Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts)

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Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts) Page 6

by Alexander, Maria K.

  “Or to even help him get through the emotional aspect of his loss. How old is he?”

  “His name’s Lucas and he’s six,” Kate replied, her voice quiet.

  “That’s the same age as Tony would be now, right?”

  Kate nodded. “He’s the sweetest little boy. I met him on Sunday and although he was shy at first, I was able to get him to talk a little. I promised him I’d visit over the weekend.”

  “How do you feel about being around him and stirring up memories of Tony?”

  Kate stopped filling the bag she held. “A little sad. It’s hard not to imagine Tony at the same age. Lucas has these very intense, sad eyes that make him seem older than his six years. If his pain is anything like mine, he must feel very sad and alone.”

  Meghan reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’m sure it must be very hard for him because he probably remembers his family. In some ways, his loss is a lot like yours.”

  “True, but I have my family and friends to lean on. He has no one.” She stood and paced the room.

  Meghan studied her friend. “What’s up? What are you thinking?”

  “What if it wasn’t a coincidence that I met Lucas? What if…” Kate paused and twirled a strand of hair. “What if his family died so that we would find our way to each other? We each suffered a loss and maybe together we can start to heal.”

  “You mean as friends or something more?”

  Kate stopped suddenly and grasped the back of a chair. “Would it be so crazy to adopt him?”

  “It wouldn’t be as long as you were doing it for the right reasons.”

  Thankfully, her friend didn’t look at her like she’d lost her mind. Kate struggled to put her emotions into words.

  “I felt this bond with him. The kind a mother feels toward her child. I’ve been around other kids since Tony died, but this child touched my heart.”

  “What about men? Raising a child will definitely put a cramp in your dating life. How do you feel about being a single parent?” Meghan asked.

  “I have no qualms about raising a child myself. Besides, I have no dating life, at least not since the summer.”

  “You mean since Edward returned to London?”


  “What about my brother-in-law? I know he’s interested in you, and you’re obviously attracted to him. How long are you going to punish yourself with this emotional detachment?”

  Kate lifted her chin. “I’m not emotionally detached. I have feelings but choose not to have anything long-term. I don’t need a man to feel complete. I’ll be damned if I’ll become codependent on one again.”

  “You’re older and stronger now than when you were married to Mario. I can’t see you making the same mistake twice.”

  “Damned straight.”

  “Okay, so relax and stop pushing men away. Rather than being paranoid about getting close, let things happen naturally.”

  “I don’t know that I can do that.”

  Hell, she didn’t know what she was doing or what she wanted where Edward was concerned. But the thought of seeing Lucas on Friday brought a smile to her lips. She believed in fate and hoped that this little boy was the answer to her prayers for peace and closure about her son’s death—something she needed before she could move on with her life.

  Chapter Five

  Kate reviewed her mental checklist making sure she had everything she needed for the long weekend at her parents’ house. She glimpsed at the time just as there was a knock at the door. Punctual as usual, she thought with a grin. Behind the door, Edward stood, casually leaning against the door jamb as though he hadn’t a care in the world.

  “Good morning,” he said. “Ready to go?”

  “I’m all set.” She swung her laptop bag over one shoulder and grabbed the handle of her suitcase with her opposite hand.

  “I’ll take that,” Edward said, reaching for the suitcase.

  “I have it,” she snapped and held firmly onto the handle. His old-fashioned ways sometimes annoyed her and today was one of those days. Why was he always trying to be nice to her? It would be easier to maintain her distance if he wasn’t so damned considerate. Damned British manners. “I don’t need your help.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her outburst but let go of his hold on the suitcase. “Fine. I see someone didn’t get her coffee this morning.”

  “Wrong. I had two cups.” And a restless night of sleep with alternating dreams of Edward and Lucas. Frustrated from tossing and turning all night, she’d gotten up at four and started baking.

  “I made biscotti if you’d like some.” She handed him a white bakery bag, hoping her offering of food would compensate for her irritable mood.

  He opened the bag and pulled one out. “Are they safe to eat or did you use arsenic instead of sugar?”

  Rather than dignify him with an answer, she leaned forward and took a bite. It was still warm and the chocolate chips melted in her mouth. Edward’s gaze studied her mouth as she chewed and for a minute Kate thought he may take a nibble out of her.

  “Perfectly safe. I swear,” she said after swallowing.

  He popped the other half in his mouth. “Not bad.”

  “Not bad, my ass,” Kate said.

  “That’s pretty fine, too.”

  There was the sparkle of amusement in his eyes and his lips curved in a crooked smile like they did when he teased her. Kate took his expression to mean their little spat was over.

  She locked the door and followed him to the elevator, silently cursing herself for refusing his help. Her suitcase was heavier than usual because she had bought a couple gifts for Lucas and new release videos for the orphanage. Thankfully it had wheels and she struggled only mildly to get it on the elevator.

  “Are you sure it’s all right for me to stay at your parents’ house again? I can get a hotel room right down the street from the restaurant,” Edward said, pushing the button for the garage level.

  “It’s fine. Are you afraid my sister may try something more direct this time?”

  “I’ll be better prepared, but maybe you should stick close to me in case I need protection.” His tone was playful, but the flash of heat in his eyes conveyed much more than the words he spoke. She was grateful for the gust of cold air that hit them when the elevator doors opened.

  He opened the passenger door for her and stored their bags in the trunk. He’d been at off-site client meetings most of the week, and to her dismay, she’d missed seeing him at the office.

  They headed out into the Manhattan rush-hour traffic, a comfortable silence between them.

  “What are you and your mother doing today?”

  “This afternoon we’re going over to the orphanage to finalize our plans for the holiday party. I made up flyers that we’re going to post around town and have handed out at church on Sunday. We also have to set up the toy collection box at the church and a couple other locations.”

  “Sounds like an eventful day. We’ll be busy at the restaurant, as well. Since Mark rounded up some of his men today, I want to get them on board with the plans,” he explained. “If we’re both not too tired, would you like to catch a movie later?”

  “I’m not sure I can. The head of the orphanage invited me to stay for movie night tonight, and I thought about having pizza sent over for everyone. Why don’t you call me when you’re finished and you can come over and join us.”

  “A night with a bunch of orphans? That sounds a bit daunting to me, like something out of a Dickens novel.”

  “Oh, come on. They’re just kids. You can’t tell me you’re afraid of kids.”

  “Not afraid as much as uncomfortable. I’ve never been around kids much. I’m not sure I’d know what to say or do.”

  “Just be yourself.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about.”


  Kate passed around more green and red construction paper so the kids at St. Vincent’s could continue to make a huge paper chain. W
hile some were doing this, others were making snowflakes and bells and covering them with glitter.

  The day flew by and Kate was surprised at how much they’d accomplished. After Edward had dropped her off at her parents’ house that morning, she helped her mom and sister pack up Vicky’s car with craft supplies and headed over to the church to meet up with Father Dave. With his help they’d set up the collection boxes for toys and food. Flyers were hung and would be distributed after all the masses over the weekend. Her mother had also arranged for volunteers to stand outside after mass on Sunday and take up a collection they would donate to the orphanage.

  Kate smiled as she watched the kids hard at work on the crafts. They were so excited to help out. Lucas’s tongue slipped out of his mouth in concentration while he cut pieces of paper that would be used for the garland chain. He’d been shy when he first saw her again but now seemed more relaxed and playful.

  Earlier in the day, she’d made arrangements with Father Dominic to have pizza delivered for dinner. Afterwards, they were all going to watch How to Train Your Dragon in the common room.

  “Come on, Kate, let’s get a good seat,” Lucas said, pulling on her hand. “You’ll sit next to me, right?”

  A smile lifted the corners of her mouth at the look of excitement on his face. “Just as long as you don’t hog all the popcorn.”

  “I won’t. I like mine with extra butter. How ’bout you?”

  “Absolutely. Plenty of salt, too.”

  They settled onto one of the couches while the other kids assembled and sat on mats and blankets that magically appeared. Father Dominic lit a fire in the massive stone fireplace and the glow of the fire cast warm shadows over the room.

  Kate couldn’t help but study Lucas. He enjoyed the movie and laughed at all the silly parts. Kate loved the feel of his small and warm body cuddled up next to hers. It reminded her of evenings she had looked forward to having with Tony. Evenings she would never have. The longing for family, her family, overwhelmed her so much that she felt tears well in her eyes. She tilted her head toward Lucas’s and breathed in his sweet little boy scent. He glanced up at her and gave her the sweetest smile. And in that heartbeat, she fell gob-smacked in love with a six-year-old.


  Edward stood at the back of the room and watched Kate with the little boy. It seemed right, them sitting close together, almost like mother and son. He frowned, not sure why he thought that or why it bothered him. But a small pang of what he could only describe as jealousy passed through him. He shook it away. Certainly he couldn’t be jealous of a child.

  Although there was room on the couch next to Kate, he didn’t make his presence known and leaned against the wall until the movie ended. The room must have held close to thirty kids in addition to the adult staff. They all sat close to the television, which he figured was no larger than twenty-six inches and not even a flat screen.

  The room was pleasant enough with an old stone fireplace that added to its character. Mismatched couches and chairs were pulled close to the TV along with several tables and colorful lamps.

  When the movie ended, kids scattered everywhere, as though they couldn’t stand to be cooped up any longer. As he strode across the room, Edward watched Kate whisper into the boy’s ear right before he climbed onto her back.

  She glanced up as he approached. “Hey, you made it. Did you just get here?”

  “No, I’ve been in the back for a little while. I didn’t want to disturb everyone watching the movie.”

  “This little monkey on my back here is Lucas. Lucas, this is my friend, Edward.”

  The boy leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  She laughed. “He says you have a funny voice.”

  “I can see why you may think so. I grew up in England. Everyone there talks like this. It’s nice to meet you, Lucas.”

  The boy hid behind Kate’s hair. Clearly he wasn’t making an impression on the boy.

  “What do you say, Lucas?” Kate prompted.

  “Hi,” came a small voice from behind her head.

  “I missed most of the movie. Maybe you can tell me what it was about,” Edward said.

  Lucas’s small face peeked out. “It was awesome. It was about a boy who captured a dragon, but he let it go instead of killing it. Then he trained it.”

  Edward smiled at the speed at which Lucas spoke, the words almost all gushing out in one large breath. “That sounds pretty fantastic. I’ll have to watch the whole movie sometime.”

  “You can watch it with me and Kate. Can’t he, Kate?”

  “Yes, he certainly can,” Kate said. “I think it’s time for you to go up to bed. Let’s go, little Jedi. Say good night to Edward.”

  “Night, Edward. Come back again soon,” Lucas said with a yawn.

  “Good night, Lucas. It was nice to meet you.”

  Kate adjusted the boy’s weight. “I’ll get him settled and be back down,” she said to Edward.

  They walked away and Lucas stole a glance back at Edward. “Is he your boyfriend?” he heard Lucas ask Kate. Edward didn’t hear her reply, but it must have satisfied the boy because he placed his head on her shoulder.

  While Kate was with Lucas, Edward spoke with Father Dominic, who gave him a thorough understanding about the running of an orphanage. Edward found the architecture of the hundred-year-old converted mansion fascinating and agreed to a tour the next time he came by.

  Thirty minutes later, Kate returned looking tired but happy.

  “Lucas didn’t give you any trouble going down, did he?” Father Dominic asked.

  “No problem. He wanted me to read him three stories.”

  Father Dominic laughed. “No surprise there. He’s always trying to get the older kids to read to him. I think it must remind him of when his mother or father read to him.”

  “I didn’t mind,” Kate said. “I’ll be back tomorrow to continue with the decoration making. Oh, and I think my mother is going to measure the kids for the robes for the pageant.”

  “I’ll let Sister Theresa know.”

  “Lucas asked a million questions about the new restaurant. I wanted to see if it’d be okay to bring him by there tomorrow afternoon to see what we’re doing,” Kate asked Father Dominic.

  “I’m not sure a construction site is the proper place for a small child,” Edward interjected.

  “He’s not going to touch anything, and besides, you’re only getting started.”

  “True, but there are ladders and equipment set up. I wouldn’t want him to get hurt.” Or get in the way. The last thing Edward needed or wanted was a small child underfoot.

  “Maybe another time, then,” Father Dominic suggested.

  Kate flashed Edward an annoyed look. “Fine.”

  Edward sighed. Without intending to, he’d managed to say something wrong.

  They spoke with Father Dominic a few more minutes before heading out to the car.

  Kate marched ahead, annoyance vibrating from her. Edward had to admit the woman wore anger well, if that was even possible. Her hips swung more than usual, and the purse of her lips made him want to kiss her until she forgot about being angry. Too bad there wasn’t any chance of that happening.

  He touched her arm when she reached the passenger side of his car. “Kate, I’m sorry if it seemed I didn’t want Lucas at the restaurant.”

  “You didn’t seem anything. You flat-out said it was a bad idea.” She pulled her arm out of his grasp.

  “I’m concerned for his safety. A work site can be a dangerous place for a small boy. Besides, too many people underfoot will delay getting everything complete by New Year’s Eve.”

  She considered his words, and the sparks emanating from her eyes lessoned to burning embers. He took that as a good sign.

  “What if next weekend we see how things are progressing and you bring him over during the crew’s lunch break?”

  “You don’t need to do me any favors. If you don’t want him there, that’s fine.”

/>   “I don’t want anyone getting hurt. That’s all.”

  She nodded. “Fine.”

  Hopeful to have redeemed himself, he took a chance to see if his luck continued. “Are you hungry? The pizzas were gone when I got here and I’m famished.”

  “There’s bar up the avenue where we can get something.”

  He hid his surprise and pleasure that she accepted his offer and opened the car door for her. “So, it looks like you have a new best friend in Lucas.”

  “He’s a great kid. He’s shy at first, but once he opens up he doesn’t stop talking.”

  “You both seemed very comfortable during the movie.”

  “You’re not jealous of a six-year-old are you?”

  “Certainly not.”

  He closed the door and walked to the driver’s side. It seemed as though he was going to have to find a way to catch Kate’s attention if he had any chance of changing her mind about them. And given Kate’s fondness of the boy, he’d have to find a way around his discomfort with children, too, if he had any hope of accomplishing the former.


  The next morning, Edward awoke early and decided to go for a run to recharge his mind after another restless night of sleep. He slipped into sweats and headed toward the kitchen when he heard a noise by the front door. Kate was adjusting a hat on her head, and one quick glance at her clothes indicated she was going jogging as well.

  “Good morning. I guess we both had the same idea,” Edward said, walking toward her.

  She jumped. “Hi. Yes, I won’t be long.”

  “If you give me a minute to grab a bottle of water, I’ll join you,” Edward said.

  “I’m kind of in a hurry. There’s a spare key in the flowerpot so you can get in when you return. I gotta run.”

  And that fast she disappeared out the door.

  “I always yell at her for running alone this early in the morning. It’s too dark out,” Carmen called from the bottom of the stairs. “But what do I know, I’m only her mother.”

  Edward followed Carmen into the kitchen.

  “I offered to join her, but she was in a hurry to leave,” Edward said.


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