Wicked Days

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Wicked Days Page 9

by Lily Harper Hart

  Even though the silence was amiable, Jack was uncomfortable with it. This was his opportunity to learn more about Ivy, and he wasn’t going to pass it up. “Did you spend a lot of time out here when you were a kid?”

  “Max and I liked to play games,” Ivy said. “We used to chuck pine cones at one another and pretend they were grenades, and we made a lot of forts.”

  “I heard you made a … what did Brian call it?”

  Ivy glanced up at him, pursing her lips as she waited.

  “A fairy ring,” Jack said. “He said that all the kids in town went to church camp one summer and you stayed home and made a fairy ring. What is that?”

  “Technically you can’t make a fairy ring,” Ivy clarified. “It has to be naturally occurring. That being said, I found a fairy ring and I cleaned up the area and made it a kind of … hang out.”

  “Brian also said you still keep it up,” Jack said. “Can I see it?”

  The fairy ring – her special clearing in the forest – was Ivy’s favorite place in the world. She rarely took people there, even Max. It was her private spot. Still, for some reason, she couldn’t deny Jack. “Do you really want to see it?”

  “I’m dying to see it,” Jack said. “I have no idea what it is, and yet I haven’t been able to get the idea out of my head since Brian mentioned it.”


  “I don’t know,” Jack replied honestly. “I keep picturing flowers … and sunshine … and magic.”

  “Do you believe in magic?”

  “I don’t know,” Jack said, his voice soft. “I believe in evil. I’ve seen it. I would like to think there’s something out there to counter it, even if I never get to see it with my own eyes.”

  “Okay then,” Ivy said, giving in. “I’ll show you some magic.”

  A wave of … something … ran down Jack’s spine. He was already in the presence of magic, even if Ivy didn’t know it. It was like the air was sparking around them – they just couldn’t see it. “Let’s go.”

  Jack followed Ivy, the duo occasionally chatting about specific trees and landmarks, but the trek was made mostly in silence. After about fifteen minutes, Ivy led Jack into a small clearing. It took Jack a few seconds to realize what he was looking at.

  An old tree, one of those ancient husks that almost looks as if it has a face carved into it, rested on one side. In the middle, a large ring of mushrooms made a complete circle around a distinctive rock. It almost looked like a small altar. Between the chirping birds and far off trickle from a nearby creek, Jack was nearly convinced he’d crossed over into Heaven.

  “This is … amazing.”

  “It’s special,” Ivy agreed, glancing around. “This is my favorite place on Earth.”

  “Do you come here often? Does Max come out here with you?”

  “This is my … private place,” Ivy said. “Max has been here. He always knew to come here to find me when I was late for dinner as a kid. He still let me have this place to myself.”

  Jack turned to her, his expression thoughtful. “If this is your private place, why did you bring me here?”

  Ivy shrugged. “I just thought you might need a little magic.”

  The air between them zinged, and Jack unconsciously took a step toward her. His eyes were focused on her petal pink lips, and he couldn’t force his mind to any other notion besides kissing her. He couldn’t explain it, and he wasn’t sure he could fight it.

  Ivy appeared to be reading his mind because she didn’t shy away when he moved toward her.

  “What’s happening?” Jack murmured, taking another step. She was only a foot away from him now.

  “Magic,” Ivy whispered, tilting her head up and widening her blue eyes.

  Jack took the final step, his fingers grazing the side of her face, but instead of finding solid ground his ankle twisted as he stepped on a rock and he found himself falling. He just wasn’t falling into her eyes – or upon her lips. He was tumbling toward the ground.

  “Oh, crap!”


  All manly bravado fled Jack the second he hit the ground. His tailbone hurt and his wrist pinged with pain as he used it to absorb the bulk of his fall, but it was his pride that took the biggest beating.

  Ivy’s eyes were like saucers, the blue searching Jack’s brown orbs for a hint that he was hurt. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Jack said, grunting as he shifted.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “That’s good,” Ivy said. Then she burst into hysterical gales of laughter, bending over at the waist and letting her whole body shake.

  Jack scowled. “Are you laughing at me?”

  “I can’t help it,” Ivy said, holding her hand to her midriff as she gasped for breath. “I just … it was like something out of a movie.”

  Jack didn’t want to laugh, but Ivy was having such a good time it was contagious. Finally, he gave in and joined her. “Yes, it’s very funny.”

  “You’re such a big guy,” Ivy said, collecting herself. “It was like you were falling in slow motion.”

  “I’m glad to serve as your entertainment.” Jack leaned back on the ground, rolling slightly so he could gain his footing. He pushed off and climbed to his feet, rubbing his hands against his shirt and jeans to clean them once he was standing. “Are you done laughing now?”

  Ivy pressed her lips together, uncertain. “I think so.”

  “I can wait until you’re done.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Jack waited, and when Ivy dissolved into giggles again, he couldn’t help but join her as he rubbed the back of his neck wearily. “That’s nice,” he said.

  “What is?” Ivy asked, wiping a mirthful tear from her eye.

  “That’s the first time I’ve seen you really laugh.”

  He was serious, and the tone of his voice caused Ivy to still. She hadn’t forgotten where they’d been heading before Jack’s tumble. “I’m sorry. Laughing at the misfortune of others isn’t something I generally do.”

  “It’s not like I lost a leg in a car accident or anything,” Jack said. “I fell. Sometimes that’s funny. I like seeing you laugh.”

  “Well, I’m done now,” Ivy said, straightening. “Will you let me look you over quickly and make sure you’re not hurt?”

  “I’m fine,” Jack said.

  “Just humor me.”

  “I thought that’s what I just did.”

  The smile Ivy flashed at Jack was utterly charming.

  “Fine,” he said. “Look me over.”

  Ivy circled him, her hands reaching out to touch his arm before she jerked them back. Her gaze was serious as she focused on the ground.

  “What’s wrong?” Jack asked, raising his hand to rub it against his chin.

  “Don’t do that!”

  It was too late. Jack scratched his itch. “Don’t do what?”

  The expression on Ivy’s face was no longer amused. Now it was sympathetic. “I … um … please try not to touch yourself. Anywhere.”

  Jack made a face. “Excuse me?”

  Ivy pointed at the ground, gesturing toward the crushed plants with a rueful smile. “I know you can’t tell now because you destroyed them, but … .”

  “Listen, I’m sorry I marred your fairy ring,” Jack said, scratching his nose. “I didn’t mean to wreck this for you.”

  Ivy pressed her lips together, horrified. “Jack, please stop touching your face.”


  “Those aren’t just plants … or weeds,” Ivy said. “It’s … ironically … Poison Ivy.”

  Jack’s shoulders stiffened, and his face was a mask of worry and anger as he focused on Ivy. “What?”

  “That’s Poison Ivy. It spreads like wildfire, and your hands were in it.”

  “You’re saying I’m infected with Poison Ivy?”

  Ivy moved closer to him, focusing on his neck. “You’ve already spread it to your neck, and I’m going to
guess to your nose. Since you were rolling around down there, I’m a little worried it’s on your back, too.”

  “What should I do? Do I need to go to the hospital?” Jack was a city boy. He had no idea how to deal with nature problems. Despite himself, he was starting to panic. A gangbanger with a sawed-off shotgun he could handle. This, though, was something that might just render him catatonic.

  “I have a cream back at the cottage,” Ivy said, drawing his attention back to her. “It will stop the spread and ease the itching. I just need you to really try to keep your hands away from your face.”

  “Okay,” Jack said. “Let’s go. Now that I know what this is, all I want to do is scratch my face.”

  “Don’t scratch anything else either,” Ivy warned, somber.

  “Like what?”

  “Anything … down there,” Ivy said, pointing toward the crotch of his jeans.

  “Why would I do that?”

  “I have no idea,” Ivy said. “I just know Max did it when he was a teenager – he was out in the woods with Becky Saunders and they were rolling around – and he said nothing ever hurt that badly in his entire life. He’s still haunted by it. He’s broken a couple of bones and dislocated his shoulder, so I take him at his word.”

  “I’m not an animal,” Jack said. “I have no intention of scratching anything. You can rest assured that I won’t be doing … that.”

  “Okay,” Ivy said, giving him a wide berth as she circled back around and headed toward the cabin. “Keep close … but try not to touch me.”

  “I think I can control myself.”

  “I’m sure you can.”

  Jack was glad she had faith, because now that she had told him what not to scratch that was all he could think about scratching. “I have the worst luck ever,” he grumbled.

  “Did you say something?”

  “Pick up your pace. I’m suffering here.”

  BY THE time they got back to the cottage Jack was a mess. He kept imagining an army of angry red bumps all over his face. Well, he’d been looking for something to keep the women of Shadow Lake at bay – this just wasn’t what he had in mind.

  “Sit down on the kitchen table,” Ivy instructed. “The cream is in the bathroom. I’ll be back in one minute. Take your shirt off.”

  Jack balked. “Why?”

  “Honey, it’s on your neck. I saw it when we came into the house. That means it’s on your back. It spreads. I need to put the cream anywhere you’ve been exposed.”

  Jack scowled. “I can put it on my own back.”

  “Don’t be such a baby,” Ivy said, moving toward the hallway. “The sooner I can get this cream on you the better.”

  Jack watched her go, dread washing over him. He couldn’t take his shirt off. He wouldn’t. There had to be another way. He couldn’t let her … see.

  When Ivy returned to the kitchen she had a bottle of lotion in her hand and a frown on her face. “I told you to take your shirt off.”

  “I feel fine on my back,” Jack lied. “Just handle my hands and face. I’ll be okay.”

  “I don’t know what this modesty thing is, but I don’t like it,” Ivy said. “Poison Ivy can be serious. Now, lift your arms. I’ve seen plenty of men without their shirts on before. I promise not to jump you if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m not a teenage girl … and you’re not that hot.”

  Jack made a face. “I … no.”

  “That did it,” Ivy snapped. “I’m not joking around here. I don’t know what you’re embarrassed about, but trust me, I’ve seen it all. Now, lift your arms over your head right now!”

  Jack was so surprised by her vehemence he had no choice. He reluctantly lifted his arms, resigned, and Ivy’s hands were on the bottom hem of the shirt and whipping it over his head before he could think of a reason to stop her.

  Ivy dropped the shirt on the table next to him, her gaze focused on his neck. She hadn’t seen his deep, dark secret yet. It was only a matter of time, though. Jack fixed his eyes on the floor. He didn’t want to see the revulsion on her face when she finally worked her way around and saw … everything.

  Instead of looking at his front, though, Ivy tipped the bottle of lotion and rubbed the cool substance onto the fiery spot on his back. She rubbed it in partially and then left it sitting on top of the rash. “It needs to soak in.”

  “Okay,” Jack mumbled.

  Ivy moved to his front, practically growling when she saw his muscled arms and chiseled chest. His eight-pack abs were moving in and out as he sucked in an uneasy breath, and she couldn’t understand what he was so worked up about. And then she saw it.

  On the left side of his chest, below his shoulder and above his heart, there were two angry scars. They were both round and raised, and Ivy knew what they were without being told. They were bullet wounds. He’d been shot. Twice. The location would seem to indicate he’d been lucky to survive.

  Without realizing what she was doing, Ivy’s fingertips traveled to the scars, tracing them lightly. Jack refused to meet her questioning eyes, so she leaned in and brushed her lips against his ear. “It’s okay,” she whispered. “You don’t have to tell me. You don’t have to be ashamed.”

  Jack involuntary shuddered at her words – and her touch – and he finally found the courage to lift his head. Her face was serious, but she didn’t look disgusted or frightened. “You don’t want to know?”

  “No,” Ivy said. “You don’t want to tell me. If you ever do, I’ll want to know. It’s not my business. You can wait until you’re ready.”

  “What makes you think I’ll ever be ready?”

  Ivy shrugged and poured more of the lotion into her hand, rubbing it over an angry spot of skin on his neck and causing him to almost cry out in relief when the soothing salve wiped away the torturous itchiness. “I don’t know if you’ll ever be ready,” Ivy said. “I just know that you’re not ready now. I would never try to force you into telling me. That’s not who I am.”

  “I … this isn’t something I want people talking about.”

  “Do you think I would spread your secret all over town?”

  “No,” Jack said, shaking his head as he realized she wouldn’t be capable of something like that. “I moved here to put all of … this … behind me.”

  “I understand,” Ivy said, shifting her hands to the spot under his chin. “Lift up here, please.”

  Jack did as instructed. He no longer had any place to look but Ivy’s eyes. It was like being lost at sea, and she was the only boat within swimming distance. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re just so comfortable in your own skin,” he said. “You know who you are, and you’re not afraid to be the person you were born to be. You don’t try to conform to what other people want. You’re just you.”

  “That’s the way I was raised,” Ivy said. “I don’t see why you’re surprised. You’re the same way.”

  “I’m not sure I am,” Jack said, his eyes moving to her plump lips. “I’m afraid to be the person I am. I’m afraid I’ve turned myself into a … monster.”

  Ivy chuckled hollowly. “A monster? You’re not a monster. You’re conflicted, and you’re trying to find even footing, but you’re as far from a monster as anyone can get.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “I can feel your soul,” Ivy said softly. “It’s … beautiful.”

  Their lips were close. Too close. Jack couldn’t fight the urge. Not again. He lifted his chin slightly and their lips met before he could think better about what he was doing. The kiss was light at the start, but as they both leaned in to deepen it, things turned needy.

  Jack found he was lifting his hands to run through her hair and pull her closer – but the reality of the Poison Ivy caught up with him before he could give in to his baser instincts. He wouldn’t hurt her … not for anything in this world.

  They pulled apart at the same time, both of them gasping for air.
  Ivy’s hand flew up to her mouth, her eyes wide. “I’m so sorry.”

  “For what?” Jack asked, struggling to clear the lovesick cobwebs from his mind. “I … I’m the one who did it. I’m the one who is sorry.”

  “I think we both did it,” Ivy said, making a face. “I just … I wasn’t expecting it. I didn’t mean to … I’m not sure we should … I just … .”

  Jack couldn’t stop himself from laughing, breaking the spell but chasing the pall from the room. “Relax, Ivy. We didn’t do anything wrong. We didn’t do anything we can’t take back. It was just an ... impulse.”

  Ivy nodded, relieved. “Just an impulse.”

  “Right,” he said, his heartbeat slowly returning to normal. “People have impulses all of the time. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything. It was just a charged moment.”

  “Right.” Ivy blew an extended breath out, blowing her hair away from her forehead. “It was just a stupid impulse. Here … don’t move … I’m not done with your face yet. Once I’m done, you should be good to go.”

  “That’s good,” Jack said, internally sighing. That was the one thing he desperately needed to do now: go. If he stayed, he knew darned well that impulses would get the better of them again, and he wasn’t sure he would have the strength to stop himself a second time.

  The truth was, he wasn’t sure he wanted to stop himself – and that was a frightening thought.


  “You look like you’ve seen better days,” Brian said, studying Jack the next morning as the younger detective sat at his desk. “What’s on your neck?”

  “Poison Ivy.”

  “Is that a euphemism for something you and Ivy did yesterday afternoon?” Brian asked, intrigued.

  “No, it’s Poison Ivy,” Jack said. “I fell in it yesterday. It’s better than it was, but I still have to rub lotion all over my body to keep myself from shredding my own skin because it itches so badly.”

  Brian had to work hard to swallow his laugh. “How did you fall in Poison Ivy while you were supposed to be looking through books?”


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