Disturbed Beauty

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Disturbed Beauty Page 10

by Ashley Beale

  Keeping a towel wrapped around my hair, I dig through the bag and see several outfits. I'm not sure if they're all for me or not, but I grab a pair of cut off sweat pants and a tank top. There are white cotton underwear and some sports bras, all with tags on them in the bag. I put them on, as well as a pair of fresh white socks. The comfort the clothing brings me is unreal. I never realized the things I took for granted beforehand. Now I have a new appreciation of things in an everyday life. I'll never take anything for granted again… ever.

  I lay on the bed once my hair is combed out, and turn on the TV. I put it on the first thing I see that isn't news related, and lay back. It's all just white noise to me though. I don't watch anything, I just stare blankly at the TV, watching the people act out a fake life. One that always has a happily ever after. Something I know that is not true for anyone in real life.

  A pounding at the door wakes me with a start. I sit up fast, grabbing the pillow from behind me, holding it close to me.

  "I know you're in there Firecracker!" Javier's voice causes the hairs on my skin to stand.

  I look over to the empty bed, cursing Fernando for not being here. Was there some kind of secret plan he had with Javier, one that Roman possibly didn't know about? How does he know I'm here, specifically in this room?

  The pounding comes again. Sweat starts to cover the back of my neck. My body shakes, nervous for what is to come.

  "Open the door," he says louder. The threat in his voice is daunting.

  I slowly climb from the bed, making sure not to make any noise. Maybe if I'm quiet enough he'll leave. Maybe he'll think I escaped earlier. It's a bit farfetched, but a girl can only dream. I walk over to the window to find several screws in it, just as Fernando told me. It's now dark outside, and I can't see much. There is a hint of a glow over the parking lot, but I don't see any vehicles. The hotel for the most part is deserted.

  The pounding comes again, this time harder. He rattles the handle on the door, giving the whole door a shake. My heart pounds harder in my chest. I have nowhere in the room to hide.

  I walk towards the bureau which holds the TV and give it a shove. It moves easier than I expected. I continue to push it further until it's in front of the door. Next I walk over to the oversized chair in the corner by my bed, and push that to go in front of the dresser. It may not do much if he gets through the door, but at least it'll add on some time.

  Javier starts kicking at the door. "I can hear you in there! You're not going to escape me. You're mine, and only mine. Open this fucking door!"

  I stare at the door, willing this all away. The image of Jack Nicholson from The Shining pops into my head, and my mind expects the words, "Here's Johnny!" to start being yelled out. I shake my head from that image, and wish that this time Taryn was here to hold me close, whispering in my ear that it's all a movie. That this isn't real, and that I'll have amazing dreams tonight.

  None of that is going to happen. Taryn couldn't care less about me, I have no one to protect me, and nothing is going to be alright. I'm going to get raped, and probably killed. It's only a matter of time.

  The door starts to crack as Javier does something on his side. I'm not sure if he has an object or if he just has the strength, but the door continues to crack as he pounds harder on it. I run into the bathroom and lock the door. It’s just one more door to go through for him. He'll get there eventually, but the longer it takes, the better off I am. I think.

  I can hear the blast through the wood. Of course this couldn't be a higher end motel where the doors are made of something thicker, something safer. Hell, the manager hasn't even put a stop to this disaster.

  The shoving of the bureau starts. I hold onto the sink, looking at my reflection. I hadn't even noticed my tears until now.

  "If this door doesn't stop me, don't think that one will," I hear Javier threaten. The noise from the bureau starts and I know he will be in here in just a matter of minutes.

  The door rattles as he starts kicking at it. "Playing hard to get isn't a turn on for me." He thinks I actually care what turns him on. "You will be punished for this. I promise you." I close my eyes and hold on for dear life.

  Javier pushes through the door. "Firecracker," he whispers softly. "You sweet, feisty little cunt. I hope you're ready for your punishment."

  My nails dig into the ceramic of the sink. Javier's hands touch at my hips as he pulls me closer to him. My body is pressed against his, and he already has an erection poking into my backside. His mouth comes to my neck, pressing his filthy mouth down on my neck.

  I don't notice what is happening until after I'm already on the ground. I'm being pulled, but my mindset has brought me to a blur. I hear something and look around. I'm in the bedroom, being dragged on the floor. Javier is yelling, his body fighting off something. I'm shoved by him and roll over onto the ground, lying on my stomach. My hair gets tugged, causing a scorching pain on my scalp.

  Then he lets go and all the noise around me ends.

  I look to Javier, lying next to me barely breathing. Blood surrounding him. My eyes continue their search as I look above him. Roman stares down at Javier with a look of pure rage. He takes his foot and bashes it into the side of Javier's head. More blood starts to spit out.

  My body can't seem to move. I can't say any words. I just stare at Roman with... gratitude.

  He catches my eye and his body loosens. "Are you okay?" I can sense a fear in him I wasn't expecting. Maybe he does care... even just a little. Maybe I have been wrong about so much. Or maybe I was right all along. Too many questions still to be answered, but right now I don't want answers. I want safety. And the only person I can seem to find that in is with Roman.

  He walks around Javier and pulls on me, helping me to stand. My body still shakes, unable to stand on my own, so he does the unexpected once more. He picks me up and places me on the empty bed. "Please tell me you're alright."

  I slightly nod my head, even if it's a lie. I still can't speak.

  He walks over and grabs the bag Fernando left for me. He looks inside real quick before sliding it over his shoulder. He walks over and picks me up once more, cradling me like some kind of baby. I don't say anything, neither does he, instead he carries me out of the room towards the back entrance.

  A large SUV with tinted windows is parked just outside the door. He opens the back door and helps me inside. I lay down on the backseat, curling myself into a small ball. He makes his way to the driver seat, and without saying anything, he starts the car and drives away from my nightmare.

  The car shuts off and I wake up, quickly sitting to look around. It's mainly dark, but I can see flashing lights off in the distance. Lights that remind me of an airport. I look in front to Roman, giving him a questioning look although he probably can't see me.

  He doesn't say anything, instead he gets out and opens the back door to me. He gives me a shy smile when I look over at him questionably. "I didn't know you were awake. Are you able to walk or do you need me to carry you?"

  "I can walk," I mutter. My throat is dry and my face almost feels pained, like I've been punched in it a time or two recently.

  He opens the door wider and offers a hand. I take it as I climb down, still a little shaky either from the trauma or the long car ride, or a mixture of both. He closes the door and walks with me, not grabbing the bag or anything else from the SUV.

  "Where are we?" I ask.

  He points off into the distance. "I have to meet with a few people up here. We're taking a jet to America. I'll explain things on the way."

  I stop in my tracks and shake my head at him. "No. I'm not leaving without Clarissa."

  "I know," he says nonchalantly. He continues walking, so after a short pause I follow after him, wondering if that means she is here. I will not climb onto that jet without her. I refuse to.

  We walk into a lit space, full of moving trucks, people working, and other vehicles parked close by. There is only one jet in the area, with no labels on the side. It
's obviously some kind of private one.

  Two men in fitted suits walk over and shake hands with Roman. One man with a crew cut tells him, "We have the cargo loaded. They're just checking a few things, then you should be set to go in the next twenty minutes."

  "Sounds great, thank you both."

  The man answers with a curt nod, before they both turn around and walk towards another SUV matching the one we just arrived in.

  "What cargo? Where are we headed? What is going on? I need answers Roman, before I step on the plane."

  He gives a small chuckle. "Step on the plane and you'll start receiving all the answers you need."

  "No." I stand my ground, shaking my head and crossing my arms, like some kind of toddler not getting their way. I don’t care though, I didn't go through all of this for... for it to continue. I need answers, and I need them now. Like where is Clarissa? Did he save my other friends? Where are we going? I don't understand why he can't just tell me.

  "Liv," he says in his stubborn tone. "I will carry your ass onto that fucking jet if you do not walk on it yourself. After everything you've been through, it's the last damn thing I want to do, but I will."

  I stare at him for several minutes before I huff. "Can you just tell me one thing?"

  He raises a brow in answer, waiting for me to ask.

  "Do I get to go home?"

  He gives me a grave stare while thinking on that answer for a moment. I already know it's not the answer I want before he opens his mouth. "Not today, Liv. Soon, but not today."

  My lip trembles but I don't respond. I walk towards the plane, giving him the cold shoulder. He doesn't attempt to speak with me or give me any comfort, which I don't mind.

  Well, not completely.

  I wait at the bottom of the steps as he talks with another man for a moment. They give each other a handshake and walk away from each other. Roman's eyes stare cautiously at me. He is different somehow. I can't explain it. The bitter, harshness of his demeanor has disappeared and he seems... impressed. Maybe that isn't the word I'm looking for, but it's all I can seem to think right now. Something is going on, or has been done, and it's one of the many answers I hope to receive on the plane ride.

  "After you," he says when he reaches the steps. I roll my eyes and climb the stairs. I've never been on any kind of plane before, in fact, I've never even been on a roller coaster. I don't like heights. Between the unanswered questions and the fear of flying, my body is shaking uncontrollably before I'm even in the cabin.

  When I walk in, I spot several brown leather chairs, some already occupied by other men. They're all wearing suits. Every single one of them, like the other ones Roman has spoken with. They make me nervous, but nowhere near as bad as when I'm around Blaise or Javier, so I'm not exactly complaining.

  I sit in a seat and reach for the buckle. "This isn't where you're sitting," Roman tells me.

  I look up at him confused. "Am I sitting in the cock pit?"

  He chuckles with a headshake. I'm surprised he can find amusement so easily, especially after he came so close to killing Javier this very night. "No. Stand up. Let's go."

  With a heavy sigh, I stand and follow Roman. He walks to the back of a plane, down a very narrow hallway to where there is a door. I think it's the bathroom until I open it and there are several more seats. These ones are occupied as well, just this time with people I actually know.

  An astonished cry reverberates through my throat. I'm hit hard with emotion. So many more emotions than I can even explain. It's all coming together, at least I think, and even with all the questions I have, I just received more answers than I could have ever hope for.

  Mia is the first to stand as she runs over to me, hugging me tight. "I wasn't sure I'd see you again," she says.

  I wrap my arms around her, holding her as close as possible. Opal stands and waits, wanting to hug me too.

  Lizzie stares at me, a tight smile placed on her face. She doesn't give me any more than that, but it's enough. She knows I helped her, and she is saved. She is grateful, and that is enough for my heart to swell.

  Then it shatters. Just a little bit. Clarissa looks to me with disgust. Her face badly bruised and a massive chunk ripped from her hair. I don't know what happened to her since I saw her less than twenty-four hours ago, and I'm not sure I want to. It's enough to have her hate me even more than she already did.

  Mia pulls away, looking up at me with tears. "I... I didn't know. I didn't know I was being saved. By... by you."

  I push away her freshly washed hair and tuck it behind her ear. "I didn't save you, sweet girl." I tell her honestly.

  She peeks over my shoulder before looking back at me curiously. "Okay. Well. Thanks." There is a sense of disappointment in her voice, one of which I can understand. She sits down near the window and clicks her buckle into place. Opal walks over and gives me a hug as well, just as her tears start pouring down.

  "I'm so glad you're safe," I whisper.

  She squeezes me tighter before letting go. With her head down, she walks over and sits next to Mia, reaching out to hold her hand. I take an available seat next to her and look back over to Clarissa. She twirls the end of her hair and looks in any direction but mine. I want to know what happened. Which creep did this to her.

  Roman sits down away from us and watches me closely. I stare at him, unsure of what to think. He did it, he saved us. But what about the rest of the girls? And where do we go from here? Are we truly saved, or is this temporary? I don't need those answers right this second, instead I bask in the glory of us being away from that hell hole. Away from Javier, and Blaise, and any male who thinks he can touch anyone improperly.

  The jet touches down hours later. I slept most of the way, but my mind was going a mile a minute, even in my sleep. I peek out the window, which isn't exactly large, but I do notice a popular monument in the distance. I turn to look at Roman, confused. "Washington DC?"

  When a ding sounds overhead he unbuckles and stands, stretching his body out. His shirt peaks up and I can't help but stare as the lines in his lower stomach. I close my eyes quickly, telling myself how extremely inappropriate this is! Especially right now.

  I peek my eyes open and he is gone. I look over to see that Opal is giving me a questioning look with both brows raised. Thankfully Mia is looking curiously out the window, while Lizzie and Clarissa look to be sleeping. My cheeks blush at being caught by Opal, but I simply shrug my shoulders.

  I am the next to stand up, and as I do, the other girls do too. Mia wakes Lizzie and Clarissa up, and although I won't admit it out loud, I'm thankful. I don't want to talk with Clarissa until it can be just the two of us. I know she won't allow me to comfort her, especially not in front of people.

  Roman peeks his head back into the area. "Let's go."

  I look behind me at the girls and they all give me a look, as if saying for me to go first. So I do.

  Once we're off the plane, there are three SUVs, all matching the ones back in Mexico. I stand off to the side, and each of the girls follow foot. The men from the plane, including Roman, are already off and talking with one another.

  The weather is a lot cooler. I can feel myself shake, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. None of us are exactly dressed for the late fall weather of the north east. I always knew it was a lot cooler this way, I just never experienced it before, living in Arizona my whole life.

  After a few minutes of hopping around, warming ourselves up, Roman walks over with a smile. "Ladies. This way, please."

  Like a herd of sheep, we all follow behind him. He walks us over to the vehicles and opens the back door of two of them. "In the cars. They're going to the same place, so it doesn't matter which one you get in."

  Clarissa and Lizzie climb into one, Opal and Mia into the other. I feel conflicted on which one I should pick, but knowing I'll be more comfortable with the latter, I climb into the back, sitting next to Mia. Roman closes the doors to both vehicles then climbs into the front of ours.
br />   There is already a driver, and the car is running, making us all immediately warmer. I look over to the car that Clarissa is in, but I can't see anything except my face staring back at me. My heart contracts at the thought of her hating me. I want to make this right. That is what this was all about; saving her and making it all up to her. She is my best friend, the sister I always wanted, and I can't stand the pain of waiting for her forgiveness. The forgiveness I don't even deserve.

  Less than ten minutes in the car, we pull up in front of a tall brick building. The words Federal Bureau of Investigation is scrolled over the doors. My insides sink.

  Roman gets out of the car and opens the back door, allowing me out first. I stand on the sidewalk, next to a man that looks to be a bodyguard. There are several others just like him. All of us girls walk inside with the men, as Roman walks behind us, aside whom I assume to be an FBI agent.

  Did he get caught, is that what this is all about? Or did he turn himself in?

  We walk through the lobby, and one by one enter through a metal detector. The men continue to walk towards a series of elevators before pressing a button to go up. Surprisingly we fit into one elevator.

  Once we're on the correct floor, we're all pulled into a large office with no windows and only one heavy door. There are several seats around a wooden table, in which we all sit. None of us have spoken since we've arrived. Most of my focus has remained on Roman. He doesn't look nervous, so the theory of him getting caught seems too unlikely, but I'm not tossing it out the window yet.

  A woman dressed in a blue federal suit walks in and closes the door behind her. She walks to the head of the table, getting all of our attention immediately. She peaks a brow and looks around. "You guys couldn't have found a few women in the process? Don't you think these ladies are scared enough? You don't have the common decency to make sure they're not escorted by at least a female or two." She shakes her head furiously.

  No one answers but I look around and notice the indifference look on their faces. They hadn't thought twice about it. And quite frankly, neither had I. I don't think I can be any more scared than I was when Javier was trying to get me in the motel room.


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