the SUV and heads to the bathroom. After that, I lost her and wasn’t able to see her, until I found the bus she was on, and then I was able to see an unrecognizable woman getting on board, just before the bus got onto the highway."

  Jordan thanked god he was sitting down. How could he have been so wrong? How could he have misjudged her that way?

  "So she was escaping Hernandez when Wilson found her."

  "She must have thought Wilson was there to rescue her, boss."

  Jordan ran a hand over his face, trying to clear his head, as regret and fury took over his emotions. "They were stealing her from me. That bastard was having lunch with me, knowing his men had abducted her from me." He ranted.

  "I've tried to find out where they kept her up until the moment she escaped, but have had no luck." Garcia concluded.

  "Thank you for telling me this, Garcia." Jordan ended the call and went looking for Jude, as a cold rage covered every inch of his body. "Jude, there has been a change of plans."

  "What? What do you mean?" the other man frowned.

  "I want them dead."

  "What's going on, Jordan?" Marcus asked, approaching them.

  "Those bastards were responsible for Ashley's disappearance. They tried to kidnap her from my house, and they only didn’t succeed because she found a way to escape them." Jordan explained briefly. "I want them dead. I don’t care what the cartel will think of it. Those scumbags don’t deserve to live." He ranted.

  "Very well, that's your call. I'm always happy to get rid of the garbage." Jude accepted, with half a smile that made him look even more dangerous. "But, if we want anything to happen we must hit the road."

  Jordan looked at his cell phone, fighting his desire to call her immediately, even when her words kept playing in his mind: 'One day Jordan, you'll realize how wrong you were
and I just hope I'm still around to rub it in your face.' But that would have to wait, it was time for some sweet revenge.

  With a soft whimper, Ashley managed to get up in bed, feeling her body stiff and aching. It had been a hellish night and she was sure the day wasn’t going to be any better. She craved a shower, but she didn’t hold her hopes high. Wilson was determined to make her life a living hell.

  She took a deep breath, leaning back on the wall, preparing herself to spend another long day staring at the walls.

  But, just a few minutes had gone by when she heard footsteps approaching the door. In seconds, Wilson was opening the door, wearing a devilish smile on his face. He was obviously very pleased. He cut the ropes tying her, grinning at her moans of pain.

  "Get up. It's time for you to get yourself cleaned up." He ordered.

  She wanted to ask why, but she decided not to give him that treat, so she simply got up and headed to the bathroom. He handed her clean clothes and waited outside for her. Ashley didn’t waste any time. The last thing she wanted was for him to come in to get her, so she showered as fast as possible and changed into the clothes he had brought her: a mini skirt and a matching top. She found his clothing selection very strange but anything was better than the clothes she had before.

  She left the bathroom and he grabbed her by her forearm, dragging her to the upper floor.

  "Someone is here to meet you." He announced while he was taking her up the stairs.

  "What? What do you mean?" she asked startled, looking at him. She didn’t want to meet anyone.

  "You'll know soon enough." His tone was ominous and it made a shiver run down her spine. She didn’t like the sound of that, not even a little bit.

  "No, I don’t want to meet anyone." She refused, and tried to pull back but he pulled her harder, grabbing her chin and towering over her.

  "You don’t have a say in it." He snarled at her. "And you better behave or you'll regret it, dearly." He threatened her, releasing her and continuing his way up the stairs.


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