A Bride for Two Brothers

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A Bride for Two Brothers Page 8

by D. W. Collins

  Marcus pressed different buttons as the truck made its way toward Great Falls. Each selection sent a new pattern of stimulating pulses through her female flesh. He finally clipped the control box back on her garter belt when the truck pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot. The balls continued to purr when they walked inside.

  The restaurant was dimly lit, and the air was full of wonderful aromas. The young chef in Kelsey imagined what the kitchen must look like. The party-of-three was seated at a corner table with a wraparound seat. Marcus and Quinton sat on each side of Kelsey. Marcus ordered a large snifter of brandy; Quinton asked for a double shot of Jack Daniels. Kelsey was distracted by the purring Ben Wa balls, so Marcus spoke first.

  “Our date will have some cream sherry.”

  The waiter smiled at Kelsey’s distress and walked away.

  “Hey,” she whispered. “I don’t need help ordering my drink. I wanted a beer.”

  “I suggest that you act like a lady,” Marcus said. “When we take you out for burgers and fries, you can have beer. The sherry is much more elegant. It will make you feel very warm.”

  She already felt warm from the purring balls buried inside her. “May I choose my dinner for myself?”

  “Would you like to be taken outside and spanked first?” Quinton asked. “I think a couple dozen swats on your bare bottom will remind you to be more respectful.”

  She felt her body respond to his dominance instantly. The metal balls made contact as her sex tightened around them.

  “I’m sorry, sir. Please forgive me.”

  Quinton smiled. He could see her face beginning to flush as her swelling nipples pressed against her dress’s bodice. “Take a look at the menu and tell me what you want. I’ll do the ordering.”

  She tried to look down, but he put a finger under her chin and lifted it until their eyes met again. She understood that he would not allow her to escape his gaze.

  The menu offered several of her favorites. She was surprised when Quinton rejected her first choice. “What is wrong with the shrimp scampi… sir?”

  He grinned at the late “sir.” She had barely gotten that word out in time. “It has too much garlic. You will be doing a lot of kissing soon, and I want your breath fresh.”

  “Would calamari be okay, sir?” she said with a sweet, if not completely sincere, smile.

  “Yes. I hope you will enjoy it. I plan to order the oil and vinegar dressing for the salad if you like it.”

  “Thank you, sir. May I have a bowl of the Chicken and Gnocchi for my soup?”

  “Of course. I will order some bruschetta for our antipasto. Marc and I love it.”

  Marcus smiled. He enjoyed watching his brother and the girl duel. She was as smart as she was pretty. The three of them would have a very interesting time at the hotel.

  As soon as the waiter brought their drink orders, Kelsey announced that she needed to use the lady’s room.

  “Don’t lose anything,” Marcus said with a wanton smile.

  “Get rid of the bra and unbutton your top a little while you’re gone,” Quinton said. “We want to be able to see Momma’s pearls.” His voice was loud enough to catch the attention of the couple at the next table. The woman was a slim redhead who grinned at Kelsey’s distress.

  The trip to the restroom proved to me more of a challenge than she had anticipated. Her crotch was very wet, so one of the balls peeked out before she could get to a stall and press it back into place. That procedure produced even more arousal and more wetness. This was going to be an eventful evening.

  The lacy bra disappeared into her purse as directed. She stopped in front of the mirror, fluffed her hair, and made sure that the two newly opened buttons gave a good enough view of the pearls. Of course, the boys were more interested in seeing her cleavage, and it was presented advantageously with her firm mounds unrestrained.

  Her face was quite rosy by the time she returned. Quinton immediately slipped a hand under her skirt. Thank goodness the table cloth concealed that brazen action. His fingers bracketed her dripping slit, and he cocked his head as he made eye contact with her.

  “Tell us the truth, did you lose anything?”

  Her face turned an even brighter shade of red. “I had a close call, but everything stayed in place.” She had learned that complete honesty always worked best with the brothers.

  “That’s good,” Marcus said. “We have larger balls for you to wear when you get used to these.” She was not happy to hear his words, but she reflexively tightened her flesh around the balls she was wearing. What kind of woman was she becoming?

  By the time the waiter returned with the food, Quinton had fingered her clit to full erection. Mercifully, he used both of his hands to eat so she was able to regain a little composure.

  Kelsey felt stuffed by the time the meal was over. She’d need to skip weeks of meals to overcome this excess. Quinton helped her into her warm coat, and Marcus held the restaurant door. The night air was cold and she made the mistake of hurrying to the truck. She had barely put one foot onto the high running board when she lost concentration. The purring in her pussy stopped, and a sharp metallic clink betrayed that she had allowed her Ben Wa balls to escape.

  Chapter Nine

  Marcus snatched the balls up and held them in front of her face. “Give me the control box,” he said with a chuckle. She reached under her skirt and removed the device.

  “I’m really sorry. I must have spread my legs too far.”

  “Our woman can never spread her legs too far,” Marcus said. “Get into the truck. We’ll deal with this at the hotel.” He dropped the balls and their controller into his pocket. Quinton pulled up the back of her skirt so her bare bottom rested directly on the leather seat.

  “This seat is really cold,” Kelsey said with a shiver.

  “You might want something cold after Marc warms your ass,” Quinton said. “You dropped one of his favorite toys.”

  Kelsey tried to read the men’s expressions to see how much trouble she was in, but her effort was in vain. “Marc, I’m sorry. Please forgive me. It was an accident, really.”

  “Hush. You need to think about what punishment you deserve,” Marcus said. “I’ll be asking you about that later.”

  Kelsey drew an anxious breath. Her bottom had barely warmed her spot on the truck’s seat when Quinton steered into the parking lot for the Big Sky Inn. The hotel looked modern and up-scale.

  “We stay here a few times a year when we buy and sell our cattle,” Marcus said.

  “This is the first time we’ve brought a date,” Quinton added. He wrapped an arm around her waist and possessively rested his hand on her hip while Marcus completed the registration. They only needed a few minutes to reach their suite for the evening. Kelsey almost laughed when Marcus slipped a key card into the door marked “Bridal Suite”.

  “It’s the room with the biggest bed,” Quinton said when he saw her amused expression. “My brother and I like plenty of space.”

  Kelsey wrapped her arms around Quinton’s neck and kissed him warmly. He returned her kiss but gently pushed her away.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked.

  “You were a bad girl, and now you have to deal with Marc,” Quinton said with a grin that did not put her completely at ease.

  “That’s right, you dropped my balls,” Marcus said as he opened the overnight bag and produced an eighteen inch wooden ruler. “I’m going to measure that pretty ass of yours.” He sat on the end of the big bed.

  “Come on,” Kelsey moaned. “It was an accident. I thought this was going to be a fun date.”

  “Marc and I are going to have fun,” Quinton said as he swatted her bottom. “I’m going to give you two some privacy.”

  “Don’t leave. I want you to stay,” Kelsey said.

  “You don’t get to choose,” Quinton said. “Do what Marc says, or I’ll use my belt when I get back.” He walked out of the suite before she could protest more.

your skirt and get across my lap.” Marcus’ voice was almost too firm.

  Kelsey groaned and crawled into position. She had been in all sorts of undress with the brothers before, but the garter belt and sexy hosiery made her feel especially exposed. Marcus pulled up the front of her skirt so that her bare sex was pressed against his leg. His palm came to rest gently on her bare bottom before he began to speak.

  “Do you have anything to say before we begin?”

  “You’re not being fair! I’ve never had metal balls stuffed up me before. I tried my best.”

  Marcus chuckled and smacked the ruler onto the widest part of her bottom. “Count!”

  “One,” she said with a grimace. The blow stung, but it was by no means brutal. The next three smacks moved slowly down her bottom, and she obediently counted each in turn. The fifth smack landed on that sensitive line where her buttocks and thighs join.

  “Ouch! That was five. How many more do you have for me, sir?”

  “Are you sure you want me to stop so soon?”

  She thought his question was ridiculous until she felt his hand wriggle past her belly. “I don’t deserve this spanking.”

  “That’s right. Sometimes Quint and I will spank you just for fun.” His fingers spread her sex lips and began to pleasure her. “I mean fun for all three of us.”

  She wanted to protest, but she could not carry on the pretense. The pink heat in her butt was giving her as much pleasure as he was receiving, and his fingers were driving her wild.

  “We’ve spanked you for punishment before. Today, I’m spanking you for pleasure.” Kelsey’s introduction to erotic spanking went on for a few minutes. It stopped when Quinton came back into the room.

  * * *

  Kelsey awoke in the small hours of the morning. Both Whittington brothers were fast asleep. She slipped out of the big bed and helped herself to a cold glass of soda from the refrigerator. After quenching her thirst, she was about to slip back into bed when the soft glow of a computer screen caught her eye. The suite included complementary internet service, and she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. She had not checked her email since her escape. Her inbox contained an appeal from Club 24 for her return and a couple of notes from friends who wondered where she had gone.

  She also had over a dozen messages from Carl. They had subject lines with phrases including “Call me now or you’ll be sorry,” “Come home or you’ll suffer,” and “I’m going to catch you.” She desperately wanted to reply to one of his crude threats and tell him to “Go to hell”, but that would be too dangerous. Her email could be traced. She felt so good resisting his taunts that she wanted to shout for joy. The screen cleared when she logged off, and she got back into bed between the brothers.

  * * *

  Kelsey awoke later snug in Quinton’s arms.

  “Marc is giving us some private time. He will be back in a little while.”

  “What would you like me to do? I’m willing to wear anything you want or do whatever you’d like.”

  Quinton chuckled. “My brother is the one who likes toys and costumes. I don’t need anything fancy. Having you naked and next to me is more than enough.” His hand touched her inner thigh, and she spread them willingly. She sighed when his middle finger parted her sex lips. “Which way do you like it, plain or fancy?”

  “I’m learning to like both.”

  Quinton laughed. “I believe you’ll get along well with us then. Marc will dress you up, and I’ll strip you down.” That idea made her tingle.

  “Get on top of me,” he whispered. She mounted his stiff cock quickly. He gripped her ankles and pulled them up his flanks so he could penetrate her more deeply. It was an amazing sensation. She had never felt so widely spread.

  Marcus opened the bedroom door a moment later. Kelsey gasped and tried to crawl off of Quinton, but he held her tight.

  “Stay where you are,” Marcus growled. “We’re nowhere near finished with you. Enjoy.” Quinton held her face in his hands and kissed it as she listened to the unmistakable sound of Marcus’s clothing falling to the floor. Before she could gather her thoughts enough to form a sentence, Marcus gently pulled her bottom cheeks apart. His long index finger lubed her puckered anus with a dollop of slippery gel. She felt mortified and wildly excited at the same time.

  Kelsey drew in a deep breath as Marcus’ blunt cock head drove into her rear opening. The brothers had used her mouth and anus at the same time before. They’d also used her mouth and vagina simultaneously, but this type of double penetration was very different. The sensation was far more primitive and arousing. Quinton released her face, took hold of her breasts, and pressed them together. He sucked her nipples between his lips and used his tongue to crush them against the roof of his mouth.

  At the same time, Marcus gathered her hair into a hand while he tongued and nibbled her exposed ear. When these pleasures were combined with the pair of pulsing cocks dueling inside her, her senses were almost totally overloaded. The brothers knew exactly how to use their hands too. They were never cruel, but they never let her forget who she belonged to. The feeling was intoxicating! Marcus smacked her bottom just hard enough to keep her busy. Quinton alternated between tonguing her breasts and giving the dangling spheres an occasional slap that sent bolts of erotic excitement through her frenzied body.

  Just as she was about to lose consciousness, the brothers’ lower bodies tensed, and their hands traded positions. Quinton abandoned her breasts and clutched her buttocks. Marcus reached under her arms and took sole possession of her over-stimulated boobs. All motion, even breathing, stopped. Quinton grunted first; Kelsey wailed next; Marcus roared last. She felt her body flooded with ejaculation after ejaculation of hot male fluid. Both penises shriveled as the men’s bodies went limp. She was spent and oh so satisfied.

  The three sweating bodies disengaged and collapsed onto the big bed.

  “That was more than passable,” Marcus groaned.

  “I’ve never felt anything like it before,” Kelsey whispered.

  Quinton gathered her hair and pulled her face next to his for a long hard kiss. “I could get used to this.” His two companions quietly agreed.

  * * *

  The trip back to the ranch went very well. Kelsey felt more relaxed than at any time since her escape from Chicago. Bonnie greeted everyone with a flood of rambunctious energy and everyone got back into their routines.

  * * *

  Two days later, Kelsey watched her men head out on their four-wheelers for a day of the never-ending-job of fence mending. She got busy preparing a dinner that would please both men and did not notice when a light airplane flew over the ranch and made a few circles. It was gone when she stepped outside for a breath of air.

  In the early afternoon, she saw an unfamiliar pick-up driving up the dusty lane. Bonnie stared at the vehicle and let out a low growl.

  “Take it easy, girl,” Kelsey said as she pet the faithful dog. “It’s probably just somebody needing directions. The truck had tinted windows, so she could not make out the driver when the truck pulled up. She had just stepped next to the door when it flew open.

  Carl Barker jumped out and grabbed Kelsey before she could react.

  “I’ll teach you to tell me to go to hell,” he roared. “Hell is where I’m going to take you!” She had no chance to escape, so she went limp. It was a tactic that had worked in the past, and it stopped Carl from hurting her this time too.

  “You are so stupid!” he roared. “Didn’t you know my IT guys can trace any message you open? The hotel gave me the address here. That’ll be the last mistake you make! Who are these Whittington brothers? I never heard you mention them.”

  “They’re just a couple of ranchers who hired me to cook for them and their hands,” she replied, hoping that Carl would leave Marcus and Quinton alone. “They don’t mean anything to me, and I don’t mean anything to them.”

  Carl studied her face carefully for any sign of deceit, but he fortunately found
none. “Well that’s a piece of good luck for them. I’d have no problem burying them in the same hole with you!” He grabbed her arm and started dragging her toward the truck. “I hired a pilot to fly over a little while ago. He spotted your employers. They are miles from here, so you and I will be long gone before anyone realizes you are missing.”

  Kelsey knew that she would never survive a trip in Carl’s truck. So far, she had acted very passive to keep him off guard. Her only hope for escape would be surprise, and she would have only one chance. Just as she was about to attack, a loud sound changed everything.

  “You need to take your hands off of that girl right now!”

  Kelsey had never been so happy to hear Marcus’s gruff voice. Carl drew his pistol and turned toward the sound in one practiced move, but she was able to knee him in the groin before he could shoot. Quinton charged from the opposite direction, and the brothers were able to disarm and subdue Carl easily.

  “You men need to back off before you get yourselves into a lot of trouble,” Carl blustered. “I am a police officer, and this woman is my prisoner!”

  “Calling her your victim would be a hell of a lot closer to the truth,” Marcus said as he used Carl’s own handcuffs to manacle him. “We know all about the ways you’ve abused her, and she knows enough about your sweet deals with the mafia to put you away for a long time.”

  Two sheriff’s cars arrived in less than thirty minutes to take the crooked cop away. Kelsey’s statement took much longer to take down at the station, and she was not back at the Rocking W. until well after dark.

  * * *

  A few days later, two FBI agents drove to the Rocking W. They explained that they had checked out every detail of Kelsey’s statement and could find no inconsistencies in her story. Carl’s tale was so clumsy and inconsistent that they could hardly believe that an experienced cop would try to use it.

  The bureau had in fact been investigating Carl for months. His phones had been tapped, and his conversations with Sal and the Chicago crime bosses been carefully recorded. Sal had cut a deal against Carl and showed where he had buried his last girlfriend. Kelsey would probably have been killed if she had not been clever enough to hide out at the Rocking W. Her testimony would seal the deal against Captain Carl Barker.


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