The Gathering

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The Gathering Page 46

by S L Dearing

  "You ok?"

  He smiled and nodded.

  "I didn't get a chance to tell you… I remembered her name."


  "The blond girl… the one I lived with in Malibu… I remembered her name."

  Alia looked at him and smiled.

  “What was it?” She asked.

  "Jill… her name was Jill."

  Alia leaned in and kissed him.

  "I love you."

  "Mmm, I love you back… now, how about some pancakes? And maybe some bacon and eggs?"

  "Yes, please… and potatoes."

  Sean laughed.

  “Of course… “

  Then they looked up as the castle began to stir. They walked into the kitchen as the door upstairs was thrown open and feet pounded down the stairs.


  Sam sat on the bench in front of Paul Stark's memorial, staring at the memories of the great man's life. As his eyes scanned over the reliefs of the column, Sam realized he was different now. He could feel the power of the goddess within him and he wondered if he was worthy.

  "What are you thinking about, My Love?"

  Elena Petrulengo sat down next to her oldest grandchild and took his hand. He placed his hand over hers and looked at her. She marveled at what changes had befallen him in the last few days. He smiled at her.

  "It's ok, Gram. It's just a lot of power to have, ya know? A part of me is still so angry with them for what they did to Coeli… I don't… I mean, how do I…"

  "She will tell you what she needs and does not need, Samuel. Like you, she is now changed, but how… well, that is up to her and I personally have great faith that the horror they inflicted on all of you will only make you better in here. As far as the anger, you must let it go… if not, it will destroy you."

  Elena laid her hand on Sam's heart, as he nodded, then sighed.

  "I love you, Gram."

  "Of course you do… I am your grandmother. I love you, too, Boy."

  Sam leaned over and kissed his grandmother’s cheek and smiled. Elena stood up and lightly tapped Sam’s hand and winked at him then walked back towards Keystone House, passing Coeli on the way.

  Coeli sat down where Elena had been only moments before and looked up at the monument.

  "It seems like a million years ago since we were here, doesn't it?"

  Sam nodded and smiled as he turned to look into her eyes. He raised his hand to gently caress her cheek and she closed her eyes.



  "Um, I want you to know… we aren't gonna do anything until… um, well, until you…"

  "I'm ok, Sam, really. I know I probably shouldn't be, but I'm ok."

  Sam shook his head.

  "I know you're strong, but after everything you've…"

  "Yeah, I know, but it wasn't just me, it was us… all of us. I don't know what happened to any of the soldiers… a lot of them were women, are they any different? What Blaylock and Brollen did to me... well, it’s got nothing to do with us… I mean, even though it happened to us, it not the same. When you and I are together, that’s special and what they did can never touch that. Not for me anyway. Does that make sense?"

  Sam looked into her eyes and nodded. He understood.

  "I love you more than anything." She said.

  "I love you, Babe… more than anything."

  "Good, cause I want an éclair."

  Coeli stood up and pulled Sam with her and they walked towards the center of the village, passing several covered wagons as the first of the guests began to leave.


  "I'm so sorry for everything."

  Stephan Merganser held out his hand in front of him. Sean looked down at Stephan’s hand and scowled then looked back up at Stephan and sighed. Stephan took a deep breath, but continued to hold out his hand. Sean shook his head and Stephan dropped his gaze and lowered his hand. Sean smiled and pulled Stephan towards him.

  Stephan's eyes grew wide as he felt Sean's arms close around him. He reciprocated and leaned in. Sean held Stephan's ear close to his mouth.

  "If it hadn't been for your courage, I'd be dead now. Never apologize again, ok?"

  Sean lightly slapped the back of Stephan's head as he nodded and stepped back, smiling. Sean folded his arms in front of him.

  "See you in six months… Vivian'll be gunning for you. She's crazy when it comes to those pastries."

  Stephan laughed.

  "Next Gathering… Alia…"

  Alia stood before him and took his hands; he squeezed them softly.

  "Thank you for bringing my son back to me."

  "Thank you for saving Sean."

  "See you in six months." He said.

  Alia nodded as Stephan turned and she in turn hugged each of the boys, then watched as Elian said goodbye to Ian and Scott. Then he walked over to Sara and she hugged him.

  "Thank you for bringing Scott and Ian back, Elian."

  "I guess it’s what I was meant to do. I think we can all be friends now, real friends, don’t you?"

  "I think we already are, El."


  Sam and Coeli ran over and Sam grabbed Elian in a giant bear hug as Coeli walked over to Albion. He smiled.

  "How are you doing?"

  "Ok, you?"

  "Ok. I guess I have to work on forgiving myself, but dad says that comes with time."

  Coeli took his hand.

  "They got to all of us, Albie, one way or another. Just remember all the good you did… you saved me, Chelsea and…"


  Hannah walked up behind them and smiled. Albion looked at her and blushed.

  "Thanks, but I think it's the other way around. You guys saved me."

  Coeli leaned in and kissed his cheek.

  "See you in six months."

  Albion nodded and watched as she walked back over to Sam and they embraced. He felt his heart skip, not because he had feelings for Coeli, but because he longed for the first time in his life to know what it was to love a girl.


  He turned back around and looked at Hannah. She moved her hair behind her ear and looked up at him. She had never realized how blue his eyes were.

  "Thanks, Albie."

  She leaned over and hugged him and then kissed him on the cheek.

  "See you in six months."


  Albion watched her wander over to Chris, who held her close and nuzzled his face into her hair. Hair like threads of gold, he thought.

  "Ready, Son?"

  Albion looked at his father and nodded. The members of Crystal Shade walked slowly through the gate of Lia Fail.

  The remainder of the day, the guests of Lia Fail left, saying their goodbyes. St. Paul’s, Bethel Israel and Pasadena waited until the others had left, giving them time to say goodbye. Alia watched her children as she and Sean said farewell to their friends.

  Coeli had walked Sam to his horse.

  “I’ll be back in two days, Shay.”

  “You promise?”

  Sam laughed.

  “Yeah, I promise. “

  “Besides,” Sara began, “if they don’t, I’ll keep yelling at this one until they do.”

  Scott smiled and nodded.

  “Yeah, she means it. We’ve got two days, Red.”

  The boys laughed as they mounted their horses. Not far away, Tanner held Chelsea’s face in his hands. He sighed and kissed her. Tears rolled down her cheek and he softly wiped them away.

  “C’mon, Chels… I’ll see you in a few days.”

  “You’ll be busy and forget all about me.”


  Tanner smiled and held Chelsea against him.

  “How could I forget you? I love you.”

  Chelsea pulled back and smiled.

  “I love you, too.”

  Lily Hearst looked at her daughter and then cleared her throat.

  “Ahem, Chelsea, we have to go. Tanner, we’ll see you in a fe
w days, then?”

  Tanner nodded and kissed Chelsea again, then watched as she walked to her parents’ wagon. Corey walked up behind Tanner and grabbed his shoulder. They smiled at one another and Tanner patted Corey’s chest. Corey nodded and walked towards his family, turning slightly to see Rachel behind him. She waved again and smiled as she wiped a tear from her face. Corey smiled and rubbed his eyes.

  Chris kissed Hannah’s cheek and jumped off the Turners’ wagon. He stood next to Kaley, and they watched as the Turners and Levines began to ride out of the village. Ian had started to ride out, but turned his horse around and rode back to Kaley.

  “I’ll be back on two weeks. Miss me?”

  Kaley smiled.

  “Of course, I will,” Chris responded.

  Kaley smacked her brother and nodded.

  “What he said.”

  Ian laughed and rode back towards the wagons, but looked over his shoulder.

  “I love you, Kaley Stark!”

  “I love you, Ian Turner.”

  Brian and Rebecca ran outside the gate and waved at the trains as they moved northward. Rachel, Joe and David waving back at them from one side as Liam and Jerry waved from the other.

  Slowly, the Stark children made their way back to the castle. It would be another six months before some of them saw their friends again, and they wiped their tears as they walked through the front door.

  Alia stood on the wall and watched the wagons move slowly through the afternoon sky. She looked down at the forest, and then walked down the stairs. She motioned for the soldiers to open the gate and then she walked into the trees.

  “I'm here, Alia.”



  Alia walked slowly into the clearing and there was Schepta. Alia marveled at her size. She had grown overnight.

  "You're bigger, Young Lady."

  Schepta smiled.

  “Mmm, my mother has always said that I am my father's daughter. Do you also think so, Alia Stark?”

  Alia smiled.

  "Most definitely, Schepta. I’m sure he’s so very proud of you. I take it you are the new leader of your people?"

  Schepta nodded.

  “And we'd like to stay here, if that's all right with you. We like it here."

  Alia nodded.

  "I was hoping you'd say that."

  Alia walked over to Schepta and buried her face in her mane as she had done with her father. She felt the unicorn almost purr. She stepped back and Schepta nodded.

  “I shall leave you two to talk. I'm sure you have many questions.”

  "What are you talking about? Schepta?"

  Schepta turned and walked out of the clearing.

  "Do you have any questions, Alia Stark?"

  Alia froze. That voice. She knew that voice. She had heard it many times. Slowly, Alia turned and before her stood the goddess. She looked different than she had in Alia’s bedroom or in her cell. Now she stood before Alia in a long flowing gown, her long, red hair hung to her waist and her black eyes were gentle and loving. A giant raven landed on her shoulder.

  "Any questions at all?"

  "I… uh… uh… did you really mean…"

  "Yes, this magic has always been meant for you. Tanner and Sam, well, they are the only ones who know for sure if they can handle the power, but I believe they can."

  "Who is he? The Shape… he acted like he knew you… intimately."

  "He… he is an old acquaintance. He had traveled through time and space all for power he thinks he deserves. Will he return? Yes, most likely, but next time, I think you'll be ready, don't you?"

  Alia shrugged.

  "I hope so… my Alisha, Colleen… Frank…my babies… Paul…"

  "They are all well. For those who have gone on before you, they are not alone. Fear not the journey of death, Alia Stark, for it is only the beginning of another adventure. I'm afraid my time grows short."

  Alia furrowed her brow and looked up at the castle.

  "My children, will they be all right?"

  "Well, as of now, yes, all thirteen of them will grow with Gaia to be strong and healthy… continue to raise them in the shade of Yggdrasil."


  The goddess smiled and leaned forward. She laid her hand on Alia's stomach and whispered.


  Alia sharply inhaled and began to smile, then stopped. Her eyes grew troubled, but the goddess was stepping away.

  "Wait… please…are they…?"

  "They come from love, Alia… as all of your children have."

  Alia held her belly gently in the palms of her hands and felt tears slide down her face. The goddess turned and walked towards the trees.

  “Although you may not see me, nor hear me, you will always feel me… I am a part of you Alia Stark. Live well.”

  Alia watched the goddess fade away until finally her messenger took flight. He flew into the bright blue sky, circling overhead. Alia walked slowly back to the village, back to her new life.


  The gray spring morning slipped wet and cool over Lia Fail. Sean Lantry walked to the lead wagon and laid his hand on Tanner’s shoulder.

  "Are we almost ready?"

  "Yeah… just waiting on passengers now."

  Sean smiled and shook his head as Sam and Scott walked up behind them. Scott tipped his hat forward and watched the water that had gathered from the rain slide forward in a delicate stream.

  "You need us to do anything?"

  Sean turned.

  "You wanna get the girls?"

  Scott shook his head and smiled as Sam crossed his arms in front of him.

  "We were told to get out, so I don't think we're the best choices to go back in."

  Tanner laughed, and shaking his head, walked around the wagon and up the stairs. As he reached for the door, it flew open and Brian, Brandon and Lisa ran out, pursued by Rebecca, her hair dripping and wet. She had grown several inches and had started to develop in the last six months. The baby fat around her face was gone and her new long hairstyle and silver framed glasses complemented her long features.

  "You are all in trouble!"

  Brian turned and pointed to the sky.

  "What? It's raining."

  He stepped backward as he laughed and felt a strong hand on his shoulder. He turned slowly and saw Sean staring down at him.

  "Please try not to antagonize her."

  "But it's so easy."

  Sean fought the smile that tried to break through his lips. He managed it with much difficulty and closed his eyes.

  "Bri, I'm begging you."

  "Brian Grant Stark!!"

  Sean's shoulders dropped.

  "Too late."

  Alia walked out into the rain. She was wrapped in a red cloak that covered her head, but it did nothing to cover the enormous bump in her middle. She pointed to her son and then at her feet.

  "Come here!"

  Brian swaggered and moved up the steps, stopping in front of his mother.

  "Go inside and apologize to your sister. She's freaking out and we have to leave. Go now!!"

  She watched him walk in. Then she turned and walked down the steps and over to Sean. She put her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. He could barely hear her muffled voice.

  "Do we have to go?"

  "Yes… your kid is getting married."

  She raised her head.

  "Oh yeah…"

  Janeen came up to her friend. She bit into an apple and leaned on the wagon.

  "What's the hold up?"


  "You know, since you got knocked up, you have no control."

  "Bite me."

  Janeen smiled and then took another bite out of the apple and walked up the steps. She swallowed the apple and bellowed.


  Alia laughed as children came pouring out of the castle doors, racing down the steps and leapi
ng into the wagon. Helen followed them as she held on to Amanda's hand. She lifted Amanda into the wagon, as well as herself, joining the other children. They were soon followed by the other nannies. Janeen walked back to her and Connie’s wagon and climbed in. Sam leaned in the back of the lead wagon and Coeli smiled.

  "Hi, Babe."

  "I thought you were riding on horseback."

  "Oh, no, it's wet, but you have fun."

  Sam nodded and smiled.

  "Yeah… fun…"

  Coeli grabbed his hand and he turned back to her. She leaned forward and kissed him. He thought about how her lips were as soft as the night before. She leaned into his ear.

  "I promise, I'll help you dry off when we get there."

  Sam gave her a crooked smile and raised his eyebrows.

  "Promises, promises."

  Scott was pointing at Sara, who just smiled and shook her head as she tried to help Rebecca dry her hair.

  “Sorry… I'm staying dry.”

  “What if I catch pneumonia?”

  “I'll make you chicken soup.”


  Sara leaned forward and kissed Scott. Brandon threw his hands in the air.

  "Awww, come on!! That's gross!"

  Sam and Scott stepped back, laughing and walked to their horses, where the twins were waiting already on horseback as Myron ordered the gates open.

  Sean looked down at Alia and walked her to the front of the wagon, lifting her gently up the wheel and steps. She wrapped the cloak around her and then felt a blanket wrap fall over her belly as Sean sat next to her. She looked at him and smiled as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. Sean snapped the reigns and the horses moved forward.

  Alia held her belly and looked at the gray sky before them. Six months had passed and things had changed. She felt her throat tighten as she thought to herself.

  “My baby is getting married.”

  She glanced up to the Fail rampart and saw Vance, his lean silhouette against the dark stone and gray sky. She noticed that he smiled and nodded at her and she raised her hand and blew him a kiss.

  She took a deep breath and looked over at Sean, who had been watching her. She smiled.


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