Arnold’s one-liners and, 340
Arnold’s views about, 603
in Conan the Barbarian, 275–76, 277–78
contradictions in Arnold’s life and, 603
Terminator films and, 385–86
Total Recall and, 345
vision: Arnold’s rules about need for, 605
and Arnold’s vision for California, 486, 539–40, 541, 543, 544–45, 552, 555, 556–57, 604
Vlasov, Yuri, 24
Voight, Jon, 199
Volkswagen; Arnold flight in corporate jet of, 126, 127
von Sydow, Max, 263, 273
Vreeland, Diana, 205, 207
Wachter, Paul, 424–25, 426–27, 429, 430, 444, 445, 470, 501, 502, 503
Waldheim, Kurt, 295, 332–33
Waller, Ken, 162
Walters, Barbara, 256, 328, 373, 459
Warhol, Andy, 198, 205, 207, 209, 210–12, 305–6, 327, 330–31, 340
Warner Bros., 440–41, 442, 474
Wasserman, Lew, 236
water issues. See environmental issues
Wayne, John, 299
Weaver, Sigourney, 310
wedding, Maria and Arnold’s, 323–33
Weider, Ben, 101, 293
Weider, Betty, 30, 100
Weider, Joe: appearance of, 76
Arnold as salesman for, 102–3, 141–42
Arnold’s arrival in Los Angeles and, 79
Arnold’s chair incident and, 104–5
Arnold’s early days in Los Angeles and, 85
Arnold’s earnings from, 96
Arnold’s expression of emotions and, 185
and Arnold’s Hawaii trip, 97
Arnold’s movie career and, 112–13
and Arnold’s participation in Miami Mr. Universe contest, 72–73
Arnold’s real estate investments and, 149–50
Arnold’s relationship with, 89, 102–5, 142, 170, 187, 291, 303, 343
Arnold’s views about, 76, 99–103
and bodybuilders as lazy bastards, 99, 102
Butler and Gaines meeting with, 153–54
certification of bodybuilding as international sport and, 152
as coach for Arnold, 77
collections of, 104–5, 257
empire of, 100–101, 103
Franco and, 106–7, 108–9
influence on Arnold of, 99–100, 257, 258, 279
interview of Arnold by, 75–76
as Jewish, 293
Mr. Olympia contests and, 170, 171, 251
Mr. Universe contests and, 72–74, 153
nicknames for bodybuilders and, 100
Park and, 30
promotion of bodybuilding by, 152–54, 155
promotion/support of Arnold by, 76–77, 79, 91, 95, 115–16, 118, 236
reputation of, 30, 72–73
role in bodybuilding world of, 100–102
salary for, 107
San Fernando Valley headquarters of, 103
self-image of, 76
Stay Hungry film and, 187
Zeller freelancing work for, 84
Weider Research Clinic, 100
weight lifters/weight lifting: Arnold in army and, 38
Arnold’s early interest in, 30
Arnold’s first public appearance as, 34–35
Arnold’s post–heart surgery activities and, 438
Arnold’s trophies as, 38
for handicapped children, 217–19, 243
legends in, 97
Lorimer as organizer for, 124–25
power of mind over body in, 67–68
prisoners and, 143
public image of, 159
Weissmuller, Johnny, 14
Welch, Raquel, 208
welfare reform; Arnold as governor and, 577, 587
Wertheim Schroder & Co., 426
Wesson, Herb, 522
West Los Angeles College; Arnold as student at, 138
Western Climate Initiative, 580
Westworld (movie), 301, 348
White, Bob, 466, 467–70, 481, 499
White House; Great American Workout at, 388–90, 454
Whitney Museum of American Art; posing exhibition (1976) at, 197–98
Wide World of Sports (ABC-TV show), 128, 153–54
Wiesenthal, Simon, 366–67
William Morris Agency, 192
Williams, Andy, 222, 328
Williams, Robin, 357, 358, 361, 417
Williams, Vanessa, 441, 513
Willis, Bruce, 337, 400–402, 409, 442, 443, 446, 599
Wilson, Pete: Arnold as campaigning for, 469
Arnold’s campaign for governor and, 499–500, 502
Arnold’s political ambitions and, 469
Arnold’s swearing-in and, 514
Arnold’s use of former staff members of, 466, 467, 473, 475, 516, 518
and jokes about Arnold entering politics, 463
recall attempt against, 480
at Regency Club, 292
Winfrey, Oprah, 245–46, 328, 487, 526, 595
Winkler, Henry, 208
winning; Arnold’s views about, 58–59, 178, 236
Winston, Stan, 312, 334, 335, 435
Winter, Paul, 56
Winters, Shelley, 207, 208
With Wings as Eagles (movie), 440
Wolfe, Tom, 207
women/girls: Arnold as teenager and, 22–23, 25, 26, 27–28, 29, 32–33
Arnold’s bodybuilder interviews and, 116
Arnold’s campaign for governor and, 510, 511
Arnold’s early days in Los Angeles and, 87–88, 89, 90–91
Arnold’s Mr. Universe lifestyle and, 66
Arnold’s salesman personality and, 55
astrology story and, 87–88
bodybuilders and, 25, 27–28, 29, 31, 100, 139
bodybuilding interests of, 159–60, 251
discussion about emotions by, 177
at Gold’s Gym, 68, 159–60
groping accusations against Arnold by, 510, 511
in Munich, 55
as training in gyms, 55, 64, 251
U.S. social customs and, 89, 90–91
Woods, Tiger, 441
Woodward, Joanne, 194
work; Arnold’s views about, 289–91
workers’ compensation reform; Arnold as governor and, 518, 523–24, 527, 544, 587
World Gym (Los Angeles, California), 251
World Jewish Congress, 332
World War II, 3, 4, 8–9, 38, 86, 234, 258, 291, 294, 366, 440
World Weight Lifting Championship (Vienna, 1961), 24
wrestling, 63, 64
Wyeth, Andrew, 209, 212–13
Wyeth, Jamie, 209, 210–11, 212–13
Wyeth, Phyllis, 212
YMCA, 394
Yorton, Chester, 58, 77
You, Richard, 97
Young, Beverly, 481–82
Young, Bill, 481–82
Youngman, Henny, 359–60
Youth Fitness Camps, 388
Zane, Frank, 74–75, 77, 91, 101, 108, 110, 137, 162, 197, 198, 251, 411, 533
Zarem, Bobby, 203–4, 205, 206, 219–20
Zeller, Artie, 84–85, 107, 108, 110, 135–36, 150, 163, 293
Zeller, Josie, 84–85, 108
Zingale, Daniel, 543, 558–59, 570
Zucky’s (Los Angeles delicatessen), 95, 139, 163–64, 174–75
Zurkowski family, 228
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Photo editor: Audrey Landreth
Front endpaper: Albert Busek
Back endpaper: Art Streiber/August
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
ISBN 978-1-4516-6243-6
ISBN 978-1-4516-6245-0 (ebook)
Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story Page 75