Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates II Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

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Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates II Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance Page 72

by Ruth Anne Scott

  “That’s it, Shana. You do that, so good that it’s hard to think straight.” I noticed out of the corner of my eye that somebody was watching from the trees. I could see the branches move. If they were truly witnessing this for the first time, then I had to wonder what they thought. “Damn, I don’t think that I will ever find somebody like you. You are in a league of your own, Shana. I don’t even know where to begin to tell you that you brought a certain light into my life.” I wasn’t sure if this was him talking or his libido now telling him what to say. “I mean it… Oh god…you don’t have any idea how that feels. I love the way that your lips surround me like that.” I enjoyed it as well and there was power in having a man at the edge of his sanity. I wasn’t taking him beyond that point, but I certainly was making it almost painful for him. I think I did it because I had an audience. I was feeding off of that and I wanted whoever was watching to really get the idea of how this worked.

  I brought him to the edge at least four times and his hips were literally trying to fuck my face and I wasn’t allowing him to. He had just finished telling me that he didn’t want me to finish the job and I was going to abide by those wishes, whether he wanted me to or not. Even if he did change his mind, he had already said that this was his ballgame. He had no idea what he was saying and what kind of dare that he had just given me.

  “You’ve gotta stop…you’re driving me completely insane. If you continue any longer, I think I’ll lose my mind.” I popped his knob from my lips, smiling at him seductively and knowing full well that just one more lick would have sent him shooting off to the stratosphere. “Oh god, I’m going to need a few moments.” I shrugged my shoulders like I couldn’t have cared less. I watched him lie back and look at the sky and try to compose himself.

  I heard the branches and apparently whoever was watching had decided to make a discreet exit. I didn’t have the heart to tell Braden that we were spied on. It really wasn’t anything to worry about. I think I just gave somebody a crash course on what it was to give oral loving to a man. Whether it was a man or woman, I’m sure that I had given them food for thought.

  I sat there in the Lotus position with my legs curled in around me and my hand now rubbing my pussy. I loved the way that I could play with my own body. It was one of the highlights of my life growing up. When I was old enough to know what this was, I found myself doing it almost every night. It wasn’t, until I found a man to do it for me that it took my breath away. It was unlike anything that I did with my hand. It was, so much better than anything that I could do with a toy.

  “Oh yeah…I’m ready.”

  He caught me quite by surprise with that statement and then even more so when he jumped me and pinned me to the ground with his hands entwined in mine over my head. “You have just unleashed the beast. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t stand. I’m going to bang this little body and make it a slave to my desires.” I’d never seen this kind of reaction from him before, but apparently I had struck a spark and it was spreading like wildfire.

  “You know that I’m here for you, Braden. I want you just as much as you want me. That fire that you feel is going to grow like never before. I hope that you’re ready for that, because I know I am.” His cock head was searching out my hole and he was doing it with just his hips and not with his hands to guide him the rest of the way. When I tried to move to help him, he stayed over top of me grinning like the Cheshire cat.

  “No…that’s not the way that this is going to happen. I don’t want you to lift a finger.” It was then that I felt his knob pressed up against the opening and I think I knew from the expression on his face that he was well aware of that fact himself. “I want you to lie there and take it. I don’t want you to be the strong and confident woman. I want you to be submissive and be willing and able to take it. I know that you can feel that and all it’s going to take is one short jab…”

  “Oh yeah…that’s what I like”

  “…of my hips to give you what you want. That’s only half of it and the rest is only going to be given to you when you beg for it.” I had no idea how he was going to make me do that. I guess it became painfully clear when he fucked me with only those four or five inches. I tried to hump up against him to get him to impale me on the entire thing, but he was determined to make me beg for it. “You know what you have to do. Just try your best to deny yourself and let’s just see how far you get.”

  “Braden, you can’t tell me…Oh my…that that is what you want. Just give me that cock and maybe I will go easy on you for making me wait.” I was trying to turn the tables, but I don’t think that he was having any of it.

  “You’ve talked a big game, but you and I both know that I can control myself. That is going to drive you up the wall. You’re not the one that is issuing any ultimatums. I’m the one that’s taking control and all you have to do is beg me.” There was no way that I was going to give him that kind of satisfaction, although he was making it very difficult on me to say anything otherwise. “You know that you want the rest of it and it’s so close that you can probably taste it. Don’t be stubborn. Just give into that desire. If you do, then I’ll be more than happy to provide you with that release that you’re looking for.” His cock was still fucking me with short strong strokes.

  “I’m fucking…almost there. Please give it to me… I want it….pleasssssseeeeee.” I couldn’t believe that I was actually begging for it, but it felt, so good that there was no way that I could possibly allow him to just give me half of it and nothing more. “You know that I want it. I said what you wanted me to say.” That was followed with the rest of his shaft burying itself, until there was nothing left, but his swinging balls.

  “Shana is that what you wanted…you little tease?” He knew that it was, but he was still playing the game and I was willing to go along with it for now.

  “Yes… God damn it that is exactly what I want.” His legs were keeping him over top of me. He had his hands still over mine and he was making it impossible for me to move. I could squirm and twist and turn in his grasp, but I could not reach out and touch him. Being a prisoner to my own lust was something new.

  His body had consumed me and I could feel every inch, as he pulled it free and then slammed it forth with a determination that I could see in his eyes. I moved against him, my eyes closed and then they fluttered open with the feeling of an orgasm that had been stirred to the surface by the love stick that was inside me.

  “Fuck MEEEEEEE.” I screamed and I didn’t care who heard me, as he pummeled me with relentless thrusts. His thighs were now chafing mine. He was using that strong masculine physique to drive repeatedly in and out of me. I could not sit still and like he said, I was beyond reasoning. I couldn’t imagine my life without him and he had managed to surprise me for once. It was nice to see that that part of our relationship was not just one sided. I think that he was learning from the master and was now improvising in his own way.

  “Yes, cum for me, Shana. I love the sound of your screams and the way that you react. I have it deep inside you and I can feel you pulling at me.” He was gritting his teeth and he was doing his best to abstain. Unfortunately, I was too far gone and my body was now siphoning the very life essence from his balls.

  “Here it CUMMMMMMMMMSSSSSSSS.” The flood that followed was of Biblical proportions. I let him continually fuck me, until finally he lay on top of me with his hands still entwining mine. I was completely exhausted. I wasn’t even sure how I was able to keep my eyes open after a marathon sex session like that. I’d no idea how long we had been going at it, but it felt like it was never going to end. It’s not like I wanted it to and I was feeling a little disappointment.

  It wasn’t that I was disappointed in him, but I was disappointed that this had to come to a finale. It was the kind of fuck that lingered and made my body tremble with a desire that had been fully satisfied. It was the kind of fuck that made me want to do it again and I don’t mean in an hour from now. I just di
dn’t have the energy and my limbs felt like they were made of lead.

  His cock was still inside me and he was fast asleep, when it finally slipped back out, leaving me feeling empty. I wanted to grab him and use that appendage between his legs, as a toy that had no on or off switch. I wanted to, but I couldn’t and my eyes felt heavy and soon I was drifting off into a blissful slumber that was needed after a day like today.

  Chapter six

  I awoke early and it was still pitch black and I think I roused, because I could hear something in the woods. Suddenly, there were several eyes and I was staring at a pack of Offus. They were stalking me, but then they turned and took off in a shot. They’d only done so, because they heard the hunters. There were four of them in different colored armor now tracking down their prey. I felt sort of bad for the Offus. To be used like that and hunted like trophies was not the kind of life that I would want for them. If it was up to me, they would be well fed and cared for and nobody would lay a hand on them or try to eat them. This ordeal had shown me that it might be prudent to check out a more vegetarian lifestyle. I just wasn’t sure if I could walk away from the tasty morsels that came from chickens and cows and even pigs. Bacon was my Achilles heel and I had to have it every morning. I was missing that fix.

  I turned towards Braden and he was still sleeping, completely naked and looking vulnerable and very sexy at the same time. I put my hand on his chest and he stirred slightly, but he did not open his eyes. It was too much of a temptation to pass up. I had to see how far I could go before he would wake up. Besides, it was a good wake up call. I’m sure that he had never had that when he was living with you know who. I didn’t want to mention her name. To me, she was dead and like Braden, I could forget that Gemini even existed. I just wasn’t sure she was going to allow me to forget. Her ominous words still echoed in my ears.

  She had said with a trace of sarcasm that she had another way to neutralize the problem. The problem in question was me interfering in the day to day business of Lord Vadam.

  I barely touched him with the tip of my finger, grazing the tiny little hairs that were sticking up along his arm and then his chest. He squirmed and mumbled something underneath his breath, but I couldn’t make out what it was. I was brazen and bold and I was having a little bit too much fun at his expense. I circled around his nipples, never touching the nipples themselves. I followed that same train of thought down between his pectorals, over his well defined stomach and then around his nicely shorn balls.

  I made an involuntary gasp, as I saw his cock give a jerk of its own. He may have not known that I was here, but his body was starting to get the general idea.

  The gentle approach was over and it was time to get down to business. I grabbed him and I squeezed hard, making his eyes go wide with the implication of what I was doing to his balls. “I hope that you’re going to let go and if not, then your intention is to take them with you?” I smiled sinfully, letting him know that my intention was not clear. I only wanted him to be a little afraid and not terrified for his family jewels. I let them go.

  He leaned up on his elbows to grab my hair and kiss me. “I do like the way that you wake me up. It’s just that it’s still too early for something like this. According to the stars, I would say that we still have at least 3 hours before daybreak.”

  It was about that time that streaks of blue fire came across the trees. I thought that it was just the Dragos having a bit of fun in the night sky. I noticed that the fire was getting closer and then my eyes went wide.

  I grabbed Braden and turned him in time for a streak of blue fire to strike the very spot that he was laying. I could feel the heat against my arms. I had my back towards the Dragos. I turned to see that they were about to attack again. It wasn’t just one and there were three of them. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that they were the same three that had attacked the griffin thing.

  It was called the hunter for a reason, but apparently it was not a match for the concentrated attack of three Dragos. It was one thing to see them attack something else, but it was another thing entirely when they attacked me personally. I thought we were done for and I realized that I didn’t have any regrets. I just didn’t want this to be the end of it.

  I hugged my frame to Braden and I closed my eyes to the inevitable pain that was going to wreck havoc on my nervous system. I waited, but nothing happened, except for this extreme heat that seemed to be burning my back, but not to the degree that I thought it was going to. I glanced back and I saw that Braden was now holding a piece of his armor behind me, as a sort of shield. It was taking the brunt of the attack and then the Dragos flew off in search of other prey.

  “That was a close call, Shana. I don’t know what is getting into them. It feels like they are turning against their masters.” I didn’t like the word masters and it made them more like cattle, instead of respected pets that deserved to be treated with kindness. “I think that one of them was Rankin, but I can’t be sure from this distance. It did feel like it.” I was going to say the same thing, but I really wasn’t sure how he would take it.

  “I think that we should concentrate on what we’re doing. We can’t worry about what the Dragos are up to. I’m sure that eventually we’ll have to deal with it. It’s obvious that they have some sort of plan and that this is just the first step in whatever they have going on.” It was pitch black, but then the stars were blotted out by a shadow above that seemed to encompass an area that a jumbo jet plane would take up.

  I don’t think that Braden saw what I was seeing and then it was gone with the stars coming back out like it hadn’t been there to begin with. It brought to mind the story of the mother. If something was responsible for bringing those Dragos into the world, then it would stand to reason that it would have an intimidating frame. I didn’t want to believe it, but it appeared that the Dragos were getting their marching orders from their mother or some other source that was playing them for puppets.

  We went back to sleep, but I never really did find the same blissful slumber that I had after a fuck that made me completely exhausted. I continually opened my eyes, expecting to find the Dragos about to attack again. I didn’t even know how Braden was able to get back to sleep, but apparently he could sleep through just about anything.

  Chapter seven

  I was already awake when Braden opened his eyes. He gathered up the armor and he placed it on various parts on his body and I watched as they became the unyielding piece of metal that had protected him all this time. He helped me with mine and with his hands, the armor began to take shape all over again. It wasn’t until I picked up that last piece to put on my shoulder that it formed into that piece of metal for me and not for him. It would appear that it was getting used to my body chemistry and was now becoming more part of me than him.

  “I do believe that it’s starting to become one with your DNA.” It usually takes longer than that, but apparently you are different in more ways than one.” I knew that he was basically saying that being an alien had given me an edge over those that had worn it before. I did feel that that piece that I had put on my shoulder was a little tighter than the rest. In fact, it felt like somebody was squeezing down with such a force that it was going to rip my arm right out of its socket. I grimaced slightly, but I did it behind his back, not quite knowing why this was happening or how to handle it.

  He was kind enough to tie up the Offus and hand me one, so we could drag them back to Lord Vadam. He would most likely use all those Offus that were caught to live high off the hog for a considerable amount of time. It appeared to me that each new element of this tournament had something that benefited Lord Vadam. The flying of the arrows was of course for the benefit of his ego. He was just having fun at everybody else’s expense. He liked seeing people live and die at his whim. This hunting of the Offus was for the gluttony of his greedy belly. I wondered what the other three would give him.

  Would it be something that you could see and tou
ch, or would it be more of a feeling that you could see in his eyes and in the way that he acted.

  “I’m sorry that I can’t carry that for you, but the rules state that the kill has to be carried by those that did the killing.” If that was the case, then I should’ve called upon the Dragos to handle this bit of business. I did essentially take its life, but it was already dying. It would’ve succumbed to its injuries eventually. “Besides, I think that you can do it yourself. Even if you can’t, you’re going to say that you can and that’s just your stubborn streak coming out.” I knew that time was of the essence and that the others were now going to be following us. It may not be on the same path, but the destination was the same.

  I heard something in the distance, but I really didn’t know what it was. It did send a cold chill up my spine. That was a warning sign that something wasn’t right. “I think that we should move quicker. There’s something wrong and I can feel it in the air.” There was this tension that you could cut with a knife, a foreboding feeling that surrounded me like a dark cloud. I’d always followed my instincts and right now they were telling me that I was walking from the frying pan into the fire. I’d no idea why I felt that way only that it was like a light bulb going off over my head. I sensed that I should know what this was all about, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

  “I’ve learned to trust you, Shana. If you tell me that we need to move quicker, then we move quicker.” I wasn’t sure if I could keep up with him, but I was doing my level best to do so. I could feel the weight of the carcass behind me and it was slowing me down, but I was still able to push myself. I reached down a little bit deeper for that reserve of strength that was waiting for me. I’d never needed it before, but this time it was different.


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