The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4)

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The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4) Page 9

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  He paused at Lynne but then shook his head as if he were just going through his closet choosing an outfit for that day and discarding the ones he didn’t want. He paused at Ky and then, laughed.

  “I could get him. After all, he’s kicking himself for not becoming a sacrifice before,” he said and I blanched. He grinned and then, shook his head, “That would cause you pain but not enough.”

  Daniel’s image came next and my heart squeezed. He tapped his chin, “I could definitely get him by threatening you,” he said as I pressed my lips together to keep from saying anything but he shrugged, “Maybe another time.”

  “You’re not going to get a sacrifice,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  Lucifer continued as if I had not spoken, “There is one that I can get and I want this one more than the rest. I want him more than you. His power is undeniable,” he chuckled as my father’s picture was cast against his wall. My stomach clenched and I forced myself not to react.

  “He would never be your sacrifice,” I said frowning, “He wouldn’t do that to me or his other children.”

  He grinned as he took a menacing step toward me, “You think that, Alex,” he said as he stood right in front of me. He leaned forward, “But he’s already offered…And I’ve accepted.”

  I couldn’t stop the scream that broke from between my lips as I sat up within the living room. The cavern had faded from me and I was left on the couch. Everly was holding my hand as her eyes widened in fear.

  “Alex, are you okay?” She asked as I glanced around the room in a panic to find my father.

  My heart sank as I found everyone but him. A tear fell from my eye as I glanced at Matt.

  “Where’s Daddy?” I asked and he looked around, suddenly frightened. It was obvious that Matt had thought he was still there too.

  “He was just here,” he said, frowning and shaking his head.

  My heart sank as I realized that only one thing could have happened. Our father had chosen to become the sacrifice and we had to get to him before it happened.


  We searched for my father throughout the house again but both Matt and I knew that he was gone. Tears rolled down my cheeks as my heart clenched. A tremble shook through me as I wondered what I could do.

  “I don’t know how we’re going to find him,” I whispered, “I guess an angel shouldn’t be too hard to find.”

  Bastian shook his head, “He’s a demon possessed angel which means that Ezra can possess anyone,” He said, sadly.

  “It’s hopeless,” I cried, “That’s what you’re saying. Even if I want to find Dad, we won’t be able to find him.”

  Matt frowned as he repeated my words, “We want to find Dad but we don’t know where he is.”

  “Matty, why did you repeat that?” I asked, sniffling.

  “I’m not doing it to be weird or anything,” he said as his eyes widened, “It’s just…When you said that, I was able to see where he was.”

  My heart sank as I understood fully what was happening. Matty was beginning to get our father’s gift that allowed him to find things or people that were lost. That could only mean one thing.

  “That means that he’s about to die,” I said as I trembled, uncontrollably.

  “How do you know that?” Matt asked, frowning.

  “Because before Micah passed, Ky started to get her gift,” I said, grasping his hand, “You’ve got to tell me what you saw.”

  Matt closed his eyes, “Woods,” he said and then, he smiled, “And the creek…He’s at the creek.”

  I grabbed his hand, “We’ve got to hurry.”

  He nodded as we ran into the living room, “Catherine, watch them,” I said pointing at the children as I picked up my purse, “We’re going to go get our dad.”

  She nodded and was about to say something but we were already leaving. We raced to the car but Jace ran after us.

  “Daniel can take you,” he said but I was already shaking my head.

  “I’m not risking losing him,” I said, swallowing over the lump in my throat.

  Jace nodded in perfect understanding, “Let me drive,” Jace said and I opened my mouth to argue but Jace interrupted, “What if you have a vision? You’ll wreck. Besides, I might be able to hear his thoughts.”

  I didn’t argue. I threw the keys at him and he caught them easily. He got into the driver’s seat. Matt took the passenger seat and I got into the back.

  “Where is he?” Jace asked, frowning as he started the car.

  “Shiloh Creek,” Matt said as Jace squealed out of the driveway and raced toward my father.

  Tears flowed down my cheeks as I tried not to panic. It seemed to take forever to get to the turn off for the creek. As Jace turned, a gunshot rang in the air. My heart trembled as the brakes were slammed and I was nearly thrown into the front seat. I raised my head confused when I saw Semarias and Michael standing in front of us.

  I got out of the car and ran toward them with Matt and Jace on my heels. I stared up at Semarias with wide eyes pleading with him to tell me that my father was okay.

  “I have to get to my dad,” I said, when everything was silent for too long. I gazed from Semarias to Michael, “Please. He’s going to die if I don’t get to him.”

  Semarias’ bottom lip trembled as he glanced from me to Matt with tear filled eyes and shook his head.

  “He called for me,” Semarias said as he fought a sob, “He wanted me to tell his children that he loves them more than his own life. He always has. He always will.”

  “Please,” I pleaded as tears fell down my cheeks, “Let me go to him.”

  Michael stepped forward and gripped my shoulders, “I’m sorry, Alex,” he said as he stared into my eyes, “He’s already left this world.”

  “He’s dead?” Matt asked as I heard all of the breath leave his body.

  “No,” I said, wanting to scream that they lied but I knew that angels didn’t lie. They only spoke the truth. I fell to my knees as I began to scream over and over again.

  Semarias picked me up and glanced at Jace and Matt, “Take him to Alex’s house,” he said as I noticed that Jace helped Matt to the car but still I screamed unable to stop the absolute grief of my father leaving this world…Leaving me…Leaving my brother and sisters.

  Semarias’ wings spread out and a moment later, I was in flight. Semarias held me close as my screams became tears and then, I fell into a deep, deep sleep.


  Sometime during the night, my mother came to me, waking me from the deep, peaceful slumber that had fallen over me. Her eyes were darkened in worry as she caressed my cheek. Still, I sighed in peace because it had all been a dream…Just a horrible dream.

  “Mom,” I whispered as I watched her face steadily darken.

  A tear fell down her cheek and my heart froze, “What’s wrong?” I whispered.

  She swallowed, hard as her grief mixed with surprise, “Alex, you don’t remember?,” She said, caressing my cheek before taking a deep breath. She licked her lips as complete sorrow covered her face, “Something horrible has happened.”

  I sat up as I began to tremble hoping that she wouldn’t say what I knew she would, “What?” I asked in hoarse voice.

  “I just came to check on you. I thought you would know,” she said, fighting back a sob and then, shaking her head, “I realize Semarias told you that your father passed and maybe you didn’t believe it but I thought you would remember.”

  “No,” I whispered, shaking my head.

  “Alex, your dad is dead,” she said, taking a shaky breath, “They’ve found his body. I’m so sorry, Alex.”

  I blinked and immediately, tears dropped from my eyes and down my cheek, “No,” I whispered again, “This isn’t real. It was a dream. It was a nightmare.”

  She shook her head and I began to sob, “Baby, I’m sorry,” she said wrapping me in her arms and rocked me back and forth. My mind tried but there was no denying what had happened.

p; My daddy was dead.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The Consequences of Death

  My life was forever changed. The day of my father’s funeral, I understood what it was like to simply exist. I slept and then, woke up waiting for the proof that my father’s death had been a nightmare. When confirmation that it had been a reality came, I rose and fixed my breakfast. My father’s face was firmly in my mind as I did and a tear slid slowly down my cheek. I wondered briefly how I could cry when I was so numb.

  I showered…I dressed and put on make-up because I was supposed to. I was driven by my mother who continued to glance in the mirror, worried because I was too calm. After a while, I realized that she was waiting for the freak out…for the tears….for the total breakdown.

  When we arrived at the funeral home, I refused to glance at the sign with my father’s name on it outside of the funeral home but had to face it once I was inside the lobby. On a small black board was his name in stark white. I was suddenly cold and I had begun to shake. I rubbed my forearms over and over but I could not warm myself. The murmur of voices were too loud and someone was saying my name.

  “Alex,” I turned and it took a moment to recognize my beautiful friend, Lynne holding Caleb. I blinked as I stared at two of the other people my father saved and no one would ever know.

  “Are you okay?” She asked and then, sputtered, “I mean…I know you’re not okay…but you’re shivering. Are you cold?”

  I nodded and a jacket somehow materialized on my shoulder. I blinked again as I turned to Bastian.

  “Thank you,” I managed but I realized that I only spoke because I had been trained to be polite.

  The doors opened and the scent of too many flowers swamped me. The usher swept his hand toward the room where my father laid allowing us in. My breaths quickened and though I wanted to resist walking down the aisle to the blue casket, I couldn’t. Tears had come too many times since my father’s death and I found that I wanted to cry but wasn’t able to. The trembling increased as I walked closer and closer and peered down into the stone face of death.

  I shook my head as the tears I had wished for earlier slid down my face and all the breath left my body. I turned and ran as I tried to convince myself that the man in the casket was not my father. His eyes are too swollen. His face wasn’t the beloved face of the man who held me when I was small. He wasn’t the man who told me that he loved me more than his own life.

  “Alex!” My name was called and I stopped in the middle of a cluster of chairs and turned to find my uncle.

  His voice was so like my father’s that I winced each time he spoke, “Your dad wouldn’t want you to run,” he said, “He wouldn’t want you to cry.”

  That may have been true but I couldn’t help the tears. I had to let it out. I had to find some type of sanity in a world that had been flipped upside down. He spoke to me but I couldn’t remember anything he said. I didn’t even know if I answered him.

  I only remembered when he led me back into the viewing room and covered my father’s eyes, showing only his mouth. That’s when I saw him and felt my world let go. The rest of the funeral was a blur. Only the sobs of other people reached my ears and only my hands held by Ariel and Matt held me in reality.

  It was only when we were at the gravesite that I got the first hint that he was near. Wind whipped around us suddenly and his scent surrounded us. For a moment, it seemed we’d been caught in one of his breaths and then, it was gone.

  Matt gazed at me with wide eyes, “He was here,” he whispered.

  I nodded as his casket was lowered into the ground.


  Cleo gave me the reason to break from my grief. It was her laughter drifting through a house that had been dead quiet for weeks. Everyone had remained in respectful silence within the house. No one had visited from my dad’s family nor had they called but they were so wrapped up in their grief they’d probably forgotten about me. When anyone else visited it was awkward and they left quickly. So I had wrapped myself in the silence and had become a shadow and nothing else.

  That laughter was too bright though to keep me in the darkness and too beautiful not to take notice. Maybe it was because it was the first thing I woke to or maybe it was because I hadn’t heard it in so long. A smile touched my lips and I rose from my bed and pulled on my robe before walking down the hall.

  Cleo was sitting next to Jonathon on the couch, trying to pull the remote from his hands. They didn’t notice me at first but when they did both paused in what they were doing and glanced at me with guilty stares.

  “I’m so sorry, Alex,” she said with wide eyes, “We didn’t mean to wake you.”

  I smiled and both Jonathon and Cleo flinched back as if I had struck them. I blinked at their reaction and then, shook my head, “No,” I said, smiling wider, “It was a good thing that you woke me,” then, I laughed, “I think your laughter is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. Thank you. I needed to hear it.”

  Her smile widened, “Thank you.”

  Jonathon frowned, “Are you sure you are okay?”

  I pursed my lips as I thought about the answer, “I’m getting there,” I said, tilting my head as I gazed into my little brother’s face. Over the last few days, I had forgotten how beautiful everyone I loved was. Even without his wonderful smile, he was still gorgeous.

  “I think right now that I can live,” I said, giving a half smile, “That’s more than I thought I could do yesterday. So, I’m getting better.”

  “Is there anything you want us to do?” He asked, finally showing that smile.

  “Just don’t hide your happiness,” I said, patting his cheek, “I need to see it.”

  “I can do that,” he said, “Anything else.”

  “No,” I said and then, sighed, “The rest…I have to do for myself.”

  “Like what?” He asked, frowning again.

  I thought for a moment and then, smiled as I thought of my father and my little sisters, “I have to keep a promise.”

  Then, I turned to get dressed before I called Ariel. After I hung up with her, I walked to my deck so that I could relax. I inhaled slowly finally feeling as though I was doing something I hadn’t done in weeks…Live.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I wondered who I would see first as I stood on the deck of my home. Since I had kissed Daniel after his near death experience, both he and Ky had avoided except for rushed condolences at my father’s funeral. For the first time ever, I used my visions to give me a decision on something that had nothing to do with demons. I needed to know that the one I didn’t choose would be okay. Besides, I needed to feel comfort in my gift for once.

  I was standing on the deck, gazing out over the backyard when the sliding glass door opened. Ky stood beside me only a few moments later. He didn’t face me, he only stared out at the yard in the same way as I did until I was ready to speak.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” I said, frowning finally turning to him. My heart squeezed as I peered into his face. The love that I had for him still clenched my heart but not the way that it had before. It was different now. I was sure of how I felt about him.

  “You didn’t cheat on me,” he said with a sigh, “We weren’t together. We’re still not together.”

  “I know,” I whispered with a shrug, “But I still felt I should apologize for your pain.”

  He nodded as he finally turned to me, “Alex, I still love you,” he said, choking on the words.

  I bit my bottom lip and then, smiled, “I still love you too,” I said as I shifted uncomfortable.

  “But you’re not coming back to me?” He asked, rubbing the spot over his heart.

  I shook my head, “Though I love you and I have been in love with you before,” I said as a tear fell down my cheek, “I’m not in love with you anymore. I’m not the one for you.”

  He shook his head, “You’re wrong, Alex,” he said as his tears fell, “I love you. I won’t lo
ve anyone else.”

  I blinked back tears and shook my head, “You’re wrong.”

  He opened his mouth to argue but I put my hand beneath my lips and blew out. My memories hit him a moment later and his eyes widened. He stared at me as the light faded from his eyes.

  “Everly?” He asked, surprised.

  I smiled as I nodded, “So, you see that I am not the one who is meant for you,” I said with a crooked grin, “She is and I couldn’t have chosen better myself.”

  He nodded, “But I still love you now,” he said, frowning.

  “I’m sure you always will,” I said with raised brows, “But it will change to a type of love that is more suitable for both of us. As much as guys hate hearing this, I have to say it. We’ll be friends.”

  “I don’t hate hearing it,” he said as two tears fell down his cheeks.

  I caressed his cheek as I gazed up at him, “I know it hurts right now,” I said, “But the only solace I could give you was the assurance that I’m doing the right thing for both of us.”

  He nodded, “Thank you.”

  I smiled and kissed his cheek before I stared into his eyes, “No…Thank you for being there for me during my worst times,” I said in a voice that cracked with emotion, “You will always be one of my best friends.”

  He grasped my hand and kissed it before walking back to the sliding glass door. He turned to me, “You’ll always be one of mine too,” he said and then, he was gone.


  It took a while before I called Daniel. I needed some time to say good-bye to my relationship with Ky before I faced him. I stood on my deck yet again determined to face my life in a place that gave me comfort. Days had passed since my conversation with Ky. Ky and Everly had become close friends and though it stung at first to see them together, I quickly became used to the idea of them as a future couple.

  I had not seen Daniel since my father’s funeral and the memory of our kiss still weighed heavily on my mind. I stared nervously at the phone. Though I was shown Ky’s future, I did not see my own nor did I see Daniel’s. I did not know how this would end.


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