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Forced To Kill The Prince

Page 81

by Hollie Hutchins

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  CHAPTER 6 – Mourning

  The drive is silent. I can’t bear to speak right now, my mind still reeling from all these events. All I wanted when I came to Midvale was to open a bakery and be a normal businesswoman. There is nothing normal about what I’m living and I think about my New Yorkers friends who kept telling me that I would be bored in a small town and would come running back to them in no time once I had my healthy dose of nature. If only they knew! The only reason I’d come rushing to them now is that this place is filled with werewolves and they’re all battling for a reason I still ignore. All I know is that I’m stuck in the middle of it and I can’t shake the feeling that I, too, will have to fight. The pressure on my chest decreased a little thanks to Lupe’s intervention but there’s still a weight. I want to know why, I want to hear the confirmation that I’m not going mad. My rationality is still fighting what I’ve seen with great blows of « it’s a dream » and « it’s not real ». I know I can’t deny it anymore but I’m tired and I want to cry. If Lupe wasn’t here by my side, I think I’d be falling apart. If Lupe wasn’t here, I’d still be in that cage waiting for god knows what Ricky had in mind for me.

  About 20 minutes later, the truck stops in front of a dive outside of town. My heart tightens in my chest as I fear what comes next but Lupe’s hand finds its way to my thigh. He gives me a gentle squeeze and offers a sad smile. I notice how tired he looks too. Maybe I need to take upon myself a little. “Can you tell me?” I ask hesitantly but I realize my voice is probably too low to be audible. I cough and pass a hand through my brown strands. I heave a sigh and try to get a hold of myself but I’m obviously still quite heavily shaken from the events that unfolded. That’s a lot to take in. “Can you tell me everything? Lupe, please…”

  He gives my thigh another squeeze and his voice strains as he speaks. He looks like he’s swallowing his emotions. “This is a time of mourning, Sophie. We’ll talk. But not now. Come with me.” His warm palm leaves my thigh and he gets out of the car. I follow after him, slightly worried about him. He looks like he’s about to fall apart, even more than me. I hope I’m not causing him more problems on top of what he has to go through but wait… Did he say mourning? Who died?

  Upon entering the bar, I see a bunch of faces turning toward us. My disheveled appearance probably doesn’t help so I make my way to the bathroom and clean my face as much as possible. I look like I went to hell, fought some demons and came back just in time to roll in the dirt. I start by cleaning the blood caked on my face and then wash my hands, my arms. My clothes are dirty too but it’s not like I can change. Once I feel refreshed, I leave the bathroom and search Lupe with my eyes. I find him on the stage, all eyes on him. I quietly sit in a corner of the bar and a waitress brings me a glass of water. I didn’t realize how thirsty I was until I took the first sip. I end up downing the whole glass so quick that my stomach cramps in retaliation.

  “As you all know, my father, the elder of our pack died today. He was a great man. He was always there when one of you needed help. Like that time when Walt needed a hand building his house, or when Alex needed to be bailed out of jail because of drunk fighting.” A bunch of chuckles erupts from the crowd and a boy my age I assume to be Alex raises his glass solemnly. “I know that all of you needed him at some point and I know that I needed him too. He was a man of values, with a solid backbone and a heart in the right place. He’s protected us for decades and as the alpha of the pack, it’s with an incredible sadness that I have to say these words today. Nothing lasts forever but he was like a tree, a pillar in our pack. We’ll miss him. Let’s raise our glass and honor his memory together.” All the men and women in the bar raise their glass, all eyes locking onto Lupe. “May you rest in peace.” The crowd repeats the words and everyone drinks, Lupe included.

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  The atmosphere is heavy in the bar for a while and I order myself a drink as I wait for Lupe to come and talk to me. I give him space, knowing that he is grieving. I still have questions…but it’s nothing that can’t wait.

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  CHAPTER 7- The truth revealed

  Lupe ends up taking another hour in the bar to talk with members of the pack while I quietly sip on my drink. There are some gazes turning toward me at times but nothing too invasive. In fact, most of them seem full of pity. It looks like they’re sad for me. Probably because I’m new in town and got stuck in whatever war they have going on with Ricky’s pack. When Lupe joins me, he doesn’t say a word and simply nods toward the exit. I then realize I don’t have money on me to pay for the bar but he whispers a quick “You don’t have to” under his breath as his hand wraps around my forearm.

  I let myself be pulled, giving one last glance to the pack from over my left shoulder. They’re all mourning and the atmosphere is still heavy in the bar but it looks like Lupe’s speech made them feel a little better. That’s the image I get as the fresh air of the morning hits my face. I pull my arm to myself since I can walk on my own and Lupe does not resist. I climb the passenger seat of his truck, expecting him to drive me back home. I also realize this is probably a terrible idea since Ricky knows where I live. I wonder what’s going to happen next so I keep silent as I sit in the truck.

  Lupe is quiet again as he drives me god knows where. The only thing reassuring me is that I know him better and I know he wouldn’t hurt me like Ricky. When we arrive at the cabin, I’m a bit surprised. Still, I don’t dare to complain after everything he’s done for me. He unlocks the door and I enter, instantly making a beeline toward the couch because I’m tired and want to be comfortable. “I’ll prepare some coffee.” His voice is soft and I nod at him. Coffee sounds fantastic just about now. I could probably go for a muffin too since I’m getting hungry but Lupe’s got enough on his plate as is.

  A few minutes later, Lupe sits by my side and offers me my cup. He looks thoughtful as if he’s searching for his words or how to start. I know this is the moment that everything will be revealed so I push reason and logic aside, knowing that they’ll be more of a bother than anything else. I need to keep my mind open. I don’t think it’ll be so hard after experiencing so much.

  “You’re a werewolf, Sophie.” That much I know. I don’t interrupt him because I want him to go at his rhythm. “Your father was a great man and wanted you to have a normal life. We all understood his reasons when he decided to give you away and what I’m going to tell you is not easy to hear.” Lupe is weighing his words. I can feel it in his tone and see it in how he carries his words. “There are no other alpha females. The reason why you felt like this when you saw me and the reason why you felt like this when you saw Ricky is because you are an alpha and you went into heat. You are only attracted to other alphas and only alpha females can mate. Your father, bless his soul, secreted you away and hid you so Ricky’s pack wouldn’t find you. He didn’t trust Ricky and he was right to do so. The only thing Ricky wants is growing his pack at your expense. Because you’re the only one who can give him pups. There’s a war between our packs, I think you noticed. We’re fighting for the territory of Midvale. My pack and I were open to negotiations but Ricky wants to claim it all. His idea of Midvale would be to dominate it entirely but under his reign, no one would be happy. Everybody would live in fear of his violence and we’re trying to prevent that from happening. I’m sorry that you’re stuck in the middle. This is what your father wanted you to avoid. Because you are so special, Sophie, you are important to both packs. By joining either pack you’ll either tear Midvale apart or fix it.”

  My eyes open wide. I cannot believe the words that escaped him and I instantly stand up from the couch, gaze locking onto him angrily. “Are you saying I should be choosing a pack? Your pack?” My gaze narrows and my heart tightens in my chest. I know this would be the right solution for Midvale but I never asked for this! I just wanted a bakery! “I learned just yesterday that I was a werewolf! I didn’t even know they existe
d and now you’re telling me that the future of Midvale is between my hands? That I have to choose between you or Ricky so I can mate? Is that really all I am to you?” It was mean. I know that there is a connection far greater than a desire to mate between me and Lupe but I just can’t help how angry and shocked I am hearing all of this.

  “I want nothing to do with this! I never asked for this! All I want, all I ever really wanted, is to have a bakery. And now… you’re telling me… you’re telling me that I’m some sort of superior mother wolf? I want to go home.” I’m upset, visibly and he understands. With a heavy sigh, Lupe lifts himself from the couch and wraps his arms around me. I feel his lips against my scalp but I’m too antsy to feel comforted. “Okay, Sophie. I understand.” His voice is full of hurt and I almost feel bad for him. Not only did he lose his father and his town was torn by war but the only person who could fix this wants nothing to do with the situation. When he pulls away, he offers me a sheepish smile. “I’ll take you to your car. Your father didn’t want this for you and I don’t want to impose this on you either. I’ll cut you loose. You’re a great woman... you deserve to choose your future yourself.”

  I’m touched. What if I’m making a mistake? What if my future was here, in Midvale, with Lupe? I need some space so I still take his offer to bring me to my car. I need to get out of here and take the time to reflect on all of this.

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  Chapter 8 – Get out alive

  “Sorry, Lupe. You know… I just need some time to think about all of this. I might come back.” He doesn’t say anything so I lean down and give a kiss to his cheek, my fingers caressing his jawline. In any other situation I would have preferred staying by his sides but right now, I can’t think about anything else but disappearing. I want to leave this town. Lupe stays in front of my house until I’m done packing a few things. Once he is sure I am safe and sound in my car, he waves goodbye and I feel my heart breaking apart. I hope I didn’t hurt him too much. This whole story was just too heavy a burden for me to carry and I’m not sure I’m ready to take the leap with Lupe. He’s a great guy but to become the female alpha of a pack? I needed to come to terms with the fact that I’m a werewolf first.

  I drive away from my home and take the forest road, thinking the sight of the trees would calm me down. While I drive, I can’t stop repeating Lupe’s words in my head. « You’re special, Sophie. » I want to scream that I’m not, that I’m just an average woman but I know this isn’t the case anymore. I’ve awakened. My true form has been revealed and I can’t deny it anymore. What if I leave town only to shift into a werewolf downtown New York? I feel my anxiety rise and some familiar feeling of anger bites at my gut. It’s at this moment that I notice there’s a truck following me. I decide to increase my speed just a little to put some distance between us and it disappears from my sight in the horizon.

  I’m probably paranoiac but after everything that happened, I don’t blame myself.

  I hear a motor roar and the truck is closing the distance rapidly. I squint to try and see the driver and my heart stops dead in my chest. It’s Ricky. I push on the pedal and try to speed away from him but his truck eats the road faster than mine does and soon enough, his front is clashing against my back. I hear my tires scream on the asphalt and I try to maneuver my car back on the road but I do a false move and I’m suddenly doing barrels. I can’t even scream; my body goes slack and there are shards flying around my face. At some point, I hit my head against the steering wheel and I pass out for a few seconds. I hear the sound of my klaxon as the car stops moving somewhere down the side of the road. I’m upside down and bleeding heavily and there’s a searing white pain in my left side. The belt has bitten on my body and I feel like my bones are cracked. Reaching for my belt, I manage to undo it but my whole frame is stiff, uncoordinated. The door to my car is ripped and a beastly Ricky pulls me out of the car. I try to fight back but my body goes limp and I can only whimper in pain as I’m dragged on the ground. I can feel the rocks and the roots of trees against my back, scratching my already bruised skin. “Let…me…go…” I say weakly and try to tear his grip from me but I’m too weak.

  There’s the sound of another truck and screeching tires and suddenly, I’m dropped to the ground like a vulgar bag of potatoes. Blood is still dripping down my forehead and I feel sick to my stomach but I manage to roll around. There are growls and howls in the background and I realize that Lupe’s fighting Ricky in wolf form. Both of them are bigger than usual, more muscular and the fur covering their body is soon stained in red by the claws tearing into each other.

  Even if I left him, Lupe came to save me again. I count my bones and check my teeth and happily note that I’m not in as bad a shape I thought I was. I have no broken bones and the pain on my left side is probably due to a cracked rib. It doesn’t taste of blood in my mouth so I doubt I have punctured a lung. I hear a dog whine and turn around just in time to see Lupe biting Ricky’s throat. His fangs tearing through the fur and skin. Ricky’s falling to the ground and I realize that everything is over. The war of the packs, me being forced to choose a side or leave, everything. I feel like my heart is about to burst out of my chest so I weakly stand up and hobble my way over to him. My arms wrap instinctively around his shoulders and I cry into his neck, all the fear and hurt dripping onto his shirt. The water works just won’t stop and I cry out of fear, out of anger, out of happiness. He saved me.

  He’s my alpha.

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  CHAPTER 9 - Taking a decision

  I wake up and it smells of Lupe. When my eyes open, I’m in his room. There’s his scent everywhere and his pillows still smell of his musk. I roll around in the cover, a weak longing pain coursing through my body. I’m sore all over but I’m happy because I know everything is over. The smell of French toasts reach my nose and Lupe enters the room with a platter. There are a coffee and a pair of buttered French toast waiting for me. “Sorry, I would have made eggs and bacon but it’s really late and every grocery store is closed.” He seems like he feels bad. I notice he’s got a cut on his cheek and many bruises on his arms. He fought Ricky to save me but he wasn’t unscathed in the process.

  “We’re at your cabin again?” I ask him as I nibble on a toast, my gaze soft on him. My heart grew three sizes over just looking at his wounds. To think that he would go so far to protect me… I feel the same as the first day when I first saw him. There’s fire burning in my loins but I’m wounded and so is he. I need to calm down. “Yes, it was the closest and the safest place I could bring you to treat your wounds. I’m no doctor but I am pretty sure nothing is broken. Ah, and I bandaged your forehead after cleaning the wound.” I reach a hand up and it’s true. Between my brown locks is a bandage wrapped around my head. It doesn’t hurt much anymore. Is this a perk of being a werewolf? Healing rapidly? I finish my toast and take a sip of coffee before gesturing to him that I’m not hungry. He takes the plates away and poses them on the night table. His gaze is on me, burning straight through my core and I heave out a small, shaky exhale. I’m grateful. I’m happy. I’m relieved. I feel everything hit me at once and I remember how he explained that I felt that way because I am a werewolf in heat. I don’t care anymore. I know that my place is by his sides. I know that he’ll protect me and I know that I don’t want to see him hurt anymore.

  “I can lend you some clothes if you want. And you know, now that everything is over, you can go. You’ll be safe. Nobody will come after you, Sophie. You are free to take your decision.” I instinctively get out of bed and wrap my arms around his shoulders. “I don’t want to go anymore. Why would I want to leave when there’s a handsome alpha wolf that would die to protect me?” He seems shocked. “I felt a call for Midvale when I was in New York but maybe it wasn’t Midvale. It was you. You’re my alpha. I want to be with you. I know you are good for me and I felt it the moment I saw you. You say it’s my heat but it’s more than that. I want you.” This is why I felt
so aggressive toward Ricky. This is why what I felt for him was different, it was because I wanted him. It has nothing to do with my heat, it’s beyond that.

  His lips crash over mine and I kiss him tenderly. His body is warm as he brings me to bed, a little growl slipping under his breath. I bury my hands in his hair and drag my nails down the length of his spine as I feel his lips discover my trachea. I remember his teeth on Ricky’s neck and shiver as his lips are so soft against mine. “Lupe, you’re my alpha.” I breathe out as he helps me out of my clothes. “Sophie, you’re my alpha.” His breath is hot against my skin and while I’m still sore, I want him more than anything. His movements are slow, deliberate, each of them aimed at my pleasure. The way he touches me leaves my skin burning with anticipation.

  I feel him penetrate my body, my soul, and my heart. My mind blanks as nothing but pleasure courses through my veins. We’re in fusion, we’re in sync and I know that I want this for the rest of my life. Moans and gasps escape my lips with each of his sensual movements. I’m in love. I’m overwhelmed. He’s everything I need and everything I will ever need. We make love until we’re both extenuated and fall asleep in each other’s arms, drenched in sweat and words of love dying on our lips. He kisses my forehead as I close my eyes and the sound of his deep breathing lulls me to sleep.

  A smile curls my lips as I hear my coworkers’ voices telling me that leaving New York was a mistake and that I would be bored in such a small town like Midvale.

  Midvale definitely isn’t boring.

  Story: 10 826 words

  Blurb: 170 words


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