Biker's Baby Girl

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Biker's Baby Girl Page 8

by Jordan Silver

  I stripped down and climbed into bed feeling ten pounds lighter now that she was safe with me. Tomorrow I’ll figure out what to do about my lifestyle and all the other bullshit I was gonna have to change to accommodate her.

  No hardship, there wasn’t much I wouldn’t do for her. I fell off into sleep feeling better than I had in years if ever. Just a few more days and I’ll never sleep without her next to me again.

  I felt a weight hit my bed some time after I fell out and didn’t have to open my eyes to know it was her. I didn’t ask her any questions, didn’t dwell on what demons had driven her to my bed. I was just immensely grateful that she trusted me enough to come to me.

  I turned and wrapped my arms around her as she snuggled in close. I didn’t sense any fear in her and sent up a silent thank you that I hadn’t fucked up too badly.

  “You okay babygirl?” I held her as close as I could, like I was trying to blend our two bodies together. “I am now.” There was a lot of meaning in those three words, and I smiled in the dark before falling asleep with her held tight in my arms. Right where she belonged.

  Chapter 8


  We were both a little tired the next morning so breakfast was a rushed affair before we got on the road. I wanted to leave early because I wasn’t sure what, if any play Sal was gonna make, and I didn’t want her caught in the middle.

  If I’d been thinking straight I would’ve waited until she was out of harm’s way like I’d planned to, but what’s done is done. After her little trip down memory lane, I couldn’t, not go fuck his shit up. He’s lucky his ass is still breathing the sick fuck.

  “If you’re gonna fall asleep back there let me know so I can secure you.” She’d still been a little sleepy in the restaurant because I’d woken her early, and she looked like she could hardly keep her eyes open.

  I fixed her helmet and made sure she was seated properly while she assured me that she would stay up for the whole trip. There was a sense of excitement in her voice that I hoped to fuck I didn’t kill somehow.

  She’d already dealt with so much bullshit, I shudder to think how she was gonna put up with mine and I had a lot. My restrictions might be a lot different from her aunt’s, but they are restrictions nonetheless.

  For her this might seem like a new adventure, and after the way that fucking hag had denied her everything that was good in life I’m sure it very well might be. For me it was the beginning of our life together. A life that I was sure she was going to take time getting used to.

  I’d already mapped out certain things in my head, things that were needed to keep her safe and not from the outside world but from me. I already know my triggers and since I never want to hurt her, not even with words, I think it best to get that shit out of the way at our earliest convenience.

  Like the fact that if she ever even thought of cheating on me she’d be dead, that one was nonnegotiable. There were others, but none as serious as that one I think. I wasn’t planning to micromanage our relationship, but I was going to be on top of her every step of the fucking way for at least the first coupla years.

  I’ve seen the shit people in love can do to each other I’m not down with that fuckery. There will be no do-overs in my little kingdom, fuck that. So to avoid any bullshit I’m going to introduce her to my rules as soon as fucking possible as well as getting to know her likes and dislikes. Because along with my shit that she’s gonna have to put up with, I’m gonna be making damn sure that she’s as happy as it’s possible for one little lady to be.

  If I was even half way decent I’d probably give her a few more weeks or even a couple days at least to get used to the idea. Nope, not gonna fucking happen. Blue was not a good look for my balls and swear to fuck my dick might revolt if I even contemplated such a fuck stupid move.

  No way, two and a half years was more than enough I want in there like yesterday. And after seeing her again that need was ten times worse. Imagining her under me was one thing when there were miles separating us, now with her in my vision, her scent in my nose, she’d be lucky to make it the next two days.

  I’d spent the most restful night of my life last night and was racking my brain to figure out how to make that shit a repeat performance tonight when we reached home. She didn’t say what it was that had sent her running to my arms and I didn’t push.

  I’d just studied her over breakfast and since she looked like my bright eyed little girl I let it slide. I was hoping to leave all that darkness behind, a fresh start with none of the ugliness of her past or mine.

  “You ready babygirl?” She didn’t seem to mind her new nickname, in fact each time I called her by my secret name for her she blushed prettily and smiled. She nodded her head and I got on the bike.

  Once again her arms went around me and she held on innocently as we rode out, headed for my home, her home now. Maybe one day I’ll tell her that I built it with her in mind. Thinking of that reminded me of all that I’d done with her in mind. Everything was ‘would she like this?’ or ‘would this be good for her?”

  It was easy to look back on my life now and see how much she’d influenced every decision I’d ever made. Some of them probably saved my life come to think of it. Before her I wouldn’t have thought twice about running headfirst into trouble, I never met a bar fight I didn’t like. I spent my life scrapping, fighting for everything that meant anything to me.

  The bitch that had birthed me had dumped me on her way to somewhere better a few short hours after I came into the world. I never stood a chance. Found in the worse part of town, high as a fucking kite even though I didn’t know a pipe from a tit, they didn’t give me much hope of surviving. Did I forget to mention it was thirty below when the bitch wrapped me in newspaper and left me for dead?

  After I beat the odds life wasn’t through with my ass. I was then passed around from every degenerate family within the city limits. Thank fuck I escaped the horrors of sexual molestation, but everything else was on the table. My life was a smorgasbord of hellacious bullshit.

  I was used as a mule to run drugs to and from school, was taught to steal with the best of them by the time I was six or seven, and by the time I was fourteen before I lit the fuck out, I was servicing my fifth foster mom and her pals. I didn’t see that shit as abuse because those bitches taught me all I needed to know and then some.

  The one thing I learned throughout was that there was only one way out of the hood. I was a smart little fuck but I had to use my head. A scholarship might be nice but contrary to the feel good bullshit they show on T.V. no one was giving someone like me a full ride, not unless there was some fuck in it for them.

  So when I met old man Steve at sixteen and his pal set me up with the boy’s home I finally started feeling human. At eighteen is when they had some kind of job fair at the high school and they sent recruiters from the army. I listened to every fuck they had to say that day and found my calling.

  Now the reason I knew so much about my beginnings was on account of this old dude from the neighborhood. Even though I’d ran away I never went too far, just to show you how hard they look for kids like me.

  Anyway this guy I remembered from when I was much younger. He was always hanging around outside in his yard and whenever he’d see me he would stop to chat.

  He had no idea who my real incubator was, but he knew everything else. Old Silas was an old army dog; he was the closest thing to a human being I knew back then before Steve, and I figured if the army produced them I could maybe stand a chance.

  Everyone was of the general opinion that the incubator had been passing through and there was no way to find her. By the third foster home when I was nursing broken ribs compliments of the last asshole who was just using me for a paycheck from the government, I no longer gave a fuck.

  Those beginnings had given me a thick skin and a don’t give a fuck attitude. Until her I didn’t fear death, wasn’t too worried about someone sticking it to me, I could always hold my own. But then she came a
long and shit changed.

  Even in the thick of battle, I kept thoughts of her in the forefront, reminding myself everyday that I had to get back to her. That’s when she was still my sweet little innocent Jessie. It killed me to imagine her out there on her own at the mercy of the same fuckery I’d had to deal with.

  Then in the last few years after the change, I’d kept her there for other reasons. She was my reason for breathing plain and simple, and I was gonna spend the rest of my life letting her know that shit. It was my greatest wish to erase everything that her dad had done to her from her memory, and to fill it with only good things, the things I meant to give to her.

  Now because of my ignorance and her fuck of an aunt I might have to start all over. All the work I’d believed I was doing to distance her from that parking lot had been a lie. I’d just been paying someone else to mistreat what’s mine. I bit that thought off before I fishtailed and headed back to finish what I’d started.

  Instead I concentrated on the days ahead, on the things I’d only imagined thus far that were now closer to reality. My dick thumped against my zipper. Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea either, but it was hard not to celebrate the fact that she was finally mine, that I was going to have her just where I wanted her after all this time.

  There was no question of whether or not she would be accepting of me; I wasn’t about to give her a choice. She was mine plain and simple. Had been for a long time. She didn’t need any fucking choices where that shit was concerned. Now the only thing I had to worry about, the only hurdle I could see up ahead, was getting my cock into what I was sure was going to be the tightest pussy I’d ever tackled.

  I didn’t suffer even a moment’s guilt at the thoughts running through my head. I knew better than anyone what was in me for her, that’s why I knew that no one would ever, could ever feel for her what I did.

  I pulled myself back to the here and now as we raced through the morning, trying to beat the rising sun and the heat it was about to unleash on us. Her slight weight against my back warned me that she had indeed fallen asleep so I slowed down a little, but didn’t stop since we were already so close to home.

  I spent the rest of the ride reliving the feeling of waking up with her in my arms for the first time. My morning wood had been poking her in her middle and my first inclination had been to pull away before she woke up and felt that shit.

  After what had been done to her I didn’t want her having any bad moments. But she felt good as fuck against me first thing in the morning, the way a day was supposed to begin. I allowed myself a few extra moments to smell her hair and relish the feelings of absolute joy that ran through me. Just one more minute and then I’d let my little innocent go. That’s what I kept telling myself.

  In the end I’d decided against that shit, this was me she was never to fear me, never to lump me in with anyone else. And though my heart raced in my chest at the thought of putting any kind of fear in her eyes, I held onto her.

  I needn’t have worried. The smile she gave me when she opened her eyes went a long way to convincing me that she was going to be fine. It had taken everything in me not to kiss her smiling lips. I’d settled for a quick peck even though I’d wanted to suck on her tongue for the next week or so.


  Chapter 9


  We hit my place just after eight in the morning. I didn’t call ahead because it was way too early when we left, and so when we pulled into my place she got an eyeful. Mattie, one of the more popular hangers on, was just coming out of the clubhouse, still putting herself together.

  The look on babygirl’s face was priceless, but I checked my first inclination to shield her. She’s gonna have to learn. She was gonna see a fuck of a lot worse before long I was sure like I said, I’m not in the habit of censoring or curtailing my men’s activities as long as they don’t do any shit to harm women or kids.

  With that much leeway some of these fucks run the gamut. I pretty much expect anything and try my best not to react to some of the fuckery they can get up to.

  I waved at the other woman when she hailed me but kept it moving. I didn’t want Jessie’s introduction to my world to be one of the sheep, and especially not one I’d fucked in the past.

  Shit, was she going to be able to deal with the fact that some of the women here had once shared my bed? Or would she understand that none of those encounters had meant anything more than a quick release?

  It wasn’t something I’d given a hell of a lot of thought to, I mean she was just a kid for fuck sake and I’m a grown fucking man. It wasn’t like I could wait around for her to grow up; I’d have gone out my fucking head. ‘Yeah but if she’d have done the same you would’ve flipped your shit.’ Who the fuck asked you?

  “Come on let’s get you settled and maybe you can get some more rest.” I took her hand and led her in the opposite direction across the way, to my private residence, while she looked back at the colorful woman who wasn’t too quiet as she left.

  Was Mattie always that damn loud in the mornings? I hadn’t noticed. I’m pretty sure she was putting it on for Jessie’s benefit. Then again…I saw two of the guys come out behind her scratching their nuts and grinning.

  I just shook my head and hustled my little charge inside before she caught wind of that shit. Fuck me she’d be corrupted in five seconds flat.

  I saw her to the guestroom across the hall from the master suite, made sure she was all set and bounced. I had left some shit up in the air when I went after her, might as well get back to it because there was no way I was gonna get any more sleep with her here.


  “Yeah baby?” She called out to me in that half sleep voice that sounded like a cross between lustful sin and innocence. I went back and stood in the doorway not trusting myself to go any farther.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Just across the way to my office, you’re safe here no one’s gonna bother you. If you need me just call okay.” She nodded and put her head down to sleep.

  Even though I knew she was safe and that no one would even think of entering my place without my say-so, I still went around the house securing the place. I wasn’t about to take any more chances with her, and the last few hours had taught me not to take shit for granted.

  I knew I could trust most of the men in my crew, but as with all crews there were some unknowns who’d skated by by the skin of their teeth.

  Friends of friends or somebody’s fucking cousin. I was going to keep an eye on the unknowns, though I didn’t think any one of them were dumb enough to fuck with me, still to be on the safe side.

  When I was sure everything was set I looked in on my baby one last time before heading out the door. Sound asleep already. “My little innocent babygirl.”

  The place was just the way I’d left it, like I’d been in the middle of shit and had to bounce in a hurry. I’d probably fucked the deal I was in the middle of but I couldn’t find it in me to give a fuck. I’d do it all again if it meant going after her.

  For the first time since getting Law’s call I was able to truly breathe. She was here she was safe I didn’t have to worry anymore. It was a few days early and definitely under the circumstances I’d envisioned, but here nonetheless.

  Now I had to figure out what to do about this new pebble in my fucking shoe. Because it involved her, I was going to have to put everything else aside and take care of this shit once and for all.

  From what little I knew and what Law had told me, Sal was in bed with a very bad group of assholes. The kind who believed that they were above the law and made it their life’s mission to be fucking annoying to the rest of the general population and that’s putting it mildly.

  Chapter 10


  The first thing I did was call a meeting. I needed all my boys to know who she was and how she was to be treated, not just here but in the county period.

  I also needed to give them a heads up in case Sal’s peopl
e tried anything. He knew where I lived I was sure, because of his association with Dee, and I wasn’t taking any chances in case he and the other fuck-wipes he hung with decided to pay me a visit.

  From what Law had told me these people were heavy into hate and low on sense, a bad fucking combination if you ask me. I never even knew she was around that kind of shit, just one more thing that I’d failed her in.

  Dee was gonna get her turn, but I knew her shit was money. I’m just waiting on Jason to take everything she owned so she’d get the picture that it was never too wise to fuck with me and mine.

  That little buzz cut was child’s play compared to what the fuck I’d do to them both if they fucked around. She didn’t seem too badly scarred by their shit, but then again it had only been one day, who knows what the fuck she was holding in?

  The men came straggling in one by one, which told me what kind of night they’d had while I was gone. At least the fucking place was still standing and the asshole cops weren’t at my door; progress.

  I waited until they were all there and looking as attentive as they could be at that time of the morning after a long night. I wanted their full attention because the first one to step outta line was getting FUBARRED and I didn’t want any fucking excuses.

  “Listen up, my wife is here.” That woke them the fuck up. Between the eye popping and the what the fuck looks thrown around the room I think all remnants of sleep had disappeared.

  “It goes without saying that she is to be respected as my wife any slip-ups on that one you’re out I don’t care if you shared womb time with me and none of you here have. Anyone even look at her with anything but brotherly love will lose a nut.”

  I let that shit settle in and watched as they shifted from leg to leg with pained looks on their faces. Good, they were a little more awake, not all the way here yet, but enough.


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