Witch Hunt (City Shifters: the Pack Book 1)

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Witch Hunt (City Shifters: the Pack Book 1) Page 32

by Layla Nash

  Evershaw’s breath caught but he recovered only a heartbeat later, slamming his hips against her core. His thrusts were shallow compared to the control she had while on top of him, and she lifted up a bit to drop back down on him and ground her clit against him. He locked her hips against his and kissed her, helping her rutting until she moaned and murmured and whispered against his lips.

  “Fuck me,” the witch whispered. “Hard. I want to feel you.”

  Evershaw didn’t need any further encouragement before scooping her up and flipping her over, manhandling her with choppy moves that revealed the repressed lust he’d accumulated. Face down, ass up, he had an unparalleled view of her glistening channel. A second later, his cock slid deep inside her, and the easy moans she’d offered when things went at her pace became a frantic, head-spinning mewling.

  He threaded his hand through her long hair and grabbed a fistful, locking her in place while he pounded, closer and closer to the edge.

  Chapter 52


  Nothing could have prepared me for the thrill of feeling my channel stretched by a cock as massive as Miles’s, or from the ecstasy that coursed like electricity through me with each and every thrust. I could barely hold my face up out of the pillows as he leaned over me, his weight a comfort and another sight of his possession and dominance, but I pushed onto my elbows so I could rock back into his thrusts. I slipped my hand between my legs and started to massage my clit, building another thunderous orgasm.

  Miles’s left hand balled up in my hair, and the other snared my wrist, pulling my hand away from my pussy. I cried out, my body anxious for the sweet release of an orgasm while he was inside me. He twisted my arm behind my back, practically restraining me as my other arm supported my weight in the doggy-style position.

  I backed into him, subduing the force of his thrust, and he slowed down in response. The edges of my vision became hazy, and all I could think about was how powerful, how controlled, he was. He played me like a fine instrument and it drove me fucking crazy.

  “I’m going to make you fucking come,” he said, short of breath from the exertion. His voice turned to a growl and his palm collided with my hip in a blaze of pain that only added to the pleasure of his thrusts.

  The only response I could muster was a frustrated moan.

  His rhythm shifted from hard and rough, barely stopping between each beat, to deliberate and deliciously deep. I closed my eyes and imagined how I must look from behind, ass soaring in the air, legs spread, and my pussy drenched with need. Probably with a red handprint on my ass. I cried out again and gave up on propping myself up. Face down in the pillow, I snaked my unrestrained arm between my legs again and rubbed myself until I was a second away from exploding all over the bed. He still held my other arm and my hair, riding me deep and slow until bright lights danced in my vision.

  “I’m going to come,” I breathed, my words incomprehensible through my panting. “Please. More, just a little – I’m going to—“

  “Fuck,” Miles said, plunging deep into me again. “Together, witch. I want to feel you come on my cock.”

  There was no way to control the feral instinct that took over. The only thing on my mind held onto was the seismic orgasm building from my core and my clit and the slight sharp tug on my hair as he leaned back and dragged my hips back to him. It felt cataclysmic, overwhelming. I clenched around the feel of his cock, reveling in the friction between our bodies as sweat dripped from his chest to my back and he leaned down so all of his weight landed on me. If only a second ago I’d wanted to leap off the cliff of my own desire, now I wanted to wait and synchronize. Hold the position until he caught up, if he hadn’t already, so we could both melt into each other as we came.

  “I’m ready,” I gasped. “I’m so — Please.”

  “Good witch.” Miles pummeled into me again, and I could feel his control fading away by the erratic beat of his movement, his thrusts increasing and nearly out of control. “That’s right. Right – now.”

  No sooner than he uttered those words, something in me fell away and a chain-reaction set off, sending a cascade of chills and fireworks surging through me. My pussy spasmed and the vibrations traveled through my entire body. I didn’t know how much time had passed with me writhing and moaning before Miles erupted, shooting his climax inside me like lava flowing out of a volcano. He let out a roar that seemed to echo forever, and his hands slackened from where he’d been holding on to me. I face-planted into the bed and gasped just as soon as I’d summoned the strength to do anything but shudder from the after effects of my orgasm.

  I couldn’t even open my eyes, barely managing to roll onto my side so I could breathe without a pillow in my face. Tremors ran through me as every movement reignited some of the passion, and the feel of his palm, rough and ready, gliding over my hip sparked a full-body shudder. Holy Mother help me, I thought I might have blacked out for a second.

  Miles exhaled a groan. “Good job, witch.”

  I snorted and covered my face. “Thanks?”

  “You were holding out on me,” he murmured, and leaned to kiss my shoulder. His hand slid lower and around to the soft spot where my thigh met my ass, squeezing gently.

  “How’s that?” I could hardly keep my eyes open. My fingers grazed his chest, tugging on the smattering of hair, and my thighs twitched from the effort it had taken to hold myself over him for so long.

  “You fuck like a champ,” he said. His palm smacked my ass but he massaged the spot before I could protest, rubbing away the heat, and I lifted my head to frown at him. His eyebrows arched in challenge. “That whole prim and proper act is grade-A, though. Almost had me fooled. I should have known you were a freak in the sheets.”

  I tried to hold back a laugh to give him a stern look. “I hardly think –”

  He leaned to bite my earlobe, whispering, “I felt your whole body react when I spanked you, witch, and you came when I got a little rough. We’ll have plenty of fun experimenting. I want you on your knees and up against the wall and on the floor and bent over like –”

  A moan escaped as all the possibilities raced through me, and Miles chuckled even more. He dragged me closer and his fingers dug into my ass until my back arched. “I should’ve known you’d give me a workout.”

  Before I could give him a piece of my mind – well, before I could get my shit together enough to know what I thought about him saying something like that – Miles moved me so my back was to his front. He dragged my hips back to his and when my ass pressed to his groin, his cock hardened and grew between my thighs.

  I couldn’t keep myself from grinding back against him and his palm slid down my stomach so his thumb pressed hard against my clit. “You like that?”

  My eyes closed and my head fell back against his shoulder as my whole body trembled, reacting to his strong touch and the overwhelming sensitivity of his earlier attention. Miles set his teeth against my shoulder and murmured, “Tell me how much you want it, witch.”

  “Miles,” I whispered, unable to do more than obey. “I want to feel you again. Deep. All of you.”

  My thoughts wouldn’t connect but apparently it was enough; he growled and wrapped his arms around my chest and repositioned me exactly how he wanted me. The sudden control and possession lit a fire low in my stomach, and my back arched as he lifted my leg back and over his hip, giving him unrestricted access to my slit.

  He started teasing me, whispering every dirty thing he wanted to do to me, and dragged me into another shivering, shaking release before I even knew what happened. I pressed my ass against him and moaned, my thoughts splintering. It was… odd, maybe, how liberated sex with Miles made me. I felt simultaneously in control and within his possession, dominated but still strong. Equal. I didn’t know if that made me a freak in the sheets, like he claimed, but I’d never felt anything like it before in my entire life.

  Miles’s cock slid between my thighs and across my pussy and he groaned. I shifted my hips to a b
etter angle and in the next pass, he pressed into me.

  We both moaned and he squeezed my breast, his other arm clamping me to him until my ribs ached. Miles buried his face in my hair and growled, his hips jerking with need, and when the first heady moment of desperate connection, pleasure settled between us in a simmer instead of an inferno.

  I got lost in the sensation, the smooth slide of his heated flesh inside me, and pressed my head back against him as I tried to figure out what to do with my arms. Goosebumps covered every inch of me and I closed my eyes as he started to thrust, lost in a sea of pure ecstasy.

  Chapter 53


  Whereas their first fuck had been quick and dirty, this time Evershaw and the witch moved in unison, their desire not so overwhelming but still, nevertheless, binding them together. The walls of her core clamped down on his cock, narrowing around him. A perfect fit.

  He’d never had sex like it. Sex with a witch so naughty that she was his equal until it transcended their carnal connection and lashed them together. An emotional bond. As corny as it was to put it like that. He knew he couldn’t ever repeat his thoughts to anyone.

  Evershaw and the witch became a tangle of limbs and body, moving together in earnest with unbridled passion. From this angle, he could see the sweat pooling on the valley of her collarbone, the way goosebumps spread like wildfire on her skin, and the sexy bite to her lip as he buried his cock deeper and deeper into her. After a sharp intake of breath, Deirdre sunk her nails into his arm, tearing his skin.

  That only seemed to fuel his need for her. No longer smashing together and making a smacking sound when their hips came together, the only noise that echoed through the room was the shuffling of the sheets and the soft moans rolling out of Deirdre’s throat. She gripped him tighter, pushing her body back into his. Her tits bounced against his arm, sending a shiver down his spine.

  “Oh my God,” the witch said, adjusting her position so she could reach her clit.

  Evershaw grumbled and shooed her arm away, wanting to be the one who got her off. The way they’d fucked doggy-style had been hot as all hell, but it hadn’t given him enough opportunity to touch her warm mound and push her over the edge. He pressed his fingers through her slick flesh and waited to feel her pulse, strong and true, on his fingertips.

  “That’s it.” He rubbed her clit to the beat of his thrusts, increasing the tempo as he quickened his pace. Her juices soaked his hand. She responded by bucking against him, her thighs trying to clamp around his wrist. Evershaw moved his knee under her leg so he could spread her legs and plunge deeper into her when her core started spasming in that familiar way that told him she was on the edge.

  “I’m close,” she breathed, confirming his thoughts. “Press harder.”

  The witch’s hand came over his own and she guided him to how she wanted to be touched. The thought of her masturbating with his hand almost blew his mind. He had to think about anything else before he blew his load the next second. Her spasms slowed but each squeeze lasted longer, and suddenly it was like a dam broke inside her. She jerked in place, her legs straining against his own, and moaned loudly, pressing his fingers hard and deep as she bucked against them.

  “That’s so hot,” Evershaw whispered. Another orgasm loomed closer. The witch writhed and squirmed in his arms, apparently lost in the midst of a full-bodied orgasm more powerful than any that had preceded it. Reinvigorated, Evershaw cupped her sex and pounded into her, fucking with wild abandon until his balls tingled and his cock throbbed.

  “Keep going,” the witch moaned, and her body hit another peak. She closed around his cock like a vise and he groaned, forcing himself through her tight heat as Deirdre stiffened and seized.

  “More,” he breathed against the back of her neck. He let her feel his teeth as his vision darkened around the edges; he’d fucking pass out if he had to wait another second. “Give me more, witch.”

  Lightning sparked in the room as she groaned, trembling against him, and he lost all control. Evershaw pressed her flat into the mattress so he had a better angle and reared up behind her, slamming his hips down against her soft ass and the firm give of her thighs. She held onto a pillow and tried to lift her hips to meet him, but he wanted her stretched out under him, her channel tighter and shallowed in that position, and Evershaw wanted to feel every inch of her writhing under his weight. He snarled, the wolf desperate to bite her, and pinned her shoulder to the mattress so he could wrap his fist in her hair.

  Deirdre turned her head, still panting, and her dazed eyes found his as he watched for the orgasm to overtake her. She murmured, “Come inside me, Miles. Fill me up.”

  He jerked and that was it – he did what she said and rutted into her another few thrusts before he groaned and filled her, his whole body slamming down into her as he tried to drive himself into every crevice of her body. Deirdre pressed her face into the pillows and moaned, gripping handfuls of the sheets, and Evershaw collapsed on top of her.

  All they did was breathe as silence reigned in the room. Now he was truly spent. By the limp way she appeared to have dismantled in front of him, he guessed that Deirdre was, too.

  He dragged his chest off her, so he didn’t smother her, but couldn’t pull out of her still-spasming channel. He wanted to feel every tremor and know that he’d given her that much pleasure. He’d lost count of the times she came, but he was damn proud of the sweat that covered both of them and their combined fluids all over her thighs and the sheets and him. He stroked her side and kissed her shoulder again, brushing her hair out of the way. Next time, he’d have her put it in a ponytail. Easier to grab and hold onto without risking pulling it out.

  Feasting his eyes on the sight of her, he committed everything about that moment to memory. Evershaw knew he was a consummate, unrepentant asshole, and that hell freezing over would have to come before the time for him to mellow out ever arrived. Still, Deirdre had changed before his very eyes. He thought he’d been certain that she was different before; now he knew it in his bones. It was the first of many nights he wanted to spend with her, looking her in the eye as he entered her, tasting her pleasure again, and again, and again, experiencing their release ricocheting off one another over and over, until neither of them could bear to stand upright.

  Maybe the shower next. His thoughts turned to when he’d dunked her in the cold water and her nipples hardened and she got all fierce and furious. Fucking angry Deirdre held a lot of promise, too. He sighed and nuzzled behind her ear.

  Chapter 54


  He lay still for a long moment, breathing harshly, and finally groaned in contentment. I started to echo but he moved away, patting my hip as he rolled to his feet and walked into the bathroom. I stared at his back and tight ass as he disappeared into the bathroom, then gathered the sheets up near my chest. What the actual fuck?

  Not a word? Not a look? He just walked away and... what? Expected me to leave while he was taking a piss, so there wouldn’t be any awkward conversation? Is that why he hadn’t fucked me face-to-face? What I just – something to be used?

  My whole face burned as I fumbled to get up and still keep the sheet toga around me as I searched for my clothes. It figured he’d revert back to being an asshole after he got what he wanted. I should have known better, even with all the sweet-talking he’d done. Especially with all the sweet-talking he’d done.

  I tried to get my shirt right-side out as he reappeared, yawning and carrying a towel. He stopped short and frowned at me. “What are you doing?”

  “Going back to my room,” I muttered, tripping on the tangled sheets as they wrapped around my legs and impeded my progress.

  “Why?” He sounded genuinely puzzled.

  I straightened from trying to pull my underwear on, already giving up on the shirt. “Because it sure as fuck doesn’t seem like you want me to stay.”

  He grunted, then tossed one of the towels across the giant wet spot we’d made—well, that I’d made�
�on the bed. He still held another, standing there bare-ass naked, and tilted his head at the bed we’d just torn apart in the frenzy. “I thought you’d be uncomfortable, and since I don’t have any clean sheets up here and figured you might not want me to call someone up to change them, this will have to do for now.”

  I blinked, staring at him. “What?”

  He snorted, on the verge of laughing at me, but the fire in his eyes reignited as he eyed me in my half-naked sheet toga’d glory. “Get back in bed before I have to hunt you down again.”

  The possibility sent shivers all the way through me and made my already wobbly knees a little weaker. I dragged the sheets back with me but I let them fall as I slid back into bed, and held my breath as his knee indented the mattress near my hip. He stared down at me—at all of me—like he wanted to eat me up. Again.

  Just the thought made my face catch fire.

  But instead of dragging me underneath him, Miles took a soft hand towel and stroked it over my stomach and down, along the inside of my thighs and up and around to the back, even coasting gently over my ass. Cleaning the mess. It was such a tender, caring thing to do... and the look on his face as he did it was reserved and serious, calm and still very careful. It meant something to him, to clean me, and just that thought left me a little choked up. I’d never had any man look at me like that, or focus on something so small but important. I had to bite my lip to keep from whispering that I loved it, that I maybe loved him.

  Until he tossed aside the towel and flopped onto the mattress next to me. He dragged me close and almost underneath him, his leg thrown over mine and his arm around my back to keep me tight against him. Which left our faces very close. His nose bumped mine and he blinked those sleepy, sexy gold eyes at me.


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