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Forced To Kill The Prince

Page 33

by Hollie Hutchins

  I began to message my large breasts as I arched my back, loving the waves of pleasure that ripped through my body as he slid another finger in me, then another. He nipped at my flesh, sending chills all over my body. I felt my body growing warmer despite the cool chill the came in through the opened loft window. But it felt great against my exposed flesh as I focused on the small circles Drake was forming with his tongue over my mound.

  Eventually Drake slid his fingers out of me, coming to lean over me and give me a swift kiss before pushing his length inside of me. He was slow and calm as ever as he wrapped one arm around my shoulders, cradling my head in his hand while the other arm he wrapped around my back, placing his hand on my behind to grip onto me.

  “This will hurt, Alexa,” he breathed deeply against my hair as he thrusts became quicker and his mouth came to rest on my shoulder. I tried not to imagine the pain and only focus on the pleasure as I wrapped my arms around his torso and bucked my hips against his.

  I began to moan as his thrusts became quicker, his length reaching deep inside me with every thrust, his grip on my iron tight. My body began to quiver as the orgasm built inside me, the same time Drake’s mouth transformed into wolf fangs and plunged into my shoulder. The pain was intense, but also the pleasure that erupted from between my legs as Drake didn’t hold back a single ounce of strength. I cried out, waves of euphoria crashing over my body despite the slick feeling of blood on my body from the bite mark. Drake licked ever bit of blood from my body, never stopping the rhythm between us as he finally let go of me, leaning up as he placed both hands on my hips and continued to pound me.

  The effect only took moments to set in as the wound on my shoulder healed and my senses became extremely heightened. With every thrust, my body tingled all over once more, the vibration between us palpable as I began to pant, gripping the sheets that tore under my grip. I moaned, putting my head back into the pillows as my back arched, wanting to feel him even more inside me. I could taste the cold night, hear Drake’s heartbeat in my head, and feel his own orgasm building rapidly. Drake grabbed on to my behind, a check in each hand as he lifted my hips higher; thrusting with even more power knowing my body had changed into something stronger, something that could take the pounding his was giving my wet, hot center.

  Our voices rang out together as we both came, moans and tight muscles slapping together as his pace quickened once more, and slowly calmed again. The moment he pulled out, I was already missing the connection as he crawled on top of me, claiming my lips with his as he kissed me tenderly laying his arms down beside me.

  “How do you feel?” he asked as his bright green eyes locked onto mine.

  “Like I could do this all night,” I replied as I looked out at the night sky and marveled at how bright the moon was.

  “You’ll love it even more in your wolf form,” Drake said, pulling my focus back to him.

  “Then let’s go,” I said with a wicked smile, pushing him off me with ease. Moments later were stepping off the front porch in our naked human forms and shifting into our inner wolves, taking off into the forest for a night we would bother never forget.

  Slaved: The Dragon And The Bear

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  A Dragon & Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance

  Cassie Sladen did not know what mortified her worse: the impounding of her ship, or her being brought out to the impounded ship yard in restraints. The two related situations were equally humiliating and equally unjust.

  She carried herself with every bit of dignity she had, which was easier to summon up when she thought of the wrongness of what was happening to her and how angry it made her. Around her neck was an electronic restrainer collar. Her wrists were bound in similar cuffs. At any sign of resistance on her part--or any perverse whim on his own part--the guard at her side, clad in a uniform with dragon-scale patches, could trigger the neural shockers in the restraints and send her crashing to her knees in pain.

  So she stood straight and tall, made no facial expression, and walked with a pride that belied the indignity of it all, as she and the guard and the man accompanying them stepped out from the impound administration building onto the wide lot where seized spacecraft were held on the planet Pavonis III.

  * * *

  Cassie Sladen did not know what mortified her worse: the impounding of her ship, or her being brought out to the impounded ship yard in restraints. The two related situations were equally humiliating and equally unjust.

  She carried herself with every bit of dignity she had, which was easier to summon up when she thought of the wrongness of what was happening to her and how angry it made her. Around her neck was an electronic restrainer collar. Her wrists were bound in similar cuffs. At any sign of resistance on her part--or any perverse whim on his own part--the guard at her side, clad in a uniform with dragon-scale patches, could trigger the neural shockers in the restraints and send her crashing to her knees in pain. So she stood straight and tall, made no facial expression, and walked with a pride that belied the indignity of it all, as she and the guard and the man accompanying them stepped out from the impound administration building onto the wide lot where seized spacecraft were held on the planet Pavonis III.

  The man alongside them: he was the only decent part of the whole bloody ordeal. Cassie was frankly surprised that Prince Ronan had shown the decency that he had, given his station and the fact that he technically owned her. Cassie's stoic expression betrayed itself with a frown at the thought of being "owned" by anyone, even someone like Ronan. He looked every bit the Prince. He was tall and lean, tight-bodied, and rivetingly handsome, with narrow, sexy eyes and a wind-tossed look about his golden brown hair. His stunning face was adorned with a seductive stubble that was halfway between a mere unshaven growth and a beard. From the little time Cassie had spent in his presence, she found that he exercised his princely authority without arrogance or haughtiness. He was accustomed to people obeying him, and he expected it. While he was not cruel or callous about it, she could tell that he expected it from her, as he was one of the men who had purchased her sentence.

  Purchased her sentence. The idea of it churned bitterly inside her. It was infuriating enough that she had been arrested and imprisoned on a foreign planet for something that should not even be illegal. But to think that the laws on this planet allowed its elite citizens to purchase the sentences of incarcerated people, and effectively purchase the people themselves, made Cassie wish that she could snap not only the restraints binding her but the necks of those who had placed them on her. Though, truth to tell, she would have regretted snapping the neck of this Prince Ronan. He was a beautiful man, and something about the way he spoke and addressed others and generally carried himself told her that he was the best this planet had to offer--even if he had essentially reduced her to the status of his property.

  In fact it was two men, two Princes of Pavonis III, who had jointly bought her prison time and had her given into indentured servitude to them for the duration. Cassie had not yet seen Benno, the other Prince, and knew little of him except that he and Ronan were friends. This made her plight all the more repugnant: not only would she be the indentured servant of royals on a planet light-years from home, but the two of them would share her between them like a lending tool. Years of the indignity of being treated as shared property, passed between two overprivileged men and made to submit to their whims, awaited her. There must be some appeal, she thought; some way to reach out to Earth for recourse or a reprieve. But the thought of that just made her want to laugh bitterly: for it was in part the injustices of Earth itself that had brought her to this injustice. For the moment at least, as far as she could see, the only way out of this indignity was to go through it.

  And perhaps, somewhere along the way, she dared to think, she might somehow prevail upon the better nature of this Prince Ronan. At least he actually seemed to have a better nature. That might be her only shred of hope.

  As the three of them, Cassie, Ronan, and g
uard, passed between two rows of spacecraft in various states of repair, Ronan gestured ahead of them and said, "Your ship will be down this way, Cassie."

  Cassie did not reply. She simply walked where the guard led her, and Ronan walked along with them. She decided to postpone addressing him in any way at all. It was the only act of defiance of which she was capable right now. And besides, the idea of uttering the words Your Highness at the man who was essentially her captor made her choke, in spite of how gorgeous he was. As even a gilded cage was still a cage, even a beautiful man who legally owned her was still a slave master.

  She did not look at the other ships moored still and silent on either side of her. Looking at them would only make her think of the fates of their owners, and wonder where they were now, in prison somewhere or in the custody of other well-to-do Pavonans, and in what way they were now serving the ones who possessed them. It would only make her mind turn to wondering what kinds of things she would soon be called upon to do for Ronan and Benno. It was bad enough to be now the chattel of one wealthy space colonist, but two? What affronts to her dignity might she about to face from two of them?

  At the end of a short walk, they came upon her ship. The Lightbend, which had been effectively her home for so many years because of the amount of time she spent in space as a transport pilot, was locked in place by mooring clamps that could be disengaged only upon official sanction at the end of her sentence. Its shape, a compact missile with delta wings, had always symbolized freedom to Cassie: the freedom of open space, the vastness between the stars, where there were no laws except those that a ship's Captain made, where there were no tethers or fetters to hold anyone down or bind any person to any other except by choice. It was a cruel irony to see her ship as much a prisoner as she was.

  Cassie stood, taking in the sight of the Lightbend in restraints of its own, and a lump raised in her throat. She refused to shed a tear. She would not allow these people to see a tear on her face or hear any hint of a sob in her voice. This was one loss of dignity she would not permit. She only looked with longing at her impounded ship and thought, Well, old friend, we're in the same predicament here, aren't we? The same damned mess.

  The Lightbend looked mostly as fine as it ever had. Proud of her ship, Cassie had always kept it in the best possible repair. It took care of her, so she took pains to take care of it. She frowned at the places where the hull was scorched by the weapons fire of the smugglers and raiders who had ambushed her. If she had not been forced to make an emergency landing on Pavonis III, the colonial rangers would not have boarded the Lightbend and produced a warrant to search her cargo. They would not have found the herbal derivatives she was carrying--perfectly legally--which in some hands could be used to make highly illegal things. And she would not then have been subject to the highly Draconian laws of this planet, which had bound her over for a speedy trial in which the legal process was not at all on the side of the accused. And she would not be in the cruel and unfair dilemma in which she now found herself.

  "Draconian." What an apt and perfect adjective to describe the laws of the planet Pavonis III--perfect because of the nature of one of the groups that had settled the planet, the group to which Prince Ronan happened to belong. Cassie moved her gaze from her impounded ship to the man walking alongside her and the guard, and imagined the way he looked when he did not look like a handsome prince out of an ancient Earth storybook. There were times, when his well-tailored clothes came off, when the body beneath the clothing--which was doubtless well-tailored itself--was as "Draconian" as the laws that had put Cassie in his custody. If he was this beautiful as a man, was he similarly beautiful as a dragon? She actually dared to wonder.

  "Would you like to go on board?" Ronan asked.

  Isn't that courteous of you, "inviting" me on board my own damn ship, Cassie thought, hoping her expression would betray some hint of the bitter sarcasm that she felt at being asked the question. Aloud, she simply answered, "Of course I would."

  To the guard, Ronan said, "Let her on board."

  The guard stood to one side and allowed Cassie to approach the hull of the Lightbend. She stepped in front of one part of the sleek, silvery body of the craft, into which a polished white surface was set. If her hands were free she could have presented her hand print, touching her palm to that place. But she had smartly allowed herself more than one way to get into her ship. She leaned her face forward at the white place and blinked. At once the ship's computer engaged the retina scan of the hatch opening interface. The white surface flashed for an instant, the ship's systems acknowledging her identity, and with a soft hiss the hatch of the Lightbend a couple of steps away opened up, providing a ramp up into the ship.

  Cassie glanced over at Ronan with the thought, If I weren't in these restraints I'd jump aboard and switch on the engines, and then I wouldn't care if you were roasted in the takeoff. She felt a twinge of regret at the thought, as it would have been a shame to roast such a beautiful man in spite of the power that he held over her.

  "Go ahead," said Ronan. Cassie turned away from him, again sarcastically thanking him in her thoughts for his "permission," and walked up the ramp without a look over her shoulder at the sounds of his footsteps behind her.

  Wonderful, Cassie thought. He's inviting himself on board with me.

  The guard stood watch outside the open hatch. In a moment Cassie, and Ronan at her heels, were aboard the Lightbend. Shaking her head and sighing in bitter, frustrated resentment, Cassie inspected the inside of her ship and found it much as she had left it. The cockpit and passenger area were untouched, but then those were not the part that had interested the colonial rangers. With Ronan following her, she moved past the sleeping bunk and the head to the aft section which housed the cargo hold. Stepping through the inner hatch into where she carried her cargo, Cassie heard Ronan's footfalls stop, the sign that he would wait for her outside. Fine, she thought, I'd rather be by myself to see what your uniformed thugs did in here. Looking around inside the hold, she found the hatches to the storage bins which were set into the inner bulkheads still hanging wide open and her supplies and provisions strewn haphazardly around on the deck. The largest bins, which were where she had stored the payload she was carrying, were empty, their contents confiscated--and the money that they represented, now lost, swallowed up in the black hole of Pavonian law.

  Cassie frowned hard and deeply at the sight, indulging in the burn of her disgust at what they had done in here, ransacking her ship. She imagined the uniformed men's hands rifling through this space aboard her craft and treating its contents with rough and callous disregard, and felt utterly violated. And with that came the hateful thought of how she might yet feel violated before this whole ordeal was over.

  She stepped back out of the cargo hold and found Ronan still waiting calmly and patiently for her. Well of course, what reason did he have to be anything but calm? "I can imagine it must be a bit of a sight in there," the Prince said.

  "Well, that's not much of a concern for you, is it?" Cassie replied, only partly meeting his eyes, as if to hide her feelings from his sight. She was not interested in being any more intimate with him than absolutely necessary if she could help it, and at the moment she could help it.

  "It may be more of a concern for me than you might think," said Ronan.

  Now Cassie did look at him directly, as if to challenge him and demand to know why he dared to say such a thing to her. What greater "concern" could he possibly have for her than for any other thing he had purchased with his royal wealth? She asked him pointedly, "What do you mean by that?"

  "I mean that I've seen the insides of other places that the rangers have searched," Ronan replied. "I know they're not very delicate about that kind of work."

  "And it matters to you that they're not delicate? Really?" She felt like laughing contemptuously in his face for that. "Why do you even care?"

  "Because I can guess this is more than just a ship to you," Ronan said. "It's more like a home, i
sn't it? It's mostly where you live."

  "Well, it has been until now," Cassie replied, now making little in the way of an attempt to hide her bitterness. "I'm going to have to get used to some other living arrangements for a while, won't I? And considering what our relationship is, why are you being like this, anyway?"

  "You mean treating you like a person?"

  "Frankly, yes."

  "Because you are a person," said Ronan.

  Confused, barely containing her impotent anger, Cassie demanded, "If you're going to treat me like something besides a thing you've just acquired, why did you even bother to...?" She choked back the next words, her blood boiling at the thought of expressly stating what she and Ronan were to each other, of putting that thought out into the air aboard her ship.

  "Why did I pick up an option on you?" Ronan ventured.

  She started to retort: "Pick up an...!" He actually put it that way, making it sound impersonal and businesslike, when in fact it was the deepest trespass on her person--or even the beginning of a deeper trespass. What were his intentions towards her after all?

  "Is that what you call it? An 'option'?" Cassie's restrained hands were curled up into fists, which she would have liked to swing through the air and smash into his face, if only he were not a member of one of the ruling families of this planet and if only there were not a guard standing right outside who could instantly put her in a world of pain.


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