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AFamiliarFace Page 7

by Harte, Marie

She fought the blush threatening to escape. “Damn. Word travels fast around here.”

  Core heard her, because he said, “Especially when Luar keeps informed.” He sounded happy about it, and she wondered if he felt like beating his chest for having conquered the foreign witch woman. “Fear not, Mallory. No harm will come to you here. No one would dare threaten my mate,” he said in a louder voice, sending a hush throughout the cave.

  It took her a moment to gather her wits. “Mate?”

  “Notice the way they look at you now.”

  Talk about a one-eighty. His words had the women bowing their heads and gesturing with their hands to their hearts. Unsettled, though secretly pleased, Mal tried to ignore the way his words made her feel. Confused yet happy beyond sense, she reminded herself he had good reason to settle hostilities with falsehood. The caves weren’t all that large, and dissention in so tight a space wouldn’t do anyone well. More than likely, he hadn’t meant what he’d said.

  “The wounded?” she reminded him.

  “We’re getting there. I have to see to the women first.”


  He sighed. “Because that’s the way we do things here, Mallory.”

  It made little sense to her, but she nodded and continued to follow him. They wound through several corridors and more caves, each lit and illustrating more of the Talian way of life.

  They left the Talian women and moved through several interlocking caves housing other alien females. Red- and blue-skinned, with three and more arms. Different varieties of the female form occupied the rooms, but Mal couldn’t ignore the hungry looks on their faces as the warriors passed. It was all she could do not to throw a few ice balls at the greedy schemers eyeing Core.

  “These are the many women we have rescued from the Phrellians,” Core explained. “The Phrellians like to pray on races inferior to them in firepower, and they take what they want. They perform perverse, even harmful sexual practices that involve much bloodletting and think nothing of sacrificing their bed partners for their hunger.”

  His eyes grew furious, and she could readily see why so many respected his fierceness, his ability to control and lead others. Right now, he looked exactly like Rattler preparing to break up a fight at The Palace.

  “They sound like the vamps from my world.” She blinked, startled to realize she might never see her world again. And she didn’t care.

  His lips tightened and his gaze drilled into her. “Have you run into many of these vamps in your world?”

  “A few.” She shrugged, a hard smile on her face. “But one bite of me and they left my world, awfully fast.”

  His expression cleared. “Ah, the poison you thought might render me dead.” His eyes strayed to her neck. “Would that I had sampled more.” She swore she could hear a subtle purr behind his words, but he turned and she was forced to follow or be prodded by the hungry-looking men behind them.

  “Here are the wounded,” he said several minutes later.

  The large cave in which they stood held at least twenty men and women lying on pallets. Bloody material and buckets of water sat in stages around the room, where several Talian females continued to care for the injured.

  Mal fingered the last charm on her bracelet, a small Ankh, the Egyptian symbol of life. With it, she’d always been able to heal anything.

  They traveled slowly, seeing several severely wounded warriors and three women on the verge of death.

  “Not Askin and Hern.” Core shook his head, his eyes hard. “Hern’s mate is due to bear young in less than the blue moon’s pass.”

  “There is nothing more we can do for them,” Luar spoke from behind her. “The Yuka forest is too far. These men and women,” he added in a choked voice, “would die before we could get there.”

  Mal stared from the warriors to the wounded, not surprised the men nearly cried when they spied the dying women. She really needed to help Core and his warriors learn to deal with the fairer sex. She’d bet her last charm any one of those hating Talian females from that second cave could have carved her in two had they the skill and a weapon. Nothing fragile about a woman who weighed as much as a man in muscle.

  “I could heal them,” she offered.

  All eyes turned to hers, but Core’s gaze caught and held. “You would do this?”

  “If I can. Depends on how close they are to actually dying.”

  He paused. “Will this put you in danger?”

  “No. Not like before. I’m not going to project, just use a small charm. I should be okay.”

  “Then heal them.” Core bowed his head. “Again, your gift is most welcome, and much appreciated.” The glint in his eyes told her he planned to thank her properly.

  She gave him a wide grin and set to work. Pinching her charm between her fingers, she healed the three women, surprised at the large drain on her power. She made it through all but two of the men, then simply couldn’t continue without a break.

  “Thank you so much,” Blite said from behind her. “You are truly Cuwenicu. I have believed, and I have been shown the truth.” He knelt before her.

  “Stand up, dammit,” she whispered. Others were taking notice, and she dreaded the attention, feeling a lot like the egotistical warlocks and witches at home who reveled in such dramatics. “Core.” She motioned to Blite. “Will you please tell him to stop?”

  “Why? When all he seeks is to praise Ratlaharan’s wisdom in his chosen gift, my--our--treasure.” His eyes burned into hers, a wealth of emotion Mal couldn’t ignore.

  “Just tell him to revere me internally, then. All this bowing is embarrassing.”

  “Yes, kina.” He bowed low, his eyes twinkling. He murmured something to Blite, who rose to his feet, though the furtive looks at her continued.

  She sighed. “Okay. I’ll try the last two now, but I could use your help. I’m going to use my familiar, and if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to use your true self for added strength. Just keep yourself open to me. It’ll aid my magic.”

  He blinked at her in confusion, so she motioned for him to lose The Snake.

  “That true self. Now I understand.” He chuckled.

  She blushed, realizing he thought she’d been referring to his cock. “By the cauldron,” she muttered but couldn’t help a smile as well.

  He sobered, and his pupils turned into slits. A thick presence enveloped them, and the others stepped aback. A green mist suddenly enveloped his body, and she and the others stared in awe as Core’s true self emerged--a giant, hissing snake that glowered and hissed with frightening intensity.

  The powerful energy called to her.

  Mal closed her eyes and turned in on herself, seeking the familiar playing mischievously with her internal magic. Come out, come out, kitty. I need you now. Finding the healing spirit within her, she transformed into a small black cat and stared up at a world in black and white.

  Much as she hated the nuisance of a lack of color, the auras around the living provided a much-needed insight into using magic. The men lying before her, the last of the injured, appeared as if already dead. Askin was in the process of making the transition from life to death. But Hern, he fought determinedly to stay in his body. And it was to him she trotted.

  Placing a paw over his chest, she glanced back to see Core and the others gaping at her. The Snake, however, stuck out his tongue, trying to taste and smell her being. She nodded at him, encouraging his inquiry, and he neared. His tongue ruffled the fur between her ears, but he complied when she meowed at him to near.

  “Kina?” Core’s eyes had never been so wide, and she blinked at him lazily, smiling with a crooked tail.

  Hern couldn’t wait any longer. So she turned her attention on the man, leapt onto his chest, and closed her eyes. The snake seemed to know what she needed and curled itself around her and Hern, wrapping them in its muscled body and pulsating magic.

  It took some doing, but eventually Hern regained his spirit, and his body began to heal. The wound that had sever
ed an artery in his leg, causing him to nearly bleed to death, scarred and receded. His gray color slowly returned until he nearly glowed with good health.

  The Snake carried her from Hern’s chest and held her in its coils next to Hern’s bed.

  “War Leader?” Hern rumbled and slowly sat up with the help of Luar and Blite. He glanced at Mal and The Snake and froze.

  Blite grinned and pointed at Mal. “Meet Cuwenicu.” He immediately prostrated himself again.

  The others followed, and Mal tiredly expressed her displeasure with a low growl.

  “I believe Cuwenicu wishes us all to refrain from kneeling.” Core reached through his true self to Mal, lifting her purring body in his arms.

  Damn but she felt tired. Tired but satisfied cuddled against Core’s solid heartbeat. His scent enveloped her, and she lay next to him, comforted by his presence. The Snake lengthened and seemed to lick at Mal before rejoining Core.

  All around them Talians cried out with joy, shouting and laughing and crazed with delight.

  Mal flicked her tail and curled it over Core’s arm, too tired to turn back to human.

  “I’ve got you, kina. Rest and regain your strength. We’ve much to do these next few days.”

  She purred against him, overjoyed at his responsive rumble. She kneaded his scaling flesh with her claws, marking him with her scent.


  Chapter Seven

  When Mal next woke, it was to feel a large, calloused palm stroking her fur oh-so-gently. She stretched under the hand, alerted when it stilled before petting her again.

  “You’re awake.”

  She blinked her eyes open to find Core staring at her while his hand glided over her back. Seeing him so close, the flecks of green in his large gray eyes like emeralds, brought her to immediate arousal. Without thinking about it, she transformed back into a woman, minus the clothes she’d been wearing.

  Core covered her without hesitation. He plastered his mouth over hers, his lips and tongue more potent than any wine. Even better, he wore no clothing, and the feel of his heavy erection against her belly was a sweet torment.

  He laughed under her mouth. “Yes, kina. The taste of you has only whetted my appetite. I did promise to show my appreciation, did I not?”

  She groaned and dragged her hands through his hair, then pulled him closer into the kiss. She licked at his lips and pushed her tongue into his mouth, loving the hard taste of her lover. Sex, raw and unbridled, burst on her tongue as she laved the roof of his mouth.

  Feeling decidedly aggressive, she rolled with him until he lay under her and plundered his mouth until he groaned his surrender. His cock slid between her thighs, gliding easily through her creamy arousal. His hand left her hair to roam over her neck and back, settling on her hips. He pulled her harder against the head of his shaft, teasing her clit with delicious circles of heat. She felt her orgasm rising, like a rushing tide threatening to crush her under its impact.

  Not ready to finish, she trembled as he captured her nipple between his lips and sucked.

  “Core, baby, that is so good,” she couldn’t help gasping.

  He vibrated deep within his chest, a sure sign of his pleasure, and she fought to keep from begging him to finish as he tortured her other breast just as sweetly.

  She wished she had more staying power, but she needed him now. Rising over him, she settled over his tip and sank inch by inch until he could go no deeper. The heady sensation nearly undid her, as did the sudden, unexpected pressure at her ass. And then he was inside her, filling her with unbearable pleasure. One more thrust, just one, and she’d climax. But Core remained still, his eyes shut and his jaw clenched tight.

  Mal thought him the most perfect thing she’d ever seen. She bit her lip and began moving over him, not sure how he could possibly be in both holes at the same time, considering the awkwardness of this position, but she didn’t question it anymore, too far gone to care.

  Core opened his eyes and watched her ride him. With each pass, the desire in his gaze grew. With hungry hands, he cupped and teased her breasts. Each rocking motion brushed her clit against his pelvis, and the girth in her ass continued to stimulate the erotic sensations deep in her body, encouraging her to climax too fast.

  She slammed harder, faster, and nearly came when he rolled her nipples through his fingers.

  “Ah, kina, never have I felt so much.” Core arched up, striving to meet her push for pull. “Come for me, sweet. Give me what I need, what you want.”

  Mal cried his name as she came, a waterfall of lust and love so intense it blocked every other thought and feeling from her mind. As she clenched around him, she felt him pulse and shudder inside her. Moments, lifetimes passed, and she sat over Core, connected more than physically, but emotionally as well. They were one entity, one soul joined as intimately as possible.

  Staring into a face she felt she knew as well as her own, she sighed with pleasure and leaned down to kiss him. “I can’t believe just days ago I was worried about making my rent. And now I’m here.” In love with you.

  He smiled, his grin decidedly wicked. “And I’m here.” He thrust up and reminded her he remained hard while his seed trickled over them both. “In you, kina. Deep within you.” He met her kiss then rumbled something and nuzzled her neck in that sexy way that turned her to mush.

  “What did you say?”

  He pulled back and looked at her, and the sheer emotion in his eyes stunned her. “You, Cuwenicu, are my treasure, my gift. You are my true self.”

  She swallowed hard. “Is this a snaky way of trying to tell me you love me?” Joy and confusion spun her already tilting world out of whack.

  “How could I not love you? You healed my people, destroyed my enemy, and saved me from a lifetime of loneliness.” His smile faded when she said nothing. “And you, kina? What do you desire? To return to your world?” he asked quietly.

  She could care less about Newtown. But to just leave without saying goodbye to Sherm or Sheila? Though she’d never been close to her parents, her friends were her family. And what about Rattler? She definitely wanted to talk to him one more time.

  Yet already her thoughts swayed toward staying here. She had done good in this world, and by damn she’d been thanked. Mal felt as if she made a real difference in this place. And then of course, there was Core. Despite their short time knowing one another, she couldn’t imagine living without him. His strength, his caring, hell, his giant snake. She had a real thing for power, and the love he gave her made her feel ten feet tall.

  Staring at the face she’d come to love, she smiled, surprised to feel a tear trail down her cheek. “My world is your world, Core. I love you.”

  His breath rushed out, and he hugged her so tightly she could barely breathe.

  “Core,” she managed in a squeak.

  “I’m sorry, kina.” He rained kisses over her face. “But you had me worried.”

  “Okay,” she said on a breath and gathered her wits. “To recap, you love me, want me to stay with you, and we’ll spend the rest of our lives trying to defeat the Phrellians.”

  “Yes. And you have said you love me.”

  “I do.”

  “Thus you will agree to live with me here forever. And you will cater to my every need like a proper Talian mate.”

  “Wait, what?” Then she saw the humor dancing in his gaze and chuckled. “Yes to the first and a definite ‘hell no’ to the last. Cater to your every need? You can take that idea and shove it up your--”

  He cut her off with a hard kiss to the lips. “I’m joking, Mallory. I love you. The trade witch who makes my knees shake and my senses stir. You make me whole, kina. With you by my side, we can accomplish anything. My Cuwenicu.”

  “About that. It’s going to take a bit of getting used to, living here. I may try to make some changes, but I’ll do my best to fit in.” Yeah, like a checker on a chess board. “But I can’t just leave my world, my friends and family, without saying goodbye.”<
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  He frowned. “You would return to your world then? What if you cannot come back to me?”

  “Who said anything about leaving you?” She smiled, the answer to their dilemma at hand. “You’re coming with me. If Rattler is who you say he is, he’ll be able to shoot us both back here in a jiffy.”

  “A what?” He looked distracted but pleased, even awed. No doubt thrilled at the idea of meeting his god.

  “Never mind. Come on, let’s go before I change my mind.” She sniffed in dismay at the small cave. “You guys really need to get on the bandwagon with indoor plumbing.”

  * * *

  They returned to the pleasure house in just under two days. This trip felt much different from the last. Joy burgeoned through Mal with every step and beat of her heart. Her future loped by her side with an easy grace, turning her thoughts carnal without much effort. For his part, Core remained by her side and touched her at every opportunity. They’d made love on their trip and planned together the best strategies for outing the traitor and enabling the painstaking defeat of the Phrellians. Raw magic could be extremely useful against an unsuspecting foe. Even better, it didn’t require wax.

  Core scouted the pleasure house before allowing her entry, an action that amused and annoyed her. Now that they’d bonded, he started acting all protective. While she relished the affection growing between them, the caveman tactics had to go.

  Ignoring his order to wait outside until he returned, she entered the pleasure house. After tripping twice in the near dark, she righted herself and waited. “Screw this.” With a flick of her wrist, she used a small drop of magic to illuminate a three foot radius around her. To her delight, she sensed Core’s passage with a lingering feline sense of smell. So she followed her nose through the structure.

  She faltered when she met the second level, aware her chances of returning home hinged on finding that black door again, the one that had disappeared the moment Core had pulled her through. The small illumination around her wasn’t enough, so she waved her hands and increased the area of her spell. A blank brown wall faced her. But she did note the black marble flooring was no longer covered in blood and bodies.


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