Rescue Me Please

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Rescue Me Please Page 17

by Nichole Matthews

  She should have kissed him.

  She was no innocent. What harm could there be in one kiss? One kiss to warm the long winter nights when she was alone. One perfect memory to fill the rest of what was sure to be a desolate life. He was her angel.

  Tonight she wanted to feel. She wanted to feel loved one last time and he was the only one who could make her feel that way.

  She should have kissed him.

  Did she have the nerve? Could she open the door and call to him? Call him back and give him everything she had left. Give him back the things he helped her to find.

  She wanted him to lay her down on her bed and touch her body the way only he could. Kiss her and take away her breath and make her forget the other’s who’d touched her without permission. She wanted him to surround her, cover her in his warmth and make her feel truly alive.

  Persephone rolled to face the door; one hand pressed against the hard wooden surface the other gripping the door latch. She wondered if she had done something wrong, praying that he would come back.

  Her heart beat too fast to be caged behind her ribs. Her chest felt as if it was about to explode, then the sound of heavy footsteps drew closer and stopped on the other side of her door and her breathe caught.

  Before he could knock, without hesitation, she opened the door and smiled.

  Parker released a deep breathe full of relief and lust filled him. He watched as her shoulders rose and fell and knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  A glimmer of hope lightened her heart and she realized she was smiling. Her breathing grew shallow and her lips parted slightly as his tall, broad frame filled her doorway. A shiver raced down her spine. From the instant their gazes met and held she saw desire, pure and unconcealed hunger, visible to the naked eye and the audible quality of his next, slowly indrawn breath caused her body to respond.

  Parker met her stare, saying nothing and watched the relieved smile flit across her glowing face and he broke out with a wide smile of his own revealing a flash of white teeth transforming his face with a similar glow.

  He pulled her forward into his arms, against the rock-wall of his chest, their eyes locked and held, the connection, the yearning he felt for Persephone, expanded inside him, nurturing his possessive need to please her, to guard her, to kiss her. He walked her backwards until he could reach back and close the door with a small flick of his wrist. Then he turned and pushed her up against that same door she had been leaning against only minutes before and kissed her.

  He didn’t ask.

  He didn’t gain permission.

  He just threaded his fingers through her hair, tipped her head back and covered her soft lips with his own. Because there was no way that he could not.

  He pushed her against the door, trapping her against his hard body and the hard surface. Her breath whooshed from her lips, her hands gripped in one of his, held high above her head. Every inch of her body molded to the hard length of his from hips to breast. His erection unmistakable pushing hot and hard against her belly and pelvis and delicious warmth filled her. His touch ignited a flame deep inside her belly. He made her feel feelings she had never felt before. She laughed. An unmistakable sound of joy, soft, feminine was music to his ears and tickled his lips where her breath wafted over his lips.

  She dreamed about an intimate relationship with a man who loved her. Who wanted to give her pleasure and not just take his own. Who didn’t need to illicit pain for his own gratification.

  Yearned for it.

  Ached for it.

  She agreed to deceive him for the slightest chance to be touched by those hard hands again. Straining against him, she instinctively rose on her toes until their bodies were perfectly aligned; the aching place between her thighs cradled the rigid bulge behind the fall of his trousers. Her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders as he lifted her to him. Her breasts pressed against his chest, became swollen and sensitive, desperate for his touch and she kissed him back.

  Slanting his mouth across hers, he kissed her, his tongue caressing her lips, then sweeping inside to mate with hers. Sensations flamed through her at every stroke of his tongue, hot and wet. Her back arched as she went up on tiptoes. His kiss told her everything she needed to know. She could feel him check his desire. He was being so careful. As if she were made from spun glass. She could feel the restraint in his body until she opened for him, letting her tongue slide into his mouth, letting it fence with his, then suddenly his hand fisted in her hair, holding her in place as he ravaged her mouth and she tensed at the hint of pain.

  He stopped, pushing away from her and she opened her eyes to see he was studying her face. “Do you want me to stop, Persephone?” Their heavy breathing was loud in the quiet of the night.

  She stood a little stunned, then shook her head.

  Parker cupped her face carefully in his two hands and he said against her lips, “Say the words, Persephone.” His thumbs stroked her cheeks.

  Her heart was hammering like she had just ran up a flight of stairs, and the palms of her hands were damp. She gazed at him helplessly. He does not want to hurt me. He is not that man. She wet her lips.

  “Persephone?” he murmured, drawing in a deep breath. His eyes were forceful as if he could see into her soul.

  Persephone’s breath caught as she glimpsed something in his eyes that made soft heat curl in her stomach and her stomach fluttered all over again. The intensity in his eyes took her breath away and made it difficult for her to look at him. She tamped down her nervousness as best she could and gave him a small smile. “Please don’t stop, Parker.” With a little sigh of acceptance she relaxed into his body.

  He smiled, tipping her chin up to pin her with his blue eyes and briefly pressed his lips to hers. “If at any time you want me to stop, I will.”

  She nodded. She found it hard to talk when she could barely think. His lips were so soft, yet firm, so gentle, yet hard. She took a deep breath.

  “Say the words, Persephone,” he murmured, the deep cadence of his voice relaxed her at the same time he stroked her cheek. He watched the flicker of firelight play across her face saw the war she was fighting flash in her eyes. “I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding on my part.”

  He watched as the tension left her jaw, the stiffness departed from her mouth. “Yes.” Her answer came out barely a whisper. “I’ll let you know if it’s too much.”

  He raised her hand to his lips, pressed a kiss to her trapped fingers, his eyes harder than stone when he asked, “Do you trust me to do as I say?” His jaw set with iron determination, he fought to pull her back into his arms, but he waited.

  She stilled, he was giving her the freedom to choose, his patience seemed to be immeasurable and it was exactly what she needed to break down her walls of defense.

  He sensed the change in her breathing, surprising him when she spread her free hand across his chest, he heard her sigh as she snuggled into the heat of his body.

  Her hands stroked over the powerful muscles that lay just beneath the surface and tested his checked desire once again. Hard, strong, and very male. It pleased her to know that he would stop at her command. That she held such power. That the emotions roiling through her body were not panic, but desire and that his desires were equally as strong.

  Parker’s eyes dilated, arousal rushed through him as he watched the pink tip of her tongue peek out to moisten her lips. His mouth went dry. How could such an innocent gesture make his whole body react? And still he waited. His thumb rubbed circles over the back of her hand as he stood silent, anticipating her response.

  Her gaze grew intent and she raised her hand, tenderly tracing his jaw. “I trust you with all that is mine.”

  Heat flared in Parker’s eyes, his heart jolted in his chest. “Thank God.” His voice, a profound sweet rumble before he pulled her closer, crushing her slight curves against his hard body and leaned down to kiss her parted lips. Tasting her light, sweet innocence.

  She swallowed
a moan when his hand moved to her breast and kneaded, sending a stab of excitement through her body and seemed to awaken a burning hunger deep inside. She moaned into his mouth as he continued with his exploration a moment before pulling back leaving her breathless.

  “Persephone,” he murmured, his hot breath caressed her skin as his mouth brushed against her cheek, her chin, her neck; his lips were firm, yet smooth giving her goose flesh.

  He took her face between his hands staring into her eyes before tilting her head up and bringing his mouth down on hers yet again. He brushed her lips teasingly at first, slow nibbling kisses, a soft brush of his tongue against the seam of her lips, coaxing her into responding.

  She held her breath, wanting him to go further, but afraid of the feelings coursing throughout her body as her body responded to his expert touch. She felt weakened by her overwhelming yearning.

  “Breathe, Persephone,” he whispered against her mouth, his soft breath a balm and his mouth closed on hers in a tender kiss. He took his time, slowly, thoroughly, patiently. He stroked a hand down her throat, down her arm to grip her waist. When her body quivered with hunger, her lips softened and he took the kiss deeper, opening her lips with his own. He nipped at her bottom lip and she gasped allowing him to invade her mouth, taking possession.

  Her toes curled when his tongue brushed against hers, swept through her mouth. Her arms lifted and her fingers tangled in his silky hair and she kissed him back until her head became dizzy.

  He tore his mouth from hers, his breath coming in deep gulping gasps. His hair mussed from her fingers; fell around his face flushed with desire, his lips swollen from her kisses.

  When he stopped, she couldn’t move, could only stare up into his intent gaze. She leaned against the door trembling, out of breath. Her breasts rose and fell with each ragged breath she drew and watched as he moved around her room, dragging his fingers through his hair and faced off with her from a distance.

  Parker closed his eyes momentarily to gain control of his desire. The sight of her swollen lips made his cock twitch in his trousers, the way her breath hitched and her pulse jumped when he was near made him nearly lose control. He knew he couldn’t lose control. Not with her. There were too many unknowns yet to uncover. “I shouldn’t be touching you but God help me I don’t want to stop.” He breathed out almost wearily, frustration flickering across his expression as he stared at her with the hint of a smile kicking up one corner of his mouth. “I’m sorry, sweetheart; I don’t want to lose control. I don’t want to frighten you.” He raked his fingers through his hair again. “Please forgive me.” His eyes a deep blue, like a stormy sky, pleaded with her.

  She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist burying her face against his chest and listened to the wild beating of his heart. Its erratic beat sent a spiral of satisfaction down her spine. She wasn’t the only one who could lose control and she was pleased with that knowledge.

  He pressed a kiss to the top of her head before he put his hands on her upper arms and pushed back from her so that he could look into her eyes. She raised her passion filled eyes to his and he closed his eyes on a groan. This was going to be harder than he thought. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms in soothing strokes.

  “You don’t understand, Persephone.” He released one arm to wrap his hand around her nape. She could feel the leashed power in his gentle touch. “I want to undress you and cover your naked body with mine. Damn the consequences.” He stuck his fingers in her hair and tugged letting pins scatter to the floor in tinkling sounds as he expertly plucked the rest from her curls and watched as it fell in thick waves over her shoulders and down her back almost to her hips. “I want to let your hair down and let it cover us both as I run my hands over your body.” He paused, looking off into the space ahead of him. Something deep stirred in his face, and she felt his hand press infinitesimally tighter at the back of her head, craving more from her. Wanting to take more from her. “You intrigue me. You fascinate me. You surround me.” He groaned out the last words.

  The way he said it sent a rush of heat to her face and her throat went dry. She could feel the passion in his words as they washed over her, her skin grew warm and tingly. His fingers massaged her scalp and she sighed as heat began to build again in her body in a slow wave that pooled in her belly, then churned igniting a deeper craving then she could have dreamed and making her forget the evil hands that had once traveled the same path over her body. She ached to feel his strength. She trembled helpless. She watched as his throat worked on a hard swallow.

  “But I can’t do that to you.” He held her gaze. “You deserve to be wooed.” A strange feeling flowed through his chest at the thought that he wanted to woo her.

  A slight frown marred her brow at his words. “I do not require coddling, Parker,” she assured him, her chin jutted out defiantly, she drew a deep breath.

  His hand brushed her hair, then lowered to trail a finger along her jawline. “You may not require it, but you deserve it.” He bracketed her face with his hands, his gaze hungry, searing her down to her soul before lowering his lips to hers, his lips sliding softly across hers sending shivers of sensations straight to her center. He pulled back touching her kiss swollen mouth with one finger and ran it along the seam to the corner and back across.

  She wanted to beg him for more.

  His forehead pressed against hers. “I may be a bloody fool and I may regret this, but I will take my leave of you.” He leaned down and brushed the softest of kisses across her mouth. “For tonight.”

  She stared after him, a hint of a smile lurking on her lips when he slipped quietly down the darkened hallway.

  She closed her door and sagged against the hard surface. He was an amazing man. She squeezed her eyes shut. His kindness. His generosity of spirit. She knew his soul.

  She began to circle the room, stopping in front of the vanity. Even after these few weeks there didn’t seem to be much softness about her, what could Parker see in her? But she smiled and hugged herself tightly.


  Parker leaned on the railing of the balcony, his cheroot held loosely between his fingers, staring out into the night. Walking away from her had been one of the hardest things he’d ever done. He took a deep draw. He needed to find answers and quick.

  He wanted to assuage her fears. He wanted to do so much more. He ran his tongue over his lips still able to taste her on his flesh. Fresh lust kicked him in the gut. His need still heated to a feverish level.

  Damn. Damn. Damn.

  He watched the glowing embers of his cheroot lighting the moonlit balcony, his harsh breath slowly easing, and at least now his body was under a semblance of control.

  He sighed deeply, dropping his cheroot and crushing it under his booted foot. This was going to be a long night.

  He removed his clothes and quietly slipped into bed.


  “We all deem it necessary to guard our identities, Granville.” Manton sat forward in his chair his fingers steepled under his chin. “You’ve lost control of this situation.”

  Granville hesitated, a little shiver rippling through him.

  “One dead, one missing.” Manton spoke politely, but Granville could hear the underlying menace in his speech. “Tie up the loose ends, Granville, or I will.”


  Mary Mary quite contrary,

  How does your garden grow?

  With silver bells and cockle shells

  And pretty maids all in a row

  Bright and early the next morning Parker walked into the breakfast room to find it empty. This didn’t surprise him; his aunt usually broke her fast in her room and generally didn’t wake before eleven. Thinking of Piper and Rockwell, he fought a grin. He didn’t want to think of them and what might be occupying their time, and Persephone’s routine was still somewhat of a mystery.

  He moved to the mahogany sideboard, piled his plate high with fluffy eggs, bacon, ham, and toast, then moved
to sit at the round breakfast table and enjoy the silence.

  Sunlight spilled through the tall windows that surrounded the room and prisms of colored light danced across the table as the sun filtered through the stained glass on the door that lead into the conservatory.

  He really should give Persephone a tour of the conservatory, although he suspected she had already acquainted herself with the delightfully heated room in the two weeks that she had resided with them. He had noticed a discarded shawl lying across the wide bench seat when last he had entered, much too worn to be his aunt’s. Thinking on the shawl, he decided that he would send round a note to Allingham Park to have a new shawl made from some of Hawksley’s wool and he would throw that rag into the nearest fire to be burned. She deserved better than that.

  Parker looked up as a footman set a silver pot of coffee to his right. “I can pour,” he dismissed the man and reached for the pot of coffee and filled his cup. He sipped at his coffee thinking of her. When he first found Persephone in his field, he hadn’t expected to find her so enticing. Perhaps he would make arrangements to give her a tour today growing fearful that today could be the last. He wondered daily if he would wake up and find her and Tillie gone and he was no closer to finding out who she truly was.


  Persephone sat with her legs stretched out on the wide bench of the conservatory, the bright colorful flowers bloomed strategically throughout the room and the lovely scent of orange blossoms assailed her senses as she sat with her head propped on her arm over the back of the seat. Tillie seemed to be thriving in the nursery. She was no longer afraid that she might be in danger. Well at least not physical danger. She was most definitely in danger of losing her heart to him.

  It was a nice feeling to know that she was safe and that they didn’t have to spend the night outside in the cold. That she could stop her incessant worrying, at least for a moment.


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