Secret Paradise (Kimani Romance)

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Secret Paradise (Kimani Romance) Page 12

by Girard, Dara

  “And you?” the painter asked.

  “I’ll be Hephaestus.”

  “No, he won’t,” Nikki said.

  Lucian looked at her, surprised. “Why not?”

  “Because he was the crippled god of fire and was married to the adulterous Aphrodite and thrown off Mount Olympus because he was so ugly.”

  Lucian shrugged. “Sounds about right to me. We’ll just keep Alana out of the picture.” He nodded to the painter. “Go ahead.”

  “No,” Nikki said. “He’s Poseidon.” She looked at Lucian. “At first I compared you to Hades, but I’ve gotten to know you better. Now smile.”

  Lucian lifted his chin and stared at the painter. “Gods don’t smile.”

  The painter took that as his cue and went to work. He was an excellent craftsman. When leaving, Nikki made sure the rolled canvas was safely secured with her other belongings. It was one souvenir she knew she would treasure.

  But one of the things they enjoyed most about visiting Santorini was seeing why it was famous, namely for the volcanic origin of the famous black pebble beach of Kamari. Days and nights became a dizzying array of places to see, new foods to enjoy, exquisite clothes and expensive jewelry to wear, and Nikki felt she was living a dream. No man had ever indulged her to this extent—and she knew that Benjamin would never be able to equal what Lucian could provide. And she discovered she liked—no, loved—it. She reveled in Lucian’s attention, his kindness, his money, but mostly his affection.

  From the many pictures Callia took, it was clearly obvious that she already knew what it was like being spoiled by her uncle. Although Callia, Kay and Basilio did some things with Lucian and Nikki, Callia was more than happy to have an open bank account and Kay to herself. While she wasn’t yet ready to wear makeup, she loved shopping—for anything—and spent most of her time discovering the newest fashions and accessories the young women were wearing in the area.

  One day Nikki persuaded Kay to let her take Callia shopping. They decided to go shopping for bathing suits. Nikki quickly found one to replace the one Lucian had tossed. Then she helped Callia select one. When the young woman tried on one that was essentially only two strings tied together, Nikki could only stare.

  “Do you think Dante would like this?” Callia said, showing off her budding figure.

  “I think he’d have a heart attack. And your uncle would never let you leave your room. Let’s find something more suitable.”

  After finally settling on a more age-appropriate bathing suit, they went shopping for gifts for Kay, Lucian, Dante and Basilio. Once back in their hotel suite, Callia looked at her bulging bags, satisfied.

  “Good, I have gifts for everyone.”

  “Not everyone.”

  “Who did I miss?”

  “Your mother. She’s arriving next week.”

  Callia fell face-forward on her bed and groaned.

  “It won’t be hard to pick up something for her.”

  Callia mumbled into the sheets, “It doesn’t matter what I get her. She won’t like it.”

  “She will.”

  Callia sent Nikki a flat look. “When you meet her, you’ll see.”

  Later that day they quickly bought Callia’s mother a suitable gift from the hotel shop, and then they all returned to the island. That night Lucian invited Nikki to his bedroom for the first time. When she stepped inside, she was less than enthused.

  “You don’t like it?” he said, reading her face.

  “Do you expect me to make love in a cave?”

  “It’s not a cave.”

  “It’s close. It’s so dark. There’s nothing to catch the light. How do you change without a mirror?”

  “I have a mirror.” He opened his closet door. “See?”

  “But there’s no softness. I’m surprised you can sleep in here.”

  “Well, I don’t plan to sleep in here right now.”

  “You should let me work on redesigning this room.”

  He drew her close and kissed her. “I’d prefer you work on me.”

  “You’re harder to redesign.”

  “Tonight I’ll make it easy,” he said, then kissed her again, making her forget about the room altogether.

  Chapter 15

  “She’s arrived,” Dante told Nikki as she came out of her room. For the last several days the household had been preparing for Callia’s mother’s visit. “She’s just touched down.”

  “Okay. I’ll head down to the conservatory.” She saw the servants rushing back and forth to make sure that everything was in order. “Is all this really necessary?”

  “Yes,” Dante said in a terse voice, leaving no room for further comment. “Excuse me.”

  Nikki walked into the conservatory, where Callia sat with a frown. “Your mother has arrived on the island.”

  “I know,” she said in a sullen voice.

  “Try to be happy to see her.”

  “I am trying.”

  “Try with a smile.”

  Callia pulled her face into a comical imitation of a smile.

  Nikki laughed and went over to the window, and her mouth nearly fell open. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” she mumbled as she saw Callia’s mother being carried up the path to the mansion in an ancient Turkish litter. She knew that the woman couldn’t walk, but she hadn’t expected this.

  Callia came and stood beside her. “Mom likes everything to be a production. She knows Uncle Lucian can afford it.”

  “I wish I had a camera.”

  “Quick! She’s coming.”

  Nikki grabbed her measuring tape and went to a far wall, while Callia sat by Kay and waited for her mother’s entrance.

  They heard her booming voice first, her Northeast American accent. “The flight in the helicopter was bumpier than I would have liked, Lucian.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’ll make sure your return flight is smoother.”

  “Already thinking of sending me away?”

  “Callia is waiting for you,” Lucian said, avoiding the question.

  Moments later the doors opened and Wanda Matthews appeared. She looked like the kind of woman who’d smell like old cigarettes and stale perfume, although she indulged in neither. Her hair was overdone, as was her makeup, but her clothes were exquisite. She had a face that could be called attractive, but years of bitterness had marred its surface with harsh lines and tight, dry skin. The men set her on a chaise surrounded by live exotic flowers and a host of silk cushions. A wheelchair sat discreetly over in the corner. For now Wanda was situated like a queen.

  She smiled at her helpers, then looked at Callia and held out her arms. “Karen! Aren’t you going to give your mother a kiss?”

  Callia walked over to her mother and gave her a perfunctory kiss on the forehead. “My name is Callia Kontos.”

  “Your name is Karen Matthews and you were born in White Plains, New York. I should know.” She tapped her chest. “I was there.”

  Callia sat down, with Pauline in her lap.

  “What’s that?” Wanda said, looking at the kitten.

  “Her name is Pauline.”

  “I know Lucian likes those things, but I didn’t think he’d get you one, too.”

  “She keeps me company.”

  “Animals carry diseases.”

  “She doesn’t.”

  Wanda looked around the room. “Is there anything to drink around here?”

  Callia gestured to the tray next to Wanda, just within arm’s reach. “There’s lemonade.”

  Wanda smiled. “I meant a proper drink, honey.”

  “That will have to do.” Callia stood and poured her mother a glass. “It’s very good. Cook made it especially for you.” She handed it to her.

  Wanda reluctantly took it and had a sip. “Sweet and cool. But doesn’t quite hit the spot. Honey, you can finish it for me. Mom needs an adult drink.” She glanced at Nikki and snapped her fingers. “You. I’d like a drink.”

  Callia set the glass down on the
tray. “She doesn’t do that.”

  “Then what does she do?”

  “She’s an interior designer.”

  Wanda looked at Nikki with more interest. “Is that right?”

  “Mom, please just take the drink. It will make you feel better.” Callia returned to her seat and slunk down.

  Wanda noticed and frowned. “Sit up straight. When will you return to boarding school?”

  “I’m doing well in my studies here.”

  “Still having nightmares?”

  “I’m having one right now.”

  “Callia,” Kay warned.

  Wanda stiffened. “I shouldn’t have let you stay with him. What lies has he told you about me, Karen?”

  “Callia,” she quietly corrected.

  “Karen,” Wanda repeated. “You’re my daughter, not his, and I named you. He took my husband, but I won’t let him take you from me. I only have you here so that he can give you the best, and I can’t take care of you the way I’d like to. Why won’t you understand that?” Wanda said, then dissolved into tears.

  Callia took out a handkerchief as if she’d done this so many times before and handed it to her mother.

  Wanda took it and wiped her eyes. “Oh, I wish your father were here. He was such a good man. Lucian stole him away from you before you ever got a chance to know him.”

  “No, Uncle Lucian talks about Daddy lots of times. He tells me about the fun they had at Cambridge and their travels together.”

  “I bet you wished I died in that crash instead of him.”

  Callia stroked Pauline. “I bet sometimes you do, too.”

  Kay jumped to her feet. “Go to your room.”

  “No,” Wanda said. “She’s right.”

  “Would you like something to eat, Ms. Matthews?” Kay said, trying to smooth over the awkward moment.

  “No.” She touched her forehead with the back of her hand. “It’s been a long journey. I think I’ll take a nap. Will anyone mind if I just close my eyes here?”

  “No, that’s fine. Come, Callia,” Kay said.

  Kay and Callia left the room, and Nikki closed the measuring tape, ready to follow.

  “No,” Wanda said as Nikki headed for the door. “You don’t need to leave, too.”

  “But if you’d like to rest,” Nikki said, sending a look of longing at the door. She just wanted to leave. “I’d hate to disturb you.”

  “You won’t. Just stay a few minutes. Sit down.”

  Nikki did so, knowing Wanda was the type of woman who was used to giving orders. She waited.

  “I’ve used a designer before. It was a good experience.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “She got to know a lot about me. That happens when you work closely with someone.”

  “Yes,” Nikki said, not sure what Wanda’s point was.

  “What have you learned about Lucian?”

  “No more than most.”

  “I doubt that.” Wanda studied her. “You’re just his type. He likes the brown skins and the dark ones. James told me they were his weakness. You have beautiful skin. What do you do to keep that complexion?”

  “Ms. Matthews, I’m flattered, but I just work here.”

  Wanda smiled. “No, you don’t. I see the way that Karen and Kay look at you. And you don’t act like staff. You act as if you belong here. As if you’re mistress of this place.”

  “I can assure you that I’m not.”

  “I never met Alana, but Karen showed me a picture. An extraordinary woman. I wasn’t surprised Lucian fell so hard.”

  “Did Callia like her?” Nikki couldn’t help but ask.

  “Karen doesn’t talk to me about things like that. I suppose she did like her. She seemed in awe of her. Everyone was.” Wanda looked around the room. “I haven’t been in this house in years. They replaced a lot and changed things, but so many memories remain, that makes it seem exactly the same.”

  Nikki stood. “I really have to go. Excuse me.”

  “Yes,” Wanda said, closing her eyes. “I really need to rest.”

  Nikki hurried out of the room and closed the door, then rested against it in relief.

  “Is she still in there?” Lucian asked, coming out of another room.

  “Yes. She’s taking a nap.”

  “Thank God.” He ran a hand down his face. “That gives us some breathing room.”

  “She’s a handful,” Nikki said, choosing her words carefully.

  “She’s a dreadful woman.”

  “I find her a little sad.”

  “I begged James not to marry her, but he was in love and I couldn’t stop him. I really do believe that love is a curse.”

  Nikki shook her head. “No, love is like water. It’s neutral. It’s what people add to it that changes its complexion. They allow it to blind them or help them to see clearly. It can poison them or heal them. On its own, love, like water, is pure and nourishes. It’s what we need to live.”

  Lucian’s eyes clung to hers and his voice deepened. “I never thought of it that way before.”

  “Lucian?” Wanda called. “Is that you out there?”

  Lucian rolled his eyes and lowered his voice. “I thought you said she was asleep.”

  Nikki shrugged. “She seemed to be when I left her.”

  “Lucian?” Wanda repeated.

  “Should I lie?”

  Nikki bit her lip, trying not to laugh. “It won’t help.”

  “Lucian?” Wanda called again, louder this time.

  “Yes, I’m coming,” he said, kissing Nikki quickly before going into the room.

  Chapter 16

  “I’d love a drink,” Wanda said as Lucian took a seat.

  “There’s a glass right beside you.”

  “It’s not the same.”

  Lucian sat back, making no move to fulfill her request. “But you didn’t call me in here for that. What do you really want?”

  “I need more money.”

  “How much more?”

  “What does it matter? You can afford it.”

  “I can afford a lot of things. That doesn’t mean I’ll spend my money on them.”

  “My husband helped you make some of that money.”

  “And you’re benefiting from it, too, and you will for the rest of your life.”

  “It’s not enough.”

  Lucian leaned forward. “What do you need the extra money for?”

  “That’s my business.”

  “Then the answer’s no.”

  “You owe me, Lucian. You took my husband and made my daughter think she belongs to some half-Greek bastard.”

  “Do you want to take her back?” he said in a soft challenge.

  “You know I can’t.”

  “I know you won’t. I know that James’s death was partly a relief to you, because you didn’t like being the wife of a high-powered executive. You envied his ambition. You hated anything that competed with his attention for you. Even Callia.”

  “Her name is Karen!”

  “No, it’s not. You know that James let me give her her middle name and that’s the one she prefers. Is that all?”

  Wanda looked at him, suddenly helpless. “Lucian, I did love him. And I do love her. It’s all just been too much for me. Just help me with fifty thousand. That’s all. That’s pocket change to you.”

  He glanced at the barely touched glass of lemonade. “When you stop drinking, I’ll consider your request.”

  “I just drink to calm my nerves.”

  “I doubt you feel them anymore. You’ve been numbing yourself for years.” Lucian stood and sat down on the chaise beside her. “When Callia was young, you handled yourself better and your addiction was less…” he searched for words “…pronounced. Now you’re slipping and Callia’s older. You can’t hide it anymore.”

  “I’m not a strong woman, Lucian. Don’t force me to pretend to be.”

  “You’re strong enough.”

  “I’m afraid.”

“I’ll pay for treatment.”

  Wanda briefly closed her eyes. “You’ve always made it so hard for me to hate you.” She looked at him. “And I’ve wanted to.”

  “Let’s start again.” He held out his hand. “To new beginnings.”

  She shook his hand. “Yes.” Her mouth curved into a weary grin. “I guess it would be inappropriate to celebrate with a drink?”

  “Yes, but I think we can find something else.”

  After what seemed like a reasonable length of time, Lucian treated her to a delightful nonalcoholic drink that suited her taste, and on the last day of her stay the chef created a sumptuous feast featuring many prized local Mediterranean dishes, which Wanda indulged in before she pulled Callia aside.

  “You’ve grown so much.”


  “For your birthday I’d like to give you something you’ve always wanted.”


  “I’m going to give up custody and allow Lucian to legally adopt you.”

  Callia stared at her mother, in shock, and then hugged her. It was the first truly affectionate gesture she’d made in years, and tears came to Wanda’s eyes. She wiped them away.

  “I’d still like you to visit every now and then.”

  “I will.”

  After Wanda’s departure, things quickly returned to normal. Nikki continued her work designing the other four rooms. She also helped design Callia’s bedroom, as promised. Nikki didn’t do as dramatic a makeover as she had done with the other rooms, because the layout and design were great—there were plenty of windows, a window seat and ample closet space. What the room desperately needed was a new coat of paint, colorful drapery and modern furniture. She did take her time, however, with the bed. Instead of the enormous bed suited more for a giant that Callia had previously, Nikki ordered a queen-size poster bed with a princess canopy. She also had a special set of sheets, pillowcases and a comforter designed with silhouettes of Pauline on them. When she showed Callia the transformed room, she was overcome. It was exactly what she needed, something more sophisticated and adult. While she loved her new bed and customized bedding, she definitely loved the three-way mirror Nikki had installed, fashioned after one she’d seen in her sister’s closet when she used to model.


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