Accomplice: A Dark Mafia Romance (Romano Brothers Book 3)

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Accomplice: A Dark Mafia Romance (Romano Brothers Book 3) Page 3

by Samantha Cade

  “Are you really quitting the force?” I ask.

  Patty nods curtly. “My husband’s been on my ass for years to move to Florida. That’s where his folks live. I figure now’s the time.”

  I bite my bottom lip, fighting back a tear. It’s cheesy, but I pictured Patty and me being partners for our entire careers, growing old together, retiring together, then meeting for card games and beer every Sunday.

  Patty looks away from me quickly. She hates when I get teary-eyed. She stands from the bench, and starts to get up. I want to hug her.

  “Stop,” she says, looking around with paranoia. “Just, good luck, Redding.” With a gentle smile, she turns to walk away, then stops herself. She turns back to me, pointing. “Just remember, don’t get me killed.”

  Chapter Four



  Mateo and Leo leave every night around five or six. In the old days, we’d hang around the pool hall well into the night, drinking and talking business, but mostly goofing around. That was before anyone had someone else to go home to. Now, my brothers make sure to be back by dinner. The rare times they miss it, it’s under extreme circumstances beyond their control.

  I’m proud of my brothers for being stand up family men. I wish that one day, I could be too, but I don’t think that’s possible for me. Pop was never home in the evenings. That’s because when you’re the boss, you can’t ever leave. This business never stops.

  It’s been a week since the funeral. I’m finally getting my appetite back. Tonight, I decide to eat actual food, and not my usual meal of liquor.

  Alcoholism runs in the family, and I know I need to watch myself. I can’t give into the demons that so many of my uncles have. But there’s something about booze. It mellows me out, and creates the perfect buffer between me and reality.

  I speed walk down the street to the pizza shop, trying to outrun the shakes. I’ve been hooked on the bottle before, but I beat it before it got out of control. I know how hard it can be to put it down once it has its hooks in you. That’s why I haven’t had a drink since this morning.

  I eat a slice at the counter, and on my way out, grab a couple of slices of cheesecakes to go. I have a lot of work to do tonight, and I’ll need something to get me through if I can’t drink.

  I get to the pool hall, and see something I’ve never seen before. There’s a woman standing out front. She has her hands cupped around her eyes, spying in through the window. Now, if you’re from around here, you know this pool hall isn’t open to the public, and you sure as fuck wouldn’t risk your life to sneak a peek.

  If it were guy, I’d take him into the alley to teach him a lesson. But it’s a chick, so I decide to go easy on her. Maybe she’s not from around here, and is looking for a game of pool. The shape of her ass in those tight jeans doesn’t hurt her case either.

  Those sweet curves could be a good distraction for me, better than the cheesecake which I know for a fact Gino orders in frozen. I stand there for a minute, thinking of all the things I’d do to her, all the ways I’d splay her legs apart and sink inside of her. Maybe she’s a biter, and will leave souvenirs on my shoulder. Maybe she won’t mind if a smack her ass while she’s riding me.

  A movie spins in my head. Hot adrenaline pumps through me, reminding me I’m alive, and not some gray lump that smells like booze.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, an edge to my voice.

  She jumps with a yelp, then turns towards me. She’s wearing a loose T-shirt that canopies nicely over her big tits, and dirty tennis shoes. Her hair is shorter than what I normally go for, but it fits her well. My eyes goes straight to her red lips. I’d love to see that shade ringing my cock.

  After her initial shock, she gathers herself quickly.

  “Are you Vince?” Her voice is low, and I can tell she’s trying to sound tough.

  Who the fuck is this? I think. Not some lost chick looking for a place to hang out.

  I still want to bang her though. I flash her a smile, and I see her eyes land on my dimples. I always get the same reaction from girls, eyes wide, lips parted, and I’m sure, panties wet.

  “Who’s asking?”

  She blinks, shaking her head. “Harley Redding.”

  She holds her hand out for me to shake. I’m surprised at how strong her grip is.

  “Vince Romano,” I say. I hold on to her hand and step closer to her. “You looking for a game of pool? This place is for members only, but for you, I could make an exception.”

  Harley blushes, and it makes my cock stiffen. I’m getting to her. She tears her eyes away from my chest.

  “I’m not here for pool. I need to talk to you.”

  “Oh, okay, I see,” I say, then unlock the door for us to go inside.

  In my line of work you get plenty of charity cases, and lots of women coming around, wanting us to rough up their good for nothing boyfriends or husbands. Harley doesn’t seem like the usual types. This girl has too much self confidence for that. It’s the way she carries herself. She’d never let a guy knock her around, and from the grip of her handshake, I’d guess she can handle herself.

  Whatever it is she wants isn’t more important than me charming her out of those jeans. I flip the lights on when we walk inside, and invite her to sit at our best table.

  “Something to drink?” I ask. “On the house.”

  Harley shakes her head sharply, like she’s scolding herself. “No, thank you.”

  I shrug. It’s for the best, really. If she drinks, I’d want to drink, and I’d blow my one day streak. I pour us both a glass of water, then sit across from her, making sure our knees touch. Harley folds her hands on the table. She looks eager to talk about whatever’s going with on with her.

  “You from around here?” I ask. I lean towards her, oozing charm with my eyes. I’ve got this seduction business down to a science. Harley fidgets nervously, and I can tell it’s working. I trace the bow of her red lips with my eyes. She’s so tense. I can’t wait to feel her body relax underneath me.

  “No, I’m-“ She pauses to take a sharp breath. “I’m from White Oak. Ever heard of it?”

  “I think I’ve driven through it.” I scoot forward, pressing my knee further up her thigh. It’s a subtle move, but effective. Harley’s mouth falls open beyond her control. I drop the smile, softening my eyes. “You know, Harley, you are a pleasant surprise. My father passed a few days ago. It’s nice to have a distraction. Especially a pretty one.”

  I know it’s a dirty move, using my father’s death like this. But I know Pop, and he wouldn’t have minded. Harley blushes fiercely. The red tinge stains her cheeks, and rushes down her neck. I imagine her skin is hot to the touch. My fingers itch to be dragged down her chest. Harley casts her gaze down.

  “My condolences,” she says.

  “Thank you. That means a lot.” I take the opportunity to lay my hand on top of hers. I give it a squeeze, then start drawing circles on her skin with my thumb. Harley’s muscles tense, then relax.

  She was all business when I first saw her. Now she seems distracted. I’m feeling pretty good about my chances. I lean my head towards her, and speak in a quiet voice.

  “Why drive all the way down from White Oak to see me?” I ask.

  “I didn’t. I live here now.”

  I pull back slightly, studying her face. I stop thinking with my dick for a second, and realize I should be suspicious of this girl. Now that I really look at her, she starts to look familiar.

  “Do I know you?” I ask.

  “I don’t think so,” she says, shaking her head. She pulls back, out of my orbit, and exhales sharply. “I’m sorry to hear about your father, Vince. I wouldn’t be bothering you now if this wasn’t urgent.”

  I only halfway hear what she’s saying. I’m still memorizing the lines of her face, trying to place where I know her from. It takes me a long time to answer, which seems to irritate Harley. Her chest heaves with heavy breathes, forcing me to look at
her tits again. She catches me, and lowers her head until she catches my gaze. She raises her eyebrows, a ‘gotcha’ look on her face. In that moment, it comes rushing back to me, and I know where I know her from.

  I smack my palm against my forehead. I’m such a fucking idiot. I was there when she was sworn into the police force, along with twenty or so other new officers. I thought she was hot then too, but off limits. There’s no way I’d go after a cop.

  I back away from her suddenly, scooting the chair nearly halfway across the room. The lust I felt for her turns to anger. My face gets hot, and I feel like I’m going to explode. I stand up forcefully, kicking the chair backward. What the fuck is she trying to do?

  The cops have no fucking business here and they know it. My business goes more smoothly without their interference. Maybe if they tried doing their jobs, I’d be more welcoming. Again, if she was a guy, she’d be on the floor, knocked out. But even a cop gets points for being a hot chick.

  I fold my hands together in front of my mouth, and take a deep breath.

  “What is this?” I ask, as calmly as I can. “What are you trying to pull?”

  I’m mildly surprised that Harley doesn’t seem more frightened. In fact, she seems more sure of herself.

  “I was getting to that. But you were too busy trying to get into my pants.”

  I smile, involuntarily, but only for a brief second. Was I that obvious?

  “You didn’t seem turned off by the idea,” I say.

  Harley blushes again. Every time she does that, my cock twitches. I clench my hands into fists, telling myself to get it together.

  “I need your help, Vince,” Harley says, her eyes pleading.

  “I don’t want to hear another word,” I say. “You’re not welcome here.”

  I grab her arm and gently tug. It’s too bad I won’t be fucking her tonight, but I can’t risk getting too close to a pig, no matter how hot that pig is. I can always think about her while I jack off later. Harley pulls her arm back, resisting.

  “Please, Vince. Hear me out.” Her eyes turn red and wet around the rim. “You’re the only person I know to turn to. I’m a cop, but this isn’t police business. I’m only here because the force is so fucking worthless, and wrapped up with criminals. No offense.”

  I can’t stand to see a woman cry. It’s like my kryptonite. I don’t know what it is, but if I’m not fucking them, I want to protect them, even tough girls like Harley.

  “None taken.” I loosen my grip around her arm, but I don’t let her go completely.

  Harley focuses her eyes are me. “I was told you and your brothers had a moral code, that you stepped in when the police fell short. This is one of those times. I need you, Vince.”

  Those last words make me want to throw her down on the table, and show her just how much she needs me. But more importantly, she has information that I need. If one of the other families is doing something I don’t approve of, I need to know about it.

  “Will you let go of my arm?” Harley asks.

  “Sure,” I say, releasing her, albeit reluctantly.

  She takes a step back. I take the opportunity to study her body, up and down. The fact that I should keep away from her makes me want her even more. I’m well aware of how dangerous this is.

  Harley takes a shuddering breath, then starts talking rapidly. “There’s something going on, something bad. There’s this weird building behind a warehouse with women living there-“

  “Stop right there,” I say, holding up my hand. “Before you say anything else, another fucking word, I need to make sure this isn't a setup.”

  “It’s not. I swear. I’m off duty.”

  “I’m just supposed to trust you?”

  Harley looks surprised. “Why not?”

  The innocent way she asks this questions makes me like her, and not just for her body. But I can’t show that.

  “What’s this town you’re from, White Oak?” I take a step towards her. Harley stays defiantly still, though her upper lip trembles. “Is that some kind of fairy land, where no one’s out for themselves? This ain’t White Oak, sweetheart.”

  Harley bristles at this, letting me know I struck a nerve. She clenches her teeth, breathing out of her nose. “You can trust me, absolutely, but fine, I’ll play along.”

  “That’s smart,” I say. “And you’ll thank me later. You can’t go around blindly trusting people in this place.” I hesitate. I know what I need to ask her to do, and she might not like it. I have to check my own motivations. This is about business, not my perverted desires. “I need to make sure you’re not wearing a wire.”

  There’s that hot blush across her cheeks and down her chest again. This isn’t about sneaking a peek, but I can’t deny it’s not a perk. Instead of getting offended, Harley nods, curtly.

  She grabs the bottom of her shirt. Business or not, there’s no controlling the hot blood pumping down below my waist as she slowly lifts it up. Her stomach is trim, but soft, just what I like. Her skin is pale, creamy, with a constellation of freckles just above her belly button. She lifts the shirt higher, revealing a surprisingly fancy bra. It’s black and lacy. The cups are translucent, and I can just see the outline of her nipples. The tops of her tits spill over her bra, and look unbelievably soft. I tear my eyes away from her chest, and inspect the rest of her. There are no wires, but I have to admit, I already knew that.

  Harley thrusts down her shirt, letting go of the breath she’s been holding. She stares straight into my eyes.

  “Your turn,” she says.

  My first instinct is to tell her to fuck off with that. I’m no snitch. And I don’t have any reason to wear a wire. Then I think, why not? It was so nice peeking under her clothes, the least I could do is return the favor.

  With my signature Romano smile, I rip off my shirt and throw to the side. I’ve been hitting the gym extra hard lately, and it shows. My abs ripple beneath my tattoos, and my biceps are huge. I flex for her, and I think I see her lick her lips.

  “See?” I say, turning around so she can inspect my back. When I face her, it’s my turn to call her out for gawking. Her eyes are glued on the center of my torso. “Hello,” I say, bending down.

  Harley shakes her head abruptly, then narrows her eyes at me.

  “I was looking at your tattoo,” she says, defensively.

  “This one?” I point to the roaring lion just below my sternum. “It’s from the Romano family seal.”

  Harley’s fingers twitch like she wants to reach out and touch it.

  Do it, baby, I think darkly.

  She forces her eyes up to my face with a big sigh. “That’s interesting. You can put your shirt on now.”

  I shrug, pick up my shirt, and slip it back on.

  “You have a lot of pride for your family,” Harley says. “I can see why. Is it true you and your brothers have taken out two major crime families just recently?”

  She’s trying to flatter me, and I’m having none of it. Sure, most bosses would wear these victories like medals, but it’s more complicated than that. We did what we had to do, but there was always a price to pay, innocent people lost their lives. And now, with my reign just beginning, is not a good time to do something like that again.

  “Tell me what you know,” I say, coldly.

  Harley straightens her shoulders, opens her mouth, and tells me her story. She speaks rapidly, barely stopping to take a breath, and interrupts herself constantly. She tells me about the call to that strange building, the way the other cops avoided her questions. She suspects sex trafficking. She’s probably right. When she finishes talking, she takes a few quick, deep breaths, and looks at me expectantly.

  I sit for a few moments in silence, taking the information in. I don’t know which family is behind this, but whoever it is has a lot of fucking balls. Everyone around here knows I don’t tolerate shit like that. I’ll need some time to think this over.

  “That it?” I ask. Harley nods. “Thank you for bringing this to m
e. I’ll see what I can do.”

  I walk over to the door and open it for her. She does nothing to hide her frustration. She curls her fists into tiny balls.

  “I’m not here just to tattle,” she says. “I thought you could help me. I need to gather evidence, build a case. Maybe bring it to the feds.”

  Holy shit, she is naive. I can’t help but double over and laugh.

  “You think I’m going to work with you? A fucking cop?” I get to laughing so hard I can barley talk.

  Harley breathes through her teeth, seething. “I wouldn’t be working as a cop. Just a concerned citizen who wants to help. Just like you.”

  “A cop, is a cop,” I say. “I can’t work with you. I can’t risk my reputation.”

  Harley shakes her head back and forth, at a loss. I walk over to her, and slip my arm around her shoulder. She’s stiff against my torso.

  “Like I said, thank you for coming to me,” I say in a softer tone. “That took a lot of courage. And what you heard is right. My brothers and I take care of this kind of thing. But your work, sweetheart, is done. For your sake, stop sniffing around this, okay? I’d hate to see a pretty thing like you end up dead.”

  Harley is quiet for a moment. I start to consider salvaging the situation, undressing her, making her come over and over again, no matter the consequences. I stare at her t-shirt, picturing those beautiful tits underneath. I run my eyes up her neck, and I’m overcome with the urge to taste her skin. Just as I start to lower my head down towards her, Harley pulls away violently. She lifts a finger, and points at me indignantly.

  “If you won’t work with me, then fine,” Harley says. “But if you don’t do anything, women and girls are going to suffer on your watch. I met a sixteen year old there, did I tell you that? Her name’s Honor, but they changed it to Honey.” She shakes her head, pursing her lips. “If that doesn’t make you sick, then you make me sick. And if you don’t do anything, you’re no better than whoever’s behind this.”

  The warm desire inside of me turns prickly. Who the fuck is this, telling me how to run my business, and to even suggest that I’d be okay with something like that? I bend down slowly until my eyes are level with hers. I’m over a foot taller than her, and have at least a hundred pounds on her. She gulps, and for the first time tonight, I see a hint of fear in her eyes.


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