Disturbed Beauty

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Disturbed Beauty Page 4

by Ashley Beale

  I look over at him, wondering if he knows that Roman and I kissed. He doesn't show any hints that he may know, but the way he said that seems odd to me. Blaise chuckles mildly and looks over at me. "And yes, he'll be there tonight, too. I cannot wait to see the look on his smug face when he finds out I finally captured you."

  "You could have captured me before," I say. I make sure it comes out as a statement and not a question.

  Blaise nods his head in agreement. "You're right, but where would've been the fun in that? It worked out so much better this way. And now I have the two of you."

  We pull down a long dirt driveway. At the end are a few parked cars, none of which are nice. There are three vans, all like the one Miguel drove me in earlier. It's behind a two story white home with more windows than walls.

  Blaise clears his throat, grabbing my attention away from where we are. "This will be the only time you will ride in luxury. Tonight will also be the only night I'll be easy on you. Believe it or not, I have a soft spot for you, Liv. You made me happy and were good to me. Under better circumstances, I probably would have loved you."

  I'm not sure whether I should thank him or not, because quite frankly, there is nothing in what he says to be thankful for. So instead I give him a small smile, feigning appreciation.

  "You are not to be out of sight from any of us. My bosses, my men, my clients, or myself. If you need to use the restroom, you can whisper to me when I'm not busy. If you are found trying to escape or breaking any rules, I'll kill Clarissa in front of you, then I'll kill you directly after."

  "I understand," I tell him. I can hear the weakness in my voice. The more he speaks the more terrified I become. Each minute is another moment I realize how fucked I have become. It also makes me hurt that much more for Clarissa. She doesn't deserve any of this... and it's all my fault.

  "Good," Blaise says. He spots his men standing close, guns in hand, prepared for if I run apparently. "It's time to go. I will escort you inside."

  Getting out of the car, I meet Blaise in front of it and link my arm with his, as he makes a notion for me to do so. My skin is crawling, but I don't dare risk showing just how much. I'm sure he knows already.

  We walk through the home until we're entering into an office. It sort of reminds me of Roman's, except at least twice the size. Oversized chairs are placed in the center of the room, making a spaced out circle, filled with older men smoking cigars and drinking booze. Other women are walking around, all with their hair done and wearing beautiful gowns. I notice that they are all barefoot and wonder why I was allowed to keep my shoes.

  I try to avoid eye contact with them all, knowing exactly what will happen if I make contact with Clarissa. Blaise nudges my waist with his elbow. "Get to work."

  I'm not sure what exactly I'm supposed to do, but I don't want to ask. Technically I can't ask him. I nod my head and start walking around the outside of the chairs, looking to see if any of the men are trying to get my attention. I hope they don't. I'm not sure I can handle giving someone a blow job, or doing drugs with them, or anything else required.

  My body starts to sweat at the thought of what can happen here. I made a mistake. A massive one.

  "Miss Donovan?" I hear someone question.

  I glance over at the male's voice and I recognize him immediately. How could I not? We had an extensive conversation not too long ago at Roman's. I can't even stop myself when I speak to him. "Rusty?"

  Blaise clears his throat next to me. I didn't even know he was still nearby.

  Roman's business meeting that made no sense at the time makes complete sense now. Those politicians were there because they're part of this sex trade. The disgust and embarrassment I feel as I stare Rusty dead in the eyes causes my fist to close. My body starts to shake involuntarily. He isn't a man that just I trusted, but Arizona as a state as well. He is loved and cherished by all. He has even has been seen on television holding people's children during charity events. Those innocent families didn't even know they were placing their youth into the hands of a perverted asshole.

  "Blaise," Rusty says, moving his eyes to my side. "How much for this one?"

  "Depends," Blaise's voice snarls. He doesn't seem pleased by the idea, not whatsoever.

  With a nod of his head, Rusty asks Blaise, "Let's talk numbers." He immediately walks in that direction, eyeing me cautiously. He may regret purchasing me, because I will cut the sick fuck's balls off. My anger is that intense at the moment.

  Blaise's mouth gets too close to my ear, and with a harsh whisper, he warns me, "There are men to please. Get to work... now."

  With a pounding heart and sweaty hands, I finally force myself to walk forward. I quickly eyeball the other women to see what I should be doing. Most are just walking around, some with trays in hand, others are dancing for the men sitting down. One I can only assume is giving the man oral sex while he sits there in front of everyone, smoking a fat cigar with one hand, and drinking an amber liquid in the other.

  My stomach coils. I can't do it. I can't. I won't.

  As I walk around, I can feel stares and hear dirty words said from much too old of men. Several minutes pass by and I still don't hear from Blaise or Rusty. It makes me nervous, regardless of the outcome. If I'm purchased, or rented, or none of it, I have a feeling I'm going to be turned into something filthy. I can't understand how any of these men are actually turned on by this.

  They're wealthy people. They could have anyone they wanted, and the girls would be willing. What is it about torturing, abusing, and raping young, innocent women that turns them on so much? I always heard stories about the selling of women, I just didn't realize it actually happened. My world is now surreal, and I'm at a complete loss of what to do about it. Not that I have much of a choice.

  I have to remember that I did this willingly though. I can't forget it. I need that inner encouragement, because I need to finish what I came here for. I need to save Clarissa, and get us both out of here, before any more damage is done.

  A calloused hand wraps tightly around my wrist. I glance in the direction, trying not to give any eye contact. It isn't Rusty, Blaise, nor Roman. It's not a person I recognize at all.

  "Look at me," he orders loud enough for all to hear.

  I bring my eyes up further, looking at his light brown face. He grins, revealing a gold plated front tooth. "And whom may you be?" I loathe his dirty smirk. It's clear what his thoughts are, and they're not the same intentions I have.

  "Liv," I stutter.

  A light of recognition glistens in his eyes. "I wasn't aware Blaise was bringing you here tonight. I'm afraid we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Javier."

  Instead of speaking, I continue to stare at him, trying desperately to hold in my fear. He isn't like Roman or Blaise, they're all three sick bastards, but I can see this man holds no reserve. He doesn't have to play games to get what he wants, he takes it. I can only assume he is the original leader of the three.

  "I heard you were a mouthy one," he tells me. His thumb grazes my lips, causing me to flinch. With a hard laugh, he leans his face in closer. "I also heard you turned yourself in. So why are you being silent? Finally figuring out that you have no control in our world?"

  "I didn't expect to have any control," I tell him honestly in a whispered tone.

  "But you expected you could save your dear friend and run away?"

  I remain silent. My fear makes it impossible to lie.

  Javier's lips turn up into a smile so intense, he reminds me of the Joker in that Batman movie. "I can promise you, you'll be dead before that can happen."

  "Javier," I hear Blaise announce from behind me. "I see you've been introduced." He stands to the side of me, talking to Javier.

  "That I have." His eyes scour my body as they look me up and down. He continues undressing me with his eyes, while speaking to Blaise. "You didn't tell me her body had such curves though, or that her lips were perfect for sucking my cock. I may need to bring her into the ot
her room for a test drive."

  I can feel everything inside of me tighten, and not in a good way. I become repulsed the more he examines me. He may as well be touching me at this point, with the sickness taking over my turning stomach.

  Blaise takes Javier's attention off of me quickly, making me feel almost thankful. Almost. "She's already been rented. Mr. Greenland. He only wants her for the night though, so as of tomorrow, she is all yours."

  I'm not looking forward to what Rusty Greenland has in store for me, but I can almost guarantee it's better than anything this fucking creep, Javier, has planned. The same Javier who looks outright pissed right now.

  He grabs Blaise's shirt in the front, bunching it inside of his fist. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? You bring this whore into my home without consulting with me first, then you fucking rent her out the first night?! You know I like to test out the merchandise before allowing someone else to have the chance with them."

  Blaise's hands shove against Javier's shoulders, causing him to take a step back while also letting go of the shirt. "I've tested her out. I can tell you she's worthy of anyone here. Her pussy is tight as fuck, and she is wilder than she looks."

  I hate that they're talking so freely of me while I'm right here, not able to defend myself. I hate that I'm considered a slut, even though I'm far from it. I've gathered more emotions today than I ever have, all of those feelings full of hatred, fear, and regret.

  Javier quickly grabs my arm and brings me to him, causing my body to smash into his. His lips press against my ear as he holds me close to his lengthy body. I close my eyes and do my best to dream of another place, but it doesn't work. His words etch into my brain. "Tomorrow, you're mine. Every day this week, you're mine. No one else will ever own you, because you'll always be mine."

  "The money has been paid," Blaise interrupts once more. "She belongs to Mr. Greenland for the next twenty four hours."

  Javier drops his hands as he steps away from me, grinning wickedly. "She isn't to be purchased, not by anyone. Also, raise her rent price. Double it if you have to. She's mine."

  With a quick turn, he walks out of the room. I didn't realize my heart was pounding so hard until it was all I could hear. The blood inside my body boils, just at the thoughts of what is planned for me. Maybe it's a good thing I'll only ever be rented, I'll be around to save Clarissa, but the thought of being owned by Javier is daunting. The thought of what he'll make me do is so much more than that.

  "Come with me," Blaise orders. When I don't immediately follow foot, he grabs at my elbow, pulling me after him. I look down until I hear a laugh; a laugh I was waiting for. My head turns in that direction, knowing just what the results would be, but I’m unable to stop myself.

  Clarissa is there, standing next to a bald man, probably in his nineties. She has a smile on her face as she clips the end of his cigar. Her eyes move into my direction, making contact with me. They turn to slits, making it known she is angry with me. I can't blame her, I caused her far too much harm.

  Tears immediately start to form. She completely loathes me, just as she has every single right to. I turn from her angered face, looking at the door ahead of me. Just before it opens, Blaise whispers, "I warned you."

  My head snaps to look at him. "No, Blaise. No. Please." Cries escape faster than my words. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't hurt her. Hurt me. Please."

  His hand touches the door knob but he doesn't open it. "I can't hurt you," he says softly. "Javier will have my ass. You knew the rule, Liv. You've broken more than just that one tonight."

  "Blaise," I hiss angrily through my sorrows. "I'll make your life a living hell. Do not hurt Clarissa, I'm begging you."

  "Sounds more like you're threatening me, Liv. And if you haven't noticed quite yet, I'm in hell. And I'm enjoying the fuck out of it."

  The door opens, showing me Rusty sprawled out on the bed. At least he is fully dressed. "You will obey Mr. Greenland for the next twenty-four hours, or you will be punished." Blaise closes the door, leaving the two of us alone.

  I lean back on the closed door, trying to rest my beating heart. I've done nothing but fuck everything up, so from here on out, I'm going to obey the rules. Each and every one of them, no matter how much they disgust me. I can find a safe place inside my head, somewhere safe in my mother's arms, until the day I get Clarissa and escape. If Blaise does as he says and she dies before then, I'll do everything in my power to kill every mother fucker until either I'm gone or I'm dead.

  "Miss Donovan," Rusty caresses my name with his voice. Too bad it doesn't actually give me any comfort. "I was surprised to find you here tonight."

  "I could say the same," I reply.

  He laughs softly, making the situation worse, not better. The nicer he is to me, the more I realize how messed up in the head he has to be.

  "Come here, have a seat with me. I don't bite. Hard."

  Because of the promise I made to myself, I do as he says. I walk towards the bed, even with feet that feel like cement. My body is telling me to get the fuck out of here, while my head is telling me to submit.

  I sit on the bed, keeping a distance from Rusty, who is taking up the majority of the bed. "Talk to me, Miss Donovan. Tell me what you like?"

  "I like to be called, Liv."

  He chuckles, reaching his hand out to caress my knee. With the slit in my dress, he has bare skin under his touch. I hate how warm his touch is against me. "Liv, then. What do you desire? What ways do you like to feel pleasured? I'm not like the rest of them, I make sure my women are pleased to their liking. I like my women to come, over and over. I'll do anything you wish, Liv. Anything."

  My jaw shakes as I try to think of words to speak, but I can't answer him. I can't think of a way that I want to be pleasured by him, because with all honesty, no matter how he touches me, I won't feel pleasure. I'll feel repulsion and even more regret.

  "I'm not here to harm you," he tries to assure me. "I could tell you had interest in me at Roman's place. The way you smiled, the way you laughed, the way you kept yourself glued to my side for the duration of the meeting. You were interested in me, as I was with you. Now we're here, just the two of us. I want to make it worth your while."

  He seems to honestly think there was a connection between us, and if he truly is the type of person to please a woman, maybe I can distract him with something else. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, I’m just starving. I haven’t had food in such a long time, it’s making me feel weak. If you want to do this right now though, I just ask that you let me lay here while you takeover.”

  With an exaggerated sigh, Rusty pushes his hand up my leg more, getting closer to the spot I want to super glue shut. His fingers lightly caress my skin back down to my knee, then he sits up in bed, leaving me be. “I can’t have my lady starving. Let’s get you fed. You’ll need the energy for tonight anyways.”

  I stand the same time as Rusty, and flash a small smile in his direction. I don’t want to give him the illusion that I’m happy for tonight, but I don’t want to give away the fact that I’m playing him. Although, I didn’t exactly lie, I am starving. I just don’t know how much I can eat, with all the twists and turns inside my stomach at the moment.

  Walking out of the room, I keep my head down and my arm around Rusty’s. He leads the way out of the main area of people, and down the same hallway I entered into earlier. Just as we’re getting ready to head outside, Rusty asks, “What kind of food do you enjoy most, Liv?”

  I look up towards Rusty, but I can’t answer him yet, because there is a face that appears in my vision. He looks livid, as I expected him to be. He just doesn’t have the right to look the way he does.

  “Liv,” Roman says, grabbing the attention of Rusty as well. “Where are you going? Did Mr. Greenland purchase you already?”

  Rusty answers before I have the chance. “I rented her for the night. Blaise said I wasn’t allowed to rent her for the week, apparently he noticed the difference in this
one as well.”

  Instead of looking at Rusty, Roman continues watching me closely. He actually looks worried for me. Maybe Rusty isn’t as nice as he claimed to be. I still believe I’m better off with him than with Javier, regardless of what is to happen in the next twenty-four hours.

  “You hurt her, you’ll be done doing business with us.” He still doesn’t make contact with Rusty. “And when your time is up, bring her to me. You got it?”

  Rusty’s voice falters slightly. “Yes, Mr. Pelletier, I understand.”

  “Do you have my personal number?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Good. I have some business with her.” He finally turns his face from mine to look at Rusty, but my eyesight refuses to look away from his face. I can’t figure out if he is trying to actually help me, or if he just wants a test drive like Javier. The thought of that night in my room reminds me that he’s tried to have me once before.

  Rusty replies, “Understandable sir. Have a good night. There are a few more beauties left in there.”

  Without another word or glance, he walks around us, making me feel lonely once more with only Rusty by my side.

  Opening the passenger door of a shiny blue rental car, Rusty has me get in, then he actually reaches for the buckle and secures me to the seat. Probably as a precautionary that I don’t run. He starts the car once he slides into the driver’s seat, but he doesn’t leave yet.

  “You have yet to answer me, Liv.”

  “What?” I turn quickly to look at him, I was a little lost in thought, and didn’t realize I had missed something he said.

  “What do you enjoy most for food?”

  Oh, okay, I didn’t miss anything. I relax into the seat, telling myself that I just need to breathe, I just need to focus. I have lost control of a lot of things since turning myself in, the last thing I need to lose is myself. With a small inhale then exhale of breathe, I answer him. “I’m not a picky eater. I’ll take what I can get.”


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