The Gathering

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The Gathering Page 22

by S L Dearing

  Justin Roberts stood up and leaned on the table.

  "I'd like to venture my opinion, Alia. I believe that your village has been marked by the devil. Satan's works are all about us."

  Alia smiled crookedly and leaned on the table, as several of the other leaders nodded and whispered in agreement.

  "I see, and what about St. Viviana's, Justin? They were all upstanding Christians, why them? No, I think that whoever is behind this wants us to turn against one another, playing on our beliefs and our faiths as well as our intolerances."

  Grant Turner stood up.

  "I think Alia's right. Most of us live in villages where religion is our commonality. What better way to stir the pot than at a Gathering, when we're all here together and being forced to tolerate one another? Hell, for some of us, tensions run high and those individuals have a hard enough time being good about abiding by the rules."

  Larry Hearst looked over in the direction of Justin and Stephan and then at several of the other fundamentalist leaders. They all shifted in their seats and several cleared their throats. Aaron Levine stood next to his friend and placed his hand on his shoulder.

  "I agree. This is not the work of the devil. This is another kind of evil."

  Alia nodded and sighed.

  "There is a dark and dangerous power among us and I fear that it has nothing to do with a Christian God. For several weeks, we at the Fail have noticed small changes and occurrences in the energy that surrounds all of us. I asked Beverly Watson, our new head healer, to investigate. Beverly, have you been able to find out anything about these changes?"

  Beverly stood up and began to walk around the room, leaning slightly on her worn willow staff.

  "Well, Ma'am, Ms. Elena and I have been working closely with the our healers, as well as some of the healers from other villages. We were at a loss initially as to where these new powers were coming from. I had put Rona and Darla in charge of discovering something and lo and behold, they came up empty. Needless to say, I was shocked."

  Some in the room sighed in response to Beverly's sarcasm, shaking their heads, while others simply smiled to themselves, but Stephan Merganser shifted in his seat at the mention of Rona's name. He took a deep breath and remembered his conversation with Rona and then he thought about his dream. He remembered it as a dream, but it was so real. He and Alia had been intimate, or at least he thought they had. He knew he must do something to save her from Lantry's poison. He returned his gaze to Beverly as she continued.

  "So we decided to do our own research. My wonderful right hand, Evelyn Tran, was able to track serious readings from the direction of the old observatory. So we ventured out last night to do some research and we have determined that the energy is coming from the Branson Caves."

  "The caves?" Alia asked.

  "Yes, Ma'am. Right out of those caves. It's like a charge in the air. Not electric, but…oh how should I say…alive? It's not something of our world."

  Justin crossed his arms and Aaron stood up.

  "You're saying that the air coming from the caves is alive? And when you say ‘other world,’ what do you mean, like another planet?"

  Beverly laughed and shook her head.

  "Not outer space, President Levine, but space within the realm of dimension. And yes, alive, but not like you and I, although when you stand in its path you sense that it does have a purpose."

  Alia looked at Beverly frowning.

  "You went out to the caves, Bev?"

  Beverly shrugged and walked back to her seat.

  "Yes, Ma'am. You see, we've all been having dreams and each one led us to those caves, so we went out last night to see what all the fuss was and sure enough, that air was heavy with magic."

  Alia continued to stare at Beverly.

  "You went out without protection, Bev?"

  Beverly smiled.

  "Well now, I wouldn't say that. We definitely had some protection."

  Beverly smiled and winked at Alia, touching the middle of her forehead. Alia smiled and understood. The unicorns had revealed themselves to the healers. Larry Hearst stood up.

  "But the caves were manmade, how could this ‘magic’ be coming from them?"

  Elena raised her eyebrows and looked at her son-in-law, surprised. He looked at her and smiled slightly.

  "Don't get excited, Mama, I'm still not convinced there's anything out there."

  Elena waved him off and stood up. Stephan frowned as she began to speak, remembering again what Rona had said about the gypsy.

  "Many things we still do not understand, but as we stood in the flow of the magic, it moved through us and we can all see a bit more clearly today. It felt as if someone had left a window open and a breeze was being let in. Then we remembered…the sound weapons."

  Alia frowned.

  "The sound weapons?"

  Beverly nodded.

  "Yes, all those nasty new bombs and guns that attacked people with sound. It's a wonder we aren't all deaf, isn't it? Well then we started to think, if sound can do that kind of damage to a person or a building, and I'm sure we all remember, then what would it do to an inter-dimensional wall?"

  Elena nodded and continued.

  "You see the veils between each realm are fragile. My mother used to tell me about people who disappeared and then returned with tales of adventure of other worlds. People have been slipping in and out of other dimensions for thousands of years; at least my people have always believed so. Anyway, the weapons must have created tears and cracks everywhere, maybe not so big, but after many years, a small tear gets bigger and bigger, letting in many things from the other side."

  Alia closed her eyes and relaxed her shoulders as she rested her mouth against her closed hands.

  "Of course."

  The dignitaries looked at her quizzically, just as Sean walked in and stood by Myron at the door.

  "This is starting to make sense."

  Alia stood up and looked at Sean.

  "Earlier today, Captain Lantry and myself, along with two of my children and Scott Forrester, discovered some creatures living in our forest. I was at a loss as to where they could have come from, but now this makes sense. For the last thirteen odd years, items, objects, creatures and possibly people, have been moving into our world from another realm."

  They all looked around, when Mona Gantry stood up. Mona was the queen of Calvary, the Southern Baptist village.

  "If you don’t mind me asking, Alia, what kind of creatures?"

  Alia smiled.

  "I don't think you'll believe me."

  Larry looked at her.

  "Go ahead, Alia, at this point, I don't think there’s much more that could shock me or anyone else in this room."

  "Alright, then, but you must all swear to keep this information to yourselves for the time being…it is imperative to the safety of these creatures."

  All the dignitaries agreed.

  "They are…unicorns."

  All but a few of the dignitaries shifted and were obviously skeptical, dismissing the idea. Then Grant Turner stood up.

  "I have never known Alia Stark to lie, so if she says there are unicorns in the woods, than I believe her."

  Beverly stood up.

  "They are indeed outside this village, and a good thing too. They carry a powerful magic. A pure magic."

  Beverly sat back down and everyone quieted. Grant looked back at them and continued.

  "What about St. Viviana's? The fact that there are unicorns residing so close by is great, but what about the KMC? Was it this flow of magic that killed those people and sent these imp things to infect us?"

  Beverly waved her hand and shook her head.

  "No, no, President Turner. This magic is neutral. It is neither good nor evil. It just is. Having said that, it only means that the magic is as benevolent as the person who wields it. We believe that something or someone came through the caves already, probably some time ago and that they are evil. Elena, Darlin', if you wouldn't mind…"
r />   As Elena stood up, Alia remembered what the unicorns had told her and frowned.

  "Yes, you see an imp is a demonic creature that only comes when called upon. It would take someone very knowledgeable in the ways of old magic to conjure an imp and then control it."

  Stephan stood up.

  "With all due respect, Mrs. Petrulengo, aren't you someone who is wise in the ways of this old magic?"

  The room murmured and stirred in agreement. Alia's eyes narrowed as she looked at Stephan, but Elena smiled.

  "I am old, Mr. Merganser, but I am not that old. Besides, this old gypsy has never used magic to harm anyone."

  Stephan muttered under his breath.

  "Not that we know of."

  Justin Roberts stood up and gently placed his hand on Stephan's shoulder, quietly implying he sit down, which he did. Stephan's head was pounding and all he could see was Alia being forced to succumb to Sean Lantry's lust and it was all the old gypsy woman's doing, the two of them controlling every move she made.

  "I have noticed that the items your staff made appear to be working,” Justin said. “And I, for one, am grateful for the protection that God has placed upon these items, but I must know if our villages are in danger?"

  The group nodded and looked to Alia.

  "I believe we're all in danger. I've already been warned of a traitor in our midst and the attack on St. Viviana's just means that all of our villages must be diligent, however, I don't believe you should all be hasty in returning home. The road back to your villages would be dangerous and your groups are relatively small in number. Instead, I think you should stay here and I would ask that you contact your homes and warn them of an army, a black army."

  Everyone looked at each other then back at Alia. Sean stepped forward as she continued.

  "They are all men, wearing black armor and they aren't flying a banner. If they are seen, tell your people to bar the gates and lock down the village. Set their soldiers to all corners of the village and defend their homes at all costs. Never let them in."

  Justin Roberts looked at Alia and shook his head. Edward Nyland's pale face grew even paler and he set his gaze to the table before him. Alia stared off into the distance as Beverly Watson took her hand and nodded when the queen looked at her. Alia knew then that Bev had been having the dreams too. Justin stood up.

  "I find all of this suspect, Alia. How do you know about this army?"

  Alia smiled wryly and looked at Justin.

  "Dreams, Justin. I've seen them in my dreams."

  "Dreams are the brain’s way of releasing anxiety. I hardly think a woman's dreams are a basis to become frightened of everyone we meet."

  Several of the other leaders nodded their head in agreement with Justin. Eunice Shek, representative of the Buddhist camp, stood up.

  "She is not the only one to dream, President Roberts. Many from my village have also had this dream."

  Several other leaders stood up and admitted that many of their people had been having nightmares about a black army and falcons. Mona Gantry threw up her hands.

  "Well, I understand there is something afoot, but I hardly believe in precognitive dreams. The Lord has not told me of an army and I only listen to the Lord and his holy Son."

  Voices were lifting as the differences in faith started to boil over. Edward Nyland slammed his hands on the table and stood up. The silence was deafening.

  "ENOUGH! Have none of you heard what I told you? They tortured them and murdered them. A young girl…a child was decapitated and her head hung on a wall! They broke them and laid them in pyres and they were still alive! They raped the women and slaughtered the children!"

  Edward looked at Justin.

  "I too follow the word of the Heavenly Father, Justin, but you must understand that He can only do so much. We must be aware and tell our people to trust no one they do not know…and even then, be careful!"

  He collapsed back into his chair as silent tears rolled down his face. Alia looked at Edward, sad and angry that this gentle man was so traumatized and most likely changed forever. She stood and looked around the table.

  "I'm not asking you to believe in the ways of my gods, but you had better start thinking about your people. I knew some of you would find reason to doubt anything said here, but like it or not, for some reason there is an evil among us and we need to work together to stop it."

  The dignitaries nodded and most lowered their heads. Stephan was now staring at Sean.

  "I think it's your sin that's brought this evil here."

  Alia frowned and stared at Stephan, as Sean crossed his arms and stepped forward, returning Stephan's ugly stare.

  "Sin? What sin? What do you think you know about me, Merganser?" Sean asked.

  Stephan looked at Alia with angry jealousy, then back at Sean.

  "Many believe that you have put Alia in a horrible position, using her to feed your carnal lust and she is none the wiser. Perhaps you have been infected by this evil and are the catalyst from which it spreads?"

  Justin Roberts put his head in his hands. Alia stood up and placed her hands down on the table in front of her.

  "Are you suggesting, Stephan, that Captain Lantry has been slipping me roofies and having his way with me?"

  Stephan's head was pounding and all he could see was the image of Sean Lantry forcing himself on Alia.

  "Yes, that is what I am saying!"

  Sean charged Stephan for his accusations, but was held back as Myron grabbed his arms.

  "You son of a bitch! Let me go! You aren't gonna get away with that accusation, Merganser!! I swear it!"

  Sean struggled against Myron as Alia walked over to Sean and placed her hand on his heart. She looked into his eyes.

  "Stop. Captain, stop!"

  He looked into her eyes and stopped struggling. She was furious with Stephan Merganser for causing Sean any pain. She knew his accusations had cut Sean deeply. The tension in the air was thick. Stephan continued.

  "I also have it on good authority that Lantry didn't act alone. That the old gypsy woman was the one who gave him the drugs to lull you into a trance, allowing him to take advantage of you."

  Stephan stood and walked to Alia. She stared at him and used every ounce of strength she had not to strike him. Then his tone changed.

  "You are so fragile since the death of your husband. You need protection. Let me protect you. Let me help you."

  Justin threw his arms in the air and several of the other leader's mouths dropped open as Stephan professed his undying love for Alia. Larry Hearst was now out of his seat and starting for Stephan when Elena stood before him.

  "You take that back, you crazy thumper! My mother-in -law is the kindest and most gentle woman to live on this planet."

  Elena stopped Larry by the power of her presence. She touched his hand.

  "It is alright, Larry. It means nothing what he says."

  Beverly now stood up, her tall, lean frame like a wise soothsayer of old.

  "Nonsense, I believe that what he has told us is of great importance. On what authority have you been given this information, President Merganser?"

  Bev's eyes were wide and calm. Stephan looked at Beverly and then Alia, slightly reaching for her hand, but she pulled back from him with a look of disgust. His eyes narrowed and he looked back at Beverly.

  "I'm not at liberty to discuss my sources."

  "I thought not, but no matter."

  Beverly sat back down and smoothed out her clothes.

  "I'm sure everything will be revealed in good time."

  Alia turned back to Sean and motioned for him to stand by her chair, away from Stephan. She also indicated that Myron follow lest Sean be taken by a sudden urge to kill Stephan again. The room sat in nervous silence waiting to see what would unfold next. Alia leaned on the table and looked at the people before her.

  "Beverly is correct. Time reveals all, but for the record, Sean Lantry has not plied me with narcotics, nor has Mrs. Petrulengo spiked my cof
fee and forced me to do anyone's bidding, although I am addicted to those éclairs."

  Several nods and smiles appeared as Alia continued and Elena lifted a hand to dismiss the compliment, still smiling.

  "In addition, I'm not under the influence of any demonic spirit. The captain is not my lover, not that it's really anyone's business but mine and the captain's, but you all seem to want to know. So, let's lay it all out there, Stephan, I do not need you to save my soul. I do not love you. I will never marry you. I do not need your protection and I am not nearly as fragile as many of you might think. Do I make myself clear?"

  "You're a witch, Alia Stark!"

  "Now you're getting it, Stephan."

  Justin Roberts had gotten up and walked to where Stephan was standing and laid his hand on his friend’s shoulder. The look on Justin's face made Stephan go back to his chair and sit down. Grant Turner, who was now standing, took hold of Larry Hearst's shoulder and gently pulled him back to his seat, nodding at Elena, who tapped Larry gently on the hand she had been holding. Grant then looked at everyone.

  "Alright, alright, let's all calm down. I've known these two for thirteen years and I know that Sean has the utmost respect for the queen of Lia Fail."

  The dignitaries breathed deeply as the last of the tension began to fade. Elisabeth Garrison, the lead pastor of Dove Hill, the non-denominational Christian camp, stood up.

  "So let's say your dreams are accurate… you believe this army is still out there, Alia?"

  Alia looked at her and nodded.

  "Yes. We have no reason to think that they would have left. I think they want something, possibly something here, and there must have been a fair number of them to do the damage that they did."

  Edward was white and his eyes were red. He looked about the room and then stood up.


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