The Gathering

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The Gathering Page 30

by S L Dearing

  He wandered over to the bench across from the jail and sat down. He watched the movement of the soldiers within and sighed. Then he glanced over towards the main Dining Hall and the kitchens. Everyone was walking in and out of the hall and the kitchens. No one seemed to notice one another and he narrowed his eyes. That was it! No one noticed him. Everywhere he went, no one paid much attention to him.

  Then he realized that the guards had their food delivered when Rona and Darla had their food delivered. His father's sleeping pills! He jumped up and smiled, then ran off to Keystone House.

  He walked into the quarters.

  "Elian? Father? Anyone here?"

  The silence was heavy as he moved swiftly to his father's room. He moved to his father's nightstand and there was the bottle. He read the instructions and carefully removed six tabs and put them in his pocket. He replaced the bottle carefully.

  He sighed. His hands were sweating and he wiped them on his pants. He pushed his hair out of his face and in that moment he stopped and felt something in his gut, a great sinking feeling. He began to wonder if he should go through with this plan.

  He desperately wanted his mother, but what if Rona hurt someone again? The sinking feeling grew heavy and spread into his chest.

  He lightly rubbed his fingertips against the fabric of his pocket and felt the pills slightly protruding from under the cotton; he reached into his pocket and pulled them out. He shook his head and started back for the bottle.

  "Albie? Albie, Sweetheart? Are you coming to me?"

  Albion looked around the room.


  "I'm waiting, Darling. I'm waiting."

  "I'm coming, Mother, I'm coming."

  Albion absently put the pills back in his pocket and walked out of his father's room, closing the door behind him. He looked down the hall and saw that the living area was still empty. He left through the front door and again made his way towards the jail. He smiled at the thought of seeing his mother.

  "Hey, Albion!"

  He turned to his right and saw Lisa and Brandon.


  "I said have you seen Coeli? We can't find her."

  Albion shrugged and shook his head.

  "No, sorry. Maybe she went to the stables. I think I saw Sam over that way a little while ago."

  The twins thanked him as they ran off. Albion thought of his mother as he neared the jail again. The sun was bright against the solar panels of the village and Albie's eyes began to hurt. He quickly found himself in front of the Dining Hall and walked over to the kitchens.

  As he entered he saw that Gordon Hutton was arguing with a chef about something the chef had put in a soup. Albie stayed quietly against the wall and watched the bustling kitchen. He was there about ten minutes before he saw the silver domed trays. He walked over in time to hear several of the kitchen staff talking about the prisoners.

  "Look, I'm just telling you what I heard."

  "Do you really think that Alia would have a public execution without a trial? No way!! Besides, lots of folks don't think she's guilty, they want the proof."

  "She as much admitted it already. I say we toss her out on her ear."

  "Well, some are saying that she's been working with…"

  "All right you lot, stop gabbing and finish up those salads. And get Peters to take that food over to the jail. Those soldiers are probably eating their shoes at this point. Remember, the steak is for the guards and the meatloaf is for the prisoners."

  The staff dispersed and the domes were left unattended. Albion moved towards them and when he was only two feet from them, a tall man in a chef's suit walked over and began to load the trays on to a cart. Albion sighed and dropped his head. He missed it; he had missed his chance.

  "You looking for something to do, Kid?"

  Albie looked up and saw the tall man looking down at him and smiling.

  "How about you help me by carrying that coffee pot? It always spills on the cart. I'm sure the guards would appreciate having a full pot instead of half of one."

  Albion smiled and nodded his head.


  "Ok then, grab the pot and we're off. Hey, what's your name?"

  "Albion…Albion Merganser."

  "Cool, I'm Jake Peters."

  Jake Peters talked and pushed the cart towards the jail and as Albion followed, he glanced in the direction of the booths. He stopped for a moment and watched the people moving about the village, talking and laughing. He again felt that sinking feeling and he was about to head back to the kitchen when Jake Peters looked over at him.

  "Are you coming? That coffee's getting cold, Albie."

  Albion smiled and nodded. He wasn't used to having people call after him. He followed Peters the rest of the way and they entered the building.

  "Ah, finally!!"

  The guard with the black hair moved over to smell the food as his counterpart shook her head.

  "You'd eat dirt if you were hungry enough."

  He turned and lifted his hand.

  "Ah, no."

  Peters pushed the cart to the wall and motioned for Albie to set the pot down.

  "Thanks to my assistant here, you have a full pot of coffee today."

  The female guard got up and grabbed her mug.


  Albion moved forward and offered to take the mug.

  "Can I get that for you?"

  The guard shrugged her shoulders and handed him the cup.


  Then the male soldier handed Albie his mug, too.

  "Me too, please."

  Albie smiled and set the mugs down as the guards took the trays and looked underneath. Albie glanced around and saw that they all had their back to him.

  He pulled the pills from his pocket and dropped three into each mug as he poured the coffee.

  The white pills quickly disintegrated and Albie stirred the cups.

  "Cream in mine, please."

  Albie turned to see the woman guard looking at him. He smiled and looked at the man.

  "Black for me, Kid."

  Albie nodded and lifted the mugs towards the guards. As the soldiers took them, Albie winced at the knots in his stomach.

  The soldiers sipped and then thanked Peters and Albie as they took the food in to the prisoners and Peters escorted Albie to the door.

  "I'll be back in a while to collect the plates, Mayer. Try not to eat the utensils."

  Peters smiled as he ushered Albie out of the jail. There on the wall next to the door that led to the cells was the master key. Albie walked out and looked at Peters.

  "Thanks for letting me help you, Jake."

  "Thank for the help, Al. Nobody wants to help me cause deep down they think Rona will curse 'em."

  "You don't think she will?"

  "I think that you can't spend too much time worrying about what other people are gonna do. Maybe she will and maybe she won't. Don't care much really, besides I think that Ms. Watson or the queen could fix it if she did. Well, I better get back to it. See you around, Al."

  "Bye, Jake."

  Jake wandered back over to the kitchens and Albie looked at the window of the jail. He wondered how long the pills would take to kick in.


  "Doesn't my brother marrying your sister make us related somehow?"

  Chris smiled and shook his head.

  "Yeah, it'll make us in-laws."

  "That's incest."

  "No, it's circumstance. We're not blood related so no incest."

  Chris sighed and looked over at Hannah.

  "Are you trying to dump me?"

  Hannah had been reading a book and looked up quickly and shook her head.


  "Well, then why are you suddenly obsessed with this new thing between our families?"

  Hannah shrugged.

  "I don't know… it's just weird. Ian's getting married…to Kaley. I love Kaley…I love my brother, but now I'm dating you and it's weird. Oh, and I jus
t realized that you look like Kaley and I look like my brother and we're all just gender opposites of each other!! That is so weird!!"

  "You're weird."

  "Shut up."

  Hannah looked back at her book, slightly pouting. Chris leaned over and lifted her chin.

  "I like weird."

  Hannah smiled and let Chris kiss her softly. They were caught up in the moment until they each felt a tugging on their arms. They slowly parted and looked over to see Lisa and Brandon.

  "That's gross."

  Chris shook his head.

  "I don’t remember asking for an opinion."

  Brandon rolled his eyes.


  "Have you seen Coeli, Chris?" Lisa asked.

  Chris looked at his sister and shook his head.

  "Sorry, Lise, not for about an hour. Hannah, you seen Coeli?"

  Hannah shook her head.


  Lisa sighed.

  "That's ok, we just need to talk to her."

  Chris leaned over and kissed Lisa's cheek.

  "If I see her, I'll tell her you two are looking for her, ok?"


  "Yeah, sure."

  The twins turned and walked in the opposite direction. Hannah looked at Chris.

  "What do you think that's all about?"

  Chris shrugged, but kept watching the kids as they walked away. He felt an overwhelming urge to grab them and hide them. Everyone he loved. He felt his heart in his throat.


  Chris turned to Hannah.


  "Are you ok?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "No reason, you just looked like you went somewhere else."

  "Nah…I think I need to find Tanner."

  "You think?"

  "Are you coming?"

  Hannah shrugged and stood up.

  "Hey, Hannah?"


  Chris looked at her and struggled with what he wanted to say. Then he shook his head.


  Hannah rolled her eyes and they walked towards the castle.

  "You're so weird!"

  Chris smiled.


  Albie waited patiently for the movement in the jail to slow. When he hadn't seen any for a while, he crept slowly back towards the jail entrance.

  He knocked softly and entered.

  "Hello? Do you need more coffee?"

  He gazed around to see that both guards had fallen asleep. They barely moved. He smiled briefly and then that sinking feeling came back. He shook his head and quickly took the key. He opened the outer door and walked in to the cell area.

  Rona and Darla looked up. Rona smiled.

  "Well, aren't you the little escape artist? I didn't think you had it in you."

  "The guards are asleep. We can move through the side window and make our way to the gate. You can throw a glamour that you're relieving the shepherds out there, ok?"

  Rona raised an eyebrow.

  "Not bad, Kid, not bad at all."

  "We have to hurry though, I don't know how long the drugs will last and they'll be back to pick up your trays."

  Albie unlocked the cells and the women moved though the doors. Rona walked out into the front area and took a sword and dagger from the rack against the wall. She then turned to the sleeping guards. Albie watched and then realized she was going to kill them.

  He stood between them and Rona.

  "No way, Rona!! I won't let you hurt them."

  Rona smiled to herself. She sighed and shrugged.

  "Whatever… "

  "Let's just get out of here, Rona," Albie said.

  "He's right, Ro, let's go."

  "Yeah, yeah."

  Rona begrudgingly walked over to the window and threw the weapons outside. She then hoisted herself up and out the window, dropping to the ground below. She was quickly followed by Albie and Darla, who had also taken daggers.

  Albie took the lead and motioned for the women to follow. They moved slowly though the shadows of the afternoon sun. Within minutes they were a few hundred yards from the gate.

  "We'll have to wait a few more minutes. The rest of the herding staff will be going outside, we'll blend in with them."

  Rona smiled and changed her appearance to that of an old man.

  "Sure, Kid… whatever you say."

  Darla put on her glamour and sat quietly, waiting for the right moment. She wasn't afraid anymore. She lightly touched her lips. She would never be afraid again.


  Blaylock ordered his men off their horses. They crept slowly towards the castle, hiding behind the trees of the forest. Blaylock motioned for Brollen to come forward. He whispered something in his ear and they laughed quietly.

  Brollen nodded and took off into the thicket of trees with several men and his sword drawn.

  Blaylock pointed to the priest and motioned that he should come forward. Father Leon's breathing became quick and short as he moved briskly towards the general. He stopped at his side and looked up.

  Blaylock smiled and put an arm around the priest's shoulders.

  "Here we go, Father…time to knock on the door."

  "But what…should I…tell them?"

  "I don't really care, Padre. Just get them to open the door."

  Father Leon looked at the general's icy blue eyes and felt his blood freeze. He nodded and moved towards the gate. His legs were shaking and he wiped sweat from his brow as he moved towards the gate.

  "You there, hold!"

  Father Leon froze as he looked up at the rampart. Molly Creegan had a bow lined on him and Jones leaned over the edge.

  "Who are you and what is your business here?"

  Father Leon put on his best smile and raised his hands.

  "I am Joseph Leon…Father Joseph Leon, of St. Viviana's. Please let me in… please help me."

  Jones took out his binoculars and looked around Leon and into the trees. There was nothing there.

  "What do you think?"

  Molly shrugged.

  "I don't know anyone from St. Viviana's."

  "Me either."

  "Hey, I think Chancellor Shorely's been there," she said.


  Jones leaned towards the gate.

  "Yo, Todd…go get Chancellor Shorely, we need her up here."


  "Just go get her?"


  Todd ran to the castle and appeared several moments later with Vivian, who was obviously irritated at being interrupted. She stopped at the gate and Todd motioned for her to climb the stairs. She sighed and began her ascent.

  "Ok, what's the meaning of this?"

  Molly stepped forward and handed her a pair of binoculars and then pointed at Father Leon.

  "Sorry, Chancellor, but he says he's from St. Viviana's and we don’t know anyone from the KMC. Can you look for us?"

  Vivian had gone white. A survivor? What if more had survived? She stepped forward and looked through the eyepiece, moving slowly over the landscape, finally resting on a man dressed in black. She felt her breath intake sharply and she moved the binoculars away and then back in disbelief.

  "Oh by the gods, its Father Leon! Have them open the gate, Molly, hurry!"

  Molly hollered down as several of the shepherds and cattle tenders moved towards the entrance, joined by three new shepherds. Father Leon ran towards the open gate and tried to grab one of the guards.

  "Please close the gate, quickly, close the gate."


  "Close it!!"

  From the group of herders, Rona dropped her glamour and struck at the priest. He screamed as Rona's sword ran him through. The soldiers drew their weapons and the sentinels turned to see the commotion, leaving the entrance unwatched. Rona banged her swords together and laughed.

  "Well, come on then, little piggies. It's time for Rona to go home."


  Alia stood on the balcony off her room, watching t
he forest below. She could feel Ferage and the others in the brush but something was amiss. She breathed deeply and as she did she thought she sensed a familiar scent on the wind.

  The hairs on the back of her neck rose to attention and she felt a chill. She began to back away from the railing, but stopped as she stepped back into her room.

  The air was cool, but Alia felt warm as though with fever. She walked over to see the embers barely smoldering in her fireplace. She dragged her hand across her forehead, dizzy and warm.

  She looked back at the fireplace. Suddenly great flames grew from the embers and turned green. Alia stumbled back and caught herself on the chair. The room was filled with the smoke of Benzoin and then she felt a presence behind her. She slowly turned. There, standing in the middle of the room was a woman.

  She towered above Alia, dressed in leather, with a sword at her side and a bow and quiver slung over her shoulder. She had daggers on both legs. Her hair was like fire and her eyes black. She was beautiful. Alia felt herself drop to her knees, for she knew this woman. The woman of her dreams, the great warrior queen of the Tuatha Du Danan. The Morrighan. The goddess reached out for Alia's hand, beckoning her to come to her.

  Alia reached towards her, longing to feel the mother's touch. Just as Alia was about to grasp the goddess’ hand, there was a great searing pain in Alia's head and a screaming, the likes of which she had never known. In an instant the goddess was gone and Alia fell to the ground.

  Her chest felt like fire and she couldn't breathe. She didn't notice Janeen and Sean enter her room or run to her side. She didn't hear them call for Beverly. She was dying and she felt her blood draining away. Her heartbeat grew slower and slower and finally stopped.

  Alia opened her eyes and drew a long hard breath.



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