Someone to Trust
Page 17
“Hey, he’s even turning on his higher-ups. We’ve gotten the names of some high-value dealers out of him.”
Cate nodded slowly. “I hope you get them all. Just think of all the ruined lives—and I don’t mean soccer careers. I mean, there are many, many Marlys out there.”
“That’s true, and that’s the ultimate tragedy in drug crime. But we have to look at everything. Even while they’re treading the waters of their loss, the boys have done the right thing. They’ve all come forward to testify against Alec. It took courage and internal strength to do that, even in the middle of the mess they’ve made for themselves.”
Cate reached out and patted Rand’s cheek. “We serve a mighty God. He can take evil, and in His own way and time, use it for good.”
He sighed. “I’m beginning to realize I don’t know anything about the extent of God’s awesomeness.”
“He loves to teach His children. I learn more each day I walk with Him.”
“And I’m just following your lead. I suppose I’ll learn more and more as I try to catch up.” He pulled her close. “About following your lead…I want to join you for the long run. How about turning our crime-fighting, youth-group-leading partnership into something else? Something more permanent.”
She drew in a sharp breath. “Rand? Are you…?”
“Yeah. I might not be the most romantic guy around, but I’ve come to know the woman you really are. I’d be a fool if I let you go. Will you marry me, Cate?”
She reached up and cupped his lean cheek in her hand. “Yes. I’d love a long, old-fashioned engagement. I want to make sure we do this right. Let’s pray and grow together and plan the wedding of my dreams.”
“The marriage of my dreams.”
Dear Reader,
Having grown up in a very cosmopolitan capital, Caracas, Venezuela, small towns have always held a certain appeal for me. I suppose that is why my husband and I have chosen to raise out sons in, well, small-town America. Today, however, small towns deal with the same problems as our major cities, and those are the kind of stories in my CAROLINA JUSTICE series; Someone to Trust is the last book of three.
I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Cate and Rand, both of whom grew up in a small town, left—Cate for a shorter time than Rand—and returned, each bearing wounds that need healing. My wish for you is that you’ll turn to God for comfort in your walk through life. Love and joy are to be found in and through Him.
None of us are immune from making terrible choices, some worse than others. Cate made many as a teen, but she has since taken responsibility for her actions and repented. How do you generally react when you realize you’ve erred?
Rand judged a teenage Cate by the image she portrayed. Was it fair to her? Why or why not?
When Rand returns and sees the “new” Cate, he can’t help remembering the teen she once was. Have you ever had a similar image problem? If so, how did you handle it?
Cate felt the need to prove herself, not just to her neighbors, but especially to Rand. How would you counsel someone in her position?
Rand felt distanced from God as a result of the accident that took his cousin’s life, and the tragedies he witnessed as an arson investigator. How have you come to grips with the reality that God, while all-powerful, doesn’t always respond to tragedy as we would wish He would?
Alec, like many other criminals, felt his misdeeds were justified by his past. How does your faith keep you from losing perspective when you bear painful wounds?
Some people, while they profess faith in Christ, feel certain commands don’t apply to their particular situation for many reasons. If you find yourself in the company of such a person, how would you respond to their position?
If you were in a position similar to Rand’s, would you feel as he does about Cate raising the three orphans? If so, why? If not, why not?
Have you ever been involved in a benefit like the Tuckerpalooza? If so, what led you to participate? If not, what’s held you back?
Substance abuse by teens is an epidemic in our country, particularly with prescription drugs. Have you taken any steps to help those fighting it? If not, would you? What would hold you back?
Evidence shows that some people in particularly stressful careers, like firefighters and law enforcement personnel, build walls around their emotions to protect themselves from the difficult situations they confront daily. How would you respond to someone like that?
Raising children is tough. Raising someone else’s is infinitely more so. How would you handle a situation like Cate’s?
Joe Caldwell, Cate’s father, mentored the teenage Rand. Scripture calls for mature women to mentor younger ones. Have you been mentored? Are you a mentor? If so, how has the relationship impacted your life? If not, would you consider doing so?
Cate trusted Alec, but he proved to be unworthy of that trust. Have you been betrayed by a friend? If so, how did you handle the relationship after you uncovered the betrayal?
If you live in a small town, what do you particularly appreciate about the place where you live? If you live in a large city, how do you view small-town life? Would you switch?
ISBN: 978-1-4268-3633-6
Copyright © 2009 by Grisel Anikienko
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
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*Carolina Justice
*Carolina Justice
*Carolina Justice