Generational Sins

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Generational Sins Page 7

by Samantha Blair

  "Is this a guest room?" I asked. It was tastefully decorated in a series of blues, but there was nothing really personal on the walls or shelves. I assumed that he wanted to sleep apart from me, which made sense. If the rumor mill had provided accurate information, he never spent the night. We were already breaking all of his rules.

  "No," he answered. "It's my room, when I'm here. I don't really sleep here much."

  He slid into the bed beside me and pulled me to his chest. I was surprised but thrilled. It appeared that he was spending the night with me after all.

  "Are you okay?" he asked.

  "I'm wonderful."

  "Really? I didn't hurt you?"

  "Hurt me? No, David, you didn't hurt me. That was incredible. You are incredible."

  "You cried. I thought that I had hurt you. I've never spanked anyone quite like that before – you know? It's always been more of a heat of the moment kind of thing. I kind of got carried away, and I was sure for a minute that you were going to hate me."

  "If I thought it was too much, I would have used a safeword," I reminded him.

  "Yeah, I was a little surprised that you didn't."

  "I'm tougher than I look," I teased. "Actually, I really needed that. A good cry is an awesome way to relieve stress, and I feel a million times better now. Thank you."

  He gave me an odd look, considering me for a moment and then snuggled me closer. "Get some sleep, Kat."

  Once again I obeyed him. I was asleep within minutes.

  Chapter 13

  The next day I asked Kat what she wanted to do, and I was pleasantly surprised by the answer. She wanted to drive out to my parents’ mountain house to enjoy the fall leaves and lingering summer warmth.

  We had spent a lot of time there over the last few years, using it as a refuge from school and life. When we lived in the dorms, we spent nearly every weekend there together. My parents hardly ever used it, and it provided privacy that was essential to our relationship. We had cried and laughed and grown there together.

  I wished that I could buy it from my father, but I had long ago accepted the fact that I would never inherit anything of my father's. I was going to take his wife and disappear from existence. That would hardly work if I continued to use his vacation home. Maybe some day I could buy a place like it where Kat and I could form new memories.

  Kat packed up our things, and we got in the car, opting for breakfast out along the way. There was a diner that we had stopped at for breakfast several times before. The food was cheap and greasy but it held a certain appeal anyway. Kat was fond of their homemade hash browns, and I was fond of a happy Kat.

  She talked joyfully around her breakfast and filled me in on all the latest school news. She was already picking the year's troublemakers out of her class. She was an incredible teacher, and her students loved her almost as much as I did.

  I filled her in on my last set of classes and professors. She teased me mercilessly about a female professor that she knew had a crush on me. I'd had to take this particular professor twice and both times she had explained in no uncertain terms an easier way that I could earn my grade. Fortunately for me, I could manage just by studying. She was absolutely nasty, and I already belonged to Kat anyway. It had become a bit of an inside joke, when I told Kat that I would leave her for Dr. Spelic.

  We had an incredibly enjoyable time, just the two of us, as husband and wife, eating breakfast and driving through the foothills. We rode with the windows down, and I frequently looked over just to watch her hair blow around in the wind. When we got to the house, Kat got a book and sat on the patio absorbing the last of the sun's rays before it would hide for the winter.

  I wanted to go for a jog, so I left her with her book and headed off on one of the many hiking trails. I was working up a good sweat by the time I reached my turnaround point. It felt good to work my muscles like this.

  Letting my mind drift, I filtered through thoughts of Kat and our wedding. It had been a perfect, quiet island wedding. Kat wore a thin white sundress that made both my heart and my cock ache. She looked absolutely radiant.

  I was planning to ask my mother to plan a new wedding for us, just as I had told my father. She would want the experience, and I felt badly that I had to exclude her from it the first time. I would be done with school by then, so maybe we could give my mother a big wedding before we disappeared from my father's sight. I didn't have a concrete plan for all of this yet, but I was going to need one soon. The time was drawing near.

  I pushed my feet harder as I got closer to the house. I wanted to get back and spend some time with Kat. It might be a good night for a bonfire tonight.

  As I rounded the corner that brought the house in sight, I heard Kat's voice. Who on earth was she talking to out here? The closest neighbors weren't really that close and most of these houses were only occupied during the ski season anyway. Maybe some late golfers or hikers?

  I skidded to a stop when I realized the truth. My father. She was talking to my father. His low voice was unmistakable. I hadn't called them to see if they had weekend plans. I always checked before we came out here to make sure that they wouldn't be here, but this was a last minute decision, and I had forgotten. How could I have forgotten something so important?

  My heart caught in my throat. Oh God, I was completely unprepared for this. I had to get to her.

  "Dad!" I said as warmly as I could, stepping up onto the stone patio. "What a pleasant surprise."

  "You too, son," he replied. "I had no idea that you would bring Kat here. You can imagine my shock when I saw her sunning on the patio."

  "Yes, I'm very sorry. I should have called to say that we were coming."

  I wondered what they had talked about. Did he ask her if she had been here before? How would she have responded? We were pretending, the other night at dinner, that we had only known each other for a short while, when in reality we'd been together nearly six years. This could get complicated very quickly.

  Kat saved me with her quick thinking.

  "I was just telling your father how lovely I thought the house was. I'm glad you finally decided to bring me here. It's even prettier than you described."

  Thank you Kat! She had told him this was her first time here. That was good.

  I looked at my father. He was frowning at Kat. He had a “speak only when spoken to” type of attitude about women, and he thought her addition to the conversation was inappropriate.

  "I thought Kat should become better acquainted with our properties," I said directly to my father, ignoring my wife completely. I was telling him in so many words that I had brought Kat here as part of her initiation into our family. I was showing her what would be hers when she became my wife. This was a concept that my father understood. He thought that impressing women with money would bind them more strongly to me. He never did understand relationships.

  "Of course," he replied. "I am looking forward to spending more time with you both. Your mother is in the kitchen. Go and say hello to her while I finish my discussion with Kat."

  My feet were frozen to the stones below them. I couldn't leave her alone with him. We had to get out of here.

  "Why don't we all go together? I'm sure Mother would like to say hello to Kat as well."

  My father gave me a stern look that clearly told me that I was not to question his judgment, but I was once again saved, this time by my mother.

  "David, darling," she said, stepping out onto the patio. "I thought I heard you come up. Kat said you'd gone for a run."

  "Yes. I had a lovely jog up to the overlook."

  "Would anyone like some iced tea? I've just made a pitcher."

  Kat responded, "I'd love some. I'll come in with you."

  She stood and grabbed her jacket from where it was draped over the patio wall. She hid herself from my father's gaze with it and then joined Ellen in the kitchen.

  When they were safely out of earshot my father turned back to me. "She has lovely skin," he said. "I'll bet
she bruises easily."

  She was wearing a light dress, one I had always liked. When it had pulled up behind her as she stood, he’d been able to see the backs of her thighs. He was telling me that he had noticed her lack of bruising. When I had flogged Kat last night I hadn't hit her hard enough to leave marks. He expected her to bear my marks at all times. I didn't have a good answer for him. I needed to think quickly if I was going to get out of this.

  "She had to have a physical yesterday," I lied. "The start of the school year they drug test and do a basic health screening on all of the teachers. It would have been unwise to attract attention."

  He seemed to buy that excuse. "I hate it when those types of things are necessary. It's no one else’s business what you do in your own home. I'm sure you'll be eager to rectify that situation today. Did you bring her here for the added privacy?"

  My father thought that I lived in campus housing. He paid for a dorm-style living arrangement for me that I never used. I kept a few things there for when they would visit me at school, just in case they ever checked, which they never did. He did not know that Kat lived with me off campus. He thought that I had neighbors. He thought that I brought her here so that no one would hear her scream. What a sick fuck. Only he would think of that.

  "I brought her here for a variety of reasons," I said noncommittally. "Even without my mark, she is well aware to whom she belongs. Some signs are not outward."

  A cocky smile spread across my father's face. "Very true, my boy. Very true."

  He clapped me on the back, and we walked into the house together. This was going to be a hell of a day, and I wasn't sure that we would survive it.

  I needed to find a way to get Kat alone so we could discuss a few things. I knew that my father would not let her out of his sight willingly, but I had to make it happen. The towel that Kat has used to wipe off the patio chair was now lying on the counter, and it gave me an idea.

  "I am all sweaty from my run," I announced. "I am just going to shower up real quick." I put my arm suggestively around Kat's waist from behind and pulled her to me. "You will join me, won't you?" I asked her.

  "Of course," she said breathlessly. I could feel the tension in her body evaporate. She thought I would leave her alone with him.

  My father gave me a knowing smirk. My mother looked sad. I stepped back and swatted Kat on the ass. "Go upstairs and wait for me in the blue bathroom at the end of the hall."

  Kat headed upstairs and my father and I both watched her hips sway until she was out of sight. I fucking hated the way that he looked at her.

  "Excuse us," I said to my father. "We'll be down shortly."

  I grabbed our bag of clothes and towels and followed Kat upstairs. I found her sitting on the edge of the tub with her head cradled in her hands. I sat down beside her and pulled her into my arms.

  "I am so sorry, baby. I forgot to call them. I had no idea that they would come here today."

  "I know, David. It's okay." She buried her face in my neck. "Let's get in the shower, and I'll tell you everything that happened."

  We ran the shower and stood under the warm water together. She told me that they had only shown up a couple of minutes before I came back from my run. She hadn't spoken for very long with my father, which was a very good thing. I told her that I had lied to him about her having a physical to explain the lack of bruising.

  We tried to come up with a quick game plan. It would be safest if I simply acted as her Dom, and she my sub, but my father was under the impression that I was still training her, which meant that she needed to make some mistakes. It also meant that safewords were more important that ever. We had established a sort of code before the last time we saw my parents so that she should express her feelings to me. We reviewed it and made sure that we were both still clear on how it all worked.

  I told her that my father probably expected me to beat her here in his presence. I wasn't sure that I could do it. It had nearly broken me the last time I had hit her hard enough to leave bruises and with the added stress of him being here, I thought it would be impossible. We needed another plan to keep him appeased.

  I could probably manage a spanking, and if she cried, he might believe that I was really being rougher with her than I was. He wouldn't expect to see bruises until the day after anyway. It was a little risky. My father would not be easy to fool, but if I could make it seem like an actual punishment for some mistake on Kat's part we might get away with it.

  I hated myself for even thinking like this. I wanted to put Kat in my car and just drive away, but I knew I couldn't do that. We had to play along for a little while longer.

  We decided to play it by ear. I would try to get her through the day without having to do anything, but if we needed to escalate things, she would drop a glass on purpose and break it. I would punish her for it. It wasn't a great plan, but it was a plan. I hoped we could make it look spontaneous enough.

  I needed to be strong for her. She was trusting me to get her through this, and I could not let her down.

  I kissed the top of her head and pulled her close to me. "I love you with everything that I am, Kat. Please remember that."

  "I love you too, and I won't forget."

  Chapter 14

  I got up about an hour after Kat fell asleep in my bed. My mind was very restless. I felt like I had a ton of information to process. I quietly closed the bedroom door and crept downstairs. I got a glass of water and sat on the couch staring at the arm were I had fucked her not two hours before.

  Had I done the right thing? Would this be insanely awkward in the morning? I had never woken up with a woman before; I had no idea what to expect. I had learned a lot in the last eight hours. Kat was not as breakable as I had once thought that she was. I had this impression of her as an innocent and that impression was inaccurate. She wanted my aggressive nature. She wanted me to treat her roughly. The thought boggled my mind.

  Every woman that I had spanked in the past would flinch when I struck her. They all shied away from it. Most of them would not speak up or ask me to stop, but I knew they didn't enjoy it. It was for my pleasure, not theirs. They wanted the experience of having been with me, but I knew that many of them would choose not to repeat the experience after they'd been through it.

  When I spanked Kat last night she had reacted differently, she spread herself wider for me, offered me more of herself. I'd never seen anything like it. Even as the tears streamed down her face her body begged for it. I became totally consumed by it, and I wanted more of it, but I still didn't understand it. There was a whole psychology here to which I was ignorant.

  Truth was, I was in over my head, and I knew it. If I was going to live up to Kat's expectations I had a lot more to learn, and I wasn't sure that I could get all of the information that I needed from books.

  My natural reaction was to go to my father, but I had a feeling that was a very bad idea. First of all, he wouldn't adapt well to Kat's ideas about safewords and playrooms. It gave her far too much power, and he would find that totally unacceptable. Secondly, I was afraid that he would ask to meet her, and I wasn't ready for that.

  I was going to need some kind of a mentor though, someone who understood these ideas that she was talking about. Her purse was lying on the kitchen counter. Her cell phone was likely to be in there. I wondered if she had her previous sexual partner's number in it. She told me his name: Cody. She had said that he was her Dom. Whatever that meant.

  I crossed the room and looked at her purse. I wasn't usually one for snooping through other people's things, but there was no way that I was going to ask Kat for his number. Admittedly, I wasn't very good about asking for help. I didn't usually need it. I could do most things on my own, but I had a lot of questions, and I wasn't sure that I could ask them of Kat herself. I felt like I was floating in uncharted waters.

  I unzipped her purse. Her phone was right on top. I flipped it open and scrolled through her contacts. There it was. She only had one Cody. His last n
ame was not listed. I scribbled down the number and put her phone back in her purse. I would call him when I got back to school.

  I went back upstairs and lay down beside Kat. She was sleeping peacefully, and I wondered, not for the first time, how she could be so calm about all of this. She was sleeping in a strange bed after some very rough treatment with a man that she knew pretty well, but had never before had a physical relationship with, and she was sleeping like a baby. If I had been in her position, I wouldn't have fallen asleep at all. I would have been up freaking out about when he might pull me out of bed to start abusing me again or something.

  She said that my spanking gave her stress relief. I didn't understand that at all. Her faith in me was amazing, and I was sure that it was completely unfounded.

  I drifted into a restless sleep sometime later, but then woke at the crack of dawn. Kat was still sleeping peacefully beside me, amazingly enough. I brushed her hair back from her face and pressed my lips to her temple. The sight of her in my bed made my heart ache. I wanted this more than anything I had ever wanted, and I was positive that I was going to screw it up.

  She stirred and opened her eyes. "Good morning," she said softly.

  "Morning, beautiful," I replied. "Are you hungry?"

  "Mmm, I'm not awake enough to be hungry, but I will be soon."

  I needed to kiss her again. I needed to hold her and feel her in my arms. It was such a foreign feeling to me, and I wasn't quite sure what to do with it.

  I rolled on top of her, pushing the blankets out of my way so that I could touch her naked skin. She spread her legs and let me settle between them.

  "I like waking up with you," I said. I kissed her gently.

  "Me too." She arched up from the bed, stretching her sleepy muscles and giving me an incredible view in the process. My cock was instantly hard against her soft thigh.

  I lowered my mouth to her breast, licking and sucking her gently. Her hands found my hair, and she raked her nails against my scalp. God that felt good.


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