Their Mating Illusion [Paranormal Protection Unit 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Their Mating Illusion [Paranormal Protection Unit 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 10

by Honor James

  “Yes, honey, I’m perfectly fine,” she assured him and then moved in closer to him. “How about you? Are you all right, my love?” she asked and began to move her hands over him as well. “Are you okay, honey?”

  “Scared out of about fifty years of my fucking life,” he said and hugged her to him again. “I can’t lose you, Maya,” he whispered as the last of his anger fell away and fear slid in and shook him. “I can’t lose you.” Oh Gods, he was going to burst into tears any second. Fucking great.

  “You aren’t going to lose me. I love you so very much,” she told him as she stroked her hands over his back and tugged him in even closer. “How about you open a Vortex and slide us home?” She had only been able to do the single-person tunnels but he could, or should, be able to do the ones that would carry them both.

  Nodding, he pulled her in closer and opened…Well, it wasn’t really a Vortex, but something else, something smoother and more intimate. Stepping in with her, he didn’t let her go when it dropped them in his bedroom, not a single thing out of place or even disturbed by the tunnel they’d used to get there. That was seriously cool, but later he’d dissect it. Now he needed to kiss her.

  Maya kissed him back. Desperate for him, she began to tug at his workout clothes. “Naked.” It was a demand. “Because I can’t wait.” Maya was already so wet that she was sure she was gushing in her panties and spandex shorts.

  With a thought, he stripped them both down, their clothing just gone. He’d worry about the where later. For now he needed to be inside his mate. Taking them both to the bed, he thrust into her hard. Kissing her desperately, he began to take her, all sense of control gone. Catching her hands, he laced their fingers together and pressed them up over her head, her back arching so her breasts rubbed at him with each movement.

  Her legs wrapped around him, and when he pulled out of her, she smiled up at him and tugged him back in, hard. “Fuck me hard, Q. No holding back,” she demanded, her nails digging into his knuckles in demand.

  Growling softly at her, he thrust harder, taking her with everything he had inside of him. Giving her absolutely everything he had, he bit her neck just hard enough to sting. Releasing her hands, he lifted her hips up to a better angle that allowed him to hit her as deep as possible.

  Meeting his body thrust for thrust, she sobbed out and rubbed her breasts against his chest. “Please.” Baring her neck to him again, she shivered. “I love it. Don’t stop,” she demanded and bit him right back, her mouth closing over his shoulder and biting hard.

  Not normally one for pain, her bite totally turned him on and had him slamming her down into the bed over and over. Some part of him decided to reciprocate, and Quincy bit her shoulder hard, hard enough to draw a few drops of her blood as his orgasm slammed through him. Yelling her name against her skin, he squeezed her tight as his seed spilled hotly into her sheath.

  Maya had tasted blood on her tongue, but when he began to come, she felt her orgasm following right along with him. Screaming, she held onto him and then pulled him fully against her and came. Maya’s orgasm was like a shock, a bolt of pure power, enough so that her vision wavered and her breath paused in her lungs. “Quincy.” She whispered his name and blinked out of it, passing out from just how good the sex and ensuing orgasm had been.

  Panting hard, he held her as he tried to regain some semblance of civility. Actually, he was just praying his brain hadn’t fried from that orgasm. Lifting his head, he touched her cheek. “Maya?” he asked in concern. Her heart was beating fine, if fast. Her breathing was perfect so he didn’t worry…too much.

  “Q?” She whispered his name sleepily. “I think that you seriously short-circuited a part of my brain,” she said with a grin. “And I loved it.” Damn, she had loved every single part of being with him. “I really would love to be able to do that often, please,” she all but begged and curled tightly to him. “Having us doing that often would be better than running,” she teased.

  “Amen,” he muttered as he snuggled her close to him. Dragging up the blankets, he tucked her in. “I love you, sweetheart.” Brushing a kiss to her hair lightly, he smiled. “Sleep now, we both need to sleep before we try and figure out all that happened today.”

  “I love you, too, Quincy,” Maya whispered sleepily. “I know what happened,” she stated with a yawn. “You came into your Royal power. Something that I’m sure was felt all throughout the magical world.”

  “Oh hell, that really wasn’t what I wanted to hear.” And yet it was a good thing, too. He’d come into the power, definitely not how he’d wanted, and he had a serious bone to pick with Talon on that. But he really wasn’t so happy about the announcement of sorts going out to the entire Mage and Warlock realm.

  “I know, honey, but it had to be done all the same,” she admitted softly to him and sighed right along with him. “One way or another it had to come out that you were the start of the new Royal Line.” Maya paused and frowned. “Do you have family that will want to become a part of your new home and place in life?”

  “No,” he said quietly and without intonation. While his mother was alive, he had no other blood relatives that he knew of. “There’s no one, and what do you mean, ‘new’ home?” he asked suspiciously, not having missed that little tidbit.

  “Everything of the Royal Family is yours now, honey,” Maya told him. “You are now officially a very, very rich man. I’m sure that as soon as the power reverberated through the Magic Users, the Royal accounts were locked and Michael no longer has access to them. Why do you think you’ve had to pay dues to the Warlock world for so long? It’s all yours now, darling,” she told him simply. And it was. It was his, not hers, his.

  “Uh, right.” He frowned slightly. “I was rich, sorta, before, so what am I supposed to do with more money? And why the dues? Seriously, I’ve never understood that.” And he was almost a hundred and twenty percent sure he’d never actually paid in, either. But then he’d always been considered less than who other magic users thought he should be to qualify to be called a Warlock. Only Talon, Gaia, and then Maya had seemed to see something more.

  “The dues have always been in place from the time when the Royal Lines began. They’ve just never been repealed,” Maya murmured with a shrug. “The dues pay the Royal Guards, the Elite Guards, and give a huge number of Lesser Magic Users a place in life, a position, and have created many jobs to do so. As for what to do with the money…” She shrugged. “I have no idea, honey. I really don’t.”

  “But if they’ve been pulling in funds all this time of whatever amounts from each and every Magic User since the beginning of whenever…” Quincy did the math in his head and whistled. “Even with paying the Royal and Elite Guards, employees, trustees, and whomever else, there’s absolutely no need to keep pulling in funds. Even with all the years before banks showed up and interest rates and such, there has to be such a huge amount in the accounts there’s no way to ever use it all even if we paid more people more money.”

  “Which I believe is why we had needed a new regime. One that wouldn’t mind changing up the way of life. You have been needed for a very long time, my love,” she told him softly. “You know that as well as I do.” Change had been necessary. She was happy that it was Quincy that Gaia had chosen for the new King. He embodied every aspect of what a King should be. He might not see it or think it, but she knew it for the truth that it was.

  “I swear I’m never getting used to being called a King or Royal anything,” he muttered. “I’ll likely end up looking around all the time for who they are actually talking to.” Who’d have thought that gutter trash like him would end up being King? Definitely not his father before his not-nearly-quick-enough demise and definitely not his drug-addled and boozed-out mother looking for her next “boyfriend” to suck dry.

  Lifting herself up, Maya looked at him and frowned. “I think that you are so much more than what you are thinking that you are. Quincy, I think that you are amazing. I love every single part of you
. I think that you are truly what the Magic world has needed for so long,” she said and laid a hand on his chest. “You have been at the lowest point that a person can be. You understand that. You are a man that will always fight for those that can’t fight for themselves. You are honest, loving, so intelligent that you scare me, and you are really and truly beyond amazing. Never doubt that, Q, ever. You are everything to me, honey, now and always.”

  “I know that, love,” he said, pulling her closer to him. “I’m just pretty sure that no one else will think it, ever. Of all my fantasies and dreams as a kid, being King of anything hadn’t been there. A warm and safe place to sleep, a full hot meal once a week, new shoes before winter.” He sighed. “Those were my dreams and hopes.”

  “Then maybe with all of the money that comes in we will start a foundation so that no other child has to have those for their dreams and hopes. It’s time we gave back to our people. How about if those dues begin to go back to the people who really need them? Not the ones who are exceptionally affluent but the ones who can barely afford to pay their rent each month?”

  “I’d like that.” He smiled at her and squeezed her closer with care. “But I want to see the books first,” he told her honestly. “And I’ll likely need to talk to those that are in charge of the accounts and how the funds are used. We may need to rearrange a few things but not until I see everything and understand it all.”

  “Which would be very well advised before you do anything.” She pulled back. “It was just a thought.” She knew that it was his decision to make. She had only wanted to give him an idea but she knew, from dealing with Michael, that a King never, ever wanted to be told what to do or how to do it.

  Frowning at her, he touched her nose. “It’s a great idea, a wonderful idea, and one I fully intend to explore and hopefully implement. But until I see all the paperwork and the books I have no idea what impact it might have on those that get paid from the accounts.” Plus he had a bad feeling that there may have been a few, her brother included, that had been skimming from the funds. No way in hell Michael could have afforded those luxury vacations, four-thousand-dollar suits, and the Gods knew what other toys on his own monies. And her brother was just enough of an asshole to have done it, too, smug in his own power and belief he’d always be on top.

  “For now we will just focus on us though, honey, and all the different ways that we can tease and love on each other before Talon and the others come in search of us, darling mine.” Hopefully it would be a long while though.

  “About two days. That’s apparently when the next Council meeting is and that I’m apparently the head entertainment of.” Looking to her, he stroked her cheek. “I know it’s against the rules of things, but since I apparently have this fancy-ass title, you want to come with?”

  That shocked her. “I’ve never, ever been in the Council Chambers. Are you sure?” she asked softly. “I would want to go with you, want to go because you are my bond-mate and I want every moment with you that I can get. Also to make sure that my bastard brother doesn’t cheat in the fight I’m sure he’s going to demand.”

  “I want you there, darling,” he assured her softly. “Not because you are just my bond-mate but because I need you with me, sweetheart.” Pulling her in closer to him, he kissed her softly. “But now we are going to sleep, angel,” he told her quietly. “So snuggle in and sleep. We have a couple of days just for us and then we will put the Council on their fucking ear.”

  “Sleep is good. I love you, honey,” she whispered and let his heat and his love wash over her. Without another thought she drifted off and into sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Maya looked up at Quincy and slipped her hand into his once more. Squeezing his hand, she smiled. “I love you, Quincy. To pull the Vortex to the Council Chambers you have to summon it to you. As King it is your right. The first words you use to summon the Vortex to the Chamber will be the ones that will be used throughout the rest of time while your line rules. Choose them wisely, honey.” She told him softly the things she had learned from reading the old texts she found in Talon’s office.

  “Great,” he muttered, squeezing her fingers as he stood there staring at nothing and tried to think of something. Shaking his head, he looked at her helplessly. “It feels like too much pressure, like a test, and I know the answers but can’t put them to paper.”

  “All right, so let’s see.” She paused and thought then smiled. “How about something as simple as, ‘I, Quincy Wallace, as Royal King of all Warlock and Magekind, request the portal to the most Sacred Council Chambers to come to me, admit me into the Chambers where Gaia’s works be done,’ or something like that?”

  “That just sounds so damned pretentious and not me at all,” he said, tugging her in closer to him. Wrapping his arms around her, he rested his cheek to her hair. “I know that it has to be formal and all and something only I can use but…” Groaning, he rubbed his cheek on her hair. “This is all so not me, Maya. I feel so far out of my depth that I’m practically drowning. The only thing keeping my head above water is you and your love.”

  “Talon is already there, love, so this has to be you. I’m sorry, honey, but you simply must do this. You are a fighter, darling. Don’t give up already. I know this isn’t what you wanted and I’m sorry it’s what I brought to your door.”

  “Don’t,” he whispered softly, cupping her face. Kissing her gently, he rubbed his nose to hers and wrapped her back in his arms. Hugging her tight, he buried his face in her neck and rocked her back and forth as he let his mind clear. He was worrying too much, thinking too much. He needed to go with his gut reaction and feelings. Lifting his head, he knew. “I, Quincy Wallace, Royal King of all Warlock- and Magekind, request a portal to the Sacred and Holy Council Chambers. Admit me as is the will of Gaia, Goddess of us all.”

  “You did remarkably, darling. These are truly brilliant and amazing words, ones that will pass from you to our sons and their sons. I love you, Q,” Maya murmured softly and then walked closer to him. “Now then, let’s walk in, shall we?”

  “Oh boy,” he murmured, eyeing the very different Vortex from any he’d thrown. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he guided her into it. Holding her tight, he stepped out and blinked as he took in the “receiving” room, he was guessing, and the large, large—they were fucking humongous—doors before them. “Oh boy,” he muttered, staring at the two Guards of indeterminate race standing there, who were obviously the keepers of the gate, so to speak.

  Maya looked at the massive Dragon Guards, the most elite of them all that stood sentry outside the Council Chambers. “You have to tell them who you are, darling.” Even though they knew. Quincy didn’t know it, but the aura of power around him had shifted and changed so much that it was clear to anyone viewed him just who he was.

  “Okay,” he said, inching a little closer to them. “Uh, hi?” He lifted a hand in a half wave. “I’m, uh, Quincy Wallace, King of the magic folks and whatnot. So.” He stuffed his hand in his pocket and rocked back on his heels. “How’s it hangin’?”

  The men looked at Quincy and then her. “And the woman?” huge guy on the left asked while huge guy on the right fought a grin.

  “How’s it hangin’? Seriously?” guy on the left said and shook his head. “Talk to me. Who’s the woman?” he asked again.

  Maya knew this wasn’t for her to speak. This had to be for him to explain.

  “My bond-mate,” Quincy said and frowned. “And yeah, seriously. I’m curious. I’ve never been here before so I’m kind of trying to figure out how this all works and figured I’d throw out the question so I’d know more. But hey”—he held up a hand—“you’ve got all this important stuff to do, looking big and mean, opening doors, and taking up space, so we’ll leave you to it. If you would please.” He indicated the doors.

  Guy on the right lost it and burst out laughing. Shaking his head, he said, “Damn, I’m going to like having you around. The other one was a complete douchebag
and it’s more than about time that we had a change in regime for you Magic Users.”

  “Yeah.” Quincy shot a look at Maya and shrugged. “He’s got a point, love. Your brother is a douchebag of epic proportions.” Looking to the guys again, he grinned. “Q or Skittles for future reference,” he told them, holding out a hand and shaking theirs. “I answer to both so feel free to pick whichever you prefer.”

  Guy on the right nodded. “Aaron and Gabriel,” he said, and then he spoke directly to Maya. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were that asshat’s brother. You resonate none of his signature.”

  “That’s because I’m bond-mate to a very good man and I’ve spent my life avoiding said douchebag at every single possible opportunity.” She then looked to Quincy and smiled. “A man who’s likely having kittens because he can’t open the Vortex here.”

  “Good.” Quincy nodded with a grin. “He deserves to be annoyed and frustrated. Anyway.” He looked to the two guards. “Aaron, Gabriel, if you wouldn’t mind. We’re likely late to begin with for this bloody meeting from hell and only getting later. We probably should try and slip in without anyone noticing before they actually realize we were trying to skip out on this damned thing.”

  “There is no slipping in,” Aaron warned. “Believe me,” he said with a shake of his head. “They will bring Michael in when they are ready for him. He’s demanding a fight. Sorry, but I seriously hope you got your mojo because, while he was a douchebag, he was the Royal Warlock, so he had some kickass power.”

  Maya didn’t say anything. Michael didn’t have the power. He never had. Her father had passed it to her to pass to her bond-mate, her Quincy, but that was not important.

  Squeezing her waist, he just nodded to the two Guards. “Thanks for the warning,” he told them and then moved into the hall as they pulled the doors open. “How pissed off is he going to be?” he asked her on the barest of whispers.


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