Land Of Terran: The Revelations of Oriceran (Soul Stone Mage Book 4)

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Land Of Terran: The Revelations of Oriceran (Soul Stone Mage Book 4) Page 12

by Sarah Noffke

  The whistling of the wind overtook the space and all at once Phillip froze into a stone statue, his mouth open wide and his eyes frantic. For all of eternity the Duke of Terran would remain as this statue, a reminder to all that those who refused to respect the forest would pay the price.


  Exhaustion took over and Azure fell to her hands and knees, the staff rolling to the side.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Monet said, scooping her up at once and helping her to her feet. “None of that drama-queen bullshit. I’ll have you know I’ve still gotta pee, but you don’t hear me complaining like a sissy.”

  Azure brought her chin around to look at him, an act that almost ended her. “You’re a true warrior.”

  “One who will go down in the history books for saving your ass time and again,” he said, setting her to her feet, her arm around his shoulder.

  “You saw my sparks?” she asked.

  “Yes, but can we talk about color choice later. Blue? Really?” he asked with a laugh.

  “Well, thanks for holding off until then. I had to know…”

  “You gave him a second and a third chance at the last moment, didn’t you?” Monet asked, his face suddenly serious even with a hint of scolding.

  “I had to,” Azure said.

  “Man, you’re a fucking softy. One day we’ll rule with an iron fist—some archaic shit where we torture and kill people for practically nothing,” Monet spouted.

  “Thank God you’ll never rule Virgo,” Ever said at their back.

  Azure spun around, her eyes wide with relief. “Ever! You’re okay?” She found the energy to stand on her own and threw her arms around the Light Elf. He pulled her in, his hands pressing tightly into her back.

  “I’m fine. Just like I said I would be,” he breathed into her hair.

  “Oh, Monet, how are you? You’re the reason we’re all alive and not riddled with gun holes. Would you like a hug, oh masterful wizard?” Monet sing-songed in a high-pitched voice.

  Azure pulled away from Ever and faced Monet. “That’s true. What you did back there… Well, it was kind of neat.”

  A laugh spilled out of Monet’s mouth. “Neat? I fucking saved the day! Like, you’d be dead and all those blasted tree-women too.”

  A wide smile spread across Azure’s face. She lifted her gaze to the rogue dryads encircling them, softly chanting in a language she didn’t know.

  Just in front of Phillip’s statue Payne Springs stood, her arms spread. Her slanted eyes found Azure and she pulled her chin down, her mouth closing. “You’re done, daughter of Emeri Vladar, Queen of the witches and wizards of Virgo. You fulfilled your mission, and the people of Terran are free to live without persecution unless they harm the forest again.”

  Azure nodded. Second chances. Everyone would be given a clean slate. She turned and stared deeply into Ever’s eyes. “Do you want to go…” she said, allowing the question to hang in the air.

  His smile was tender, reeking of his own relief. “Not yet. You still have business here in Terran, which means that I do too.” He lifted his hand and directed it to the other side of the enclosed circle of rogue dryads. They parted, and a blond-haired young man stepped forward.

  The bags under Frederick’s eyes were dark, but he was upright and moved with slow grace. Gillian stood in the distance, his chin down and a serious expression making his features appear flat.

  “Frederick, are you all right?” Azure asked.

  His gaze had landed squarely on the statue of Phillip, and his mouth was tight. “I know he deserved it…” Frederick’s voice trailed away.

  “But still, it’s hard to see our enemies suffer,” Azure said, completing his thoughts. “That’s because you’re a good person, and I daresay you’ll make a good emperor.”

  “But now that Phillip is gone and not here to influence the court, Father…”

  Azure shook her head at Frederick. “We both know that Richard doesn’t want to be Emperor. And we all know that you’re better suited for that role. I trust that under your rule, Terran will be a prosperous land which works to preserve balance.”

  “You trust rightly, my sister of Virgo,” Frederick said, his shoulders rising and drifting back, his chest angling high with pride.

  The sun glinted across the grassy lawn of the golf course, its final visible rays sparkling against the land.

  “It grows dark. May I offer you and your friends lodging and comfort for the night? Tomorrow I’ll be making important announcements to my people, and I’d appreciate your attendance,” Frederick said, extending a hand to Azure.

  The sun was about to set, and the journey home was a long one. They needed to rest. She reached out and took his hand. “Yes, thank you. But we will set out early. I intend for my party to visit the statue garden first thing, before returning to Virgo.” Azure turned back to catch the meaningful expression in Ever’s eyes. It spoke of the series of emotions he was processing, trying to come to terms with, while surrounded by so many.

  “It will take until then to revive the statues, Queen Azure, so no rush,” Payne Springs said. She was flanked by her sisters, her hands behind her back.

  “Very well,” Azure said, giving her one last look before allowing Frederick to lead her away. The rogue dryads, as they were known to do, disappeared quietly into the night.


  The Palace couldn’t have been any more different than the House of Enchanted. Its white walls and polished surfaces were a stark contrast to the warm panels that covered the rooms in the House. Everything in the Palace was shiny and new, sometimes with the tag still on it. In contrast, the furnishings in the House were all older than Azure, and some were older than her mother.

  “Are you comfortable?” Frederick asked as he escorted Azure down a long corridor.

  “Yes, the room is great. And it beats sleeping in the Dark Forest, or in a bed built for a gnome,” Azure remarked.

  Frederick lifted one of his light eyebrows at her. “It sounds like you’ve had many adventures.”

  “Just recently. It was part of the demands of being queen,” she said, striding down the hallway and taking note of the strange paintings on the wall. They were filled with scenes from Earth. The White House, which was reminiscent of the Palace. Big Ben. The Leaning Tower of Pisa. The Bellagio Hotel.

  “I’m sorry for what Phillip did to you and your people,” Frederick said, real remorse in his voice.

  “I am too.” Azure paused, making the new emperor follow suit. “Do you know where to find the cure for the virus he used to infect Virgo?”

  Frederick pulled at the sleeve of his suit, a look of deep regret surfacing. “I’m sorry, I do not. I’ve been searching ever since I heard. Phillip worked in such secrecy that many of the things he did are still a mystery to me. However, I will continue to search far and wide, and I hope to have an answer for you soon.”

  Azure bit down on her lip. Nodded. “I appreciate that, but it might be too late by then. This strain of the virus appears to be faster-acting. I need to do something before it steals more than magic.

  “It appears that we both have much to do to repair our kingdoms after Phillip’s reign. It confounds me that one person could have corrupted so much,” Frederick said.

  “It is usually one person who changes the world or destroys it; that’s what my gran always says,” Azure mused, remembering the old woman’s voice and how it always made her smile.

  “Your gran, the queen mother?” Frederick asked.

  Azure nodded. “Yes. She’s currently presiding over the court for me, which means it’s all going to hell.”

  Frederick smiled, an expression that transformed his otherwise serious face. “And Father—he’s safe?”

  “I’d say so. He receives curious looks from my people, but he seems to take it well. Actually, you should know that I have asked him to be a member of my cabinet, and he’s agreed. Of course, now that things have changed, he might prefer
to return home.”

  His smile transformed to a look of amusement. “Oh no, ‘advisor’ is a much better position for Father. And it will offer him the opportunity to travel, which I know he’s sorely desired. However, I should pay him a visit soon.”

  “You’ll always be welcome in Virgo, as all those from Terran will be.”

  “Thank you,” Frederick said, and extended his arm to her. “Shall we?”

  She nodded, taking his arm and allowing him to escort her into the dining room.

  He brought her into a large room with low lights and soft music. The long table in the middle was empty, which surprised Azure.

  Reading the expression on her face, Frederick said, “I’ve heard a rumor that the witches and wizards of Virgo eat vegetables.”

  “It’s true. We grow them for eating,” Azure stated, missing the farm and even Finnegan with his sour attitude.

  “And we grow them to leech their energy, something that I look forward to changing. I was hoping that you could advise me a bit on healthy practices that I can implement,” Frederick said.

  “Starting with not creating your food from sugar?” Azure asked, with a teasing smile. “Yes, I’d be happy to help.”

  “Thank you. I plan to get rid of the Consumer Party and replace it with an administration that advises residents on safe lifestyle habits.” Frederick’s eyes caught someone just over her shoulder.

  “How about the ‘FDA?’” Monet offered, coming up next to Azure and throwing an arm around her shoulder. “For ‘Food and Drink Administration.’ They can advise on the best liquors for the different seasons. Red wines and Dragon’s Hide whiskey in the winter. White wine and fairies’ golden nectar in the spring, etcetera.”

  “That’s an awful idea—”

  “I kind of like it,” Frederick said, cutting her off. “They can be responsible for testing the quality of the food and drinks distributed.” He slid his long fingers over his chin as he thought.

  “That’s right, because I’m a fucking genius. Queen Pain-in-the-Ass just doesn’t appreciate my brilliance.” Monet trotted off to the drinks station, which was stocked with various decanters.

  “To celebrate our new start, I had vegetables brought in, washed, and chopped up for our dinner tonight. The kitchen staff were completely perplexed by the order, but this is how change starts,” Frederick explained.

  “So we’re having salad?” Azure chirped.

  “Is that what it’s called?” Frederick asked. “Hmmm, I like the sound of that. ‘Salad.’”

  “Oh, fuck my life,” Monet said, throwing his head back and emptying his glass. “I save Terran and you feed me a fucking salad. What does a wizard have to do to get a bag of Cheetos?”

  “Cheetos? Is that what you want?” Frederick asked, sounding curious.

  “Yes, served by a busty wo—”

  “Shut up, Monet.” Azure cut him off.

  “I think we can round you up some Cheetos,” Frederick said proudly, nodding at a waiter who stood in the corner. He hurried off to a back room.

  “Will your other friends be joining us?” Frederick asked.

  Monet spewed gin several feet as he choked on a laugh. Even Azure released a small smile.

  “The gnome has been standing right beside you for the better part of a minute,” Monet said, shoving a finger of the hand holding the tumbler in Gillian’s direction.

  Frederick stared down and started in surprise. “Oh, so you have.” He knelt and offered him a hand. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  Gillian released a long furious breath, his nostrils flaring.

  “That is Gillian, and I believe you’ve already met Ever,” Azure said, covering the tension with a high-pitched cheery voice.

  The Light Elf had just entered, an amused expression on his face. He’d heard the exchange from the hallway.

  “Please, please. Have a seat. My home is yours,” Emperor Frederick said, waving his hand at the table. He was young, but was slipping into his role quite easily. An adjustment phase would follow, but Azure was certain that her brother would go on to be a fine leader, steering the people of Terran in the right direction.

  Several kitchen staff entered from the back of the room carrying bowls heaping with chopped lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, beans, bell peppers, and sprouts. They laid them on the table, then bowed themselves back out.

  “Thanks to Azure, you all have to eat rabbit food,” Monet said, taking a tray with a bowl of bright orange Cheetos on it from a waiter.

  Gillian gave him a disapproving look. “You’ll die before your two-hundredth birthday if you keep eating that.”

  “Oh look, the first bit of unsolicited advice the gnome has ever given me. You really do care about me, don’t you, Shorty?” Monet grabbed a handful of Cheetos and crammed them into his mouth.

  Paying him no notice, Gillian said, “I think that salad is the perfect meal after a long journey. It just needs something.” He dug around in his jacket pocket, various noises rumbling from the garment as he knocked his hand around. His face lit up with delight. “Here it is.” He withdrew a small thin bottle.

  “And what is that? A potion that makes vegetables taste good? Turns them into pizza? Makes you too drunk to care that you’re eating stuff caterpillars pooped on?” Monet asked.

  Gillian shook his head. “It’s salad dressing.”

  “Why the fuck do you have salad dressing in your pocket?” Monet asked.

  Gillian gave him a long look of irritation. “Who said I did?”

  “Oh, right. Silly me, for thinking that since you pulled that bottle from your pocket that it was in your jacket,” Monet said, his voice dripping with condescension.

  “That was strange of you.” Gillian poured a bit onto the vegetables on his plate before handing it down the table.

  “So who votes that we go barhopping? I for one would like to see what kind of shabby-chic places Terran has for the weary traveler. I’m sure I could impress some humans with my wand.” Monet licked his orange fingertips.

  “Not if the rumors around Virgo are true,” Azure said, hiding her grin behind her glass of wine. She took a long sip, feeling the alcohol go straight to her brain. Realizing she was starving, she dug straight into her salad, enjoying the buttery flavor the dressing imparted.

  “Oh, I see what you did there. Ha-ha,” Monet said, no real enthusiasm in his voice.

  “It’s really important that we leave as soon as the ceremony is over,” Azure said, her eyes on Ever, who was busy eating his salad and keeping his head down. He had the right expression on his face for the conversation, but his anxious feelings were bleeding through. Maybe she’d forgiven him without knowing it. That just proved that the heart had a capacity the mind couldn’t consider.

  “Is that your way of giving us a bedtime curfew?” Monet asked, pushing his Cheetos away.

  “That’s my way of saying that I’ll leave your ass behind if you oversleep,” Azure said.

  “That’s fine. Just leave me money for the toll. I’m so tired of having to give my own stuff to the Dark Forest. Damn greedy-ass forest, always taking from the hard-working man.” Monet stretched to a stand.

  “Why would you care if the forest took from a hardworking man?” Gillian said, polishing off the last bit of his salad.

  “Because I’m a…” Monet’s voice faded and a sly smile appeared on his face. “Oh, nice one. The gnome has jokes.”

  Azure burst into a laugh, but more surprising was that Frederick and Ever joined her, everyone at the table laughing at Monet’s expense. They all slowed their laughter and lifted their red faces, but as soon as they peered across the table at each other they doubled over laughing again.

  “What the hell has gotten into you lot?” Monet asked, and then understanding covered his face. “You are all acting drunk.”

  “I’m sure they’re not acting,” Gillian said, and slid off his chair. “The dressing was made from gnome’s mead.”

p; Azure’s face went suddenly blank. Ever’s too. Frederick arranged his expression into something serious. And then they all slowly began to crack, laughter leaking through their eyes and then falling from their mouths.

  “Gnome’s mead? That incredibly powerful drink that made me drunk after a single sip in the statue garden?” Monet asked.

  “That would be the one,” Gillian said, striding for the exit.

  Monet released a smile, watching the three at the table continue to laugh for no reason at all. The gnome had known they all needed a break, and he’d figured out a way to give it to them. Monet rushed forward, ready to lick the salad bowl Gillian had left behind. Alas—it was empty.

  “Fucking gnomes,” he muttered.


  Thanks to a dollop of salad dressing, Azure had a headache that felt like a dragon breathing fire in her head. Still, she was able to conjure herself a dress that would have made her gran proud. Fashion shouldn’t have been her greatest concern today, but she knew Gran would say that appearances were of supreme importance for a ceremony of this type. Azure had asked Frederick’s staff to deliver multiple dresses to her, from which she’d selected one and used her human magic on to create a gown that would impress his people.

  The long gown was a deep sapphire with a black velvet roses-and-vines design. The corseted bodice was framed by ruffles that started at the neckline and trailed off at the hips. It was the perfect mixture of the edgy appearance of witches from Virgo and the modern flare of humans from Terran. It was a mix of young and old. Embellished and simple. Rustic and refined.

  Her head was still beating like it contained a hundred drums when she exited her room. Maybe she should have been unsurprised to find Ever waiting for her outside her door. He wore slacks in the style of human dress, but a collarless button-up shirt that was much more in line with elfin wear.

  “Do you also want to shoot a certain gnome?” Azure asked through a small smile.


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