The Indian World of George Washington

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by Colin G. Calloway

  death of, 159, 174

  Indians and, 140–46, 152–57, 158, 159, 160, 163, 174, 521n42

  Indian ways of fighting and, 149

  victory of, 157–58, 159, 160, 161, 163, 167

  Washington and, 6, 140, 141, 142–43, 145–47, 148–49, 149–50, 151, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 167, 246, 522n50

  Force, Peter, 535n16

  “foreign” Indians, 20, 26

  Forks of the Ohio, 6, 47, 48, 49, 67, 68, 80, 81, 82m, 83, 102, 199, 202. See also Dinwiddie, Robert; Fort Duquesne; Treaty of Logstown (1752)

  Fort Ancient Culture, 51

  Fort Chartres, 202

  Fort Cumberland, 104, 106, 115, 131, 132

  Fort Defiance, 438, 443

  Fort Dunmore, 261

  Fort Duquesne. See also Forbes, John, and his campaign; Fort Pitt Braddock and, 103

  building of, 65, 80, 84–85

  French and Indian allies and, 65, 66, 107, 116

  reinforcements, 94

  smuggled information about, 96

  Washington and, 87, 91, 115, 132, 133, 139

  Fort Frederick, 115

  Fort Frontenac, 151, 158

  Fort Greenville, 436

  Fort Hamilton, 379m

  Fort Laurens council, 268

  Fort LeBoeuf, 63, 67, 74, 75, 76, 162

  Fort Loudon (at Winchester, Virginia), 127, 131, 136, 140–42

  Fort Loudon (on Little Tennessee River), 128–29, 134, 165

  Fort Machault, 63

  Fort McIntosh, 266

  Fort Miamis, 437

  Fort Necessity. See Battle of Fort Necessity

  Fort Niagara, 21m, 61, 102, 103, 161

  Fort Oswego, 61, 63

  Fort Pitt, 160, 161, 173–74, 175, 176–77, 196, 202, 207, 248, 271–72. See also Fort Duquesne; Treaty of Fort Pitt (1778)

  Fort Pitt conference (1775), 261–63, 529n62

  Fort Pitt conference (1776), 263–64

  Fort Presque Isle, 46m, 61, 63, 76, 162

  Fort Randolph, 273

  Fort Recovery, 436, 437

  forts. See also Fort Duquesne and other forts Anglo-French rivalry and, 80, 117

  Berkeley and, 25

  Cherokees and, 127

  French, 61, 68, 158

  frontier defense and, 132

  Georgia and, 432

  Indian return of, 177

  Ohio Company and, 48, 67

  Ohio country, 61–62, 63, 65, 178

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 negotiations and (1768), 188–89

  settlers and, 120

  Treaty of Greenville and, 443

  Virginia and Pennsylvania and, 84

  Fort Schuyler, 290

  Fort Stanwix, 242. See also Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768); Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784)

  Fort Ticonderoga, 152, 317

  Fort Venango, 46m, 162

  Fort Wayne, 439, 443

  Fort William Henry, siege and surrender of, 95–96, 135

  Fowler, Theodosius, 388

  Foxes (Mesquakies), 416

  Franchimastabé (Choctaw), 306

  Franklin (state), 299

  Franklin, Benjamin, 90, 98–99, 103, 106, 122, 194, 267, 286, 321, 325, 329, 457, 544n14

  Fraser (Frazier), John and his cabin, 63, 73, 79

  freedom, Cook and, 491

  Freeman, Douglas Southall, 129, 203, 499n45

  Freeman, Thomas, 295

  French, the. See also Anglo-French rivalry; Beaujeu, Daniel-Hyacinthe-Marie Liénard de and other French people; Canada; Fort Duquesne; “French and Indian War”; French Revolution; law of nations; Ohio country; Quebec; Tanaghrisson’s war; Treaty of Easton (1758); Treaty of Montreal (1701); Treaty of Paris (1763); Venango American Revolution and, 233–34, 243, 267

  Britain and, 411, 438, 445

  Cherokees and, 43, 133, 146

  Delawares and, 63, 155, 270–71

  Dinwiddie and, 66

  Efau Hadjo and, 472

  England and, 30

  forts and, 61, 68, 158, 161

  gifts and, 134–35

  Indian dress and, 121

  Indians and, 62, 116, 157–58, 158–59, 175, 218

  intermarriage and, 28

  retreat of, 162

  Tanaghrisson and, 510n49

  “French and Indian War.” See also Braddock’s defeat; Forbes, John, and his campaign; Fort Duquesne; Fort Pitt; frontier advance and Cherokee war; frontier defense and Cherokee alliance; Tanaghrisson; Tanaghrisson’s war; Treaty of Easton (1758) American Revolution and, 12

  Forbes and, 139

  Indian land and, 171, 290, 450

  Indians and, 6, 12, 114, 115–17, 148, 152, 157, 161, 218, 232, 234, 377

  Washington and, 6, 166–67, 216, 217, 232, 234, 288, 290, 386, 450

  French Creek, 63

  French Indians, 222

  French Revolution, 3, 483

  French speakers, 10

  frontier. See long knives; settlers (colonials, farmers, frontiersmen, squatters); westward expansion

  frontier advance and Cherokee war, 148–49, 163–66. See also Forbes, John, and his campaign

  frontier defense and Cherokee alliance. See also Dinwiddie, Robert; Forbes, John, and his campaign; settlers (colonials, farmers, frontiersmen, squatters) Catawbas and, 129, 130, 135–36, 141, 142, 143–44, 146

  Cherokees and, 125–27, 129, 130, 133–34, 137–38, 140–41, 142

  Indian objectives and, 128, 133–34

  Indian raids and, 130–31, 135, 138–39

  Loudon’s snub and, 132–33

  Pennsylvania and, 131, 132, 143–44, 145

  Six Nations and, 142–43

  South Carolina and, 125, 126, 128, 129, 137

  Washington and, 124–25, 127–28, 129–30, 131–33, 134–39, 139–40, 141–42, 145, 146–47

  fruit trees, 254, 538n92

  Fry, Joshua, 49, 58, 81, 83, 85, 92

  Frymer, Paul, 580n41

  Furstenberg, François, 483

  Fusatchee Mico (White Bird King) (Bird Tail King) (Creek), 363, 368, 433


  Gage, Thomas, 110

  Gahgeote. See Half Town (Seneca)

  Gahickdodon (Johnny) (Seneca), 108

  Ganiodaio (Handsome Lake) (Seneca), 441, 488–89, 490

  Gansevoort, Peter, 255–56

  Gates, Horatio, 102, 216, 220, 249

  Gayoso de Lemos, Manuel Luis, 428

  Gelemend (John Killbuck) (Kaylelamund) (Delaware), 263

  gender, 23, 42, 452, 454, 462, 463, 464, 471, 484. See also women, Indian; women, non-Indian

  General Eskaqua (General Iskagua). See Bloody Fellow (Cherokee)

  Genesee Company of Adventurers, 301, 304

  Genet Affair, 497n13

  genocide, 484–85

  George II (Britain), 47, 48, 91, 92

  George III (Britain), 166, 180–81

  Georgia. See also Creeks; Treaty of Colerain (1796); Treaty of Galphinton (1785); Treaty of Hopewell (1785-86); Treaty of Long Island of Holston (1777); Treaty of New York (1790) Cherokees’ land and, 233

  Chickasaws and, 305

  “civilization” of Indians and, 453

  deerskin trade and, 42

  federal authority versus states’ and, 354, 355, 432–33, 557n90

  forts and, 432

  Muskogeans and, 27

  national debt and, 336

  Peace of Paris and, 348

  US Constitution and, 322, 350–51, 364

  Washington on, 351

  German Flatts meeting (1776), 238, 239, 241

  Germans, 121, 172, 206, 207

  German-speaking peoples, 29, 38

  Gibson, John, 208, 266, 274

  Gideon. See Teedyuscung (eastern Delaware)

  gifts, diplomatic. See also tobacco; wampum belts American Revolution and, 233

  British and, 133–34, 160, 175, 177

  corn as, 23

  Forbes’ campaign and, 141, 145, 150

  Indians, British and French and, 133–35

dered Senecas and, 398

  Niagara meeting and, 182

  Queen Aliquippa and, 80

  Rock Landing meeting and, 360

  Tanaghrisson and, 53

  Treaty of Holston and, 424

  Ugulayacabe to Blount, 426

  Washington on, 86, 141

  Washington to Indians, 228, 307, 375

  Gill, Joseph Louis (White Chief of the Abenakis), 226–27

  Gilman, Andrew, 230

  Girty, Simon, 277, 390

  Gist, Christopher (Annosanah) Atkin and, 136–37, 138

  Cherokees and, 143

  death of, 164

  Forbes’ attack and, 156

  Fort LeBoeuf to Frazier’s cabin journey and, 78–79

  Fort Loudon council and, 142

  Indian allies and, 125

  Indian land surveys and, 5

  Logstown Treaty and, 59, 68

  Ohio country travels of, 54–56, 57–58, 67

  Shingas and, 68

  status of, 66

  Tanaghrisson and, 70, 87, 507n22

  Treaty of Logstown and, 58–59

  Washington and, 67, 70, 72–73, 74, 75, 114, 136–37

  Gist, Nathaniel, 172, 232, 233

  Gist, Thomas, 156

  Gist’s settlement, 93

  Gladwin, Henry, 176

  Glaize, 387, 390

  Glen, James, 43, 65, 125, 129

  Gnadenhütten massacre, 275–76, 277–79, 383

  Gooch, William, 31, 33, 47, 48, 49, 50

  Good Child King. See Hoboithle or Hopoithle or Opothle Mico (Creek)

  Good Peter (Agwerondongwas) (Agwrondougwas) (Gwedelhes) (Oneida), 303, 304, 406, 414, 458, pl 8

  Gorham, Nathaniel, 402, 564n19

  grain burying, 384, 560n26

  Grand Ohio Company (Walpole Company), 194

  Grant, James, 155, 165

  Grayson, George Washington (Creek), 577n68

  Greathouse, Daniel, 207, 530n82

  Greathouse, Nathaniel, 530n82

  Great Indian Warpath, 30

  Great Lakes, 103

  Great Lakes Indians, 72, 107, 135, 158. See also Northwestern Confederacy war; Ojibwas and other Great Lakes Indians

  Great Law of Peace (Iroquois), 399

  Great Meadows, 87, 88–91, 199, 480. See also Battle of Fort Necessity

  Great Moon (Maghinga Keesoch), 507n14. See also Brodhead, Daniel

  Great Plains Indians, 281–82

  Great Tree. See Big Tree (Seneca)

  Greenbrier Company, 47, 193

  Greene, Nathaneal, 216, 246, 247, 248

  Grenada, 181

  Grierson, Robert, 472

  Griffin, Cyrus, 360

  guerrilla warfare, 123. See also Indian ways of fighting/dress

  Gunter, Edmund and Gunter’s chain, 36

  Guyasuta (Kayashuta) (Kayasota) (Quiashuta) (the Hunter) (Allegheny Seneca) Bouquet and, 177

  British and, 251

  Cornplanter and, 400

  death of, 443

  Fort Pitt meeting and, 262, 263–64, 268

  W. Johnson and, 207

  Pontiac’s War and, 176

  Revolutionary War in the West and, 265, 278, 279

  Royal Proclamation of 1763 negotiations and (1768), 188–89

  Washington and, 7, 73, 78, 197, 208, 401

  Wayne and, 435–36

  Gwedelhes. See Good Peter (Oneida)


  Hagler (King Hagler) (Nopkehe) (Catawba), 128–29, 135

  Haiti, 483

  Haldimand, Governor, 258

  Half King, the. See Tanaghrisson (Seneca)

  Half Town (Gahgeote) (Achiout) (Seneca), 341, 401

  Halifax, Lord, 180

  Halkett, Francis, 142

  Halkett, Peter, 102, 110

  Halkett’s son, 110

  Hallowing King (Creek), 355, 361, 363

  Hamilton, Alexander. See also whiskey tax and rebellion Beckwith and, 368

  British and, 384, 411

  Cherokee meeting and, 430

  Creek-Chickasaw war and, 429

  Duer and, 313

  federal authority versus states’ and, 551n22

  Federal Indian policies and, 326

  Hammond and, 411

  Jefferson and, 3

  Maclay and, 359

  national bank and, 337

  national debt and, 394

  Philadelphia diplomacy and, 2

  St. Clair’s defeat and, 394, 395

  US armed forces and, 290–91, 326–27, 335–36, 551n22

  Washington’s Farewell Address and, 482

  westward expansion and, 326–27, 398

  Whiskey Rebellion and, 439–40

  yellow fever and, 2

  Hamilton, Henry, 212, 272, 273

  Hamilton, James, 49, 52, 62, 97, 131

  Hammond, George, 410–11, 434, 566n58

  Hamtramck, John Francis and his expedition, 384, 390, 459

  Hanbury, John, 47, 104

  Hancock, John, 219–20, 228, 239

  Hand, Edward, 265, 266, 434

  Handsome Lake (Ganiodaio) (Seneca), 441, 488–89, 490

  Hanging Maw (Uskwa’li-gu’ta) (Scolaguta) (Cherokee), 264, 427, 430, 570n29

  Hannastown attack (1782), 278

  Hanyerry (Hanyost) (Oneida). See Thaosagwat (Oneida)

  Hardin, John, 328, 384, 412

  Harjo, Suzan Shown, 371

  Harmar, Josiah and his expedition, 276–77, 302, 324, 379m, 382–85, 409, 439

  Harris, John, 99

  Harrison, Benjamin, 298–99

  Harrison, William, 276, 277, 480

  Harrison, William Henry, 332

  Harvard, 344

  Haudenosaunees, 488, 490. See also Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) and their confederacy

  Hawkins, Benjamin. See also Treaty of Holston (1791); Treaty of Hopewell (1785-86) background of, 8

  W. Blount and, 474

  boundaries and, 304–5, 305–6, 324, 353, 432–33, 466

  Creeks and, 468–72, 472–73, 474, 475

  Dinsmoor and, 467

  Hoboithle Mico and, 475

  Indian agriculture and, 469–70, 470–72, 475

  Indian land acquisitions and, 380, 468–69, 475

  McGillivray and, 364

  Muskogee language and, 8, 577n69

  peace and, 393

  portrait, 469f

  statehood committee and, 293

  St. Clair’s defeat and, 393

  suspicion of, 474

  vocabulary of southern Indians by, 312

  Heath, William, 221, 230

  Heckewelder, John, 4, 276, 277, 341, 383, 414, 451

  Hector, Francisco Luis, 374

  Henderson, Richard, 213

  Hendrick, (Theyanoguin) (Mohawk), 90, 98, 99

  Hendricks, Solomon (Uhhaunauwaunmut) (Captain Solomon) (Stockbridge), 219, 220–21, 565n36

  Henry, Patrick, 184, 265, 556n60

  Herkimer, Nicholas, 242

  Hillsborough, Earl of, 180. See also Royal Proclamation of 1763

  historians, 3, 4, 5, 13

  History and Present State of Virginia, The (Beverley), 22

  History of the Dividing Line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina (Byrd II), 42

  Hoag, Peter, 85, 115

  Hobocan. See Pipe (Delaware)

  Hoboithle or Hopoithle or Opothle Mico, (the Tame King) (Tallassee King) (Good Child King) (Creek), 352, 352f, 363, 366, 373, 472, 475. See also Rock Landing meeting; Treaty of Shoulderbone Creek (1786)

  Hodgdon, Samuel and William, 388–89, 395

  Hofstra, Warren, 122

  Holton, Woody, 206, 211–12

  Honanyawas (Honeyewus). See Farmer’s Brother (Buffalo Creek Seneca)

  Hopocan. See Pipe (Delaware)

  Howard, Carlos, 373

  Hudson Bay Indians, 182

  Humphreys, David, 69, 88, 158, 360, 361, 362, 363

  Hunter, the. See Guyasuta (Allegheny Seneca)

  Huntingdon, Countess of, 330

  Huron con
federacy, 51

  Hurons, 70, 94. See also Vincent, Lewis (Louis Vincent) (Captain Lewis) (Sawantanan) (Sawatanen)

  Hurons (Wyandots), 112

  Hutchins, Thomas, 309


  Illinois, 178, 268, 305, 315

  imperialism and colonialism, 44, 485–86

  indentured servants, 26, 237

  Indiana, 178, 315

  Indian agents, 452. See also Dinsmoor and other agents

  Indiana Grant, 194

  Indian country. See Indian land; Ohio country; Virginia’s Indian country; westward expansion

  Indian identity, 8, 24, 44, 286, 347, 367, 489. See also “civilization”

  Indian land, 5, 117, 118, 285–86. See also American Revolution; boundaries; Indian sovereignty; land grants and land bounties; law of nations; right of conquest; speculators; treaties; Washington’s Indian land acquisitions; Washington’s Indian policies; westward expansion

  Indian life and culture. See also agriculture; “civilization”; gifts; Indian mounds; Indian ways of fighting/dress British sailor’s description of, 105

  colonials and, 237

  communal ethic, 41, 451, 458

  hybrid cultures, 11–12

  material culture and, 259

  pressures of colonial settlers and, 43

  Virginia’s Indian country and, 22

  Washington and, 7, 9–11, 11–12, 83, 86–87, 92, 96, 198, 483–84, 490

  Indian mounds, 198, 205

  Indian populations, 4–5, 19–20, 22, 24, 26, 27–28, 28–29, 286–87

  Indian power, 9, 12

  Indians, enslaved, 20, 25, 26, 27, 383

  Indian sovereignty, 9, 325–26, 442, 484, 485 Knox and Washington and, 484

  Logstown and, 53

  Indian Trade and Intercourse Act (US), 368

  Indian unity, 317–18. See also Northwestern Confederacy war

  Indian ways of fighting/dress, 121–22, 123, 127–28, 148–49, 167, 215–16, 231, 249, 250, 272, 391, 392. See also uniforms, traditional

  India opinion (Pratt and Yorke), 205

  Indigenous peoples elsewhere, 484

  Infant, the (Iroquois), 565n36

  “Instructions for the good Government of the Indian Department” (Carleton), 311

  “intentional fallacies,” 316

  intermarriage , 28

  Intolerable Acts (Britain), 206

  invasive species, 11, 32

  Irish, the, 172, 206. See also Scotch-Irish

  Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) and their confederacy (Five Nations) (Six Nations). See also Cayugas; Fort Pitt meeting (1775); Mingoes; Mohawks (Kanienkehaka); Northwestern Confederacy war; Ohio Indians; Oneidas; Onondagas; Senecas; Sullivan’s campaign; Tanaghrisson and other Iroquois; Treaties of Fort Harmar (1789); Treaty of Canandaigua (1794); Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768); Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784); Tuscaroras American Revolution and, 220–21, 230, 235, 237–39, 240, 242–45, 258


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