Hidden Deceit: A Mafia Romance (Corrupt Minds Book 2)

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Hidden Deceit: A Mafia Romance (Corrupt Minds Book 2) Page 13

by Camille Alexander

  “Are you kidding?” Fabio looked at me as if I was mad. “It’s Ella we’re talking about. We’ll handle her with kid gloves, buddy, you know that.”

  “No point in mentioning it.” Mario was getting into the car. “It’s a done deal.”

  “Good, because Ella is pregnant.” The air was so thick you could chop it with an ax.


  My pounding headache had subsided, if only mildly. My eyes were accustomed to the dimly lit room, and I was more than ready to bitch slap someone with my nail studded plank. The erstwhile quiet was transformed when the sounds of men going about their workday seeped through the crack under the door.

  I heard the keys rattling and knew it meant the door would soon open again. I readied myself, plank in hand, stood next to the door, and waited to strike. The poor schmuck would never see it coming.

  I wielded my makeshift baton as soon as I saw a young man entering. I hit him so hard I heard his teeth rattle. He went down like the economy in a recession. I didn’t wait for him to recover before I made a break for it. The door was ajar as I sprinted for freedom. I was in a larger room, voices coming from beyond the door. I hid until they passed me and burst into a large warehouse. Men and women were busily filling canvas bags with coffee beans. They stopped what they were doing when they saw me. No one spoke or moved.

  “Please,” I pleaded softly, “help me.”

  They stared for a few moments more then, to my horror, got back to the job at hand. Where was their humanity? Were they that hard up for a job that they’d watch someone die? What the fuck?

  The now toothless wonder must have recovered because he was running at me with piss and vinegar written all over his bleeding face. I turned and tried to run past the heartless coffee slaves. I got as far as a few meters from the outside yard when the toothless one tackled me and threw me to the ground.

  “You bitch! I’m going to kill you.” He was not happy. He smacked me hard across my left cheek. Pain exploded across my face, and a flash of white light moved across my vision. I tried to recover and get up again, but he was holding onto me with an iron grip. He put his arm around my throat and started squeezing. I was sure my eyes would pop out of their sockets.

  “Enrico!” A voice boomed from across the warehouse. The startled asshole let go of my neck, and I fell to the floor, gasping for air. “What the fuck are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

  “Look what the bitch did to my face!” Enrico was holding on to his mouth. Blood was still pouring from it.

  “I don’t care if she bit off your dick! Abriana will kill all of us if any harm comes to this woman. Now, get a fucking grip and tie her up!”

  Enrico did as he was told. When he was done, he whispered into my ear. It sounded more like a hissing snake than a male voice. “I’m going to kill you slowly. I’ll make your husband watch. And when you’re dead, I’m going to kill him too.”

  My body went cold and rigid. How could I have been so stupid? I’d just signed Joe’s and my death warrant. Oh God, Ella, what have you done?

  Enrico frog marched me to a panel van outside, where he threw me into the back. “We can’t have you screaming like a banshee when we meet up with Joe, now, can we? You stay quiet and perhaps, I won’t kill you now.” He grabbed my breast and squeezed it so hard my eyes watered in pain. “Or perhaps, I’ll have a little fun before I give you back to him.” He moved his hand down the inside of my thigh towards my crotch.

  “Okay, let’s go, Enrico!”

  Saved by the bell. I watched as he adjusted himself and left me alone inside the van. I heard the door close, but not before he shoved a gag into my mouth.


  I hit the side of the van every time the driver turned a corner. I had no idea where they were taking me, but I had watched enough crime thrillers to know it wouldn’t be good. I heard the driver talking to Enrico through the mesh that separated them from the cargo area of the van.

  “I can’t wait to see the look on the great Joe Coli’s face when I carve up his little princess.” The driver laughed at Enrico’s words—there would be no mercy for the woman who knocked out his front teeth. I curled myself up into a ball, dreading the next few hours.

  After driving for a while, the van came to a stop. My heartbeat was pulsing in my throat. The driver’s door opened, then closed again. Then, I heard the passenger door open and close. I waited to be yanked out of the back of the van, most probably by my hair, but nothing happened. I couldn’t recall that silence had ever been that deafening.

  I waited but nobody came.


  The instructions were clear. I was to come to an abandoned warehouse near the docks, alone, and bring the money. The note had the usual “come alone or the girl gets it” crap, so I dropped Fabio, Mario and Franco a few streets away from the meeting place.

  “We’re right here, Joe. We’ll sneak up on them so quietly, they won’t see us coming. I love you, man.” Fabio put his hand on my shoulder before he got out of the car.

  The warehouse was a few blocks away. I hadn’t been to that side of town since I was a child. I’d go there with my father when he still owned a large fleet of fishing trawlers. It was the most exciting place for a young boy to be. I would play cowboys and Indians in the back of the warehouse on top of the highest pallets until it was time to leave. Every so often, I got to escort my father onto the fishing trawlers. The smell of fish made me nauseous, but it was worth it.

  When you’re a kid, everything is big and magical. The boats would dwarf a small boy such as myself. It was amusing to me when I grew taller—how a room could be so enormous when you were a kid, then become rather ordinary when you were a grown man. The feeling of excitement and anticipation I felt as a boy was a far cry from the fear and angst I felt as I drove to the abandoned side of the harbor.

  The gatehouse that once barred entry to anyone but my family was empty. The room that housed the guards forlorn, windows shattered. The sea air had not been kind to the walls and window sills. Everything made of metal was rusted, the paint chipped off the surfaces.

  I knew that my father’s best men and my gang of misfits were close behind, but I was nervous, nonetheless. As I drove up to the abandoned warehouse, a brute of a man, holding a tommy gun, stood at the entrance. Not the kind of guy you’d want to meet in a dark alley at night. He waved me on with the barrel of his gun, and I drove, obediently, into the warehouse.

  Five men, all armed, stood alongside a white panel van. I looked around before I got out of my car, sizing up the enemy. Three of the men were of average build—I’d have no problem taking them down. The other two were neckless gorillas, not too smart looking but definitely capable of snapping a man in half. I got out slowly with my hands open at my sides.

  “Frisk him!” The smaller of the five shouted the order. He was the ringleader, for sure. One of the muscle-bound giants came straight at me. I didn’t move a muscle, even though I longed to push my fist deep into his ugly face. Pick your fight, Joe.

  When Conan the Barbarian was satisfied that I wasn’t carrying a weapon, he nodded to the small man with the big attitude, who, in turn, approached me with caution.

  “You alone?”

  “I am. Where’s my wife?”

  “Where’s my money?”

  It was a standoff. Ordinarily, I’d be up for the challenge. I hadn’t made it to where I was in business by backing off when an opponent threw down the gauntlet. But I wasn’t in the boardroom now. I had to think through every step, every response, or my Ella would die.

  I prayed that Abriana’s plan was merely to humiliate my father and force him into making Gino his successor. I hoped that it wasn’t her intention to kill me. Surely a smart woman like her would understand that doing something so heinous would get her beloved son killed, Coli blood or no. Abriana had to know that she’d eventually be fingered as the mastermind behind the scheme. Nothing in Palermo stayed hidden forever. She was a conniving bitch, no
t a complete idiot.

  “I want to see my wife before I show you the money.”

  “You don’t have any say here.” He spat at me. “Now, where is the money?”

  I stood staring at him in silence. He nodded at Conan, who in turn punched me in the stomach. I dropped to the floor in a heap, a world of pain shooting through my gut.

  “I’ll ask you again. Where is the money?”

  I stood up and glowered at him, silent, defiant.

  Conan popped me again. Fuck! That one really hurt.

  I hoped the cavalry were close. I didn’t know how much more I could take from the pissed off giant. I had no doubt that he hadn’t even worked up a sweat yet. Probably too dumb to get tired.

  “Okay, that’s enough.” The menacing leader held up a hand and called off his monkey.

  “Is that all you’ve got?” I leered at him. And the award for the dumbest asshole in the world goes to . . . Cut the shit, Joe, you’re fucking around with Ella’s life.

  He raised an arm to one of the men behind him. The man walked out of the room and returned a short while later with Ella, bound and gagged. My first instinct was to rush over to her, but Conan elbowed me in the back, sending me to the floor. I lay looking up at Ella as I struggled to catch my breath.

  Ella’s eyes were bloodshot. She had tears of fear running down her cheeks. She was trying to speak but the gag in her mouth prevented her from doing so. The physical pain I felt while trying to catch the wind that got knocked out of me paled in comparison to the pain I felt for Ella right then.

  “You son of a bitch! You better pray that she’s not hurt, or I’ll . . .”

  “You’ll what? You’re not in the position to make any threats here, Joe. I hold all the cards. If you behave, I might not kill your little whore. That’s up to you. Now, bring me the money or you’ll never see her again.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  My heart skipped a beat when I saw Joe. I watched on, helplessly, as the brute elbowed him in the back. I saw Joe struggling for air and my body ached. I tried to yell out, but the gag kept me silent. When one of Abriana’s men yanked me out of the van, I was sure that it was all over. I saw my life flash before my eyes. I saw the faces of my parents, smiling and laughing as I starred in my first school play. I saw my mother’s horror as I crashed my first bicycle, sprawled on the sidewalk, blood streaming from my knee. I saw Bria and I sneaking out at night, doing what rebellious teenage girls do. I saw Joe, as he kissed me for the first time. I felt his touch as he made love to me, his soft whispers in my ear. We were finally together, living our new life in America, the excitement of new opportunities before us. This couldn’t be the end! Surely life wasn’t that cruel.

  I watched as Joe walked over to the trunk of the car and retrieved a large black bag. The brute beside him took it and handed it to one of the men. He opened it and rummaged through the contents. Satisfied with his loot, he nodded to the brute, who turned back to Joe and knocked him out, cold. I tried to scream but it was no use.

  Enrico dragged me back to the van and closed the door. A lifetime passed while I lay there, crying, heartbroken. When I was sure Joe had to be dead, the doors opened and Joe was thrown into the back of the van, next to me. He was lying so still I feared he was dead. Blood was trickling from a large wound at the back of his head. I nudged him with my shoulder. He didn’t move. I nudged him again. He moaned but didn’t open his eyes.

  He was alive! Oh, thank you, God! The van was moving at a pace, throwing Joe and I from one side to the other. A whack against the side of the van brought Joe back to consciousness.

  I nudged him with my shoulder and made the loudest noise I could manage with the gag in my mouth. Oh, thank God. He looked around at first, seemingly unaware of where he was. When he saw me, he snapped into first gear and rolled over to face me.

  “Ella, my love! Are you okay?” Let me get that gag out of your mouth, my gorgeous. What have those bastards done to you?” He pulled the gag out of my mouth. Then, he kissed me, careful not to hurt my busted lip.

  “Joe! I thought you’d never find me. I’m fine. It’s Abriana, Joe. Abriana took me, she . . .”

  “I know, my love. She has no idea that we know it was her. The men are following us at a distance. As soon as she makes an appearance, they’ll grab her. I’m so sorry, my gorgeous. Are you hurt?”

  I was so happy to see Joe that I’d forgotten about the pain. “I’m okay, Joe. Don’t worry about me. I’m worried about Abriana’s gorilla, Enrico, though. I hit out his two front teeth, and now, he’s out to get his pound of flesh.”

  “It’s okay, babe. The gang is gonna kick her vicious ass to the curb. And I can’t wait.”

  “I hope so, my love. I hope so.”

  “Darling, why didn’t you tell me you’re pregnant?”

  I watched as her eyes stared deeply into mine.

  “Pregnant? Are you sure?” Her response confused me somewhat.

  “You mean you don't know? But how is that even possible?” Surely that’s not something a woman forgot.

  “I took the test, but they grabbed me before I had a chance to check the results.” Her face turned from confusion to joy. “Really? I’m pregnant. We’re gonna have a baby?”

  “We will if I can get us out of here. You take it easy, Ella. Keep out of harm’s way.”

  That would explain the nausea. I guess the lasagna was good after all. Sorry, Mama.


  My beautiful Ella was being very brave, but I could see that she was in pain. She had a welt on her left cheek, and her lip was swollen. A faint bruise was developing around her left eye, a real shiner in the making. I couldn’t stand it when men hit women. It was the most cowardly act any man could perform. This Enrico dog was going to rue the day he laid eyes on Ella.

  The van came to an abrupt stop, sending Ella and I sliding into the back of the cargo hold. I checked on my Ella who assured me that she was okay. There were voices outside and the sound of a warehouse roller door opening. This was, undoubtedly, where Abriana held court.

  “What are we going to do, Joe?” Her eyes pleaded with me to solve the problem.

  “Hang in, my love; it’s going to be fine.”

  “I think the time for pretty words and gossamer promises is over, Joe. If we don’t make it out of here, I want you to know that I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you. If we don’t get the chance to grow old together surrounded by our beautiful children, please know that the time I got to spend with you, to love you, and be loved by you has been the best time of my life.”

  “Stop talking like that, Ella. We’re not dying at the hands of Abriana and her thugs. I won’t let anything happen to you and our baby. The gang is going to bust in here as soon as they see Abriana.”

  “Are you that confident, my love?”


  The doors to the cargo hold opened, and a man with a bloody mouth and two missing teeth leered at us.

  “Enrico, I presume.” He was not charmed.

  “That’s right. You won’t be so chatty when I pull out your tongue.”

  “Fuck you.” My blood was boiling.

  “You might change your attitude when I tell you what I have in store for that pretty bitch of yours.” He grabbed his groin and made a lewd gesture as he watched my expression. He laughed out loud at my disdain.

  “You touch her and I’ll skin you myself, you lowlife piece of shit.”

  A voice from behind him snapped him out of his antics. I knew the voice. The same voice that spoiled my wedding day, the same voice that no doubt threatened my Ella.

  “Abriana. Pleased with yourself, are you? Enjoy the moment. It will be short-lived.”

  “Take them to the back room,” she barked at Enrico and his men. Her thugs manhandled us again.

  Inside the small room stood three chairs and a table. Abriana followed us into the room and closed the door.

  “What do you think is going to h
appen here, Abriana? Do you think for one moment that my father will sit idly by while you kidnap and torture his son?”

  “Gino is his son too! Your father will do whatever I say. He doesn’t know who you’re with. I make the rules here.” She walked around the room while Ella and I sat tied to our chairs.

  “So what’s the plan, Abriana?”

  “It’s quite ingenious if I may say so myself. Your father will get a letter telling him that you and Ella will die if he doesn’t do exactly as instructed.” She looked at me, a triumphant smile accentuating the crow’s feet in the corners of her eyes. She must have been quite a looker in her day. She was still a handsome woman. It was a pity that her villainous personality erased every bit of beauty from her.

  She continued her cruel dialog, trailing the back of my shoulders with her nail. “You know, you look just like your father, Joe. Just as handsome. I can see why your wife is so besotted with you. You’re pretty. Perhaps I’ll have a little taste of you before Enrico kills you.” She ran her fingers through my hair, grabbing a handful, jerking my head back. She stared into my eyes and smiled.

  “Let go of him, you old hag!” Ella was struggling to break free, desperate to scratch Abriana’s eyes out. The old witch turned to Ella and slapped her across the face. I lunged myself at her, the legs of my chair snapping as I tumbled to the ground.

  “Calm down,” she said to Ella. “It was just a thought. The Coli fever left my loins years ago. Lust and love were replaced with loathing and hate.”

  “Enrico! Mr. Coli had a little accident. Please, bring him another chair.”

  She stood at the door, smiling. Then, she turned and walked away.

  “Hello again, my pretty. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.”

  I couldn’t do a damn thing to help my wife.


  I was getting really tired of having the shit slapped out of me. My face was swelling to the size of a football. As if the fun wasn’t too much to handle already, I now had Enrico to contend with. He was such a sleaze, the mere touch of his hand made my skin crawl. I kept my mouth shut, though. I wasn’t going to antagonize him any more than I already had. I didn’t want him to lash out at Joe.


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