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The Gathering

Page 28

by S L Dearing

  Sean leaned forward, cupping his hands around Alia's head, and kissed her. She was heady as she felt the softness of his lips on hers and the stubble of his cheeks against her face. She could smell the musk on his skin and she felt light-headed. Sean pulled back and smiled at her.

  "I never thought I would ever hear you say that. I've loved you for so long."

  He leaned in and kissed her again and then he stood up and grabbed her into an embrace, swinging her around. He finally set her down and she smiled at him, lightly twirling her fingers around the ends of his hair.

  "I love you, Alia."

  Alia felt a tear roll down her cheek and she breathed deeply.

  "Then why don't you show me how much?"

  Alia smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  "Take me to bed, Captain."

  Sean smiled and lifted her up in to his arms and carried her up the main stairs to her room. After he entered, he set her down and locked the door behind him.

  When he turned back around, Alia had dropped her robe to the floor and there she stood before him. She was beautiful. He reached out and lightly touched her hips, moving his hands across her back and around the curves of her bottom.

  She moved her arms around his neck and they allowed their lips to hover over one another, their breath becoming one. Sean's breathing grew faster and he pulled her to him and let his lips envelop hers. He left his eyes open so he could see her, see his dream. He moved his head back and gently bit her bottom lip, sucking ever so slightly. She responded to his every move, the coarseness of his hands against her skin, the softness of his lips on her neck, and then she felt his hand move between her legs. A finger moved between her lips and plunged into her wet darkness. She felt herself shudder against him and let a moan escape.

  Every cell in her body responded to his touch. She felt her hands move to his shirt and untie the cords that held it. She tugged and pulled the shirt off his back and then moved to his pants. She unbuckled the top of his pants as he continued to make her shudder.

  She pushed the leather pants down and felt him, hard and throbbing against her touch. He grabbed the back of her head by her hair and he devoured her mouth again, moving back to her neck. She grabbed his back and felt the skin give way under her nails and he moaned.

  Sean moved Alia back onto the bed, lifted her leg and buried his face between her thighs. She watched him until his lips touched hers then she arched her back and closed her eyes. It was more than she could bear. She grasped the bed covers as he bore ever deeper into her, growing more excited with each raspy breath she drew.

  Her moaning grew louder and louder, then Sean abruptly stopped and gently bit the inside of Alia's leg. She pushed herself up and looked down at him. They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, and then Sean lunged at her.

  She felt the weight of him, the musky scent of him and she groaned in ecstasy. His mouth was everywhere. It found its way back to hers and he kissed her hard and deep, her tongue responding to every move he made. Then he stopped, again staring into her eyes from above her. His hand moving the hair from her face, except for the little curl by her left eye.

  His lips were touching hers, but teasing. Every time she tried to kiss him, he would pull back and smile. He moved again to kiss her and as their lips touched, he entered her.

  She moaned as he filled her, hard and long. She raised her hips to meet every thrust, making him go deeper and deeper.

  Sean tried desperately to hold on; knowing every plunge brought him closer to climax and less control. Her body was so soft and the noises she made were more exciting than he had ever imagined. She was wet and warm and her lips were red and swollen. He looked at her face, twisted into ecstasy. She was moving to the rhythm he set, and he could tell she was close. Her breathing began to quicken and she began to moan.

  "Yes. Oh, yes!"

  Sean thrust harder and faster and felt her shudder all around him. He could no longer contain himself. He arched his back and climaxed. Their rigid bodies clutching to one another until there was nothing left, only the sounds of their breathing and the beating of each other's hearts.

  Slowly Sean lifted his head and gently kissed Alia's lips. She caressed his cheeks and moved his hair from his face and once again gazed into those brown eyes.

  "How long?" she asked.

  He rubbed his hand through his hair and stared down at her.


  "No, lie to me now, Sean."

  He smiled at her sarcasm.

  "Since the day I pulled your girls out of the water."

  She lifted herself up on her elbows.

  "All this time? Did Paul…"

  Sean shook his head.

  "No, never. I just figured I would go on like we had till the day I died. I didn't allow myself to believe that you would ever…"

  She brought his face to hers and kissed him passionately and slowly. He pulled back and closed his eyes as they pressed their foreheads together. He leaned down and nuzzled into her neck, then rolled onto his side. He grabbed her from behind and held her in his arms.

  "Give me a minute," he said, "to recover, then we'll go again."

  She allowed herself to smile. Things change and she wasn't afraid anymore. Time was the precious commodity and what you did with it was what was most important. She loved him and he loved her back.

  She heard him breathing deeply and she knew he slept. Soon she drifted off to sleep as well, thinking about what would happen when he had recovered.


  Albion walked slowly through the field. The sun was bright and the sky was clear. He moved his hands over the tall grass.


  He looked around but didn’t see anyone.


  He spun around and twisted his head. He knew that voice, but he couldn’t see her.

  “I’m over here, Sweetheart.”

  The voice called to him. He was becoming frantic.

  “I can’t see you,” he said.

  “I’m right here.”

  He began to run in the direction of her voice, the grass crunching under his feet as he darted in all directions, the foxtails scratching his arms.

  “Where?” he asked.


  The voice was soft, merely a whisper. He stopped, turned, and there she was standing before him. She was beautiful. She smiled and he threw his arms around her.

  "Where have you been? I thought you left me," he said.

  "I could never really leave you. You think of me often, don’t you?"

  "Always. I miss you so much. When are you coming home?"

  "I can't, My Love. I have a new life now. But I miss you so much. Everything would be perfect if you were here with me."

  Albion smiled and pulled back to look at her. Her eyes were still so blue.

  “I can come. Tell me where you are and I'll come.”

  She backed away from him and he tried to hold her.

  “Only Rona can bring you to me, Darling. If you release her, she will bring you to me.”

  “But she’s in jail…she tried to hurt people.”

  “She is the only one, Albie. She’s the only one who can bring you to where I am.”

  Albion felt his heart beating and he held tightly to her hands, but they were disappearing as he held them. Then he noticed that she was fading.

  “No, NO!! Come back!! Don’t leave me again!!”

  “Rona, Sweetheart, Rona will bring you to me.”


  Then she was gone and Albion was alone again in the field. He felt the hot sting of tears on his face and he cried out for her.


  He sat up in bed. The cold morning air made his face twinge and he wiped his cheek. The cold wetness of his tears startled him as he felt his breathing slow.

  A dream, but he had felt her. Maybe it was Rona. Rona who had filled his father’s head with lies was now trying to fill his head with a
false hope. He felt the warm tears come again and he wiped his eyes.

  The door of his room opened and he looked up and saw his father in the doorway.

  “Albion? Son, are you alright?”

  Stephan stepped into the room and sat on the edge of Albion’s bed. The boy looked at his father bleary-eyed as Stephan laid his hand on Albion’s head.


  Albion nodded.

  “Your mother?”

  “Uh, huh.”

  “She loved you very much. I know you miss her.”

  Albion nodded again and hugged his father as he began to sob. Stephan felt his heart breaking.

  “It’ll be alright, Son.”

  Then Stephan held his youngest child and let him cry until he fell back to sleep. He laid Albion gently in his bed and quietly walked out of the room.

  When the door had latched, Albion turned over and sighed. He now had a chance to get to know his father, but he couldn’t get his mother out of his head. What if she was alive? He had always felt that she was and now there might be a chance.

  He pulled back his covers and changed his clothes. He put on his shoes and opened his bedroom door. He looked around and saw the light coming from under his father’s door. He waited and watched, and then the light went off. He moved silently down the hallway to the front room and took his keys from the counter. He gently unlatched the door and closed it quietly behind him.

  As he walked out the main door of Keystone House, he zipped up his jacket and made off in the direction of the jail. He needed to speak with Rona Mason.


  The falcons flew high and straight to the mountains of old San Bernardino, to the black castle that stood tall and foreboding in the dark morning sky.

  The Shape felt them overhead and rose from his bed, softly so as not awaken the women. They stirred for a minute and then stilled. He pulled his cloak around him and walked to the door. He opened it and walked out on to the balcony.

  The cold wind of the early morning whipped around him and he breathed deeply, filling his lungs with air. The world was his for the taking if he could harness the power of the goddess. He felt his powers waning. He had consumed the last of his unicorn blood. He needed more to complete the spell, but they were as yet, nowhere to be found.

  He heard a screech and turned towards the sky. Out of the darkness came his pets. They moved gracefully through the air, like leaves falling from a tree, and landed on his outstretched arm. He smiled as they chirped quietly. They relayed the information to him as Rona had told them. He smiled and nodded and they flew to the ledge of the balcony. Then as he was about to go inside, they chirped again.

  He smiled and looked towards the west. He swiftly opened the door and returned moments later with a large bowl. It was filled with strips of raw flesh. He placed the bowl on a table in the center of the balcony and called to them.

  The birds flew to the table and were soon joined by their brethren. The falcons that flew high above the castle rained down upon the terrace. The small raptors ripped and tore at the meat before them. The Shape laughed as he watched and then he looked at the sky.

  “You’re going to lose this one, Bitch. Once I have her, all of her powers will be mine…all of your powers will be mine.”

  He laughed again and turned, walking back into the bedroom. His virility had returned and he satiated it. As he ravaged his companions, the wind outside grew fierce and the sky flashed with lightning. And when the last strike hit the earth, from the burning ground arose a congress of ravens. They flew to the west. There was still time.


  Albion walked swiftly to the jail, taking special care to make sure that he wasn’t seen. As he neared the jail, he dodged into the shadows, just as the tall, lean frame of Molly Creegan walked through the village streets, followed by Arthur Jones.

  The two soldiers lifted their lamps in the direction of the jail and looked, but they saw nothing. They continued on their rounds in silence. Albion, who had hidden behind a barrel of ale, now stood up and looked after them. He grabbed several boxes and stacked them next to the window and climbed up. He looked inside and saw Rona and Darla, both asleep. He lightly tapped the metal bars, but Rona didn’t move. In his loudest whisper he called her name.

  “Rona! Rona!!”

  Rona lightly stirred as he called to her again. She rolled over and squinted in the faded yellow glow.

  “Who is that? I’m asleep!”

  “Shhh, the guards will hear.”

  “Like I give a damn! Who are you?”

  “Albion…Albion Merganser.”

  “Oh, you.”

  She sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed and rubbed her eyes, then looked over at him.

  “Well, what the hell do you want?”

  Albion sighed.

  “Why are you sending me those dreams?”

  Rona cocked her eyebrow.

  “Come again?”

  “You sent my father dreams about Mrs. Stark to make him believe God was talking to him and now you’re sending me dreams about my mother.”

  Rona got up and walked over to the window.

  “I don’t do dreams, Kid.”

  “Yeah, right… then who did?”

  Rona smiled.

  “How the hell would I know? Maybe your mom decided to make contact with you, I don’t fucking know.”

  Albion frowned at her, confused.

  “My mother’s dead.”

  Rona laughed.

  “Yeah, right.”

  Albion started to breath quickly and he grabbed the bars.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? What do you know about my mother?”

  Rona shook her head.

  “Ok, here’s the deal. Anne Merganser is alive and well and living in San Bernardino. She ran out on you and your brother and your dad.”

  Albion shook his head.

  “That’s not true, my mother wouldn’t leave me. You’re lying.”

  Rona shrugged, walked back to the cot and sat down.

  “Whatever, Kid… like I give damn what you think. Why would I lie about that?”

  “So I would get you out of jail.”

  “How the hell are you gonna get me out of here?”

  “My mother… the mother in my dream said that you could bring me to her. In order to do that, I would have to let you out.”

  “Well, I guess if you can get us out, then I can call the Master. It may take some doing though.”

  “You don’t know my mother, you’re lying.”

  Rona sneered, got up and walked back over to the window, pulling her face against the bars and right up to Albion’s.

  “Get this, you snot-nosed little shit! I may have done a lot of things, but I do not need to lie to the likes of you. You wanna know what happened to your mom? Fine!! Your mom was out picking berries with those other broads when the Master came along. He says to come along quietly and they won’t be hurt. The others tried to run, so he killed them, boom! Your old lady wasn’t happy at Crystal Shade cause daddy was tapping the local beauties.”


  “He was banging his assistant and your mom found out. The Master says she’s a beauty, so she saw her chance and jumped ship. Turns out that he had a thing for her and she loves it!! The only thing she’s been bitching about all these years is you! I guess he finally caved and said you could come. There’s your lie, Kid! Enjoy it!! Now, fuck off!!”

  Rona turned and crawled back into bed. Albion stared down at her, only now seeing Darla standing in her cell watching. He noticed how sad she looked.

  “You’re Darla, aren’t you?”

  Rona sighed and pulled her covers up around her as Darla nodded.

  “She’s telling you the truth. She likes to tell people the truth when it hurts them.”

  “Why don’t both of you shut your pie holes so I can go back to sleep!”

  Albion looked over at her and then back to Darla.

  “Why wouldn’t
you lie?”

  “I would. I did.”


  Rona threw back the covers and sat up again.

  “She's feeling guilty. She doesn’t care if they kill us or not, because she feels badly about what she has done. Pathetic!!!!”

  “Will you take me to my mother?”

  Rona cocked her head at him.

  “Oh, now you believe me, huh? You wanna go to your mom? Yeah, I’ll take you. But don’t blame me if you hate it there.”

  She smiled and rubbed her forehead. Albion looked at both of them.

  “Ok, fine…I’ll get you out…sometime today. You promise? You’ll take me.”

  Rona looked at him and in her eyes was a seriousness he hadn’t seen before.

  “Yeah, I promise.”

  “Ok then, later today.”

  Albion then jumped down and carefully put the boxes back where he found them. Then he quickly made his way back to the Keystone House.

  Rona looked over at Darla and sighed.

  “Stupid kid. He has no idea what he’s in for. Oh well, not my problem, I just deliver the goods.”

  She rolled over and went back to sleep. Darla shook her head and lay back down. She soon heard Rona’s breathing slow and deepen and decided then that things would go differently from what Rona had planned. Darla rolled over and soon fell back asleep.


  Alia had woken Sean as the sun had started to come up, then she walked him back downstairs and to the kitchen door. He kissed her and smiled.

  "This is a great day."

  "It just started."

  "Yeah, but it's the first day of the rest of our lives…together."

  "Aren't you the romantic? Go on... get out of here. Come back after you've changed."

  He laughed and kissed her one last time then he turned and walked out the door. Alia smiled and started to walk back to the front stairs when she heard a noise on the back staircase. She stopped and walked softly towards the back of the castle. Just as she was about to walk out, she saw Coeli and Sam kissing good-bye. Alia stepped back in the shadows.


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