Lies: Web of Sin book #2

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Lies: Web of Sin book #2 Page 27

by Aleatha Romig

  The elevator came to a stop. This garage wasn’t like the one at the apartment building. This one was shared with others. Sterling’s eyes were everywhere as were Patrick’s, scanning the garage. I recalled the incident in Wichita when Patrick warned me against entering a parking garage, telling me the logistics were impossible.

  A cold chill settled over me as Sterling gripped my hand tighter. “Hurry, we’re getting into the car.”

  Our steps were quick as we rushed toward the black sedan. The locks beeped as Sterling opened my door and I entered, followed closely behind by Sterling as Patrick entered the front seat and we all let out a collective breath.

  “That call wasn’t about business,” Sterling said. “Stephanie is my assistant at my downtown office. I told her I’d be unavailable for the rest of this morning. She knows better; however, someone is at the office, making a scene and demanding a meeting.”

  Though he hadn’t spoken, Patrick’s gaze was set in the rearview mirror, anxiously awaiting more.

  “Who?” I asked, unsure if he’d answer.

  “Judge Landers.”


  My mouth opened yet no words came to my tongue.

  First my aunt and now my mother.

  “If you’d like, you can go to my office with me,” Sterling said, “after we find Winnie.”

  My head shook as I blinked away unexpected tears. “No, I can’t...not after that meeting with Mrs. McFadden. Can you please handle it? I think I should have taken you up on that getaway.”

  His large finger caressed my cheek. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

  Patrick began driving toward the Hilton as Sterling reached again for my hand. “I fucking want to get you out of Chicago and naked on the deck of the yacht.”

  I sighed. “Only if you’re dressed accordingly.”

  He looked toward the front seat. “I’ll call Garrett and have him go to the office. Don’t fucking let Araneae out of your sight. These two damn buildings are too close to drag this out any longer than necessary. Let’s kill two birds. You two get Winnie. I’ll find out what Judge Landers wants.”

  “I don’t like any of this,” Patrick said. “Reid’s confirmed Winnie’s phone is at the Hilton. We should also have Reid check security at both locations.”

  Sterling nodded.

  I looked back to Sterling. “What are you going to do? What will you say to her?”

  “Whatever needs to be done and said.”

  Suddenly, I didn’t care that Patrick was in the front seat. All I cared about was the man who was now my lover, my family, and my confidant.

  Leaning closer, I placed my hand on Sterling’s chest. His heart beat under my palm, the steady rhythm reassuring me. “Please be careful. I-I...” I looked up to his eyes. “...fuck it. Sterling, I love you. I don’t care who hears it. Don’t take stupid chances by being a hero or a villain. I don’t know what my mother or the McFaddens have in mind. My only concern is that everyone I love is safe. That includes you. Come home to me. I want to be on that boat.”

  One of his arms snaked around my back as his other hand lifted my chin until our gazes saw only one another. “Come home to me.”

  His lips crashed with mine.

  My gaze followed Sterling as he got out of the car, his long legs walking with purpose as the Chicago wind blew his suit coat and he stepped regally toward the front of the building facing Michigan Avenue.

  “Tell me that he’ll be safe,” I said to Patrick.

  “Ma’am, he’s had more difficult meetings. Let’s concentrate on Winnie.”

  I looked down at my phone for the thousandth time. All of my calls to Winnie as well as my texts since we’d left the office had gone unanswered.

  “I could try calling directly to her room.”

  “Reid saw her on the hotel’s security go up to her room.”

  My head shook. “I don’t understand what happened.”

  “Ma’am, I’m going in her room with you.”

  “I-I know that’s what Sterling said, but if she’s upset, your presence won’t help. Could you please wait right outside? It’s a hotel room.”

  For the first time, I saw the tells I noticed more in Sterling. The way Patrick’s jaw clenched and the tendons in his neck tightened like cords being pulled taut.

  “I’m worried,” I said. “I don’t understand why she apologized or what this is about.”

  “Ma’am, it’s not too late to take you home.”

  The ma’am he’d reverted to calling me let me know that Patrick was slipping into full business mode. I didn’t mind the loss of my name. It was as if he and Sterling both had their tells, as Patrick called them. “No. I want to see her.”

  * * *


  * * *

  Before I sent the text, I looked up. “Do you have her room number?”

  Patrick nodded.

  Sending the text, I held the phone and prayed for a response.

  * * *


  * * *

  “Patrick...” I waited for his eyes again in the rearview mirror. “She finally texted me back. She’s in her room and wants to speak to me alone.”

  “No, I’m sorry, Araneae. Sparrow will kill me if anything happens to you.”

  “What will happen? We’re in a hotel room. Please wait outside and let me go in alone. Sterling said to listen to me. This is my good friend. She’s upset.” He didn’t answer. That didn’t mean I couldn’t see the indecision on his face. “Please, Patrick. This is my friend. I’ve known her for...”

  “Three years isn’t a lifetime. It’s not long at all.”

  I exhaled. “I suppose you’re right. It seemed like from the beginning she fit in. I’ve known you and Sterling much less and yet you expect me to trust you.”

  “Ma’am, I don’t expect anything. I watch. I listen. I make calculations and never assumptions. It’s true you haven’t known Sparrow or me longer. We, however, have known you. The last eight years have included watching, protecting, and observing.”

  Inhaling, I fought the tears. “I’ve lost a lot of people in my life. My friends are an elite group. Each one is dear to me for their own reasons. I would do anything not to lose one.” I took another breath. “That includes you. I won’t take any unnecessary chances.”

  We had now entered the hotel’s parking garage. Once we were parked, Patrick motioned for me to wait as he connected a call.

  I could only hear his end.

  “What can you see?” He nodded. “Nothing after her. No room service? Nothing?”

  He hung up and turned my way. “Reid confirmed that she entered her room over an hour ago. No one has come to the room since, not even housekeeping.” He exhaled. “I’ll wait right outside the door, but know that I’ll be ready to kick it in.”

  My lips turned upward. “I like that you’re scary.”

  “I’m scary?”

  “Not to me.”

  Together we walked through the parking garage and entered the first elevator. It took us as high as the lobby. The hotel was alive with patrons as Patrick scanned each one and led me through the maze of people. A few minutes later we were on the elevator to Winnie’s floor.

  When we finally arrived at her door, he said, “I’m staying right here. Get her and bring her back. We’ll go back to the office and forget this happened.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Please, Araneae, talk to her. If she intends to stay employed by Sinful Threads, she’ll come back with you. If not, it’s her choice.”

  “My company,” I said with less zeal than before.

  He didn’t answer.

  Taking a deep breath, I knocked on her door. When she opened it, her eyes were red and swollen, and her face and neck were covered in red blotches. “Winnie...” I wrapped her in my arms as we stepped inside. As the d
oor closed, I asked, “Winnie, what is it?”

  “Ms. McCrie?”

  I gasped as I stood straight again, taking in the man who had appeared from the bathroom. I knew him immediately.

  Knew was the wrong word.

  I recognized him, his blond hair, and his boyish features. “Mark?” I questioned.

  Hanging from his belt was a badge.

  I took a step back, my shoulders colliding with the wall. “What is this?”

  The man placed his finger over his lips. “I know you’re being watched. I know there’s a man outside who won’t hesitate to enter. I need you to listen to me.”

  “I-I thought you were in trouble...” Winnie cried, her words surrounded by quick inhales of breath. “I-I thought...”

  “What did you do?”

  “Ms. McCrie,” Mark said, speaking quietly as he came closer, “I’m certain you were told elsewise. May I formally introduce myself? My name is neither Mark nor Andrew. I’m Wesley Hunter, a field agent with the FBI. For the last two and a half years, I have been infiltrating the world of Chicago’s underground.”

  My lips came together as my head shook. “That-that has nothing to do with me.”

  “You didn’t correct me on the use of your birth name.”

  “My name is Kennedy Hawkins.” I fumbled with my purse. “I-I have my ID.”

  Mark, I mean, Wesley, lifted his hand. “If you want to play that game, it’s your choice. You have a long history, Ms. Hawkins. Ms. Marsh. Or is it, Ms. McCrie? While infiltrating the world that has nothing to do with you, the FBI became aware of your connection—or should I say your father’s? Because of that, there is concern for your safety. For most of your life you have been a sought-after individual. For that reason, once you were discovered, I tried to stop you from becoming involved. Wichita? Perhaps you recall? As you know, that didn’t work.”

  My head was shaking. “This doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Kenni,” Winnie said, “I’m sorry. They came to me, told me you were in danger. Your behavior...I thought I was helping.”

  “Why?” I asked, this time louder. “Why not come to me?”

  “I thought with the odd behavior,” she said. “I thought...the FBI were in danger...that you were being forced...and then today you said...I left the office to tell them they were wrong.” Her head shook. “I’m sorry.”

  “Agent Hunter,” I said, finding my voice yet purposely keeping it low so as not to alarm Patrick. “Am I under arrest? If not, I’m going to leave this room. I appreciate your concern; however, I guarantee that I’m safe.”

  He reached for a folder lying next to the TV and flipped it open, revealing Sterling Sparrow’s picture. “Ma’am, this man is dangerous.”

  “He’s in real estate.”

  “You’re believed to have information that could be detrimental to him and his future. We have it on good authority that his plan is to get that information by any means possible. Are you aware of the information?”

  What could I say?

  “I don’t have anything like that.”

  “The FBI is willing to offer you, Ms. Douglas, and the cofounder of your company, Louisa Toney, witness protection, in exchange for the information in question. Certainly, you want to save your friend’s soon-to-be-born child?”

  Oh my God. This was the same way Sterling convinced me in the first place—blackmail.

  I shook my head. “I don’t have any information.”

  “You have been marked by Sterling Sparrow.”

  He had no idea.

  “We’ve tried for years to find something that would finally stick to Sparrow. We believe you have it.”

  I shook my head. “I’m leaving.” I took a step toward the door.

  “Upon further research,” Agent Hunter said, “into Sinful Threads, it has come to the notice of the FBI that there are some unusual real estate deals regarding your properties that could be connected to Sparrow Enterprises.”

  “Yes, that company deals in real estate,” I said, standing taller. “My company needs properties.”

  “The deals you received are significantly below market. That leads us to question the complexity of your agreements.”

  I shook my head. “Those agreements go back years. I only recently became acquainted with Mr. Sparrow.”

  “If you’re not willing to share with the FBI the information that you have, possibly incriminating evidence against your new acquaintance, we are prepared to offer you an alternative. This is a onetime offer. Once it’s made your decision must be imminent.”

  “I don’t need an alternative offer. I don’t have any information and I’ve done nothing wrong.”

  Wesley crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s very easy. All you need to do is take my place, infiltrating and ultimately testifying against Mr. Sparrow.”


  “The evidence regarding real estate combined with some questionable bookkeeping and inventory irregularities at your Chicago warehouse implicate Sinful Threads as a possible means for illegal activities. We have the records.”

  “No, that’s impossible. Louisa and I go through every line. Besides, it couldn’t be him. He’s in real estate,” I said again as if repeating it would nullify his other dealings. “And I just met him.”

  “Lying is what men like him do.”

  My phone buzzed and STERLING came onto the screen.

  My mind was a battlefield as my lungs forgot to breathe, and my gaze went back and forth between Sterling’s name and the FBI agent across the room.

  Who should I believe? Who was telling me the truth, and who was telling me lies?

  Sterling and Araneae’s story concludes in the highly anticipated climax, PROMISES. You’re not going to want to miss the final installment of this spellbinding story. Preorder Promises now by tapping on the title.

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  * Romig

  Books by New York Times bestselling author Aleatha Romig



  Coming Oct. 30, 2018


  Coming Dec. 4, 2018


  Coming Jan. 8, 2019



  (Book #1)

  Released August 2011


  (Book #2)

  Released October 2012


  (Book #3)

  Released October 2013


  (Book #4)

  Previously titled: Behind His Eyes Convicted: The Missing Years

  Re-released June 2014


  (Book #5)

  Released January 2015


  Released Oct 2017



  * * *

  Released January 2014


  Released March 2014



  Book #1

  Released October 2015


  Book #2

  Released January 2016


  Book #3

  Released May 2016


  Book #4

  Released September 2016


  Book #5

  Released January 2017


  A stand-alone Infidelity novel

  Released January 2018


  Published through Thomas and Mercer Amazon exclusive


  Released 2016


  Released 2016



  (All books in this series are stand-alone erotic thrillers)

  Released October 2014


  (Completely unrelated to book #1)

  Release TBA



  Stand-alone fun, sexy romance

  Released May 2017


  Fun, sexy novella

  Released April 2018


  Stand-alone fun, sexy romance

  Releasing May 2018


  Stand-alone, sexy contemporary romance

  September 2017



  Released August 27, 2018


  Released individually

  January 1, 2018

  About the Author

  Aleatha Romig is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana, USA. She has raised three children with her high school sweetheart and husband of over thirty years. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she's not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time with her family and friends. Her other pastimes include reading and creating heroes/anti-heroes who haunt your dreams!


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