Magic Born

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Magic Born Page 10

by Rayanne Haines

  Brita laughed. “Seriously? It was that easy? Wow. The dragon picked you? You need to get your shit together.”

  Alex fell to the ground in a heap as her arms gave out. The little bitch dragged her further into shadow. Before passing out, two errant thoughts ripped through Alex’s mind. One—she was desperately and completely in love with Collum. And two—what was with her and getting attacked in parking lots?

  Chapter 14

  Neeren grunted as he raised sixty-pound dumbbells above his head. He'd barely slept. It was now five in the morning and he was in the gym with Talon.

  “Just call her,” Talon said.

  Neeren thrust the dumbbells again. His form was off. “No. I made a fool of myself after talking with you last time. I acted like a stalker.”

  “I'm sure it wasn't that bad.”

  “Well it wasn't seductive.”

  As Talon laughed, heat flooded Neeren’s face. He added more weight, jerked dumbbells above his head, dropped them, and sat up.

  He briefly closed his eyes before confiding in his friend. “Truth is I like her. I've never had to prove myself to someone before. It is . . . bothersome.”

  More laughter burst out of his friend. More heat crawled up Neeren's neck.

  “Poor you. You finally have to do more than crook your finger for a girl to come running. It's part of life. Suck it up and try to win her.”

  Neeren shoved his hands through his hair. “She would not answer my texts.”

  “So, try again. Maybe she was sleeping. You did call in the middle of the night. Not smooth.”

  Neeren contemplated his space as he contemplated his unexpected desire for the little witch. The gym took up eight hundred square feet on the houses lower level. Filled with every workout machine imaginable, he spent early mornings here. Routine. Control. How easily he lost it around Maria.

  Of course, even here every wall was made of glass. The north wall retracted, opening onto an outdoor track. Currently he faced east, and as sun rose over the cliff a tingling warmth settled in his bones. Long ago he'd positioned the bench he sat on to catch the morning rays. He waited patiently. Offered silent thanks as the sun softly bathed him in a pool of morning light. Talon sat beside him and handed him a bottle of water.

  “I've created a beautiful place, haven’t I?”

  Talon slapped his back. “You have. There is no more beautiful island in the world.”

  Neeren tossed the water back. Energy radiated up his spine. The sun called to his panther. As it did every morning. His bones prepared to shift.

  He placed the bottle on the floor. “I'm going for a run along the cliff edge.”

  “Are you going to call her?”

  Neeren stretched. The ocean beckoned him. “Yes, old friend. I will call her . . . after I run and regain my self-control.”

  “Well then,” Talon replied as he pushed Neeren out of the way. “Race you to the beach.”

  Neeren gave his friend a head start before slowly shifting into his panther state. Muscles tore. Claws extended. Bones snapped. Lengthened. Black fur quickly covered his skin. His eyes burned yellow. Fevered. His jaw twisted. Neeren breathed easy as his lungs expanded and his body reknitted back together into a five-hundred-pound black panther. He exalted in the feeling of his feline body. Let power flow through him. He was King. He would win his witch.

  A low growl sounded in the back of his throat. With a kick of his massive hind legs he ran with the wind and overtook his friend.

  ~ ~ ~

  An hour later, exhausted and refreshed, Neeren opened the door to his bedroom. A sense of calm replaced his earlier doubts. Daisy still snored at the foot of the bed.

  He scratched behind her ears and shook her awake. “Go find Janelle in the kitchen. She has your breakfast waiting.”

  As though the dog understood, she stretched and jumped off the bed in search of kibble. He shook his head and headed for the shower. As he walked past the bed he noticed the light on his phone flash. He checked the clock on the nightstand. Almost a quarter after six in the morning. He lunged for the phone.

  As he read the text, tremors shot through his body. His heart-beat thrashed in his ears. Black spots swam in front of his eyes. The text had come in forty-five minutes ago. Forty-five fucking minutes. When he'd been running to forget her. The words screamed at him from the screen— The vampires have me. Contact the guardians.

  There was only one person she could mean.

  Swallowing his anger, he dialed the number for Collum Thronus.

  Collum answered on the first ring. “Neeren, I was just about to call you.” Collum's voice came across the line harried.

  Neeren cut him off. “Something has happened.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Maria sent me a text.” Neeren paused. “I retrieved it only a moment ago.”


  Something in the dragon’s voice pushed through Neeren's terror. “Yes, Maria. Why were you about to call me?”

  “It's Alex.” The dragon’s voice hitched. “She's been taken.”

  Neeren fell to the edge of the bed. Rage coursed through him. “Maria has been taken as well. Start from the beginning. Leave nothing out.”

  “It’s a combined attack. What happened to Mar?”

  “I have no fucking clue. She sent me a text saying the vampires have her, and to contact the Guardians. Since you are the only goddamn guardian I know, I called you. Now what the fuck have you gotten Maria and my sister mixed up in?”

  Collum growled into the receiver. “I discovered your sister missing an hour ago. We were supposed to meet at the penthouse. When she wasn't there I called your aunt Quinn. She hasn't seen her either.”

  “And?” Neeren prodded. “What aren't you telling me?”

  “Both Alex and Mar were working undercover for me. I've been trying to locate a rebel group of vampires killing immortals.” Wood shattered on the other end of the phone. “This is my fault. I misjudged the desperation of this enemy. What I can't figure out is how they knew I was looking for them.”

  Neeren ground his teeth together. “And you picked those two to help you?”

  “Alex and Mar are unknown. They were supposed to be re-con duty only.” Collum growled over the line.

  Neeren’s knuckles whitened as he gripped the phone. “My sister is a twenty-six-year old journalist, you idiot. And Mar is a very loud, very flamboyant, witch. She's not a goddamn spy.

  “They're more than you think. They were perfectly safe.”

  “Bullshit. You have a leak, Thronus.”

  “I fucking know,” was the clipped reply.

  “I'm coming to Vancouver now.”

  “No. Meet me in Madrid. That's where they'll be.”

  “You better be fucking sure about this, Thronus.”

  More sounds of splintering wood and shattering glass echoed over the line as Neeren waited for Collum's reply.

  “The bastards want me. I'm the threat. Not Alex. Not Mar. And they'll want me on their home turf—Madrid.”

  Neeren threw clothing in a bag as the two confirmed details. “What hotel?”

  “The Royal Madrid. On the Gran Via.”

  “Good. I will meet you there in . . .” Neeren checked his clock again. “Three hours.”

  There was momentary silence on the other end of the line.

  “I can't get there for at least six.” The words sounded like they'd been ripped from the deepest hole in Collum’s chest. “If they hurt her . . .”

  Neeren knew Collum meant both woman. And he agreed. If either of them were hurt Neeren would rip their captors beating hearts from their chest. And he'd do it with the world watching.

  “Wait,” Collum said. “Why did Mar call you?”

Neeren gripped the dresser with his free hand. The wood crumbled beneath his palm. “Because, Thronus. She knows I'm falling in love with her.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Half an hour later Neeren was in the air. Talon would keep an eye on things while he was gone. Especially Gray. When Neeren told her what happened, she'd broken down, screaming and clawing at him. It was too much. Trauma was not something her heart could handle anymore. For years, she'd thought her dead child had been ripped from her womb. Finding Alex had given Gray a sliver of life back.

  Neeren knew if he lost Alex he'd lose his mother to her demons. Talon would keep Gray sedated if he had too but Neeren had to bring his sister home, alive. He was going to smash that dragon’s face in when he saw him. Whatever he'd gotten Maria and Alex mixed up in could cost them their lives.

  Darkness nearly swallowed Neeren twenty-five years ago. After his father's death. His baby sister’s death. His mother’s breakdown. He'd survived to care for his mother and their people. If Alex was lost to them this time. If Mar was? Talon would have to put him down before he lost control. What he’d said to Collum was true. He was falling for the little witch. She brought a chaotic light to his life. It touched a part of him that even finding his sister hadn't touched.

  Neeren wanted to grow old with her.

  He leaned back in his seat. Now where’d that thought come from? He was immortal. As a witch, Mar wasn't. Yet, for him immortality meant nothing but living in shadows. Perhaps he should grow old in the light with the witch. She reeked of life and abundance. The essence of her spirit felt like cool water. It mattered little he knew virtually nothing about her. It mattered less her mind was blocked. Whatever she hid meant nothing. Maria would share when she was ready. When she’d needed someone, she'd reached out to him. That told him everything he needed to know.

  Fear knotted itself into a ball of ice in his gut. He would find her and destroy whoever took her. And then he would make her his.

  Chapter 15

  A vein pulsed in Mar's temple as she stared at her friend. Her mother’s henchmen had thrown Alex in with her less than an hour ago. Alex’s beautiful gown was dirty and torn. Her body slack. Mar cursed the vampires to hell and back. They'd laughed about how easy it’d been to capture the dragon’s girlfriend. Mar almost pitied them. They had no idea what awaited. Her mother massively screwed the pooch this time.

  As her friend stirred, Mar rushed to her side. Shoved Alex's knotted hair off her face. A small bruise marred one cheek.

  “Ssshh, you're okay.”

  Alex's eyes fluttered open. She moaned softly and rubbed her hands over her face. “Where are we? What happened?” Her eyes settled on Mar's face. “Mar? Don't tell me they got you too.”

  Mar kneeled and grabbed Alex's hands. She grinned with sympathy. “Wish I could, BFF. Can't. They got me too.”

  Alex looked frantically around. “What about Collum? Is he okay?”

  “No clue. I've only seen you. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say they captured us to draw him out.”

  “So, where are we?”


  Alex bolted up then clutched her head. “Really? They must have knocked me out with a heavy sedative. They grabbed me in Vancouver.” Her eyes glanced around the cell. “I fell for their charade and got captured like a complete fool.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up about it. At least you aren’t dead,” Mar offered. They’re just using you to get to Collum anyway. No sense dying trying to save a guy that can incinerate this whole building with one breath.”

  “How stupid are they?”

  “Ah you know. Pretty stupid.” Mar grimaced. Alex was lucky all they did was knock her out. “Anyway, they fucked up. I managed to get word to Neeren. He knew I was in Madrid. I'm sure he's already contacted Collum.”

  A single eyebrow on Alex's face lifted. “Really? You managed to contact Neeren?”

  Heat crept up Mar's neck. “Yeah, so what?”

  “Nothing, just strange you contacted him and not Collum.”

  “Yeah, well,” Mar stammered. “Neeren knew I was in Madrid and I only had a couple seconds to send a text.”

  Alex raised her eyebrows again but thankfully said nothing else to Mar about it.

  “Can't you do a spell or something and get us out of here?” Alex asked.

  “Nope. Sorry, sister. My magic won't work down here. A spell is blocking all magic. Can you try using your fire?”

  Alex flexed her fists. Sparks fizzled at the ends of her fingertips. Uncertainty crossed her face when nothing happened. She rubbed her chin and grimaced. “Nothing. And it's freezing.”

  “It's okay,” Mar assured her. “I'm sure the spell blocks all power—magical or elemental.” She leaned her head against the cell bars and yelled, “Hey, assholes, how about central heating?”

  Alex rubbed her arms. “Do you have any idea who they are?”

  It was the question Mar dreaded above all others. One she had to answer. She tried, but couldn't bring herself to look Alex in the eye. Instead she studied the cell floor.

  “Actually yes. They would be my mother and her henchmen.” Mar’s eyes fluttered up involuntarily to gage Alex's reaction.

  Alex frowned. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out at first. She rubbed the back of her neck. The struggle to understand plainly written on her face.

  “Your mother is in league with the Vampires?” She finally spit out.

  Mar square her shoulders and rocked on her heels. Panic seeped into her chest. Only her ancestors knew the truth. A few ancient witches in the American coven. “Well, see, the truth is my mother is one of the vampires. And it’s not only Collum they want.”

  And instead of turning away from her or looking at her with revulsion like Mar feared, Alex simply let out a slow breath and said, “Maybe you should start from the top.”

  So Mar did. She sat beside her best friend on the filthy cot and told her everything. She told Alex about her childhood. About her mother’s anger over her lack of magical power. How she'd resented her only child and abused her because of that resentment. How the vampires came one day and offered her mother a choice. And about Mar’s belief that Isabella murdered her parents for power.

  Through it all, Alex listened quietly, gently squeezing Mar's hand every few minutes. The simple gesture meant more than Mar would ever be able to articulate.

  When Mar finished, Alex asked, “Did you see her kill your grandparents?”

  “Of course not. I heard it all, though. I still have nightmares?”

  “Why didn't she kill you?”

  Mar wiped tears from her eyes. “What?”

  “Well I mean, if she killed her parents for power. Why didn't she kill you?”

  “I don't know.” But the question brought back an old forgotten memory. “I remember after it was all over she drove me out to a field, held my hand for a minute, kissed my cheek and left.” Rage swept over her. “She kissed my fucking cheek after killing them.”

  Alex grabbed Mar’s hand. “Look I ask too many questions. I know. But it makes me a good journalist. And right now, you need to ask yourself why your mother didn't kill you as well. Why drop you off somewhere?”

  Mar shook her head and pulled her hands back. “You're trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. My mother abused me regularly. She murdered her parents.”

  “Tell me about your grandparents.”

  Mar shrugged. “They were quiet, kind people. They owned a shoe shop in Madrid. I used to spend a lot of time with them there.”

  “With your mom?”

  “No. She'd drop me off whenever her boyfriend came around.”

  “That it?”

  Mar fought for memories, but they were covered in shadows. She remembered her grandfather's smile. Her grandmother c
ooking. A lot of Mar’s memories were covered in molasses. No doubt because of the trauma she'd faced as a child. “I . . . I don't know. Things are dim.”

  Alex wrapped her arms around her. Mar sank in gratefully.

  “Hey. It's okay. We'll figure it out.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Mar and Alex pulled apart as footsteps sounded down the hall. Mar struggled to regain her composure. A man who looked like a disheveled librarian strode toward them with a familiar, mocking look on his face. Piercing pain lanced through Mar’s head. Shadows crept along her memories.

  Alex gasped. “Jason?”

  He spread his hand wide. A sinister smile turned his face dark. “You caught me.”

  Isabella appeared beside him. She rubbed his back. “It's about time you returned, my love,” she purred.

  Jason pushed her off. Fixed Mar with cold eyes. “Little, Mar. I've been looking for you for a long time.”

  Mar mimicked his actions. She spread her arms wide and twirled. “In the flesh, fucker. Who are you?”

  He clutched his chest in mock agony. Bared his fangs. “I'm hurt. Don't you remember your Uncle Jason?”

  Mar's world spun. Memories battered at her brain. Memories of another man. A swarthy man. Her father? Memories of Isabella pulling him away from her. Of Runes and Rituals. Blood.

  Mar fell to her knees as memories shifted to those of her mother and Jason wrapped around each other in bed. Of her mother screeching at Mar to get out. She remembered being dragged to her grandparents and begging Isabella not to leave her again. Of quiet conversations between mother and grandmother. Isabella urging them to leave before it was too late.

  Mar clutched her head whimpering at the onslaught of horrific memories.

  Jason’s maniacal voice echoed in the chamber. “What's wrong. Is your carefully constructed world falling apart? Did you forget about what dear old dad set in motion all those years ago?”


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