Eternity (Wings of War Book 4)

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Eternity (Wings of War Book 4) Page 1

by Karen Ann Hopkins



  © 2017 Karen Ann Hopkins

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1976235901

  ISBN 13: 9781976235900


  “An impending apocalypse provides a compelling backdrop for romance in this page-turning first installment of a new YA series. Hopkins (Lamb to the Slaughter, 2014, etc.) expertly weaves her plotlines together in this compulsively readable teen romance story…” Kirkus Reviews

  “Embers is the start of an action-packed paranormal YA series.” InD’Tale Magazine

  “Embers is an incredibly unique paranormal book!” Loose Time Reading

  “Embers is an amazing paranormal, action, romance book!” Bookalicious

  “Loved this book! Embers gives you an amazing account of the children that descended from the angels. I loved how the author gave the reader a scripture passage before each chapter. I give this book 5 stars!” Curling Up With a Good Book

  “If you are a fan of paranormal or angel stories, I advise you to read Embers. You will love this story and will want more when the book ends.” Gen Gen’s Book Reviews

  “This was a very entertaining and compelling read. I could not put it down or get enough and the world building is phenomenal.” Bookish Escape

  “Embers is without a doubt one of the most exquisite, breathtaking and romantic novels I have ever read. Totally epic! A must read! 5 stars!” Bittersweet Enchantment

  “Embers is an amazing story that I highly recommend to those paranormal, angel book lovers. I was glued to the very end. 5 stars!” Sassy Book Lovers

  “Embers was a brilliant Young Adult paranormal novel based on angels. I thoroughly enjoyed how fast paced and detailed it was.” Nay’s Pink Bookshelf

  “Hopkins’ refreshingly original idea is what makes this read truly worthwhile. Her world building is dark, bold and interesting and her characters are far from being black and white…” The Nocturnal Library

  “Finally, a supernatural story to immerse myself into and thoroughly enjoy! Karen Ann Hopkins has come up with some very unique characters – angels and demons, like no other!” Bumbles & Fairy-Tales

  “I would definitely recommend Embers to paranormal/supernatural romance fans.” Books in the Spotlight

  “This is a sexy and action packed paranormal that everybody is looking for, with supernatural characters that are completely unique and distinct. I absolutely recommend this to everyone!” Her Book Thoughts

  “Gaia was an explosive read full of action and suspense.” A Bookish Escape

  “Embers and Gaia’s stories match the true beauty of their covers and I absolutely cannot wait for more of this epic series.” Such a Novel Idea

  “This series is on my favorite angel-themed series of all time. This world is phenomenal.” Pause Time Book Blog

  “The plot was unique and riveting…I was hooked from the first few words of the books and didn’t stop reading until I had finished the entire novel.” A Dream Within a Dream

  “Hopkins has written another brilliant page turner, with twists and turns, vivid details and captivating characters.” Sassy Book Lovers

  “Gaia is an explosion!” Her Book Thoughts

  “This series by Karen Ann Hopkins is truly amazing!” So Bookalicious

  “The Wings of War series is quickly becoming one of my favorite series!” Don’t Fold the Page


  Serenity’s Plain Secrets

  in reading order






  Wings of War

  in reading order





  The Temptation Novels

  in reading order





  This one is for my fans. Without your love of Ember’s world, this book would never have been written. Thank you for the steady stream of encouragement. Your enthusiasm inspires me and keeps me writing


  Many thanks to Grace Bell, my editor and friend; Jenny Zemanek of Seedlings Design Studio, my amazing cover designer; and Heather Miller for her proofreading skills. The Wings of War is a success because of all of you!

  I’m always grateful for love, encouragement and support on the home front. Thank you, Jay, Luke, Cole, Lily, Owen, Cora, and Mom, for everything you do!

  Revelation 6:1-8

  Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.”

  And I looked, and behold, a white horse. And he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.

  When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.”

  And another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.

  When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.”

  And I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.

  And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”

  When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.”

  And I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.


  Chapter 1 Sawyer

  Chapter 2 Ember

  Chapter 3 Maddie

  Chapter 4 Cricket

  Chapter 5 Ivan

  Chapter 6 Ember

  Chapter 7 Cricket

  Chapter 8 Horas

  Chapter 9 Eae

  Chapter 10 Ember

  Chapter 11 Insepth

  Chapter 12 Ivan

  Chapter 13 Maddie

  Chapter 14 Eae

  Chapter 15 Ember

  Chapter 16 Insepth

  Chapter 17 Cricket

  Chapter 18 Ember

  Chapter 19 Horas

  Chapter 20 Ember

  Chapter 21 Insepth

  Chapter 22 Ember

  Chapter 23 Ivan

  Chapter 24 Ember

  Chapter 25 Ember

  Chapter 26 Ember

  Chapter 27 Ember

  Chapter 28 Ember

  Chapter 29 Ember

  Chapter 30 Ember

  Chapter 31 Ember

  Chapter 32 Sawyer

  Chapter 33 Ember

  Chapter 34 Ember

  Chapter 35 Ember

  Chapter 36 Ember

  Chapter 37 Ember




  Fires raged everywhere, almost too hot for my skin, which felt as if it was peeling off. I glanced down, unfurling my hand and turning it over. Angry red boils bubbled and I looked away. My ruined flesh didn’t bother me as much as the incessant heat scratching at my skin and the acidic air filling my lungs. The constant drone of soldiers marching along the packed dirt roadway below made my head throb. The occasional shout of orders from a dark Angel interru
pted the demonic procession, rousing me from my ominous thoughts.

  My gaze followed the line of Samael’s soldiers that stretched for miles and miles, until their malformed bodies blurred in the distance, blending in with the fiery hills where the pass went straight through the Gates of Hell. Before I’d been transformed, I would have shivered at the sight, but now, I merely sighed, wishing it would all end.

  “You’re even quieter than usual, Demon. What’s on your mind?”

  The voice was smooth and accented, sounding very civilized and polite. But the air around us chilled with his words, and I forced myself not to shake away the sickening tremor that consumed me. The Lord of Darkness was all charm and friendliness at first glance, until something upset him and the façade would drop away, revealing evil incarnate.

  I turned to my commander, seeing his unfurled wings first. They were such a deep coal-black color that with flashes of light from the flames, some of the feathers appeared almost greenish. And when those wings were spread wide, it meant that Samael was in an especially foul mood.

  Before I could answer, he tossed some of his long black tresses back with an angry shake of his head. His eyes narrowed and he licked his red lips. “Heaven’s Angels are imbeciles. Brother Gab dropped his horn and some little man picked it up and blew it.”

  “The Horses of the—” I didn’t get any more words out. Samael waved his hand and walked past me, stepping up to the edge of the plateau that jutted out above the roadway.

  “Yes, yes, those horses.” He took a deep breath, cupping his chin and tapping his mouth with his finger.

  I willed my legs to work and stepped up beside Samael, only glancing his way long enough to see his focus was on the steady stream of his army moving from Hell into Purgatory.

  Confusion clouded my mind. “I would think such news would make you happier…” I trailed off.

  Samael tilted his head my way. His eyes were the darkest shade of blue, like pools of midnight. He lowered his voice, causing me to go on high alert. He was trying hard to stay patient with me. It was times like this I wondered why the commander talked to me at all. He was Satan, and the Apocalypse had begun. Didn’t he have better things to do than hang around making small talk with me?

  “I’ve grown quite bored of the shadow and fire that dominate Hell’s landscape. Purgatory is incredibly dull. While Heaven has its perks, Earth is the real prize.” Samael closed his eyes and pursed his lips, letting out a wistful sigh. “So many pleasures, so much pain.” His eyes popped open and he looked straight through me. “It’s the humans that add such dimension to the place.” Thrusting his arms into the air, his voice gained volume. “And my damn brothers are going to ruin everything!”

  I hesitated, but now my own curiosity was raised. “So you don’t want to the rapture to take place?”

  Samael’s wings folded neatly behind him with a swish and his shoulders slumped slightly. “It’s all about timing, Demon. It’s a game—a twisted game we play with the Angels and Father himself. I must tread carefully if I’m to win.” His eyes shifted my way, his brow lifting. “I won’t make the same mistake I made last time. Even though Father has been absent of late, He definitely isn’t gone. I learned the hard way that He’s much more powerful than I am.”

  “Then how do you hope to defeat Him?” I dared to ask.

  His head rocked back and he giggled, the sound being both mesmerizing and terribly frightening at the same time. When he calmed, he took a quick breath. “Oh, I won’t attempt to beat Him with strength this time.” He grinned from ear to ear. “I’ll usurp the Almighty with cleverness—beating Him at His own game. I think I understand what He really wants of mankind.” His smile deepened and his eyes fastened on me. I couldn’t help swallowing, but I didn’t drop my gaze. “And I’m going to use that against Him.”

  “And what of the four horses arriving and heralding in the end of times? Does that interfere with your plans?”

  The corner of Samael’s mouth lifted. “That’s why I like you, Demon. You get right to the point, and you talk to me with the authority of an Angel. But you’re no Angel. Just a Demon.” His smirk tightened and his voice came out in a firm whisper. “Don’t ever forget who I am.”

  His change of mood was like a gust of wind, making me lean back, and clenching my dead heart. The air around us darkened considerably. Flames licked up my legs, spreading to the ledge.

  “No, sir. I won’t ever forget.” I held my breath, waiting to be reduced to ash. The movement of the soldiers resounded in my ears. When nothing happened, I risked a glance at Samael. He was watching me with the sharpness of a hungry raptor.

  I didn’t know if I’d have the opportunity to speak to the Supreme Commander again, so I took a chance. “But what of them?” I gestured toward the troops, who were moving steadily in the direction of the place where I assumed they’d finally breach the fiery wall of Purgatory to enter the land of men. “If you plan to defeat God with your wit, what’s all the fanfare for?”

  The tenseness on his face melted away, and he suddenly brightened. “My physical battle is with the Celestial Host. My brothers aren’t going destroy the one thing worth ruling around here. I won’t let that happen. Earth will be mine. The men and women that inhabit it will bow down before me. They will provide me with a millennia of entertainment—and the only thing in my way are the Angels.”

  He took a step closer, spreading a wing out. A talon brushed my cheek, and it took everything I had in me to keep from being reduced to a mindless beast, falling at Samael’s feet and begging for my life. That’s what the Demons, Growlers, and all living creatures did when they faced the Supreme Commander; they lost their minds.

  The talon scraped along my jaw and down my neck, and I felt blood bubble to the surface of my skin. I didn’t attempt to wipe the drops away. I was a statue, waiting for the sharp claw to rip into me.

  Those deep blue pools swirled before me and I couldn’t look away. The beauty of Samael’s face was unrivaled. And that made him even more intimidating.

  “Tell me, was it the Watcher girl who gave you this strength to stand before me with such confidence?”

  Watcher girl? I blinked. “Who?”

  Samael dropped his wing and his irritation returned. “I must know for sure that you’re mine, Demon. That no one else has sway over you or your heart. That is imperative to my plan—and my ultimate success.”

  “What do I have to do to show you that you’re the only one who commands me?” I said through gritted teeth. I wanted Samael to trust me—to show favor to me.

  “Never fear, Demon. You will have plenty of chances to prove your worthiness. The time is near.”

  A ruckus below wrenched Samael’s attention away from me. I followed him to the edge of the plateau. A spider-like creature was eating the head of a Growler. The whip of a Dark Angel cracked into the monster’s back, but it didn’t stop ravaging its fellow soldier. The bloodlust was up and several more creatures jumped on the body of the fallen Growler. Their faces and torsos were human-like, but their legs bent in grotesque angles as they scurried around the body, trying to avoid the Angel’s whip.

  Samael winked at me. “Mustn’t have that kind of thing going on in my army.”

  With a powerful thrust of giant wings that knocked me backwards onto the hard, flaming ground, Samael swooped off of the ledge, diving into the melee. I scrambled to the precipice to watch the scene below.

  Samael didn’t need a sword, ax, or gun. His hands were enough. He passed through the scrambling defilers like a black torpedo, and in his wake he left a swath of body parts and puddles of blood. Not only were the original instigators killed, but a dozen others as well. Growlers, Demons, and strange creatures littered the ground.

  Samael flapped his wings and surged upward, leaving his destruction behind as he aimed for the front of the line. A few more Dark Angels arrived swiftly, cracking their whips and spurring the soldiers to move on again.

  A gust of wind at my back m
ade me whirl around. Another Dark Angel stood, waiting. His skin was pale and his features bland. A few gray feathers from his outstretched wings fell into the flames crawling along the ground. They sparked and then sizzled, filling the hazy air with a burnt-hair scent that caused my nose to wrinkle.

  “You’re coming with me,” he said plainly.

  I nodded. I was ready to get on with it. I belonged to Samael, and proving myself was in the forefront of my mind. There were tickles of other things swirling around in my head, but the thoughts were only random bursts of confusion.

  Whoever I was before Samael brought me here was gone.

  I was Demon now.



  The terrain around us was dry and the dirt path we followed meandered between bushes and pockets of small trees. A bird whistled and the smell of pine needles filled my nose. I stretched my legs to keep up with Eae’s long strides, feeling Insepth’s presence close behind me. Death and Conquest were taking up the rear, and I only caught the occasional word from their quiet conversation. It seemed hiking in the California hills was a fascinating side trip for the young-looking, platinum-haired Horseman, while Death, the older, stoic Horseman, was unimpressed.

  Hot sunshine beat down on my head, and when we turned a corner around a prickly shrub, stepping into a grass-covered clearing, I shielded my eyes with my hand and looked up. At first, I saw only blue sky with a few wispy clouds, but after several blinks, a gleaming white structure began to materialize. The single tower didn’t cover much ground, but it stretched straight up into the sky, narrowing to a point at a distance so far away, I had to strain my eyes to make out the top of it.

  “How marvelous!” Insepth exclaimed. Pausing beside me, he craned his neck and shaded his own eyes as he gazed upward.

  “It is the Tower of Angels.” Eae sounded proud as he went on, “It was built nearly eight thousand years ago and has been moved a dozen times since then.”


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