The side of her small body barely rubbed my forearm. Yes. So slim. Delicate. Frail.
Protect, Wolf snarled.
Oh, I don't need to be told to do that. And she doesn't need to worry. "I'm as safe as you when I travel. Except," I tickled a fingertip along the meandering line of her hip and the bumpy side of her ribcage, "I have built-in weaponry. You," I chuckled and traced up her arm to the line of her jaw, "just have me."
Her pale gaze studied me in the muted glow of the candle.
Would she argue?
"I don't want anything to happen to you," she whispered.
"Neither do I," Violet blurted in the darkness from her bed across the room.
Females. And the little one is eavesdropping. "Alright, both of you. It's time to sleep." I rolled onto my back, away from temptation.
Elise wiggled across the gap between our bodies until pressing her warm curves into my side and propped her head upon my upper arm.
Watching me in the faint glow of the candlelight.
Her eyes glinted.
Like she wanted to say more. The little fool. Worrying undoubtedly. About what? Had she heard about my trip to the meet with the Elders? If so, I'm not about to set off on a month-long trip without her. Besides, Augustus wouldn't tell anyone about his plans for me to attend the gathering. Nobody would have told Elise to set off her fears. She had to be worrying about things only females thought about. Something like love and happiness. Maybe that's the force behind her steady contemplative stare. Maybe she worries I don't love her.
Again. The silly female. I can set her straight. Teach her to stop wasting her time fretting over my inner beast's drive. I leaned over, thrusting my fingers behind her hair to circle her shell of an ear, and pressed my lips against the stiff curve of cartilage inside my palm. "I love you. Sleep now."
She sighed.
Done. I planted a few kisses along her the soft velvet of her cheek as I rolled onto my back.
Her eyelids fluttered like butterfly wings above her budding grin.
Giving her insecurities away. She definitely has been thinking about my feelings toward her. Well, not anymore. I thrust a hand beneath my pillow and settled into the softness of cattail down some saint had gathered to make us cushions for our beds.
Life. This has to be what life is all about. Sinking into a warm bed at night with someone who just wanted to hear that you loved her. Someone who smelled of clean soap. Who curled her arm around your chest in a sign of acceptance and possession.
Mine, Wolf growled.
Mine is coming along, Wolf. No matter what Augustus thinks.
Standing in the garden allotted an excellent view of outpost activities for Elise downwind from the stinking vat of boiling fat. Especially the kind of activities one probably isn't supposed to witness. For me, Elise thought, this included Drea and Josie's sisterly episodes. Drea had brought me to the garden to help me weed again. Teach me she had explained. But in a matter of minutes spotted Josie sitting on a length of scaffolding at the top of the fortress' log wall. And then, the drama unfolded.
Drea stood beneath her sister's perch, pointing at the ground. "Come down. Now!"
Josie just stared at her, blue-jean cloaked leg swinging one brown hiking boot where it dangled from her perch like she was holding back a lot of rage. Somehow the quiet sister turned her gaze to the forest beyond the wall. I guess you had to want Drea's motherly attention. Josie obviously didn't appreciate the display of affection.
"I'll tell Augustus you aren't being cooperative. You know he'll do something."
Josie didn't even wince. Just maintained her vigil. Vigil of mourning Lucius had explained at one point. Who could hold that against her? She'd been the one to hold her brothers and father as the fever killed them. One by one. Incapable of changing a thing. I'd die if I'd been there and couldn't use my touch. Couldn't stop their pain. And that's just what Josie had. Pain. The kind my touch couldn't heal.
"Damn you! I've spent my entire life watching you throw your life away. The learning to fight like a warrior. The refusal to accept you owe your species the one thing a man can't provide. Children. Your refusal of two Shifter mating proposals. And don't think our sire didn't tell me about them, Josie, because I heard every mind-boggling soul-squashing word of our sire's explanation to his cousin as to why you refused the Shifters who Augustus permitted to travel to speak with you. Permitted! When Augustus knew you'd reject them and their time was better spent in preparation for winter. Why my mate coddles you I don't know because I can't take this anymore. You go on and commit suicide. But spare us the torture of watching you slit your throat here. Leave before you do it." Drea whirled, wearing a glower, and stormed back toward the garden's low wall and open entrance.
My soul simply died at the display.
Consumed by a wave of pity that welled into my chest and flooded my senses. Goodbye soul. Drea is wrong to speak that way to Josie.
It had to feel ten times worse for Josie than for me to hear. I couldn't do something like that to another person. Especially my sisters. And the scowling Drea stormed past me with a glance. Didn't bother to pause. She just marched back into the compound. Out of my site. As Drea abandoned her sister's dying soul, I turned back to find Josie studying me. Or maybe her vanishing sister.
Josie's expressionless mask and blank stare could have killed.
My skin prickled with a chill.
Not one of fear or premonition. Rather, embarrassment. She knew I'd heard every bloody word. And certainly had to wonder what I'd do. Nothing. I won't be a part of her sister's merciless speech. I slid my gaze back to the green leaves and stems coloring the dark tilled soil.
What will Josie do next?
Out of nowhere, a black combat boot with bloused camouflage pant hem planted itself beside my brown hiking boot.
"Getting the hang of gardening?" Lucius asked.
Thank the heavens. And he smiled. A mischievous little knowing smile that threatened to hide from the angry cloud Drea left lurking. "Maybe more nurturing than I can handle."
His golden eyebrow arched, and he swung a glance to Josie who now stared back into the forest. "I think everyone heard."
At least anyone with his Wolf in his ears. "You were hiding?" I whispered.
His golden Wolf gaze snapped back to mine, his smile now a grim straight line. "It's all part of my duties." He winked.
Augustus. The man who is obviously behind everything at his outpost. "Did he tell Drea to attack her?"
"No." He studied the plants at our feet, knelt, and plucked a leafy green stem.
Emotionlessly as if he didn't care for what he'd witnessed. Didn't want to hurt Josie more. He was so much like his sire. I'm truly fortunate his Wolf chose me. I knelt as if trying to observe what he did with the young vegetation, hoping he'd explain.
He didn't turn his gaze away from the soft soil. "Can you keep an eye on her?" he whispered. "Act like you're weeding. If she wanders off, keep on her trail. I need to make certain Augustus knows what happened."
Anything to be helpful. Besides, Drea had relieved me of teaching duty on Wednesdays for the sake of my learning how to survive out here in The Wild. "Of course."
"I'm serious." His nose popped my direction, anchoring his unwavering gaze upon mine. "She's unpredictable."
Something about his choice of words made my gut twist. I just nodded and tried to focus on the plants while really eyeing Josie's vigilant seated form at the top of the palisade out of my periphery.
Lucius rose, his tall camouflaged presence retreating.
Leaving me to spy on the most heartbroken person I think I'd ever encountered. Nobody had loved a man the way Josie had and been rejected, lost her mother to cancer, and then watched powerlessly as her brothers and sire suffered from long drawn-out deaths. And I call myself a survivor. I guess you'd have to be far tougher than a weak-willed pampered warlord's charge to make it twenty-some-odd years out here. Hell, I didn't even have duti
es back at Langston's mansion other than to study and keep Violet happy. Out here, I'd either have toughened up early like Josie or died as the world's alien-induced insanity sucked my spirit dry.
But Josie sat atop that wall until I wilted in the baking sun like a plant worshipping the sun. She had to be desperate for a drop of water though. I'd love a few myself after agonizing over ever stem and leaf. Acted the crazed botanist. Or farmer. One way or the other, I appeared engrossed in my weeding. Whereas anyone observing the both of us might deduce Josie guarded me instead of the other way around. What now? I'd reached the end of the last row.
Something moved back between the two buildings leading to the boiling vat of fat.
He casually approached.
Never acting as if he'd been sent to relieve me of my duty. Hopefully he is.
He claimed a spot two steps away and scowled. "You've been out here too long. You're cheeks and nose are sunburned." He thrust a thumb back the way he came, pointing over his shoulder. "Head down for lunch. And stay out of the sun."
Okay. I'm supposed to leave. Would he come along? Or was something else planned? I strode past him.
Maybe he'd follow. Tell me what Augustus said. Feed my curiosity.
I, the dutiful son, whispered with Augustus outside the communal bath lodge in the mid-afternoon's strong sunshine while Josie browned atop the fence.
The solid log wall was awfully obliging. Maybe not as much as my sire. He hadn't said much in reference to Josie after he'd interrogated his mate. Nor was I allowed in the cabin as Drea had to recall her carefully-selected words from her little tirade. Instrumental or not to Augustus, the outburst's timing apparently caused more problems because my sire ordered Drea underground. I'd returned here to follow Josie until he too appeared.
Augustus' blue eyes shuttered conspiratorially in the sunlight. "I don't expect Josie to do anything foolish now. It's been hours since Drea exploded."
Why would Josie? Augustus was watching her. She couldn't reach the gate if she tried. "What then?"
"Keep on her tail," he said matter-of-factly. "If she leaves the compound, follow in your Wolfskin. Don't worry. Whoever's pulling guard duty will inform me. It's more important someone follow her for her protection."
True. But babysitting the independent Josie, renowned for her reputation's antics, isn't what any Shifter wanted tacked onto his list of duties. "What do you expect her to do?" I managed not to sigh.
He shrugged. "Run. Sit and mourn. Ride her horse over to shoot at Hostillian. I can't begin to guess."
Good thing she doesn't know where Hostillian is working. But two of Augustus' possibilities could bump my life up to torture. "Alright. I'm hoping for the sitting and mourning."
"I'm banking on it," Augustus blurted. "Drea shouldn't have lost control." He sighed, his gaze studying the well-worn trail's hard-packed earth. "She's probably pushed Josie to leave. I don't want that. Never did."
So life just became really interesting. I can make it even more interesting though. "Elise isn't pregnant. I'm taking her with me to the gathering."
My sire's stare that always dared me to add more to a belligerent announcement bore a hole through my skull.
Silence closed in around me.
"That's foolish, Lucius," he said quite slowly.
"As foolish as leaving her behind--"
"You can travel faster without her. She won't have your Wolf on edge or preoccupied either. And she'll be safer feet below ground. Think about those things."
She's going with me. "I've made up my mind."
His mouth pursed.
A funny thoughtful or resigned expression for a clan head.
"I suppose I'd do the same thing the first time I mated," Augustus surmised.
As if I were a naïve child determined to make a mistake. Fine. I'll make this one. He'll be thankful when I show up with a pregnant mate after the gathering. I stared back at his knowing mask with a silent challenge, daring him to utter another word. A challenge as powerful as his had been.
His mask cracked into a wicked grin. "Not afraid to stand up to your sire." He chuckled and slapped my shoulder. "Mating has been good for you. You're ready to take over the pack." His chuckle's enthusiasm died a bit, but his assessing gaze never wavered. "When it's time. Now, you keep up with Josie."
Chapter Fourteen
Another half a week passed before Wolf caught wind of the uniquely delicious scent that made my skin crawl. Elise was fertile. And Wolf struggled to rip free of my chest and plant his seed. Not good when I want to avoid impregnating her to take her to the gathering. She isn't even in the same Gods-be-damned room. I stared at my sire who leaned his elbow against the mantle in his cabin as we stood alone, speaking quietly that morning.
Can he smell it too?
"Say nothing," Augustus warned with a commanding stare capable of killing in a second.
About what? That my Wolf wants its bitch, but this isn't the time to piss off my sire. Even his subtle wise cracks can be annoying.
Find mine, Wolf snarled.
Somehow I managed to swallow Wolf's impatient sounds.
Mine! Wolf growled.
You have to think of something else. Or we'll be without her for weeks heading to Oregon. Is that what you want?
Augustus eyed me warily.
Apparently, I didn't swallow all Wolf's snarls.
"Are you having a problem?" my sire asked.
"Good. Because I need you to deliver a combine part to the Western Fields. To Hostillian."
Josie. Again. I'd been stalking her shadow for days. And she'd stared me down defiantly almost every time. Seeing through me with that condescending gaze that shouted go away. She'd undoubtedly pieced together ever atom of Augustus' plan and gave us nothing to react upon. Nothing but sitting and mourning. So, my departing for the Western Fields must indicate Augustus has a new scheme he's about to reveal. "What are you planning?"
He thrust splayed fingers into his graying brown cropped hair and vigorously scratched behind his ear. "I've never seen Josie so withdrawn. So spark-less. She isn't going to heal without him."
Hostillian didn't deserve Augustus forcing him to deal with Josie's antics. Hostillian is the most dependable Shifter in the clan. Nobody else was as reliable. As determined. As intimidating. We'd be insane to expect him to shake Josie from her depression. Why should she be so special anyway? Depression is normal after the death of a loved one. Or many loved ones. Whatever plan lurked in my sire's head is a fiasco waiting to give birth to an even bigger fiasco. Time to learn about this bomb. "What do you want me to do?"
"Feel Hostillian out. I need to know if he's open to meeting with Josie. I don't want to send her to talk to him if he's going to treat her like shit the way he has the last few times he spoke with her."
Mate! Wolf snarled his demand again.
Gods-be-damned beast. I choked down a gulp of air and held it.
The sensation seemed to push Wolf deeper into the chasm. That's exactly how Hostillian will feel. Caged. For what? Dutiful service to the clan? But the trip could save my ass from mating to keep my mate with me when I leave to meet with the Elders. "Alright. Give me a few days. And keep up with my mate. She won't be happy I'm away."
My sire cracked a knowing grin. "Mates never are." He patted my shoulder. "Just head out. I'll catch her after school and explain I needed you to leave now."
Good. One look at her, one whiff of her up close, and she'd be incubating Wolf's seed.
Focusing an apologetic mask on me, Augustus stood near the corridor leading to the twenty-two concrete stairs ascending to the subterranean community's external lodges. "I'm sorry, Elise. But there was an emergency. Lucius had to deliver a motor part to the Western Fields for me. He'll return as soon as possible."
What will life be like without Lucius for more than twenty-four hours? I guess it's just time to see how life really is around he
re with Lucius away. To see if there truly is a place for a hybrid female here. I nodded.
My father-in-law sauntered over to pat my shoulder as supportively as the curved back of the plastic chair I anchored to the slick floor. Although, I sat alone among the long tables in the communal room, I'm not. Not with Augustus here. What does he want? Doesn't he need me to keep Violet happily producing his code?
"Now don't look so glum."
Easy for him to say. He isn't separated from his mate. Not to mention, he gets to call the shots all damned day.
"You're as easy to read as an open book." He chuckled and waved for me to follow. "Come on. I can use a hand. Better still, you have two. And I think it's time I introduced you to the ins and outs of the laboratory."
Loving Lucius (Werescape) Page 22