ROMAN (Lane Brothers Book 5)

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ROMAN (Lane Brothers Book 5) Page 23

by Kristina Weaver

  The man is just too much. He’s called me every night since the day he returned to New York and kept up a steady stream of communication despite my lackluster responses and my outright rudeness at times. What can I say? Pregnancy hormones coupled with my still-simmering bitterness over that stick insect model make for a real doozy of a grudge.

  “You won’t get anywhere with a guy like him if you don’t play your cards right, Sis. Trust me, I should know: I’m one of those controlling types. The only way to get a man like Blake to take you seriously is to play him at his own game. I’m in if you are,” he urges, wiggling his brows. “We can be the next hot couple. Just think, Sis, you’d have someone on your arm at all those exhibitions Vern’s scheduled, and you can rub it in his face.”

  I suspect Jeff also wants to rub it in Julia’s face—his ex is a huge force in the art world—but I refrain from pointing it out and shrug instead, enjoying his mischief and seriously considering his words. Maybe showing Vincent that he’s not the only fish in our small pond isn’t such a bad idea.

  I have to tell him soon, I know, but there’s no law against using his own tactics to stir up his well-ordered existence.


  Chapter Twenty One

  I can’t believe how many people have turned up for my first official showing. The gallery is packed to the rafters and so abuzz with positive reviews that I feel a glow of accomplishment settle deep within me.

  People actually like my work, are paying obscene prices to acquire it and have gone so far as to ask for first option when I complete my next series. I don’t know what has suddenly changed to make a once overlooked artist this popular, but I absolutely refuse to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  For once in my life, everything’s going right. I have enough money coming in to consider paying the obscene rent on the apartment my father has gotten me—still as yet unoccupied—and I can afford the baby.

  If I feel unsettled and somewhat guilty about my avoidance of the baby’s father the last three weeks, well, I’m consoling myself with the excuse that he deserves it.

  “Congratulations on your success.”

  Every nerve ending in me stills as that husky voice washes over me, and I feel my heart skip a beat before it starts racing. I close my eyes and breathe deeply, fighting the urge to throw myself at him and blather my every thought and emotion.

  God, is it possible that I’ve missed the oaf this much?

  Steeling myself against the overwhelming rush of lust I know I’ll feel when I turn, I take a deep breath and face Vincent, almost swallowing my tongue when I see a blonde goddess hanging from his arm.

  “I believe you remember Clara?”

  To say that I feel like a volcanic eruption about to level the city is an understatement! Of course I remember Clara. I’m not likely to forget her giggling helpfulness that day at the museum when I’d tumbled over that rack and made a complete ass of myself.

  I want to hate the woman, really I do, but it’s way too hard when she grabs my hand and pumps it enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with mirth.

  “Well, God help me, of course she remembers me. We women have to stick together and all that.”

  Ah, how could I forget that cultured accent and her glowing youth? She can’t be older than twenty or twenty-one, now that I’m taking the time to look at her properly, and now I just feel like a gross old hag. Which makes me so mad at him I can hardly swallow past the bile lining my throat.

  “Thanks,” I manage to grit out between my teeth, feeling my cheeks ache at the force of my smile. “And of course I remember you. I’m not likely to forget your help, especially when Mr Manners here couldn’t wait to get the heck outta dodge when he’d seen my panties. It’s good to finally meet you,” I say, rescuing my poor arm from her shaking by pulling away with a gentle smile. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Oh, obvious! Mummy heard that there was a hot new artist showing tonight and she demanded I cross the pond to come see. I’ve already made a purchase of that wonderful oak tree. Mummy’s going to bloody love it!”

  I nod, not knowing quite how to respond while steadfastly avoiding Vincent’s probing stare, when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

  “There you are, sweet thing. Oh, Blake. Hey, man.”

  I wince and roll my eyes subtly, fighting a smile as Jeff throws an arm around me and starts laying it on thick. He’s not lying outright or even claiming me, but his body language is just comfortable enough that Vincent can’t fail to notice that we’re here together.

  I watch as they shake hands, Jeff smiling so broadly I worry his face is going to crack, and Vincent—well, I recognize that mask of fury as his eyes shutter and lose all expression.

  “Parker, good to see you. How is the family?”

  I’m left to make small talk with Clara while the two of them square off, pretending to give a damn what the other has to say. When a polite few minutes pass I excuse myself, throwing them both a withering glare, and go in search of Vern, ready to get this night over with so I can crawl into bed and go into a coma.

  “God, girl, you’re a hit. I told you so!”

  Really? I must have dreamed the months’ worth of soul crushing criticism you’ve been dishing like a feeder, I think, raising a brow.

  “Is this almost over? I’m tired,” I say, watching a blonde and her sugar daddy walk out, waving a purchase receipt like invading conquerors.

  “Yeah. Everything sold, and I have a few requests for anything that you bring me, so I think we’re good. Just stragglers and the hangers on left now. Go home and get some rest so you can start working bright and early,” he trills, making me curl my lip as he twirls and skips away.

  As I glance around I spot Vincent prowling my way, a hard and altogether frightening expression on his handsome face. Don’t judge too harshly when I admit that instead of standing my ground and facing him as I know I should have done weeks ago, I turn tail and run, melting into the crowd still milling about, and using the cover to find Jeff and drag him outside.

  I let out the breath I’d been holding only when we’re safely in his car and on the way back to his apartment.

  “You ready to tell me what’s got you so fired up?” he asks when we stop outside the building and he hands me out, his eyes scanning the street around us before he relaxes and ushers me inside.

  “What the heck did you say to him? He came my way looking like an avenging angel!”

  “Nothing, Sis! We spoke about the stock market and Brennan before he got a call. I excused myself and came looking for you,” he mutters, leading me into his penthouse with a growl of frustration when I pull away and stalk toward the refrigerator.

  “That’s it?” I ask, pouring us both some juice and kicking my shoes off to plonk onto a stool at the breakfast bar.

  “That’s it. He either knows we’re living together, or he got some bad news. Come on, Sis, you knew you had to confront him sooner or later.”

  “I know,” I say miserably, drawing circles around the rim of my glass to distract myself.

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I…I guess I just hoped that I’d be over him and that model by now. And then to see him there with another woman…”

  “Whoa! You think he’s seeing that chick? No, Sis, they’re not together. I saw her talking to another guy who showed up late. They got real hot and heavy, and Vincent wasn’t even fazed. Definitely not together. Trust me on this.”

  That news eases the tight band around my heart, and I feel a little easier, though not totally mollified.

  “Well, you can’t argue about the model,” I point out, slugging a huge drink of juice to quench my thirst.

  “No,” he says, smiling so widely I narrow my eyes. “But I doubt they got between the sheets.”

  “Oh, and why is that?”

  “Because, dearest Sissy, I had one of my guys look into it, and that model was dropped at home the minute the cameras stopped flashing. Blake n
ever touched her.”


  I stop talking and think about that night at the pool and the way Vincent had spoken. Never once had he admitted to having sex with the woman, only…he’d used sly innuendo and his clever deflection tactics to make my mind go onto a path that—

  “Goooood! He’s so frustrating. Why can’t he just—”

  “Because he’s a man, Sis. A man who is used to control and getting what he wants, on his own terms. And I suspect he’s in somewhat of a quandary now that he’s fallen for you,” he points out gently, shaking his head with a scowl. “We men, we aren’t too quick on the uptake. By the time we’ve realized what asses we’ve been, well, it’s usually too late to salvage the situation.”

  This doesn’t make me feel any better, because the Vincent I know is ten times more stubborn than the usual man.

  “What… I don’t know what to do.”

  He toasts me with his empty glass and winks wickedly, giving me his megawatt smile.

  “We play him at his own game.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  “Stop touching my ass!” I hiss at Jeff, swatting inconspicuously at his hand while we wait in line to get into Cavanaughs’ mansion for the fundraising benefit he’s dragging me to.

  “Stop being such a prude, Sis. How else are we supposed to make Blake jealous? He’s not going to respond to anything if we walk around like goddamn brother and sister,” he hisses back, running a hand over the curve of my ass before giving it a hard squeeze and settling his palm right where I don’t want it.

  How the heck am I supposed to tell my only guy friend that I’ve been having hot dreams lately, some of which star him as well… What? Don’t judge, it’s hard to stay on track when the only caring guy in my life is sleeping right next door to me.

  “You’re such an ass. This isn’t even gonna work.”

  I’ve had a lot of time to think about things in the last two days, and I’ve decided that Jeff is wrong. No way in hell does Vincent love me. I mean, the guy hasn’t so much as called me since that night at the exhibition.

  Does that seem like a guy who is gaga for a girl? I think not. So I’ve decided that the only thing left to do is to just tell him my little secret and go from there.

  Hopefully by the time I work up enough courage something positive will have happened with the Eric situation, and I can start availing myself of that gorgeous apartment Daddy has gotten me.

  But first…

  “If that hand strays any farther, you’re losing it, Parker.”

  I feel him shake behind me and realize he’s laughing his ass off at my predicament. He’s determined to carry out this ‘player plan’ he has going for me, and if I publicly denounce him I won’t only alert the shark to my availability, something I’m not willing to do, but I’ll also cause a huge scene in the midst of a very exclusive set that has decided that I am currently the hot shit in the art world.

  Go figure my budding success would bite me in the ass.

  “Ah, Mr Parker, so good to see you this evening, sir,” the tall blonde hostess trills from her little podium at the top of the steps.

  “Hi, Gail. Mrs Cavanaugh has you working the crowds, I see.”

  They flirt a little, and I clench my back teeth so as not to spit a curse at the obviously single and ready for action woman. Can’t she see he’s not available? I mutter to myself, feeling like the third wheel on the bicycle. And anyway, he can’t flirt with another woman, not when I’ve totally decided to set him up with his ex, Julia Gustav, and see where things go.

  If I have to watch him go nuclear, or even worse, silent every time a Julia Jenkins fitness commercial comes on, I’m gonna scream. The guy is so obviously still crazy for the woman, and I can’t see why he can’t let the past go and take her back.

  With my mission firmly resolved, I pinch his hip brutally and smile sweetly at Gail, showing her enough teeth to scare a shark.

  “We’re holding up the line.”

  With that I drag him up the remaining steps and into the grand mansion, my mood so dark I hardly notice the décor or the art. Seriously, how the heck am I supposed to get through a night of groping and smug grins if the guy insists on getting his player card punched wherever we go?

  I swear, Jeff’s seen more vagina than I have, and I freaking own one!

  “Stop being so moody, Sissy bear, it was just a little harmless flirting,” he croons, leaning in to whisper seductively in my ear.

  Last night’s weird ass dream makes a reappearance, and I pull back with a sour look and a huff.

  “Make up your mind, Parker. You’re either ‘playing the game’ with me or trying to get into another woman’s shorts, not both.”

  “But Sissy bear, Blake was watching from the stairs. I needed to give him some incentive. If he thinks I’m nailing you as well as getting some side action, he’s gonna want to save you from my dastardly clutches all the sooner. Just pretend to hang on every word I say and smile through the other shit. Easy.”

  “God, I know why you and Julia didn’t work out. You’re an ass,” I groan, enjoying his slight wince at the mention of that name.

  What? My cruelty isn’t only for my own enjoyment; I’m trying to keep him focused on my goals here, most of which do not include listening to him bang Gail all night.

  “He was watching?”

  I have a million things to consider with the way he’s pouring himself all over me and with trying to search out Julia, without alerting him to her presence, and yet I have to go and latch onto that little gem.

  Gosh, I am beyond lost over that idiot.

  “Yup. In fact, he’s standing right over there, watching us. No! Don’t look, you ninny. Jesus, you’re totally green when it comes to this stuff. Just pretend he doesn’t exist, and it will all go as planned.”

  “Of course I’m green! I told you, I don’t play games like this,” I hiss, digging my nails into his arm with relish. “Now stop trying to molest me in public and let’s go get a drink.”

  “Uh-uh, mama. No alcohol.”

  “Like I’m brain dead. I just want a glass of water or juice.”

  God, not being able to drink while I’m being subjected to this level of torture is killing me, but I smile for the first time tonight and lay a hand to my still flat belly, feeling giddy.

  My first appointment with the obstetrician is in four days, and I can’t wait!

  We get our drinks and start wandering around, waiting for dinner to be called before the silent auction part of the night starts. A half hour later I’m wending my way through the crush, searching in vain for my errant date.

  “He’s busy talking to Ederson’s son about a deal their companies are considering.”

  I gasp and whip around, feeling my heartbeat accelerate when my eyes focus on the man I’ve been ducking all night.

  “Oh, uh, he said he wouldn’t—”

  “I made sure he’s occupied for the next thirty minutes at least. Now what say you stop avoiding me and come talk to me?” he grates, taking my wrist in his hard grip and tugging me out of the room and up the wide, curving staircase.

  I don’t resist because I know it’s futile, and before I know it we’re in a large guestroom and he’s locking the door, his mouth turning up in a smug smile.

  “Start talking.”

  He says it as if he knows I’m keeping a dark secret, and I swallow nervously, wringing my fingers into knots as he crosses his arms and leans back against the door, blocking the exit.


  “No. I did what you asked and gave you time. I cooled it with the phone calls and the texts, and I even managed to stop myself from fucking bringing you back home where you belong. I’ve been patient, dove,” he growls.

  That harsh expression sends butterflies to the pit of my stomach, and I tremble, feeling a slow slide of unstoppable desire pool in my sex. I should have known I’d want this—

  “Dove,” he barks, cutting off the image of our entwined b
odies straining against each other.

  Fine. If he wants the truth I’ll give it to him, but first I want some answers of my own.

  “Before I say another word I want to know what happened that week you went away. Why you froze me out, and what exactly happened with that model.”

  I’ve vacillated between being certain that Parker is right and that Vincent hadn’t tapped that stick insect and worrying myself to death with the notion that no hot blooded male would have turned that hottie down. Now I’m just going a little crazy wondering what the hell is going on.

  He makes a gurgling sound in the ensuing silence, and I narrow my eyes, struggling to see him through the low light from the one lamp sitting beside the bed.

  “I never slept with her. She was useful at the time and accomplished what I wanted, but I never touched her, dove, not like you think,” he confesses, watching me closely. “As for why… I went the tiniest bit bonkers when I saw you with Preston Blake, and…”

  I keep my mouth shut against the instant need to comfort him as he peters off, struggling with words. It’s sadistic, the amount of genuine pleasure I’m deriving from seeing Vincent Blake speechless and at a loss for words.

  Call me nasty, but I’m very pleased to be the first person to rattle his cage this way. It’s only fair, since I can hardly find my footing since I met the man.

  “They’re not good people, and I don’t want you around any of them. Especially that little prick.”

  Oh, so he’s recovered, and now he thinks he can throw his weight around.



  He’s on me then, and I moan into his mouth as he pulls me close and ravishes me, thrusting his tongue so deep I have no choice but to parry back, needing his taste as much as I need my next breath.

  “You’re mine, dove,” he snarls against my lips, one hand thrusting cruelly into my hair to angle me for another brutal, soul shattering kiss.

  When he pulls away, our breaths sawing, I notice the soft caress of air on my skin and look down to see my dress pooled at my feet. I’m left in nothing but a pair of tiny panties.


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